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Solana validator `in_errors` and `rcvbuf_errors` keep creasing, can't catch up

I'm running an validator, but after two days, still can't catchup the latest slot and keep downloading snapshots, I found the in_errors and rcvbuf_errors are always high and keep increasing, not sure ...
Alex.Lee's user avatar
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How to get a Format enum in Godot from Image data dictionary?

I'm trying to send a texture with rpc in Godot using the data dictionary of an image when sending and the create_from_data on the receiving side but I cannot automate the "Format" argument ...
Double Sept's user avatar
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Why is my MailMerge Toolkit Add-in not sending emails at the very last step?

'The RPC server is unavailable.' --------------------------- 'Error: "The RPC server is unavailable." Description: "Call of [OnResolveNameBefore] failed: 'The RPC server is unavailable.'...
Alina Shcherbakova's user avatar
2 votes
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Is MIT Kerberos V5 in any way dependent on rpcbind on Linux?

I was wondering if MIT Kerberos is dependent on rpcbind in any way on Linux. If yes, when and why? I haven't come across any resource online that addresses anything related to this. I do know that MIT ...
Automatic's user avatar
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Client can’t call RPC Server even with a valid NetOwner

This is the first Actor I built for Multiplayer with replication so if you think I should have used another technique tell me. I'm running UE5.4 with two player and as net connection I use listen ...
thacaout's user avatar
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rpc server is unavailable connecting to a systesm on another VLAN

I have a problem with RPC connecting to a system on a different VLAN, running the wbemtest.exe to s system on the same VLAN work soon, when i try to connect to a systesmon one of the other VLANS i get ...
JZastrow's user avatar
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Why am I not able to git push to my repository?

I'm experiencing issues with pushing/publishing my new branch to a GitHub repository using Git. Edit: I'm discovering that I'm getting this issue with all of my branches in this repo. I've also tested ...
Skymero's user avatar
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Is there a way to use a Message type as a type in another Message?

I'd like to assign a "message" type to Message so payload can be either Sms or Email. This is not valid type as the error says message not defined in reference to the "message" ...
engineer-x's user avatar
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Issues with RPC Requests in ThingsBoard: User Mismatch

I'm working with ThingsBoard and encountering an issue related to RPC requests. Currently, the system seems to only recognize one user per device. Specifically, when multiple users are connected to a ...
alex bbs's user avatar
-1 votes
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Solana finalized transaction not found

I'm using the managed pump portal API and whenever I sell, then try to lookup the transaction it returns an error "not found". out, err := solanaClient.GetTransaction( context.Background(...
niu's user avatar
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player.transform.childCount returns 3, but should return 4

I'm making multiplayer game nad in code where I'm making pick up and drop item. I'm having error that player.transform.childCount is returning 3 right after i add children another children under ...
Jonda_MC's user avatar
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Difference between Timeout vs Context cancelled Error

What is the difference between Timeout vs Context canceled Error? Can someone help with a detailed answer with examples?
Gaurav Jain's user avatar
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Erlang/OTP node connectivity issues running under WSL2 and using "longnames" for the `name_domain`

Trying to RPC to another node from a script, everything works when using "shortnames" but fails when using "longnames". Where my local machine name is "Pandora", and ...
sthames42's user avatar
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Does enabling compression in thrift helps memory bandwidth bottleneck if you have low cpu util and network util?

If you compressed your thrift request, does it help lower memory bandwidth For example my understanding of the data flow is this client send ztsd compressed request server get compressed request ...
user27594645's user avatar
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Is storing socket objects in Map can cause issues in a production environment with larger amount of clients?

I'm using ocpp-rpc package to run an OCPP server, currently I'm using Map to store the connected clients object, I want to reference them later. I'm storing them like below const connectedChargers = ...
Gihan Lakshan's user avatar
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EACCESS error when trying to NFSv3 mount using RPC

I'm trying to use RPC calls to perform a NFS mount on a Rocky 8 distro, running in VirtualBox on a Windows host. I have the following set in my /etc/exports: /nfstest *(rw,sync,no_root_squash,...
Robert Joseph Dacunto's user avatar
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How to gracefully close a tinyrpc.RPCServer?

