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How to properly update reactive array items for the changes to reflect in UI in Vue 3?

I'm relatively new to VUE JS. I have a menu, opening onclick of a button inside a component - SelectionMatrix.vue Inside the menu, I have one select box at the top which has options of 5 different ...
Divya Bharathi's user avatar
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Change language in a <v-naigation-drawer>. It renders only once

I am using vue-i18n t(text-tag) to change language in my application. I have it working for all the pages except the navigation-drawer because the nav-drawer does not re-render. <v-navigation-...
sv savage's user avatar
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how to prevent Vuetify's v-date-picker `type` from changing date format

I have a datepicker and I'm trying to restrict the selections between 'month' and date but when I switch the v-date-picker's type from 'date' to 'month', the date format changes from 2024-01-01 to ...
Clinton Njiru's user avatar
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npm when installing vuetify Report an error

I installed the option Nuxt Recommended (Everything from Default. Enables auto importing & layouts) according to the process of vuetify official website, but an Error was reported: ENOENT: no such ...
baotianxia's user avatar
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How to place a v-tooltip inside a label in a v-text-field?

I am trying to put a v-tooltip inside a persistent label in a v-text-field but it is not functioning. The tooltip shows up next to the label but nothing happens when I hover my mouse over it, it ...
eligolf's user avatar
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How to validate v-select using vee-validate?

I'm trying to validate a select field in Vue. Currently using Vuetify2 and Vee-validate 3. It works for text field but v-select is not getting validated. <ValidationProvider name="Sources" ...
user2824374's user avatar
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Custom Vuetify Build: Minimizing Bundle Size with v-form Only

I'm aiming to optimize my Vue application's bundle size by using only the v-form component from Vuetify. Is it feasible to create a custom Vuetify build that includes solely the v-form component and ...
juan carlos peña cabrera's user avatar
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Changing v-text-field default error color through SASS variables doesn't work

I'm trying to change v-text-field default error color. By looking at the documentation it should be possible by changing $field-error-color SASS variable. It will change all inputs default error color,...
PyKKe's user avatar
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Breakpoints related SASS variables doesn't seem to be taken into account when container related SASS variables are defined

I'm trying to override Vuetify $container-max-widths. This is what Vuetify does $container-max-widths: () !default; $container-max-widths: map-deep-merge( ( 'xs': null, 'sm': null, 'md': ...
PyKKe's user avatar
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Vuetify v-carousel responsivness and loading problem

<v-row> <v-col cols="12" xs="12" md="7" sm="12" class="p-1"> <v-card class="bg-grey-lighten-4 ...
Misu Stefan's user avatar
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How do I create a 404-NotFound error page in Vuetify3?

I'm new to VueJS and Vuetify as well. I'm trying to create a 404-page within the pages folder, but it doesn't work from ways I know. In NextJS for example there are predefined Routes in order to do ...
user3135691's user avatar
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Large Production Build File Size in Laravel 6 (Mix) with Vue.js 2

I'm using Laravel 6 (Mix) and Vue.js 2 for my project. When I run the yarn prod command on the server, it generates a large production file, which significantly increases the load time of the website. ...
Parsa Haghighi's user avatar
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Initiate a function with v-checkbox when the item is clicked by the user

I have a v-checkbox in my vuetify app that is preloaded with some data from the database on load. However, the user can change the model value of this to true or false manually overwriting the data ...
Qiuzman's user avatar
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Vuetify cannot find useGroup injection when mounting a custom component in a test

Background: Vue3 app, using Vuetify, vitest, and vue-testing-library. Problem: I have a custom component whose template looks something like this: <template> <v-expansion-panel> ... ...
Andres Rosales's user avatar
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How to incorporate draggable feature into vue-chartjs?

I created a BarChart using vue-chartjs and have marked the threshold values using arrows Here's the code <template> <Bar :data="data" :options="options" /> </...
Divya Bharathi's user avatar
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I can't synchronize data from v-treeview

In my Nuxt 3.13.0 project I have a v-treeview. I want the data from the node selected by the user to be synchronised to "activeNodes": <template> <v-col v-if="treePopulated&...
Sergio Camilo Espinosa Botero's user avatar
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VExpansionPanel useGroup injection error after upgrading

We use Vue 3 app (Vite) with Vuetify. After upgrading the package to the latest version, we get the following error: The code looks as following: <v-col md3> <v-expansion-panel class=&...
tesicg's user avatar
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I want to disable previous months of selected month in multi-calendars in

I want to disable previous months of selected month in multi-calendars. If in first calendar suppose I've selected May month and when I open another calendar, month menu then it should show Jan, Feb, ...
Tejas Magade's user avatar
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How to change year text value date-picker in vuetify 3?

