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2 answers

WordPress site has error after upgrading to PHP 8.2

I tried to update the PHP of my site on WHM from PHP 7.4 to PHP 8.2. But before updating I make sure that themes, plugins, and core WordPress are up to date. After upgrading to PHP 8.2 I've got this ...
Len's user avatar
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Make jQuery slider change div properties

I'm kind of new to this and I'm using ZURB's twentytwenty plugin. I got it working and everything, but I want the slider to change my .hero properties ( from display: block; to display: none; ) to ...
Overflow_hidden's user avatar
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How can i change a wordpress theme default height?

I'm using twenty twenty theme in word press to bulid website and i cant fit content in the home page cause it had a default height and i can't change it for mobile version if any one can help ?enter ...
Zeiad Samir's user avatar
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Random featured image wordpress

I would like to randomize featured image from selection on my wordpress. I have a chid theme twenty twnenty. I tried several plugins an does't work. I need help!! Thank you
David Satta's user avatar
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How to replace twentytwenty wordpress modal search from header with products search

Here is the code from template-parts/modal-search.php <?php /** * Displays the search icon and modal * * @package WordPress * @subpackage Twenty_Twenty * @since Twenty Twenty 1.0 */ ?> &...
Jack Duldi's user avatar
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Wordpress post background image bleeds through on Category Page

I am using the twentytwenty theme and all my post titles show a strip of the background image behind the title that stretches across the page. Here is a snippet. this is the title of the post and the ...
markanthony's user avatar
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Display Woocommerce Categories on page

Im using woocommerce but Im not building an ecommerce site, its a site that will have a series of marketing images, starting with categories and then working towards a product. So I have a page for ...
Lee Jones's user avatar
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WordPress twentytwenty theme child css not effective

I followed all the instructions to create my child theme. In functions.php, I have: <?php add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'tt_child_enqueue_parent_styles' ); function ...
Sheen's user avatar
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Making a gallery by a twentytwenty plugin

I use a js plugin twentytwenty. It works. But I want to create a gallery by js. But when I try to apply display:block, images are not displayed correctly. This is css of normal picture: #...
Katekot2001's user avatar
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TwentyTwenty JQuery plugin not showing all images. When resizing window all images are shown

I'm trying to build my first website with before / after slider images. I'm using the TwentyTwenty jQuery plugin. When accessing the website, not all images are showing - when I reload or resize the ...
Eduard's user avatar
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twentywenty-handle cannot be selected in IE when part of swiper slide

I was unable to create a codepen to demonstrate this issue (too many dependencies to sort out) so hopefully the description will be enough. I successfully combined swiper.js with twentytwenty for a ...
Vagari's user avatar
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Trying to nest twentytwenty inside a bootstrap carousel

I'm trying to nest multiple instances of the twentytwenty plugin inside of a bootstrap carousel. Here is my code: <div class="row-fluid"> <div id="slideshow" class=...
Novakim's user avatar
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2 answers

How to keep TwentyTwenty.js images in center?

I would like to use TwentyTwenty.js code for comparing images. It all works great except the images are aligned to the left side. How can I keep them in center without explicitly setting width on ...
Marko's user avatar
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twentytwenty js | positioning of an <img>

I'm working on a Website and there is a case of a "before-after" animation which i did with twentytwenty js. It works fine everywhere except for one page, where the after image(right side) doesn't ...
CodingPanda's user avatar
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Using jQuery plugin within directive $(window).load

At the moment I'm trying to use this plugin within a AngularJS Directive. When I load my application for the first time everything works fine, but since the ...
Kevin's user avatar
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Responsive image inside bootstrap modal - not showing until I resize the window

I'm using the TwentyTwenty jQuery library to allow me to have 2 images with a before and after slider, and I want to display these inside a Bootstrap modal. However once I click on the thumbnail ...
Chris's user avatar
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