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NestJS. Get Validation Error when I send correct body

Here is my Pipe. When I send not correct body, validation work. But when I send correct body, I get Validation Error ([Nest] 15132 ERROR [ExceptionsHandler] Validation error Error) import { ...
user25595426's user avatar
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Trouble with change text in tk.Entry on validation

I want to create an entry field for a date. I want the user to be able to type the digits for the month, day, year and have the '/' come up automatically. I thought I would be able to do this with ...
NurseStacey's user avatar
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Solana validator `in_errors` and `rcvbuf_errors` keep creasing, can't catch up

I'm running an validator, but after two days, still can't catchup the latest slot and keep downloading snapshots, I found the in_errors and rcvbuf_errors are always high and keep increasing, not sure ...
Alex.Lee's user avatar
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Validating IModelValidator with RecursiveDataAnnotationValidator

My goal is to add a couple of default validation rules system wide to my application, but also be able to use these validation rules in my test setup. I have something like: public void ...
asgerhallas's user avatar
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How to disable default ValidationException handler? [duplicate]

I have a store method in DocumentController. This method use custom laravel FormRequest to validate request data. A try catch block in this store method should handle the ValidationException by ...
Felix's user avatar
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Pydantic/Django Ninja use only existing keys (even with None)

having an app in Django Ninja with schemas: class NumericalFilterSchema(Schema): gt: Optional[int] = None lt: Optional[int] = None gte: Optional[int] = None lte: Optional[int] = None ...
Leemosh's user avatar
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WPF DataGrid disabling editing on validation errors

My view has a DataGrid that displays a ObservableCollection<MyViewModel>. To validate the input of MyViewModel properties, I use a ValidationRule that checks all model properties in the Validate ...
Nikita Popov's user avatar
-1 votes
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What's happened to [closed]

I've noticed that the front-end validation library we use is down, including all documentation. Could anyone shed any light on the situation? I've searched the web including Reddit, ...
JoshDev's user avatar
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How to retain values on invoice after throwing an error using user event script?

I have developed line level amount validation user event script. I throw error if amount is invalid. When user enters invalid amount, user can see error but once he go back those lines go away from ...
Maira S's user avatar
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Odoo autocomplete feature on mobile number creates issue while creating contacts

I had locally setup the odoo project on my machine. I am working on a issue where I have to merge the duplicate contacts in an automated manner. But before I wanted to create few duplicate contacts on ...
binbin's user avatar
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TagHelper not working with server side Validations

Ok this is my problem. Today I decided to implement a mechanism that would make it easier for me to implement fields in the views. I have a project in razor pages and I do the validation of required ...
Joan Alexander's user avatar
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How to Remove validation text?

This is My Custom validation textfield CmnTextField( labelText: "Location", controller: LocationController, readOnly: true, ...
Tulsi virani's user avatar
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React - multiple form fields dependent button enabling

My React web app has the below layout in a page: a. Common “Info” section (form) at the upper half. b. Say 4 different “Details” tabs in the lower half. (Also forms) Now I have a button in a. that ...
AKira's user avatar
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Blazor editform displays required message on autopopulated fields

I'm not new to ASP.NET or C#, but I am brand new to Blazor and Entity Framework. I've got a small form that consists of four fields: "SmockId", "FName", "LName", and &...
Wilock's user avatar
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I am getting multiple validation errors in react function

I am fairly new to React (but have coded in JavaScript and C# for 20 plus years). I have a vanilla form using hook-form, react-bootstrap, zod and flowbite-react. There are two nearly identical ...
Jeff's user avatar
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MongoDB ObjectID binding and validation in Golang

I want an use case that receive a list of string (represent for ObjectID hex) and I want to build a struct using binding tag to validate: If receiving one, we could use: type SingleID struct { ...
SirT's user avatar
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express-validator in node multipart/form-data

I tried sending in postman a form-data with 2 fields, userProData with the Json data of the user, and imageProfile as a file. I cant find how to send in a single request both body json with user data ...
Nicolás Wnorowsky's user avatar
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Validate items in array using Vuelidate

I have a main document with several attached documents. The main document has a start and end date. The attached document has a type, status and date. Status 0 - the document is not needed, 1 - ...
Educat's user avatar
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Any other options for HTML5 (DCM) Validation? [closed]

Was trying to do some routine validation and found out that my usual tool is about to be deprecated in January 2025, does anyone know any other alternatives? It can either be another website or ...
Biefall's user avatar
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Laravel 10 custom validation rule testing

I created a simple custom validation rule via php artisan make:rule, and now I want to write unit tests for it. How do I test a validation rule to pass or fail? Since $rule->validate() does not ...
fudo's user avatar
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Multiple Mongo validation types on single field?

