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How to disable default ValidationException handler? [duplicate]

I have a store method in DocumentController. This method use custom laravel FormRequest to validate request data. A try catch block in this store method should handle the ValidationException by ...
Felix's user avatar
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How to configure RequestLog for multiple webappcontext in jetty12

RequestLogHandler has been removed from jetty12, we should configure Server.setRequestLog for request logging. But with this setup we cannot seperate request logs per different webappcontext and all ...
Hemanth Karniyana's user avatar
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Recovering an stored handler in Windows Registry

I want to save and retrieve the handler of my current Ribbon in the Windows registry but everything in the registry is saved as REG_SZ (String) not as a handler. This is mi code: Option Explicit ...
malamare's user avatar
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INFO:aiogram.event:Update id=??????????? is not handled

I have a big telegram bot project. Today, he suddenly stopped showing signs of life. I don't know exactly what changes led to this result. The problem is that the handler has stopped responding to ...
Илья Дьяченко's user avatar
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Runnable removeCallbacks doesn't seem to work so new Runnable does not start

I'm trying to build a simple screen tracker that also tracks your screen when your screen is off. For some reason it seems that the screenTimeRunnable doesn't want to stop, and therefore, the ...
Rockyro's user avatar
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In Ansible, how do I run a task when ANY change is detected?

I have some Raspberry Pis running Alpine Linux in diskless mode. This requires certain changes to be committed via lbu. I have the following handler: - name: Commit changed files on Alpine Linux ...
danthonywalker's user avatar
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Remote service binding implementation

` I’m trying to implement remote binding between two different Android apps. The first app contains a ClientActivity that binds to a Service in the second app. The service is supposed to generate a ...
Arshad Ansari's user avatar
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Routing for application from inside subdirectory

I am quite new to coldbox. I haven't been able to find proper answer from google, so throwing the question out here. I am working with ColdFusion 2021 and Coldbox 7.0 Below is my folder structure ...
Sashikanta's user avatar
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Two MSW Handlers. Unable To Override Default Active App Handler To Use Specific Set Of Handlers for Playwright?

So I am working on a private organisational repo, whereby I have a dev environment setup with MSW configured and working correctly, which can also be used in a live production environment to mock API ...
Sayvai's user avatar
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Golang: gorilla - how to handle requests to endpoint defined with url parameter when the parameter is empty

I have this endpoint definition: router.NotFoundHandler = http.HandlerFunc(handlerNotFound) router.HandleFunc("/customer/{id}", handlerCustUpd).Methods(http.MethodPut) When called URL https:...
Katzman's user avatar
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2 answers

Any way to speed up buffer exchange between multiprocessing handler and main thread in python?

I would like to implement a handle function to receive and share msg to the main thread for further processing. The latency between the receive time on the handler and the main thread is quite large. ...
kusocodeing's user avatar
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Initiating a conversation from python telegram bot on scheduled time

I apologise in advance for not providing code. I will try to add it tomorrow but I’m not near it right now and thinking about how to solve this is keeping me up. This is my code currently: #Return ...
Mark Boere's user avatar
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Change image in a BoxLayout when an action occurs in another Box Layout

I have a sort of note-taking app I'm putting together. It has a horizontal BoxLayout which contains an image and another BoxLayout (which happens to be vertical). This embedded BoxLayout contains a ...
Todd Hoatson's user avatar
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How to run several translate animations sequentially with ObjectAnimator?

How to run several translate animations sequentially with ObjectAnimator? I have to animate an image like this -> from the center it moves to the left and then returns to the center, after which it ...
DevMD's user avatar
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Why are the handler values different for variables assigned reactive data within variables declared with computed() in Vue.js?

I am working on a project using Vue.js. In the code below, ListDataList is declared as a computed property, so it is called whenever the reactive data store.getters['management/banners'] assigned to ...
YongHyun Kim's user avatar
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How to write a custom handler for a 404 response even when using a fileServer in Go Chi?

Context: I want a handler to throw the 404 html page even when using a FileServer function to handle views folder. Problem: When I try to send a wrong path to my server (i.e: using Postman), I always ...
DroidZed's user avatar
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How to get the value of the clicked bar in a BarChart (JavaFx)?

