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WatchOS compass

I am creating a watchOS app and using a red arrow svg to track something moving around. The problem I am running into is the point part (the top edge of the svg) needs to always points outwards from ...
Vehbi Karaağaç's user avatar
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Syncing Issue Between iOS and WatchOS: SwiftData Not Updating on Watch

I decided to start practicing how to communicate data between iOS/iPad and WatchOS. It seems like it’s not syncing correctly because when I add or remove a person, my watch doesn’t update. I have two ...
Travgalax's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to Check if Notification Mirroring is Enabled?

I am working on a Swift 5 app and need to determine if notification mirroring is enabled. Specifically, I want to check if notifications from the iPhone are being mirrored to connected devices like ...
Dhruvin's user avatar
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Kotlin multiplatform apple framework on watchos simulator

After adding watchosArm64 and watchosSimulatorArm64 to my multiplatform project, I get the following error in xcode when running the ios or watchos app Ignoring file '/path/to/my/project/build/xcode-...
tufekoi's user avatar
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Cycle in dependencies between targets 'WatchApp' and 'App'; building could produce unreliable results

I'm trying to create a watch app for my current iOS app, but even though I'm not importing any frameworks or dependencies in my watch target, it gives me this error: Cycle in dependencies between ...
octopus's user avatar
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Focus State and Pickers in WatchOS

since the last version of iOS and WatchOS I have a problem with this code. This is the minimal version of the code, it have two pickers inside a view of a WatchOS App. The problem its with the focus, ...
Jose Antonio Navarro Cantero's user avatar
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Location usage description on WatchOS exclusive app

My app is being rejected arguing it needs to add the location permission usage description when asked. It is a watchOS only app and there's no iPhone counterpart. I have two info.plist files. One in ...
rmvz3's user avatar
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watchOS app local notification delayed if companion app is installed or unlocked

I have a watchOS and iOS app that are set to run independently from one another, I can install each separately and there is no reliance on each other with anything like WKSession. The issue I'm having ...
Joe Scotto's user avatar
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WidgetKit watch complication not updating on timeline dates

I'm having an issue getting my widget to schedule updates with the timeline. My watch is in Developer mode so the normal budget should not apply along with the app being attached to the debugger. I ...
Joe Scotto's user avatar
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Frequency of getTimeline() on a widget?

I have a simple widget that reads a timer on my app, a start and end Date. The view then displays these dates on a watch complication using WidgetKit. The data for them is stored in UserDefaults and ...
Joe Scotto's user avatar
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background WatchConnectivity

I am writing native iOS code in a Flutter project. WatchOS app is running in the foreground and can wake up the iOS app, but it can't trigger didReceiveMessage in the iOS app. iOS and Watch apps in ...
Adem Yavuz Celik's user avatar
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Toggle() flashes on change

I'm pretty sure this is a pretty simple problem and it's root is in the ForEach(group.films) section having to redraw whenever $config is changed. The issue is that when I change the Toggle value, ...
Joe Scotto's user avatar
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Picker tags ignoring set ID and using index instead

I have the following Picker: Picker("Film", selection: $fields.filmId) { ForEach(config.films.filter { $ }, id: \.id) { film in Text(film.stock).tag( } } ID ...
Joe Scotto's user avatar
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Healthkit Workout Session state not changing

My watchos workout app fails to prepare the workout session. No error is thrown in the delegate and the session state does not change. I have tried reseting permissions and health data but nothing ...
Felix's user avatar
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How to disable Live Activity on Apple Watch while keeping it enabled on iPhone?

I'm using Live Activity features in my app, but I want to customize the user experience across different Apple devices. Specifically, I'd like to: Keep Live Activity enabled and functioning on the ...
fatdrogen's user avatar
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Local notification not showing when app is open [duplicate]

I'm trying to have my notification show when my app is in the foreground or background. They are showing when the app is in the background but when I open the app and try to have one show, it doesn't. ...
Joe Scotto's user avatar
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Deleting watchOS app causes CoreLocation permission to reset in iOS companion app

I have an iOS app where in onboarding I ask for the user's location before proceeding to the app: let manager: CLLocationManager = CLLocationManager() manager.requestWhenInUseAuthorization() And I ...
swiftyboi's user avatar
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WatchOS 11 location authorisation dialog

