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Change vuetify v-field label font size

Im trying to customize the font size of the label of a v-text-field. The problem im encountering is that when the field is clicked, the label normally transitions to the top of the field and becomes ...
Felix's user avatar
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How to place a v-tooltip inside a label in a v-text-field?

I am trying to put a v-tooltip inside a persistent label in a v-text-field but it is not functioning. The tooltip shows up next to the label but nothing happens when I hover my mouse over it, it ...
eligolf's user avatar
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Changing v-text-field default error color through SASS variables doesn't work

I'm trying to change v-text-field default error color. By looking at the documentation it should be possible by changing $field-error-color SASS variable. It will change all inputs default error color,...
PyKKe's user avatar
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Breakpoints related SASS variables doesn't seem to be taken into account when container related SASS variables are defined

I'm trying to override Vuetify $container-max-widths. This is what Vuetify does $container-max-widths: () !default; $container-max-widths: map-deep-merge( ( 'xs': null, 'sm': null, 'md': ...
PyKKe's user avatar
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Error , list reloads after, open or close v-navigation-drawer on vuetify, causes slowness

Sumary Using vuetify, v-navigation-drawer or v-main, I identified a severe slowdown in my application when there were many images on the page, and trying to scroll, or open the navigation-drawer, it ...
Daniel F's user avatar
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Vuetify cannot find useGroup injection when mounting a custom component in a test

Background: Vue3 app, using Vuetify, vitest, and vue-testing-library. Problem: I have a custom component whose template looks something like this: <template> <v-expansion-panel> ... ...
Andres Rosales's user avatar
2 votes
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I want to disable previous months of selected month in multi-calendars in

I want to disable previous months of selected month in multi-calendars. If in first calendar suppose I've selected May month and when I open another calendar, month menu then it should show Jan, Feb, ...
Tejas Magade's user avatar
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How to change year text value date-picker in vuetify 3?

I would like to know if there is a way to edit the text value of the years in v-date-picker in vuetify 3? I would like to add 'test' string beside the year value. So instead of only '2021' it would be ...
Dionico Noe C. Alegarbes's user avatar
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Is it possible to completely control v-menu state from model-value?

I have following code <template> <v-menu> <template #activator="{ props }"> <v-text-field v-bind="props" label="Choose an animal"></...
PyKKe's user avatar
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infinite-scroller refresh in vuetifyjs

After I use the method "done('empty')" in onload, scroll not work any more. For example - I scroll to down, an items end, I scroll to top. And in this time in items push new a rows, I want ...
killlinuxkill's user avatar
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Unable to get reference to Vuetify form inside a v-stepper

I am able to get this to work using the basic example of a v-stepper. I can get the ref to the form, no problem. I need to do some extra work such as marking the step as completed so I have to use a v-...
Connie DeCinko's user avatar
-1 votes
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Other content get covered by background gradient

I'm trying to have a div with a moving background (you can find what I wrote so far here). The main issue is that the moving background is covering up the other content on the page. <!-- App.vue --&...
PyKKe's user avatar
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Vuetify 3 autocomplete not closing the dropdown when selecting an option

I am building an autocomplete with Vue3, TS and Vuetify 3. I have a custom-made dropdown with options, and I am able to select the options, navigate to the selected option when clicked, and to show in ...
Kike Tordera's user avatar
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Can’t override the color of a button

Can’t override the color of the Vutify button <template> <v-app-bar app> <v-toolbar-title>Найти репетитора</v-toolbar-title> <v-spacer></v-spacer> <v-...
Vadim Yanyushkin's user avatar
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How can I achieve absolute positioning on a flex element? [duplicate]

I created following component <!-- AppBar.vue --> <template> <v-row> <v-spacer></v-spacer> <v-btn text="Our plans"></v-btn> </v-row&...
PyKKe's user avatar
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How can I use v-img with SVG images?

I'm using Vuetify v-img tag, but it doesn't seem to accept SVG images. <!-- does not work --> <v-img src="../assets/logo.svg" width="40"></v-img> So I tried the ...
PyKKe's user avatar
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How can I disable v-text-field focused effect?

