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WidgetKit complications won't update

We are migrating ClockKit complications to WidgetKit in our watch app (watchOS 9+). The migration went smoothly, UI part works just fine. However, we've hit the wall with widgets not updating when ...
Serzhas's user avatar
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Userdefaults for complications are nil while watch is working fine

I'm able to successfully send userdefaults from the phone to the watch using applicationContext and save those userdefaults to the app group I created. For the watch, I see all the userdefaults come ...
Mike B's user avatar
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ClockKit and WidgetKit Complications in the same app

I am working on an application for watchOS that needs support from watchOS 7.0 to the last version, in terms of the app itself its going well, but I'm having problems with the complications, I have ...
pedromolina779's user avatar
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runtime reload of iOS widget list

I have a WidgetBundle to show multiple Widgets for my app. Recently I migrated over ClockKit complications to use WidgetKit. Some of my Complications and now Widgets should only show up in the widgets ...
iOSDevZ's user avatar
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2 answers

No complication configuration in xcode for watchOS 9

I added a new watch app for an existing iOS App that is build with react native. I never developed a watch app before. I read everywhere that this should create two targets, the watch App and the App ...
jrenk's user avatar
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Is it possible to have a ClockKit complications target and another WidgetKit complications target in the same workspace?

My app was originally an iOS app with a dependent watchOS extension. The watchOS extension used ClockKit complications. Recently, I started to upgrade the app: I added a watch-only target based on ...
Reinhard Männer's user avatar
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The complication "updates immediately" problem in WatchOS

The complication "updates immediately" problem in WatchOS Here I have a problem about update the apple watch complication's data,In the Apple Official Reference There are 5 way to update the ...
Coffee Ganster's user avatar
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Is there a full list of which complication families are supported by each watchOS face?

It is not immediately obvious which complication families need to be implemented to support a specific watch face. Also, which complication families can be placed in the same complication slot. For ...
Dustin's user avatar
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Text with Text.DateStyle in SwiftUI View in Complication alignment

I want to create a complication rendered by a SwiftUI View that contains a label and a timer value. I want the label to be on the complication background layer, and the timer value to be on the ...
Dustin's user avatar
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What is the ActivityType when handling the launch of a complication with onContinueUserActivity in swiftUI

I have a SwiftUI Apple Watch app. When a user taps on a complication, I want to show the appropriate view. I think I can do so with an onContinueUserActivity modifier but I can't find the appropriate ...
Rumbles's user avatar
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Does ClockKit support custom text sizes in complications?

I'm working on a timer app for Apple Watch and would like to provide a circular complication with the remaining duration of a timer. Here is some example code, which you can preview in Xcode 12: ...
Felix's user avatar
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Complication Family support- don't show Complication Family if not supported

I'm wondering how to not show a Complication Family if I'm not supporting it. Example: Extra Large watch face In ComplicationController.swift's getLocalizableSampleTemplate and getCurrentTimelineEntry ...
SRMR's user avatar
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Download Data in Background URLSession in watchOS 7

I am trying to follow the WWDC20 session "Keep your complications up to date", WWDC20-10049. In trying to follow with the code, I have gotten stuck on the schedule function: func schedule(_ ...
Yrb's user avatar
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Reload watchOS complications after timeline ends

I do not understand how I can reliable reload the complication timeline on watchOS after the current timeline ends. In getTimelineEndDate:forComplication:withHandler (CLKComplicationDataSource) I'm ...
ersjoh's user avatar
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TintColor does not apply to my Complication when using rendering Mode "Template" (CLKComplicationTemplateGraphicCircularClosedGaugeImage)

I am currently trying to implement a CLKComplicationTemplateGraphicCircularClosedGaugeImage but for some reason my icon keeps getting tinted blue. When I change the tintColor of the WatchFace ...
Sebastian Boldt's user avatar
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iOS Watch ComplicationController not showing result

I have followed the Apple Developer guide on setting up my ComplicationController. I have set modularLarge enabled, and made sure its also enabled in info.plist. I have set my data source in ...
user avatar
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Make the Text (Timer) Fit under CLKComplicationTemplateGrphicCircularOpenGaugeSimpleText

I am working on the watch complication for my app. The app main feature is to time tracking some tasks. So for .graphicCircular module, I choose to use the graphic circular open gauge template. ...
nuynait's user avatar
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tintedImageProvider does not provide tint color in Graphic Complication

I am trying to create Graphic Complications for my Apple Watch app (namely Graphic Circular) and I've run into some problems. To support both multicolor and tinted watch faces, I use the following ...
Денис Трясунов's user avatar
4 votes
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Having complication data up to date when the user unlocks their watch?