I need to get the X and Y axis values of a bar in a JavaFX BarChart when it is clicked, in order to process and save this data. Using the MVC architecture, I have to separate the view containing the ...
DavideH's user avatar
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.Net Maui: How to access Bottom Tabbar as type BottomNavigationView using TabbedViewHandler on android platform?

I am working on a .Net Maui app where I have to retrieve bottom tabs on android. I am using TabbedViewHandler to achieve this. The problem is there is no child in the ViewGroup of TabbedViewHandler ...
Swati Chandra's user avatar
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How to detect if function is called from interrupt handler on RiscV

Dears. I am writing a code in C for RiscV (Microchip PolarFire MPFS). There is a C function that must do additional actions if it is called from an interrupt handler. However, these actions should not ...
Vladimir Tichy's user avatar
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Handling serial communication for data acquisition in MATLAB

I need to capture data from a sensing device from serial port using MATLAB. The program needs to read 500 miliseconds of data (sampled at 1000 Hz) and stay idle until a new data package arrives with ...
joardemu85's user avatar
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How to use BoundFilter in aiogram 3.x

I'm trying to use a custom type of filter like BoundFilter in aiogram 2.x for filtering not allowed characters. But recommended class AllowedCharactersFilter(BoundFilter): async def check(self, ...
Eugene's user avatar
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How to run handlers if one loop item change?

Is it possible to run a handler if a tasks is failing, but ignore_errors? If you have a tasks running in a loop and one element in the loop is failing, notify is ignored. I would like to execute the ...
Acexiis's user avatar
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Go 1.22 net/http group routing

I am creating an API and would like to separate the Endpoints by feature, having seen that the net/http packet has received an update so I wanted to try using it. The /v1/user endpoint gives me ...
Likor's user avatar
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Rotating file handler rolls over incorrectly, overwrites backups

I have a flask application functioning as an API. It's deployed on an NGINX server to 6 different ports. I have a remote log set up to a single location on a different server. It's using ...
HumanzIzDead's user avatar
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Why can't the GET handler function be reached with the new advanced routing in go 1.22?

I'm playing around with the new go 1.22 features, but I can't seem to reach GET "/users/register" handler function and instead receive 404. What is the issue here? snippet from package main: ...
Recovery Email's user avatar
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Why I'm not able to erase text on an EditText running within an Handler?

Here's my code I have within an Activity (API Level 30): EditText loggerText; final Handler handlerLogger = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()); final int delayHandlerLogger = 200; public void ...
markzzz's user avatar
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Spring boot Issue with more than one @RestControllerAdvice having two handler methods for same exception

I have two @RestControllerAdvice classes (ExceptionHandler1 , ExceptionHandler2). Both of them have a handler method which is mapped for SQL exception. I have the access to modify the second ...
Sks's user avatar
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How to "kill" current runnable and start a new one pressing a start/stop android button (and prevent multiple overlapping runnable processes)?

I am struggling with an android button to start/stop a recurrent function, but I couldn't find a suitable solution/explanation after trying to use the handler.postDelayed(), handler....
Paul Smith's user avatar
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How to create an event handler which can access to structure values?

I have a controller (name is "Instance") with a event handler manager. I have some others controllers (the type isn't fixed) which contains some informations. When controller "...
ExtremG's user avatar
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Request Handler Opc Ua Server .NET

I'm developing an Opc Ua Server based on the one which is on the Opc Ua Foundation Repository. The SampleServer file hasn't an OnRead (or something like that) method and I want add one but I don't ...
StefanF00's user avatar
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How to load the jqGrid again with some other data?

I have a webform with two different grid. One grid reload itself(correctly) when the form reload. # In the jqGrid action column, i want that when i click on the edit button the data of the particular ...
Saad Bajwa's user avatar
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Seldaek/monolog NativeMailerHandler not working with DeduplicationHandler

I have a project setup with monolog for error reporting. The code bellow is an example of how its setup. $streamHandler = new StreamHandler( "$_ENV[ROOT_DIR]/logs/app.log", Level::...
Asis's user avatar
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Show statistics (average, std) for data selected using box/lasso select with plotly

I want to show statistics (average, std) for data selected using box/lasso select with Plotly. I am trying to figure it out based on the two following examples, but I am afraid I do not understand ...
Alex Mavrovic's user avatar
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how register next step handler in pyrogram?