I would like to know if there is a way to edit the text value of the years in v-date-picker in vuetify 3? I would like to add 'test' string beside the year value. So instead of only '2021' it would be ...
Dionico Noe C. Alegarbes's user avatar
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Is it possible to completely control v-menu state from model-value?

I have following code <template> <v-menu> <template #activator="{ props }"> <v-text-field v-bind="props" label="Choose an animal"></...
PyKKe's user avatar
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How to display a custom message in green under a autocomplete box after change

I have an autocomplete box that live updates the database with the selected entry when the user clicks off using blur. I am trying to add a "Updated" with a check icon next to it. I am ...
Qiuzman's user avatar
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Vuetify 3, using a combobox in a v-for sends warning

I'm using Vuetify 3.5.14. I have a v-for for levels. On each level i have few spells represented by a combobox When i select the value of a combobox, it works fine, but when i try to search inside the ...
alesssz's user avatar
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2 answers

Other content get covered by background gradient

I'm trying to have a div with a moving background (you can find what I wrote so far here). The main issue is that the moving background is covering up the other content on the page. <!-- App.vue --&...
PyKKe's user avatar
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Vuetify 3 autocomplete not closing the dropdown when selecting an option

I am building an autocomplete with Vue3, TS and Vuetify 3. I have a custom-made dropdown with options, and I am able to select the options, navigate to the selected option when clicked, and to show in ...
Kike Tordera's user avatar
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Vuetify v-data-table search/sort nested object when used for items prop

I have a v-data-table that fills nicely from a axios request and is bound to an interface. I also use this same interface for updating my API so I would prefer to keep my data in this form. However, I ...
Qiuzman's user avatar
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Vuetify isFocused slotProp doesn't work when used on v-if

So, I have a code like this <template> <v-autocomplete :items="items" v-model="selectedItems"> <template #prepend-inner="{ isFocused }"> <...
starleaf1's user avatar
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Can’t override the color of a button

Can’t override the color of the Vutify button <template> <v-app-bar app> <v-toolbar-title>Найти репетитора</v-toolbar-title> <v-spacer></v-spacer> <v-...
Vadim Yanyushkin's user avatar
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How to solve argument is not assignable to parameter of type 'never'?

Main.ts import { createVuetify } from 'vuetify'; import * as components from 'vuetify/components'; import * as directives from 'vuetify/directives'; const vuetify = createVuetify({ components, ...
Rohan Jayaraj's user avatar
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Create slots for v-combobox vuetify

I have a component that I want to create a slot for v-combobox because I want to show the dropdown items as a custom style section , <v-combobox v-model="select" v-...
Pourya Behzadpour's user avatar
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How can I achieve absolute positioning on a flex element? [duplicate]

I created following component <!-- AppBar.vue --> <template> <v-row> <v-spacer></v-spacer> <v-btn text="Our plans"></v-btn> </v-row&...
PyKKe's user avatar
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How can I use v-img with SVG images?

I'm using Vuetify v-img tag, but it doesn't seem to accept SVG images. <!-- does not work --> <v-img src="../assets/logo.svg" width="40"></v-img> So I tried the ...
PyKKe's user avatar
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How can I get FontAwesome icons to display in Vuetify checkboxes?

I'm new to Vue. I'm migrating a Vue app from BootstrapVue to Vuetify. The app already uses FontAwesome5, although it imports specific icons by name. I've managed to get icons to display, including the ...
Chris Sellers's user avatar
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How can I disable v-text-field focused effect?

I have following v-text-field which has following defaults // defaults.ts (used by Vuetify) const INPUT_DEFAULTS = { color: '#8AB8E5', baseColor: '#8AB8E5', bgColor: '#E8F1FA', rounded: 't-...
PyKKe's user avatar
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vuetify trouble with active element highlight

i have a very simple template main.js import { createVuetify } from 'vuetify' import { createApp } from 'vue' import App from './App.vue' import * as components from 'vuetify/components' const ...
Andrew B's user avatar
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How can I add a new border radius definition?

