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2 answers

Changing v-text-field default error color through SASS variables doesn't work

I'm trying to change v-text-field default error color. By looking at the documentation it should be possible by changing $field-error-color SASS variable. It will change all inputs default error color,...
PyKKe's user avatar
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Breakpoints related SASS variables doesn't seem to be taken into account when container related SASS variables are defined

I'm trying to override Vuetify $container-max-widths. This is what Vuetify does $container-max-widths: () !default; $container-max-widths: map-deep-merge( ( 'xs': null, 'sm': null, 'md': ...
PyKKe's user avatar
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How can I add a new border radius definition?

The rounded classes are generated based on following SASS variables (I think) $rounded: ( 0: 0, 'sm': $border-radius-root / 2, null: $border-radius-root, 'lg': $border-radius-root * 2, 'xl': ...
PyKKe's user avatar
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What are the scss variables for modifying a Vuetify 3 v-text-field outline?

I have several v-text-field in a form. I want to modify the color of the outline that has been added through Vuetify's variant="outline" prop. I am trying to add the relevant scss variables ...
Chris's user avatar
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Override SASS variables for a Vuetify3 Component

I would like to globally customize the style of some Vuetify Components. Vuetify seems to have a SASS API where I can override variables to customize components. However, I cannot figure out how to ...
Corylus's user avatar
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Error with Vuetify 2.0 plugin in nuxt project: [vite-node] [ERR_LOAD_URL] vuetify/lib/styles/main.sass

I’m a absolute beginner developer who’s trying to install Vuetify 2.0 into a Vue Nuxt.js 3 project. I tried following the steps below but I keep on getting this error: **[vite-node] [ERR_LOAD_URL] ...
Inkan's user avatar
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Change font-size in v-select component

I have v-select component <v-select class="mt-2 mb-2" density="compact" hide-details v-model="item.model" :items="items" ></v-...
Levyi's user avatar
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Error while using Vuetify's sass variables

In my Vuetify3 application, I am using some library with a select dropdown, which I want to style exactly like Vuetify's select dropdown. So, I inspected Vuetify's select box, copied its styles, and ...
Neha Soni's user avatar
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Scoped style gets overriden by Vuetify

I'm using Nuxt 3 and Vuetify to create a website. I want to give some margin to an anchor tag inside my Vue component. For this I'm used to using some scoped styling. For example: <style lang="...
Jeroen's user avatar
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common btn-border-radius for all buttons

I am working on a Vue application which needs same radius define for all buttons used in the application. For now, I have used defined special class and used css: .confirmBtn { width: 200px !...
Darshan Soni's user avatar
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How i can use colors from vuetify config in my custom scss file?

i need some littlle help, and understand correctly how i can work with a theme. This is my vuetify config //plugins/vuetify.ts export const GalaxyLightTheme: ThemeDefinition = { dark: false, ...
Petr Volny's user avatar
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Vuetify 3 toolbar

I am new to vuetify, and i need some help. So, I have a VToolbar component that i need to set a height of 30px. The problem is, when i inpected in devtools, vuetify by default adds a div, v-...
raio's user avatar
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Binding percentage to style from script in Vue 3

I want to color a cell of a table with two colors such that right and left parts of it has different colors. Yet, I can not dynamically change the portion of the left and right color. I first tried it ...
TFC's user avatar
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Vuetify: Cannot find default SASS Variables

I have been using Vuetify for a number of projects, and have used SASS variables to override their default global values, especially the light/dark theme colors. Recently I noticed that they have ...
EmotionalGoodBoy's user avatar
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Vuetify - Use SCSS to change or prepend to class names

I've created a web component using Vue2 & Vuetify2 and it's working almost flawlessly bar a few websites where there are CSS clashes. The problem is that the web component is not in a shadowDOM ...
Dally's user avatar
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how to override the vuetify scss varibales in nuxt3 + vite

I want to override the vuetify scss variable to change the v-text-field border-radius I tried to set up the vueitfy3 with vite-plugin-vuetify and some addition config to overriding the variables, but ...
Mahdi Ghanbari's user avatar
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Using scss to change default Vuetify 3 component settings does not work?