I'm currently working on a simple app that displays data received over the network in a watchOS complication. Notably, this data is only relevant for ~30 minutes before a new network fetch is required....
Emma K Alexandra's user avatar
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watchOS does not enter ComplicationController

I want to develop a simple complication as my first watchOS project. I've set everything up as the screenshot shows: But When I set a breakpoint inside ComplicationController.swift, it will not be ...
WalterBeiter's user avatar
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Updating an Apple Watch's complication's content at midnight

I've add my complication entries and this all seems to work well - each complication entry is scheduled for midnight. I'm testing the time change by setting my Mac's date to the following day where I'...
Adam Carter's user avatar
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Updating Apple Watch Complication by fetching data using a URL request

I am having a complication that needs to update once in a while by fetching data from a server. I am trying to fetch the data from the Watch. I am doing so by scheduling a WKRefreshBackgroundTask. ...
Bocaxica's user avatar
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Composing Text Providers with CLKTextProvider.localizableTextProvider(withStringsFileFormatKey:, textProviders:)

Are there any official examples of setting up a complication using localizableTextProvider(withStringsFileFormatKey:, textProviders:)? I can get the text provider to populate when producing a ...
Emma K Alexandra's user avatar
7 votes
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Apple Watch complications are not reliably updated

I have an iPhone app that sends data from the iPhone app directly to the watch face to be displayed as a complication. I use the WatchConnectivity framework to create a WCSession to send the data to ...
swiftyboi's user avatar
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I don't know what the Swift return value would be

Xcode is saying to input a return value but I have no clue as to what return value to use. func getCurrentTimelineEntry(for complication: CLKComplication, withHandler handler: @escaping (...
Maxbo5020's user avatar
2 votes
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Best way to get Core Location data from an Apple Watch Complication?

What is the prescribed method of figuring out a user's latitude and longitude from the complication? I've tried instantiating a location manager inside the complication controller, and requesting the ...
Will Powers's user avatar
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Multicolor Complication Text

I am creating a .graphicCorner ClockKit complication using the template CLKComplicationTemplateGraphicCornerTextImage. As mentioned in the Tech Talk Developing Complications for Apple Watch Series 4 ...
Bernd's user avatar
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Is it possible to animate complications with WatchKit/ClockKit?

Obviously WatchOS is a resource constrained environment, and it's clear executed applications can animate to their heart's content, but is it possible for an active complication (specifically the ...
dakami's user avatar
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How do I make ClockKit generate more than just 100 timeline entries?

I am trying to create a ClockKit complication that provides data for when a person's next shift starts, but not enough timeline entries are being generated or generated often enough, so sometimes, the ...
Joseph's user avatar
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WatchKit complications: watch complication set has an unassigned item

I'm working on a watchOS app with a modular large face complication. The Assets.xcassets file in the WatchKit Extension includes a Complication folder with one image set each for Circular, Extra Large,...
UberJason's user avatar
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WatchOS TransferCurrentComplicationUserInfo limited execution per hour?