I am using tinyrpc.RPCServer in Python to implement a simple RPCServer but I am unable to find documentation or code on how to gracefully close this server. Anyone had this issue ? The code here and ...
cprogrammer's user avatar
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ThingsBoard Server-Side RPC Issue: no_active_connection Error After Device is Online for a Few Weeks

I’m experiencing an issue with ThingsBoard regarding server-side RPC for a NodeMCU ESP8266 device. The RPC initially works perfectly, but after a few weeks, I encounter the following error: Error: ...
Abyan Ramzi's user avatar
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Not able to access gcp firestore while using it from docker, Getting "'@type':"

docker run --rm sh -c "gcloud firestore databases list" ERROR: (gcloud.firestore.databases.list) [[email protected]....
Ganesh Singh's user avatar
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I keep encountering an error when cross-compiling lmbench-3.0-a9 with arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc. Can someone help me with this?

make OS=arm-linux CC=arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc AR=arm-linux-gnueabi-ar build /usr/lib/gcc-cross/arm-linux-gnueabi/11/../../../../arm-linux-gnueabi/bin/ld: cannot find -ltirpc: No such file or directory I ...
instinct's user avatar
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The RPC svc_run() function returned in a pthread

Question statement I am developing an RPC program, using the rpcgen tool to generate the template codes. In the generated _srv.c file, the main() function does the initialization work and calls the ...
Yuki Lau's user avatar
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404 error while trying to use supabase rpc

I have been building a platform for feedback gathering and then using the snippet to show others the feedback Procedure create or replace function add_feedback ( p_project_id integer, p_user_name ...
Mrinal Pramanick's user avatar
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Solana transaction confirm

`const sendTransaction = async ( transaction: Transaction | VersionedTransaction, connection: Connection, options?: SendTransactionOptions ) => { // Use the original ...
valentine's user avatar
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RPCFailedError in Google dev_appserver Application

I’m currently part of a team migrating a Python 2.7 app engine application to Python 3.9, and I am having a great deal of difficulty with implementing the legacy memcache bundled service. I’m hoping ...
Tony Tullemans's user avatar
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rpc/socket programming in C: replacing RPC_ANYSOCK by fixed port

I'm using a veeery old distributed uptime server on Linux (opensuse leap 15.6 currently) which generates the code part for rpc communication by calling rpcgen. Due to ...
MichiH's user avatar
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How services communicated before RPC

I recently found out that RPC and REST are just API constructs and not different protocols through which two services communicate and send data to each other over the network. The underlying protocol ...
Ritvik Joshi's user avatar
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Websocket vs SSE vs REST - TCP connections?

If each of them maintains only 1 TCP underlying connection, is the complexity in the logic / memory / cpu resources allocated on server and client only?
Rupa's user avatar
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Kotlin RPC service doesn't execute MongoDB driver logic

I have a Kotlin RPC service that uses MongoDB Kotlin coroutine driver, but when my service uses any of the database functions, the code just stop it's execution (freezes). Here's a server code: val ...
Сергей Андриенко's user avatar
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RPC client stuck infinite

I have created custom net TPC connection, and created RPC client with that connection. But it hang forever. taskGenConn, err := net.Dial("tcp", cfg.TaskGeneratorRPCUrl) if err != nil { ...
Bhautik Chudasama's user avatar
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How to reduce the delay when spawning a gameobject from the client side

I have this code that spawns a ball and throws it in the direction where the player is looking, later I want to make a system for throwing items from the inventory, but I have a problem with ...
Jonda_MC's user avatar
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How to use LipeRMI in Android?

I downloaded LipeRMI from their website and managed to successfully add the library to a java project and set up a connection between client and server. I'm looking for a way to add the LipeRMI to an ...
Maorkale's user avatar
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unknown reference swagger issue when issuing buf generate with stream rpc

I am trying to generate swagger.json using buf generate. Here is my sample proto file import "google/rpc/status.proto"; rpc Create(stream CreateRequest) returns (stream CreateResponse)...
Vatz's user avatar
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future cannot be sent between threads safely in Rust

I am using Rocket + Capnproto where I receive a request from a Web API(Rocket) and have to send it to another server via RPC (Capnproto) here my main Rocket setup #[rocket::main] async fn main() { ...
Gonzalo's user avatar
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Bidirectional RPC stream closure

I noticed some asymmetry for bidirectional RPC stream closure between RPC stream server and RPC stream client. onCompleted() If RPC stream client sends onCompleted(), RPC stream server will receive ...
Steven Hu's user avatar
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Runtime Error in getBar1SizeOfGpu when initializing pytorch RPC

I’m encountering a runtime error while using PyTorch with the RPC backend on my system. The error message is as follows: Could anyone tell me why this problem has happened and how to solve it ? Thank ...
UnbearableFate's user avatar
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Is gRPC case insensitive when mapping methods?