So I've been trying to follow Vuetifys documentation to change up the text-field border. As far as I understood, the text-field border is determined by $text-field-border-radius. I've created a ...
JakeStud's user avatar
10 votes
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Vue3/Vite/Vuetify 3 Build Error: Variable was not declared with !default in the @used module

I am attempting to implement SASS Variables in Vue 3, Vuetify 3, Vite build and am encountering an error about variables not being declared with !default I followed the instructions in the Vuetify 3 ...
Joel's user avatar
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How to edit vuetify 3 default typography styles?

I want to edit the default typography of vuetify 3, in which it's defined in a variables.scss file that is shown below inside the package itself. $typography: map-deep-merge( ( 'h1': ( '...
Peshang Hiwa's user avatar
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How do I get a Vuetify component's SASS variables?

I'm trying to fit an image into Vuetify's VBtn component, like this- <template> <v-btn> <img class="img-in-btn" src="@/assets/my-image.png"> </v-btn>...
starleaf1's user avatar
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How to show two values in a Vuetify table in one row?

In a Vuetify Table is a column in which a start date and an end date should be displayed. The date comes from the backend. How can I display the data in my desired format in the table, that in one ...
Saturday Sun's user avatar
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Set Vuetify Slider to a background linear gradient

Hi there i am currently trying to modele the same appearance of the RGB Slider under the Colorpicker from Vuetify with the Slider... Sadly i can not pass a gradient to the color
Xentox's user avatar
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How to allow an element of flexbox to overflow its container

I have tried to use flexbox to create a navbar with the logo in the middle however, it appears that I am unable to allow my logo to overflow the navbar from above and below. I tried squishing the ...
Adam's user avatar
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How to justify-content: center with Vuetify3

I've my component at the top of the page but I want in in the middle. Like this: This is my code: <template> <v-container class="align-center" fill-height fluid> <v-...
Raúl Peñate's user avatar
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Storybook: Unable to override vuetify sass variables using variables.scss

I have created some custom components on top of vuetify components. In order to match my design I have overridden the vuetify sass variables by creating a .scss file in path src/scss/variables.scss ...
Ameer Hamza's user avatar
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Vue 3 and Vuetify 3 access SCSS/SASS Varriables in Components

I would like to use predefined variables in my Vue 3 components. <template> <div class="rounded img-container"> <span v-if="!props.ready">Du musst noch ein ...
schnawel007's user avatar
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Scoped css class with elements

I use vue with vuetify. I have to use sass to override the style of vuetify components. With the following code I want to update the style of my text field. <style scoped lang="scss"> ....
Jens's user avatar
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VueJS & Vuetify - How to use JS variables in Sass

Using VueJS, I need to display different colors for each user. The color depends on the user settings. In my vuetify.js, I have: export default new Vuetify({ theme: { themes: { light: { ...
Vincent Decaux's user avatar
4 votes
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Vue CLI 5 with Vuetify SCSS variables and CSS imports

I work for an organization that try to migrate a project from Vue CLI 4 to Vue CLI 5. The project uses Vuetify and we have SCSS files that are used in the styles/variables.scss file (required by ...
KevinFabre's user avatar
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SCSS Override Value of Property from Class

i have this html <div class="v-menu__content" style="left: 559px;"></div> <div class="v-menu__content" style="left: 12px;"></div> <...
Kim De Guzman's user avatar
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Vuetify: Change background color after click on v-card

here is my jsbin link,,js,output here is the v-card component of Vuetify I am using, <v-card @click="myClick()"> <v-card-title>hello</...
Sharif's user avatar
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How to pin an input label to the top of the field?

Is there a way to fix the label so that it does not go down into the field and effectively become a placeholder? I want it to stay up like this even when the field is not in focus and when there's no ...
tkit's user avatar
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How to switch styles in a vue vuetify app when changing the languge?

so I am building a vueJs app using vuetify and vue-i18n for internationalization so i have this font-family that I want just to be applied on the Arabic language, so I will be switching styles when ...
abdeslam chettout's user avatar
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The vuetify-loader does not automatically bootstrap my variables

I create project using vue-cli and install vuetify using vue-cli. I create a folder called sass in my src directory with a file named variables.scss. Documentation says (
GoodGuy's user avatar
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Overriding Vuetify variables when building a Vue2+Vuetify app with Vite

I'm trying to migrate a Vue2+Vuetify app from Vue-CLI/Webpack to Vite. The app has a couple of SCSS files, main.scss and variables.scss with the latter imported by the former. main.scss @import '...
Dónal's user avatar
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Customize vuetify variables - why @import must be at the end of variables.scss file?