I am creating an app that shows bus schedules from my nearest bus stop. However if I am traveling between many busstops it seemes like the app stops to transfer data to my watch extension. I think ...
JoakimSjo's user avatar
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Apple Watch Complication Icon or Text

I made an Apple Watch App with Complication and activated the Modular Small one. I added the following code to ComplicationController.swift but I only get a square icon. Trying to put text or an image ...
unixb0y's user avatar
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Complication placeholder not showing

I've just added a complication to my watchOS app. I was able to select it on simulator's watch face, but it shows blank items. Temporary all methods of CLKComplicationDataSource return nil. I've ...
kelin's user avatar
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Can't get Apple Watch complication to update in WatchOS 3

I can't get the Apple Watch Complication to update/refresh in WatchOS 3. I I'm using the following code in my ComplicationController.swift file. func getSupportedTimeTravelDirections(for ...
user8175227's user avatar
0 votes
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ClockKit - reload timeline when Health Kit data changes

I'm writing a complication that relies on Health Kit data. I want to be able to reload the timeline when a the store changes, but not sure what to hook in to to do this.
Adam Carter's user avatar
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How to italicize text on watchOS 3 complication?

If you look at the calendar complication on watchOS 3, the second row of text below the date is italicized. I've searched the documentation high and low but can't find anything. I'm using all three ...
Moshe's user avatar
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watchOS 3 getSupportedTimeTravelDirections

I am trying to update my watchOS 2 app with complications to watchOS 3. Unfortunately I don't understand what I am doing wrong regarding the ComplicationController. I always get the following error (...
MikeB's user avatar
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How to react to CLKComplicationServerActiveComplicationsDidChangeNotification

On the helpful question Force reload watchOS 2 Complications user @alexeyvmp mentions in a comment that you should add an observer for the CLKComplicationServerActiveComplicationsDidChangeNotification ...
oelna's user avatar
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With a Watch Complication and Time Travel, getTimelineEntriesForComplication is called (too) often

From the data below, ClockKit generates future CLKComplicationTimelineEntry items once, but for past points in time, 24 calls are made! Why is this? More details: I'm noticing a curious behavior in ...
oelna's user avatar
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When will getPlaceholderTemplateForComplication() method be called?

I'm trying to build a simple complication template for a WatchOS app, but I'm stuck trying to understand when will the ComplicationController class's method getPlaceholderTemplateForComplication() be ...
Julius's user avatar
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reloadTimeline() doesn't update complication

I'm trying to make a watchOS 3 app, and I want to update my complication in a background task. First, I get new data from a server in a background task within handle(). After that, I update my active ...
Bram's user avatar
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watchOS - Complication shows previous entry

I'm creating a watchOS 3 complication that shows departure times from a public transit service. I've created a data model with an array that contains Train objects with a stationName (String) and ...
Bram's user avatar
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Apple Watch ClockKit Complications don't update their timeline entries if the clock face isn't hidden during execution

Has anyone else noticed a problem with complication entries not updating properly. I've just added some initial support to my app, but noticed that they weren't displaying what i expected them to ...
jimbobuk's user avatar
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watchOS - Show realtime departure data on complication

I have an public transport app with realtime departure data for trains. I would like to add a complication that shows the departure time of the next train. Is it possible to show (or refresh) ...
Bram's user avatar
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Working with multiple images in a clockkit complication

I'm trying to put together a complication for my app, I'd like to have it potentially display different images depending on the content of the complication entry but am not sure how best to handle ...
jimbobuk's user avatar
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CLKComplicationTemplateUtilitarianSmallRingImage not showing image

I'm having issues using CLKComplicationTemplateUtilitarianSmallRingImage with a central image. I'm pretty sure that at one point the image I choose was showing up within the progress ring, but after ...
Dandy's user avatar
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Complication update causes short iOS app freeze

I am updating an Apple Watch complication. But when I am calling session.transferCurrentComplicationUserInfo(userInfo) on iOS my app freezes for a fraction of a second, sometimes longer. When it's ...
Bernd's user avatar
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Apple Watch complication network requests

I'm creating a weather application that pulls its information from an online API. I am able to get the information successfully in the GlanceController and in the InterfaceController. However, I'm a ...
glennbrann's user avatar
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Constructing a date for getRequestedUpdateDateWithHandler:

I need to update my watchOS complication at midnight every day. startOfDay is the beginning of the day (i.e., 12 AM today). Should I add a day to the start of today like this? func ...
Harish's user avatar
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Setting tintColor for Apple Watch complication

I am trying to set the header text color for a Modular Large complication. I have already customized the watch face to use Multicolor. However, when I build and run this code, the header text color ...
Harish's user avatar
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