I can't find similar method like in telebot, it should be one Time handler to ask user something and after user send something we can work with this update object I tried this code from stackoverflow ...
Denis's user avatar
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No permissions found in manifest for: []9 in Flutter app

I got the following warning on the console although the app works fine. I wonder what is the permission for []9? The following is what I have in the AndroidManifest.xml <manifest xmlns:android=&...
jdevp2's user avatar
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Thread safety of logging to same file using different handlers/logger instances

I am writing a basic Flask application to accept GET requests. It's not relevant how the GET requests are handled, just that everything is happening in one Python process, and that there's just one ...
Ben Cardwell's user avatar
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handlers not working as expected in standard app engine application deployed with terraform

I'm a beginner in App engine and terraform and I'm currently trying to deploy a standard PHP application in app engine using terraform with a GitLab CI pipeline, the app worked fine when deploying it ...
Moundji_25's user avatar
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How can I make custom tabbed page in MAUI?

I created a tabbed page, and I am trying to achieve this kind of Bottom Tab Bar. I manage to do this in Android using TabbedViewHandler, but there is an unwanted white layer behind the custom tab bar,...
UmairAhmadK's user avatar
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How to upload files to the server width media_handle_upload?

I have a problem with creating posts, specifically with uploading post images. The idea is that an unauthorized user submits an application for a contest. After successful payment, I send the form ...
nvrndev's user avatar
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how to Mock handler in kotlin

public void myTesting(){ System.out.println("testing before "); new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()).postDelayed(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { ...
Xuai's user avatar
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Catch exception inside MFC callback function / event handlers

I have an MFC project with a modal dialog. At the begin of my code, I have a try/catch statement and I try to throw exceptions in various place of my code. The exception from OnBnClickedButton1 or ...
Michal Hadraba's user avatar
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How to Mock Handler(Looper) on kotlin unit test

Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()).postDelayed( { println("inside the looper") val firmwareVersion = managerService.getDeviceFirmwareVersion(); ...
Xuai's user avatar
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Supabase: RLS auth.uid() = user_id is false in Next.js route handler

I'm having an issue when in my Next.js application when trying to fetch data via a route handler. My database has a users table that contains an ID called user_id that matches the uid of the ...
Neil Merchant's user avatar
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showModalBottomSheet handler and dismissble

isDismissible: true, //not work showDragHandle:true, //is outside BottomSheet container this two feature dont worked for this bottomsheet void _showBottomSheet(BuildContext context) { ...
Amin Khademi's user avatar
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Why does it write that `is not handled`, despite the fact that it's registered?

I am developing a bot on aiogram python. But the command /sender does not work. Console: 2023-09-19 19:42:22,749 - [INFO] - aiogram.dispatcher - ( - Start polling ...
Marinet's user avatar
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Is it possible in MSW (mock service worker) to passthrough unhandled requests but inspect requests and responses?

Using MSW wrapped around AUT to do the mocking. I want to be able to 'see' the responses for unhandled requests which I currently passthrough. Cant do it using the onUnhandledRequest (res.passthrough()...
Mat Walker's user avatar
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How to Log Validation Exceptions in Laravel 10

I'm trying to track down a very specific issue with an external API making requests to my server. How can I make changes to my exception handler so that request validation exceptions get logged in my ...
BahaMagician's user avatar
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Try to understand handlers function in Go

I was trying to do this practice: from the Golang documentation and I am not understanding something. In the second part of the article, when we started using "...
Ariel Marcelo Pardo's user avatar
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Is there a way to create a handler for the RoundRectangle (sealed) control?

I'm working to migrate a Xamarin forms app to MAUI, as you probably know if you are reading this, MAUI has quite the list of bugs still pending to be solved. I'm using handlers as a way to workaround ...
Andy F's user avatar
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NullPointerException on View Pager getCurrentItem

I am using viewpager for a carousel in my application. it works fine when the app open for the first time, but when coming back from another fragment am getting an error as NullPointerException, I ...
Anees Ani's user avatar

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