I have following v-text-field which has following defaults // defaults.ts (used by Vuetify) const INPUT_DEFAULTS = { color: '#8AB8E5', baseColor: '#8AB8E5', bgColor: '#E8F1FA', rounded: 't-...
PyKKe's user avatar
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How can I add a new border radius definition?

The rounded classes are generated based on following SASS variables (I think) $rounded: ( 0: 0, 'sm': $border-radius-root / 2, null: $border-radius-root, 'lg': $border-radius-root * 2, 'xl': ...
PyKKe's user avatar
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After upgrade from vuetify 2 to vuetify 3, icons are smaller and darker

After I upgraded from vuetify 2 to 3, google material desing icons are darker and smaller I am still including google font icons from CDN link <link href="
Ghassan Karwchan's user avatar
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Show a tooltip when the placehoder is overwritten

I want to dynamically display a label for a text box based on whether the v-model is empty or not. When there is no user input, the placeholder can handle this, but once text is entered (which is the ...
Giulio's user avatar
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Adjust input field height of `VNumberInput` in vuetify

I'm trying to adjust the height of the v-number-input or VNumberInput to 32px in vuetify. While some parts of the component seem to respond to my CSS, I'm unable to reduce the height of the entire ...
Victor's user avatar
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Use Google Material Icons in Vuetify 3 outside a module

I'm working on an existing code base that creates a Vue app within the page. We are attempting to update to Vuetify 3, but for some reason we're not having any luck getting Google Material Icons to ...
Jason's user avatar
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How do I change the separator of the data table with Vuetify 3?

I'm studying Vue and Vuetify 3, and I want to style the data table, but I'm not able to achieve this. I want to figure out how to change the color or background of the separators of the table content, ...
user27445699's user avatar
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Why doesn't my update dialog see updated values in form?

I am developing a demonstration app in Vue 3 and Vuetify 3 and Pinia so that I can learn the main techniques of working with Vuetify. My app displays a list of transactions and provides a form for ...
Henry's user avatar
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vuetify2 to vuetify3 transition-group no longer working

So I'm currently working on my transition from Vue2 Vuetify2 to Vue3 Vuetify3 and it's been quite the challenge honestly. It seems my code needs to rely less and less on Vuetify since things like the ...
PhilippeTh's user avatar
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How can I retrieve data with single select-strategy on Vuetify and VueJS 3?

My issue is that the search works fine, but I can't retrieve any value after selecting a checkbox. I have two components : MyTableAnnuaire.vue and add.vue Here is my code : MyTableAnnuaire.vue &...
An Ja's user avatar
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Why does my target-activated dialog not appear except for the first row of the table?

I'm using Vue 3 and Vuetify 3. I'm trying to get my current app to display a row from a <v-data-table in a dialog that is in its own component but it doesn't work properly: the dialog will appear ...
Henry's user avatar
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How do I get my ref-activated dialog to appear?

I am using Vue 3 and Vuetify 3. I am trying to understand the various ways to make a dialog appear, based on the examples in the Vuetify documentation, especially the four methods illustrated in the ...
Henry's user avatar
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v-autocomplete/v-select width changes depending on item length (Vue/Vuetify 3)

The selection menu of the autocomplete/select changes according to the text length of the item. For example, when the items are about 5 characters long, the menu's length is the same as the dropdown, ...
Naomikho's user avatar
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How to prevent the selected state from being released when an already selected element in v-list of vuetify3

How to prevent the selected state from being released when an already selected element is reselected. using vue3, vuetify3 v-list consists of v-list-item, v-list-group and children of v-list-group. I ...
adddd's user avatar
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Base Page Scroll must be retained when Dialog is opened

v-dialog of Vuetify when opens the base page scroll gets reset to top how to prevent the scroll of base page resetting so that when dialog is open the base page scroll is maintained. Example: There is ...
MadMaxJS's user avatar
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How do I invoke a dialog from a button on a menu rather than in the component itself?

I'm using Vuetify 3 and Vue 3. I have just learned to use some of the techniques in the Vuetify documentation to invoke a dialog that is its own component, separate from the parent component, via a ...
Henry's user avatar
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How do I make my dialog persist after invoking it from a menu?