For my stand-alone(!) watchOS app, I can't seem to get the location authorisation dialog to appear. The code is dead simple: struct ContentView: View { var body: some View { VStack { ...
DrMickeyLauer's user avatar
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watchOS SwiftUI background task not working

I'm attempting to create a standalone watchOS app that fetches the prayer timings of my local mosque in JSON format via an API call. I want the app to fetch the prayer timings in the background, but ...
ga43's user avatar
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Concurrency issues with HKLiveWorkoutBuilder managed by @Observable class

I am working on a "HealthController" who's responsibility is to expose helpers for HealthKit and in the future track various health kit data points like heartrate, calories etc... My setup ...
Ilja's user avatar
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How do I use Core Location in Apple Watch preview canvas?

Xcode 16, bare-bones watch-only project, default settings. Made sure NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription is present in Info.plist. Requesting with requestWhenInUseAuthorization. Works completely fine ...
Alec Mev's user avatar
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Sealed Resource is Missing for Apple Watch App

I am trying to deploy my iOS app onto the AppStore, with an Apple Watch app. However, I started to get a code signing error out of the blue. Deleting the whole WatchOS target and adding it again doesn'...
mt0000's user avatar
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WatchOS Fall Detection Consequences

My team and I are working on an app for a private emergency helpline. Now as far as I understand the (sparse) API documentation for fall detection, given the appropriate entitlement, the following ...
DrMickeyLauer's user avatar
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Apple developer mode Hidden in Apple watch [duplicate]

Apple developer mode is Hidden in the Apple watch, and I can't find it inside privacy also, Xcode can't detect it. I restarted Xcode and Apple watch, and I turned on developer mode on iPhone as well, ...
K-Soliman's user avatar
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How to hide watchOS scroll indicator when using .digitalCrownRotation

I'm working on a view for "Text Input" that users can increment via scrolling digital crown, simple code atm like this Text(label) .focusable() .digitalCrownRotation( detent: $scroll,...
Ilja's user avatar
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Handle Background task in watchOS

I am migrating a watchOS app from Storyboards to SwiftUI and SwiftUI lifecycle. This below method is already implemented to handle the background tasks. But, it basically just completes whatever task ...
nithindev.n's user avatar
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How to save workout route if the watch app exited unexpectly

I'm using HKWorkoutRouteBuider to create route in my watch os app self.routeBuilder?.insertRouteData(locations, completion: { success, error in }) This is how to insert the locations to the route ...
Cartman Guo's user avatar
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Saving to a .csv file on standalone watchOS app?

I'd like to save raw sensor data (e.g., accelerometer data) to a .csv file (or any other similar filetype) on the Apple Watch's persistent memory. My impression is that you can use CoreData, but I can'...
none's user avatar
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How to add buttons to widgets in smart stack on watchOS 10+

is it possible to add functional buttons to the widgets in the smart stack of the Apple watchOS 10+? It's similar to the widget that come with the Stopwatch app in watchOS: Note that when we click ...
hopy's user avatar
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Is Automated UI testing on watchOS

Can we use Appium Inspector for connecting WatchOs simulator from Xcode I have tried it Iphone devices it worked so i want to know whether it will work for watchOs also.I'm trying to run automation ...
Ritik S's user avatar
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Is it possible to continuously monitor the users' heart rate on Apple Watch?

I am using SwiftUI to develop a WatchOS application for activity pacing; the main feature in question is monitoring the users' heart rate and sending a notification when it exceeds a threshold they ...
TOPCOD3R's user avatar
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Is it possible to start an extendedRuntimeSession in background

I have a Companion Watch App for my iPhone App and communicate via the messages and applicationContext between the watch and the phone. If I start an Event at my iPhone and my watch is turned on the ...
registrier rp's user avatar
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watchOS: userNotificationCenter(_:didReceive:withCompletionHandler:) not getting called

I'm developing a watchOS app where I need to handle notifications. I've implemented the UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate methods, but it seems that userNotificationCenter(_:didReceive:...
Qazi Ammar's user avatar
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Can't add Widget Extension on WatchOS Target

I can't select my Companion App Target in the Selection Many for "Embed in" in the add Target File. It's a Companion App for a Flutter App. I add the target via File -> New -> Target -&...
registrier rp's user avatar
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WatchOS and watch pair app to show the iPhone app Camera view in companion app