I have a project made by vue cli and I want to change vuetify's default variables, e.g the $red color to another color, Following vuetify docs, to do this I can have a file named variables.scss in src/...
moeinghasemi's user avatar
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How to align v-text-field label using reverse tag in Vuetify.js?

I have used vuetify.js as UI framework in Nuxt.js my latest project. In v-text-field component, I tried to user reverse tag to move text align right. But I didn't move label from align left to align ...
drunkdolphin's user avatar
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Get rid of empty space in v-select

I use Vuetify and have a question about access to styles of v-select input. Actual result: The desired result is to get rid of space between dots and arrow. I went through the official docs, but it ...
tadvas's user avatar
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How to customize the variables in vuetify in laravel?

I am using vuetify in Laravel. I had created a laravel 8 project with vue version 2 using laravel/ui package. Everything seems to work fine and all the components of vuetify rendered properly. But ...
Musawer Shah's user avatar
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How can I modify a Vuetify sass variable for a specific instance of a component?

I have a sample codepen at For the first instance of the treeview, I would like to use a treeview-node-level-width of 8px. The second instance of the ...
James Hudson's user avatar
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change the style of Vuetify table header

I am trying to change the default color of vuetify table header. I managed to change the header using custom class using code below: headers = [ { text: "Metering Point", ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Nuxt and Vuetify, how to use color in components like v-toolbar

I'm using Nuxt 2 and Vuetify 2. I am trying to create a simple Vuetify v-toolbar component and give it a color. De documentation tells me to do it like this: <template> <v-toolbar flat ...
Hendrik Jan's user avatar
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How can I add a custom style to an v-dialog in vuetify after the latest update?

I'm working with vuetify and I need to add a custom class to an v-dialog. I've already search information about it, but my problem is that the prop "content-class" has been removed from ...
Paolo Fabrizio's user avatar
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Vue SassError: Undefined variable $white when upgrade vuetify to 2.5

I have a vue project that worked fine with vuetify 1.5 But as announced in vuetify LTS, version 1.5 is no longer supported then i decided to upgrade it to 2.5. After upgrade vuetify to 2.5, when I ...
The Blues's user avatar
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Change nested vuetify list color so it's white or has no active class

I have this list I created, which looks like this: <v-list class="criteria-list" color="#f2f4f7"> <v-list-group v-for="criterion in criteria" :key=&...
r3plica's user avatar
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Override heading font Vuetify + Nuxt

I'm trying to change the default font for heading tags in a Vuetify + Nuxt setup. I've checked this question but that doesn't apply to Nuxt In my assests/variables.scss: // Ref:
SRR's user avatar
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CSS props brought in by the Vuetify framework being duplicated according to browser console

I have an app which uses the Vuetify framework and Laravel. Here is what the app.blade.php where all vue pages are based to show all of the external stylesheets used. All vue pages are seeing ...
One_for_all's user avatar
102 votes
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Nuxtjs vuetify throwing lots of `Using / for division is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0.`

Nuxtjs using vuetify throwing lots of error Using / for division is deprecated and will be removed in Dart Sass 2.0.0. during yarn dev Nuxtjs: v2.15.6 @nuxtjs/vuetify": "1.11.3", "...
kwong ho's user avatar
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Vuetity v-autocomplete and v-data-table are not working

Vue and Vuetify was working perfectly in my previous projects. But now in order to test some stuffs, I have tried to start a new project npm. I have added vuetify to my project with the command : > ...
benmakamba's user avatar
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Vuetify v-card component overflow-x is not working

My latest project, I used Nuxt.js (v2.15.3) and Vuetify.js(v2.4.9) as UI framework. I tried to use overflow-x in v-card component but it wasn't work. My simple test code is below. <template> ...
drunkdolphin's user avatar