I am using Vue 3 and Vuetify 3. I have a button labeled Settings on my app-bar that causes a menu to appear when I click the button. The menu has one item on it, which invokes a dialog. When I click ...
Henry's user avatar
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How do I get the user-selected item from a v-select to appear as the current selection?

My stack includes Vue 3 and Vuetify 3. I have a v-select which shows a list of locales. I initialize the model-value to "US". The user clicks on the current value, sees the list of locales, ...
Henry's user avatar
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Vuetify3: Emitting Input Events to parent component

{ "type": "form", "id": 240808, "title": "Some App", "steps": [ { "type": "stepOne", ...
Erik Schmidt's user avatar
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How to bind a class on nav items in the navdrawer vuetify vuejs 3?

I'm trying to bind a class to the list items of navbar based on specific condition. The navbar items are as follows const sections = ref([ { group: 'General', value: 'general', class: '...
Divya Bharathi's user avatar
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How to handle css for specific items in v-navigation-drawer - Vuetify 3, Vue js 3?

I have a navbar using v-navigation-drawer (Vuetify 3) . The navbar group items and group sub items are as follows const sections = ref([ { group: 'General', value: 'general', ...
Divya Bharathi's user avatar
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Highlight words found with the local Vuetify Datatable search (filter) function

I am planning to use the Vuetify v3 DataTable component to show the contents of a relatively small array of objects, therefore its local filter/search functionality works perfectly for me. However, ...
Igor P's user avatar
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Vuetify Combobox text highlighting when using item slot

When using the item slot in the Vuetify Combobox, we lose the default search text highlighting. Example In Vue2 there was a way to pull that functionality from the parent as seen in this answer Is ...
Justin's user avatar
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Relation of v-select and v-checkbox on two others components

i need help for my application in Vuejs , vuetify , i have two components : 1- MyTableFirst.vue 2- FirstCall.vue I want to do this : if i check checkbox on the MyTableFirst.vue , the v-select it will ...
An Ja's user avatar
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how to reuse a selection event as a slot inside v-select [duplicate]

I have a reusable set of components that I use throughout the entire app. The problem is events like template(v-slot:item="{ props, item }") are not being rendered when passed as a slot from ...
user3692459's user avatar
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vuetify v-text-field show formated value

I am trying to build a component based on the v-text-field from vuetify and to displaying an amount in german ...
Jens's user avatar
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Change Vuetify 3 theme colors on runtime

I have an app in which i use custom vuetify themes and i'd like to be able to change some of the colors of those custom themes during runtime. I saw some posts here about people doing it with vuetify ...
Felix's user avatar
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overide plain styling on <v-card-actions>

I'm using Vuetify. This is the basic setup for a <v-card> component: <template> <v-card> <v-card-title>MyCard</v-card-title> <v-card-text></v-card-text&...
Jamie Marshall's user avatar
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v-radio button problem to change after take value on the database in vuejs and vuetify

i have a big problem on the vuejs and vuetify. The problem is on the radio button. I want to show the value of the radio button in the interfaces and i can change the value after , but it's not ...
An Ja's user avatar
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TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'insertBefore') when adding vuetify to existing vue 3 app

I'm trying to add vuetify to an existing vue3 project but it triggers this error in some views: TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'insertBefore') Removing <v-app> and <v-...
darkbasic's user avatar
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Mask /Vuetify 3 get raw value

I am trying to use maska with vuetify3 to mask a number. This works fine, but in the @update:model-value function I always get the formatted value. Can someone tell me, How I get the unformatted value?...
Jens's user avatar
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Vuetify validate a custom form component containing multiple internal form components

I have seen several posted questions with similar titles. For example, Vuetify apply rules validation to a custom component. However, they either (like that one) reference a situation where the ...
Malcolm's user avatar
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Updating component props via Vue 3 custom directive

I'm quite new to vue and if I'm understanding it correctly directives are quite different from Angular's: they are meant for DOM manipulation and not to mutate the state. That being said though I'm ...
darkbasic's user avatar
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Vuetify v-text-field v-menu width issue

When I use prepend-inner-icon,append-inner-icon, or both with a v-text-field, the v-menu width is not full. However, if I don't use these icons, the v-menu width fits perfectly. I want the width to be ...
web4's user avatar
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