In watchOS I desire to see/mirror the paired iPhone screen or even a view programatically. So when the iPhone App starts up the watch companion app opens and shows either the entire iPhone screen, or ...
Mike's user avatar
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Updating watchOS complication when data in iOS app changes

I'm facing problems when attempting to update my watchOS complication when relevant data on the iPhone app changes. The issue I am facing is that the watchOS complication only gets refreshed when I ...
mottzi's user avatar
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How to interpret the EDA data measured by this Pixel Watch 2

I have obtained the EDA data measured by the sensor on Pixel Watch 2, and its format is as follows. How can I get the value of EDA from here? [-141321.17, 24345.795, 170964.33, 307552.9, 131182.25, -...
Pallens's user avatar
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Non-tinted image in complications using WidgetKit

I have a watchOS app where a user can select a picture. I’d like the picture to be displayed in a complication. I’m using WidgetKit, and I found out that for some watch faces (rendering mode = ...
Mario's user avatar
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Simulate location on real Apple Watch using Xcode

In Xcode I have several gpx files and I can perfectly simulate my location when using my iPhone. But when I run my counterpart AppleWatch App, the simulate location menu in Xcode is completely greyed ...
Georg's user avatar
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The `.tint(_:)` modifier does not work on conditionally rendered buttons

List { TextField("...", text: $aVariable) .swipeActions { if aVariable != "" { Button(action: { // ... },...
WindowsMEMZ's user avatar
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How can I send userDefaults data to Watch?

I'm doing an basic App for create notes and subnotes in iPhone and show them in Watch. I did the both CRUD but I can't view the data in Watch. I'm using userDefaults because It's so simple app. I ...
Lucas Leone's user avatar
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Core Location not working properly with stand-alone WatchOS App

I'm working on a stand-alone WatchOS App that relies on the user's location data. I'm trying to fetch user's current location using CLLocationManager, by having an instance called manager, then ...
Khaled's user avatar
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how to detect user motion type in fitbit, like we have ActivitiyType in CoreMotion in watch os which gives motion type( stationary,walknig etc)

how can I detect user motion type in FitBit OS as we do in Watch OS using CoreMotion, I have some idea about using accelerometer 3 axis (x,y, and z) value to detect user motion type ( stationary, ...
suraj Paudel's user avatar
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XCode - Companion Watch App Not Installing Automatically

I've been working on an iOS app for about six months and recently added a WatchOS companion app. However, when I run the iOS app on my device through Xcode, the Watch companion app doesn't install ...
Adam Geiger's user avatar
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Missing WCSessionDelegate didFinish callback transferring file from WatchOS to iOS(iPhone) using transferFile(_:metadata:) -> WCSessionFileTransfer

I am using WCSession.transferFile(_:metadata:) -> WCSessionFileTransfer for transferring some files from WatchOS (10.5) to iPhone iOS 17.5.1 Watch Connectivity WCSession.transferFile(_:metadata:) ...
cristallo's user avatar
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Listen to watch os notification click

I'm using Flutter to develop an App for ios that has a Watchos companion app, for notification, I'm using FCM, when the iPhone is closed I receive the notification on the watch, and when I click the ...
MedCh's user avatar
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WatchOS background task does not trigger

I have an Apple Watch app, that should perform a background task. I have set up the delegate and using SwiftUIs background task .appRefresh. But for some reason it never triggers. The scheduler is ...
chrizzel85's user avatar
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Apple Watch - PushKit delegate is not called

Trying to use PKPushKit to update watch WidgetKit complications. Here is the code inside watch app delegate: let pushRegistry = PKPushRegistry(queue: nil) func applicationDidBecomeActive() { ...
david72's user avatar
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Flutter iOS Companion App with watchOS target: no such module

I have a Flutter iOS app and recently added a watchOS target, bundling these two apps together. While I can start them from Xcode without any issues, I encounter a problem when trying to start the app ...
rickmcrick's user avatar
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Info.plist entry for watch-only app on non-exempt encryption?

I am developing a watch only app, and want to get rid of confirming compliance to non-exempt encryption every time I upload a new build App Store Connect for testing. With a regular iOS app, I can set ...
KMK's user avatar
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