Can a field validation in MongoDB collection contain string and null both as validation types. { "$jsonSchema": { "bsonType": "object", "title": "...
Harshit Garg's user avatar
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EditForm Validation With List of Model Rather Than Single Model

Single Model (Validates As Expected) I have created an EditForm in Blazor where I was able to easily add validation for a single model where I added OnValidSubmit to the form with the ...
Robin Wilson's user avatar
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Validating input in tkinter

I am very very new to Python (about 2 weeks). I am writing a GUI using tkinter. The interface has 3 frames. In one frame I enter data and use it to do simple calculations. I would like to test for ...
Stephen Webber's user avatar
-5 votes
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Why does my password regex fail to validate a specific string only which have paranthesis as special characters? [duplicate]

I'm trying to validate a password using the following regex in JavaScript: /^(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*\d)(?=.*[@$!%*?&])[A-Za-z\d@$!%*?&]+$/ The validation requirements are: At least one ...
BuildWithGagan's user avatar
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HCL Domino XPages - adding custom validation to field

I'm facing an issue related to additional validation for my field. I have 2 fields in form, User and Replacement (for this user). User has default value of current user, and I want to validate if User ...
Michał's user avatar
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How to retrieve file names of CSV files read in AWS Glue Visual ETL with a Data Catalog table and handle validation errors for individual files?

I'm using AWS Glue Visual Studio ETL to process CSV files stored in an S3 bucket. The files are registered in the Glue Data Catalog and read as a single DynamicFrame during the ETL job. I want to: - ...
coderman's user avatar
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Form rules and validation not working, only HTML is working

This is my first time using JQuery, and im really struggling with it, my form validation/rules arent working at all. And im just curious as to why? if anyone could help. I'm currently trying to make ...
user28500926's user avatar
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Parsley.js Validation check Image dimensions before upload image

When checking the length and width of the uploaded image, a True or False value should be returned, then this not possible without return promise a Promise must be returned. However, when the Promise ...
Malik Waris's user avatar
4 votes
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How can I enforce a minimum age constraint and manage related models in Django?

I am working on a Django project where I need to validate a model before saving it, based on values in its related models. I came up with this issue while extracting an app from an project using an ...
Danmaxis's user avatar
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Google Rankings Dropped After URL Changes and 301 Redirects – Page Validation Failing

We recently implemented significant changes to the URL structure of our website. To mitigate any negative impact, we set up 301 redirects from the old URLs to the new ones. These redirects have been ...
paynod's user avatar
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How to Render Validation Messages from DTO in Thymeleaf View?

I am working on a Spring Boot project where I want to display validation error messages defined in my DTO directly on the view using Thymeleaf, especially the "content" field. While the ...
Haebin Noh's user avatar
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Validation not working in Spring Boot with Thymeleaf — Errors not displayed when fields are empty

In a Spring application I am using Thymleaf as a template. Errors are not displayed on the page <form method="post" th:action="@{/add-client}" th:object="${clientRequestDto}...
MPF PMF's user avatar
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Did PHP remove the Validate Filters?