Edit: Overlooked the output of the file - answered my own question below. Let's say we have a node.js project with a proto file: syntax = "proto3"; package bookstore; service Bookstore { ...
chickadee's user avatar
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gRPC server side template giving 'unexpected EOF'

I am trying to eliminate the need of proto files for running the gRPC/rpc services by directly parsing the interface that user will provide. This interface will contain the list of methods that will ...
Umang Mundhra's user avatar
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Provide multiple languages via Odoo RPC call

I would like to write multiple languages to a ir.ui.view Object's arch_db field. However, if I provide a dict/json value with languages as keys and HTML as values ({"de_DE"=><german-...
Jasper's user avatar
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Cosmos-kit Osmosis custom RPC endpoints - Cosmos ecosystem

I got an assignment in the cosmos ecosystem. It's my first time building on Cosmos network, specifically Osmosis and I am having a problem connecting to my custom RCP endpoints, it always falls back ...
Patricie's user avatar
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Unreal 5 : How to bind RPC Function to Enhanced Input?

i tried to make movement functions with RPC. And the movement functions, is binded with EnhancedInput->BindAction. void AGoKartPawn::SetupPlayerInputComponent(UInputComponent* PlayerInputComponent) ...
Rolang's user avatar
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How to send correct initialize response to VS Code for an LSP

I am building a Language Server Protocol (LSP) in C# and I'm currently setting up the response to the initialize request. My LSP receives JSON-RPC messages correctly, but I'm encountering an issue ...
user19522235's user avatar
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How to handle rpc request if server is overcrowded?

In our project, we are using brpc as our rpc framework. But brpc simply drops the request if the server is overcrowded(too many requests in queue). From the client side, we only know the request ...
slow_mohammud's user avatar
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Convenient method to get the size of a shared memory on Linux

I have two processes on Linux, which are sharing a block of memory created by shm_open + ftruncate + mmap. After the producer created the shm, the consumer need to known the size of the shm when it's ...
Leon's user avatar
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Need advice regarding usage of MassTransit/RabbitMq RPC in production

Consider the data flow from client to server and back: Client sends an HTTP request Server1. To process the request, Server1 calls Server 2 using MassTransit/RabbitMq RPC. Server2 in its turn calls ...
Beso's user avatar
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Code isnt changing the Discord Large image key

What is shown on the profile . The code is pretty much a spotify RPC but for itunes which isnt supported by discord hence why i made my own. No image with music import time from pypresence import ...
Trix Smith's user avatar
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xlwings RPC Server unavailable strikes again?

I'm seeing an odd behavior with Xlwings. Getting the (-2147023174, 'The RPC server is unavailable.', None, None). System is a (desktop) Windows 11, Python 3.12.2, Pandas 2.2.1, Xlwings 0.31.1 The ...
tank's user avatar
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RPC dependency - how do I configure it properly with CMake?

Suppose I want to build the following C program using CMake: #include <stdio.h> #include <rpc/rpc.h> int main() { printf("Hello world\n"); struct sockaddr_in ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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DCOM Interface Call fails with Kerberos

We try to move one of our current DCOM Applications that Impersonates a Client from NTLM over to Kerberos. So I tryed to get a minimal Example running. I Init the Server and Client as follows: ...
Dude-N's user avatar
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Ratelimit or prevent exessive rpc calls on database functions on Supabase

I'm still very new to working with databases so I'm not quite sure how to proceed. I am working on a webapp game where votes can be cast on player submissions. I created a vote function that takes a ...
misterthedork's user avatar
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Network doesn't support eip-1559

This is the given genesis file. In this network every transaction works with the rpc connection as const web3 = new Web3('http://146.190.XXX.XX:8546') This rpc can do contract executions as well. And ...
Debo Karmakar's user avatar

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