The rounded classes are generated based on following SASS variables (I think) $rounded: ( 0: 0, 'sm': $border-radius-root / 2, null: $border-radius-root, 'lg': $border-radius-root * 2, 'xl': ...
PyKKe's user avatar
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Adding "View More" functionality for truncated long text in Vuetify v-data-table

I am working on a Vuetify 3 data tabe and need to implement a "View More" button for description that exceed three lines. I want to use scrollHeight and clientHeight to determine if the text ...
Jessica's user avatar
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Show a tooltip when the placehoder is overwritten

I want to dynamically display a label for a text box based on whether the v-model is empty or not. When there is no user input, the placeholder can handle this, but once text is entered (which is the ...
Giulio's user avatar
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Adjust input field height of `VNumberInput` in vuetify

I'm trying to adjust the height of the v-number-input or VNumberInput to 32px in vuetify. While some parts of the component seem to respond to my CSS, I'm unable to reduce the height of the entire ...
Victor's user avatar
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Form input flow breaks when emit is called on blur

In Vue 3, when emitting an event from child to parent to update refs and subsequently refresh the props of the child the form control flow breaks i.e. tabindex or [tab]ing between fields doesn't work. ...
Stokedout's user avatar
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How to make an image to fullfill the <v-main> window

its the first time for me to use vuetify to create my own website. the question is: i want to place an image to my homepage and it has to full fill the <v-main> window.i have no idea how to do ...
zx p's user avatar
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Vuetify: Nested v-for for making lists in cards

I am attempting to create Recipe Card Components using data from a JSON file. I can successful get the cards to render with the correct data. However in the JSON file each recipe contains a nested ...
NingenIsu's user avatar
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Vue 3 convert output of Quill editor Delta object to Html and display the Html

I am designing an app where users can comment using a rich text editor and those are displayed as a html object. This is the code to take comments: <quill-editor theme="snow" v-model:...
Hossein's user avatar
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Issues with SCSS and Vuetify in Vue 3 using npm run serve — Invalid Dependencies

I encountered an issue when running my Vue 3 project, which uses Vuetify and SCSS. The project is started using the npm run serve command, and I am getting multiple warnings about "Invalid ...
Олег Гор_'s user avatar
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Vuetify error findComponentParent prevents my app to load correctly

After upgrading my project, I run into the following error with [email protected]. It completely prevents my app from loading correctly but I would say it's hard to debug. I've tried to rollback Vuetify ...
Théo Lavaux's user avatar
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Vuetify V-calendar don't show some events and replaces them with (1 more) label even there isn't other events in that day

I'm displaying a whole year using different v-calendars, but for some reason in some months the event is not displayed right. As you can see, the events are not displayed even though the data ...
Vini-Posada's user avatar
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Vuetify tooltip text always visible on mobile after touch

I'm using vuetify tooltip on v-icon. The tooltip text is supposed to be visible on hover, which works as expected for desktop. On mobile (or any touch screen device), it should not at all be visible. ...
Shivam Chaudhary's user avatar
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For nested menu's attach the inner menu it's own button

Good day everyone, I needed some nested menu in my app so I created. You may see the reproduction. Also see the code below: <v-app> <v-container class="d-flex justify-end"> ...
Ahmet's user avatar
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How can I read and save the content of a slot in Vue.js at runtime?

I'm currently working on a project with Vue.js and have a problem with using slots. I have two components: PageView.vue and SlotComponentView.vue In SlotComponentView.vue, there is a slot named ...
Deniz's user avatar
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Vuetify form fails validation but the fields are correct

I have a nuxt (latest) application and I have this this login form so I can log into the back end api. The problem is the validation fails because the form stays invalid. Here is the code for the form:...
crawlingdev's user avatar
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Vuetify steppers + Vuelidate nested components dynamic scope

Trying to setup form validation for Vuetify steppers with Vuelidate. I'm making use of nested components with each component it's own validation. <template> <VStepper v-model="page&...
Ciryk Popeye's user avatar

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