The documentation page for Types of filters does not list Validate Filters and the page that used to contain documentation for the Validate Filters e.g. FILTER_VALIDATE_INT does not seem to exist ...
Kevin Morse's user avatar
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Internal validation of a Fine-and-Gray competing risk model in Stata; problems with bootstrap and more

I'm conducting a study in which I fit a Fine-and-Gray competing risk model to predict recurrence of endometrial cancer, given that women can die before developing their first recurrence. To fit the ...
Rasmus Green's user avatar
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Oracle APEX validation in interactive grid

I am trying to validate two date columns in interactive grid with Javascript and use of DA. I am currently "stuck" at a point where the code works, but it also doesn't. What it's supposed to ...
user28260183's user avatar
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Validation ::marker missing in form error view

Im very new to CodeIgniter, using 4.5.5. I got a HTML form, a sophisticated one, to manage data in a database. Suddenly the validation form error view does not show errors with a point marker in ...
ralphtoepper's user avatar
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How to handle dependencies in FastAPI?

Here is the simplified file structure of my project: . ├── app │ ├── # Initializes settings │ ├── # Pydantic settings definitions │ ├── #...
李政旻's user avatar
3 votes
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Why does Carbon::createFromFormat() not throw an exception when given a UK format and a US date?

I have this code: try { Carbon::createFromFormat('dmY', $rawDate)->format('Ymd'); } catch (InvalidFormatException $e) { echo 'Oops, bad date format.'; } If I feed in 31012024 as my $...
Ethan Field's user avatar
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problems validating form with a loop for python

I am trying to validate my fields in a more efficient way and I think I am on the right track, but I have a problem with the for loop, the code is as follows First of all I manage all the fields ...
Diego Marin's user avatar
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Zod validation pipe in NestJs controller try to validate all @Query parameters

I have implemented a validation pipe for Zod schema. However the issue is that if the controler has several @Query parameters, the Zod validation pipe is trying to validate all params and not only the ...
Jerome 's user avatar
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Recursive Descent Parser in Python not validating code

I was tasked to write a top-down recursive descent parser for the Puck-24.3 programming language. Task: Language Token Types: Integers are non-empty sequences of digits optionally preceded with ...
DaneShuler's user avatar
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ValidationPipe doesn't transform string to number

I use: @UsePipes(new ValidationPipe({ transform: true })) to transform query param criteria to specific types, but it doesn't work for numbers, can you explain me why? Version of @bx/nestjs-commons - ...
Paweł Grabowski's user avatar
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Bootstrap form validation inside a table with big checkbox not working

I use bootstrap 5.3.3 and have this structure see css used to create a big checkbox. .form-check-input[type=checkbox].big-checkbox { transform: scale(3); margin: 1.5rem; border-radius: 0; } ...
Kasperi Koski's user avatar
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React Hook Form Controller in React Native: Unable to Enter Decimal Values in Text Input

I am building a React Native app using react-hook-form and zod for form handling and validation. One of my fields, sellingPrice, is supposed to accept decimal values (e.g., 123.45). However, I am ...
Tony Ngomana's user avatar
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Stop displaying help text from custom password validator using django allauth

I am trying to make a custom password validator and I got a problem where the HTML page renders return string from get_help_text(). I found that the help text is being displayed before I enter a ...
lala's user avatar
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Unable to inject service into ConstraintValidator: jakarta.validation.ValidationException HV000064

I'm trying to set up a custom ConstraintValidator to check if a LocalDate is valid by delegating the validation logic to a service. The validator is applied to a field in an @Entity. My goal is for ...
Jasper Lutz Severino's user avatar
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Where to add validation attributes in ASP.NET Core 8: Model or DTO?

I'm learning ASP.NET Core 8 and trying to understand the best practices for applying validation attributes to data. I have a situation where I'm using both a model and a DTO in my project. For example:...
Ninja_Tuna's user avatar
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Excel: how to ensure cells contain a comma separated list of specifically formatted values

I'm trying and failing to write a custom data validation for Excel such that cells can only contain a comma separated list of values, where each value consists of two capital letters followed by eight ...
new GISer's user avatar
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Spring Security with Spring Exception Handling

Thanks for your help. I am currently working with Spring Boot and Spring Security. My issue is that a MethodArgumentNotValidException is thrown due to validation violations in the JSON of the request. ...
HJH's user avatar
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How can I reduce the complexity of my validations in python

I am trying to lower the complexity of my code and I use Scrutinizer to measure those values. In my code, most of the complexity is due to validations, so how can I improve them? class gestionRegister:...
Diego Marin's user avatar

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