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2 answers

WKRefreshBackgroundTask doesn't working

I'm trying to do my watch app running in the background mode. For starting doing this, I copied the example from this apple guide:
ainovela's user avatar
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When WKExtension.scheduleBackgroundRefresh is supposed to call scheduledCompletion handler?

I'm trying to schedule background task with such line: WKExtension.shared().scheduleBackgroundRefresh(withPreferredDate: Date(timeIntervalSinceNow: TimeInterval(5) * 60), userInfo: nil, ...
abjurato's user avatar
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WKURLSessionRefreshBackgroundTask isn't called when attempting to do background refreshes in watchOS

I'm working on a complication to get scheduled data from a web service. Every 20-30 minutes (or manually), I am scheduling a WKRefreshBackgroundTask to do this. As suggested by Apple, I want the OS ...
Mario A Guzman's user avatar
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WatchOS 3 WKApplicationRefreshBackgroundTask didReceiveChallenge

I have finally (ignoring the sample code which I never saw work past "application task received, start URL session") managed to get my WatchOS3 code to start a background URL Session task as follows: ...
CodenameDuchess's user avatar
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watchOS 3 app gets seemingly randomly killed in Background

I upgraded my watchOS app to support the new watchOS 3 background modes. Most of the time that works totally fine. But more often that I like it gets killed by watchOS with a report like the following:...
Christian Stocker's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

To add the WatchOS 3 snapshot feature, handleBackgroundTasks and scheduleSnapshotRefreshWithPreferredDate are never triggered

I need to add the snapshot of a watch app to be placed in Dock as it's a new feature I can't find any resources to guide me. I have read Apple's Documentation
Samira's user avatar
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Using the existing glance screen of WatchOS 2 as snapshot of the watch app for WatchOS 3

I have an Apple WatchOS2 app which I need to upgrade it to WatchOS 3. As there is no glance screen on WatchOS 3 anymore I'm not sure how to use the current glance screen to create automatic snapshot ...
Samira's user avatar
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4 votes
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reloadTimeline() doesn't update complication

I'm trying to make a watchOS 3 app, and I want to update my complication in a background task. First, I get new data from a server in a background task within handle(). After that, I update my active ...
Bram's user avatar
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Updating complication with Swift 3 and background task

For watchOS 3, Apple suggests updating the complication with WKRefreshBackgroundTask instead of using getNextRequestedUpdateDate. How can I determine the time between two updates using the new ...
Wed's user avatar
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