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Insert HTML Table Below Featured Image in Certain Catagory Posts in Wordpress

I am trying to display a table below the feature image in a certain post category. What I want to do is add create a separate PHP file that would display the table below (simplified version) into the ...
Tony Laubach's user avatar
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Wordpress Custom Post Order and Category

I have a few issues I am running into. I have created a custom post in wordpress called Events. I have a way to add a new one and view all events as well as category. When I view all custom post pages ...
X_JuDaH_X's user avatar
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My WordPress post container starts from Row1 coulmn2

My WordPress post first row and first column goes blank and it starts from second column. In the pictures I selected 4 columns but it starts filling content from second column as screenshot I expect ...
Jyoti's user avatar
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How do I get the existing "Tag" taxonomy to show on Wordpress Posts?

Visual Example of what I'm talking about. I need to show the "Tags" taxonomy on the Posts for my website. I've already tried disabling every plugin and that didn't work. I tried registering ...
khalu2's user avatar
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404 error on all other pages except page one in WordPress pagination on category page for posts created programmatically

I am fetching YouTube feed from api in WordPress and creating posts from that data, assigning it "videos" category. I am facing a problem in pagination in category pages only for this ...
HJC's user avatar
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Hugo website not render recent posts and featured posts

I have problem about posts ( not updated ) with tags , featured, recents posts . Everything worked before after that i have this issue. There is no problem on local but when i deploy my website online ...
Nedjma Média's user avatar
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How to add multiple custom post types under one page?

I'd like to add multiple custom post types under the setting: Posts page: then display 2 post pages. I want to show all the resources posts and jobs posts which are both custom post types?
Lauren's user avatar
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Blogger next previous navigations missing

I am trying to add next and previous posts to the free theme in blogger, I can see the buttons using css but they are unresponsive. I have used a lot of codes available online but none of them are ...
yesmehsj's user avatar
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Get category related only to the current single-post

I'd like to ask for help. I don't know if its possible. I have a "single-teams.php" custom post type, there I'm using a foreach get_posts loop and I would like to showcase only the related ...
regga's user avatar
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Get spcific parts of post wordpress

So what im trying to do is to only get specific parts of my post to be shown. Post Eg. <h3>Heading</h3> <p>Text about heading<p> <h3>Heading-2</h3> <p>Some ...
Misterjozni's user avatar
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How to filter tags by category in WordPress?

I am trying to filter the tags depending on which category you are on. For example if I clicked on 'Bespoke Legacy Support' which has three posts: Post One - Tag: Artificial Intelligence Post Two - ...
Craig's user avatar
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Wordpress category post count wrong

I’m working on updating the blog I started about my daughter before she was born and she’s 13 now. When I started, it didn’t occur to me to set up post categories so visitors could just to link to the ...
Stephen Peters's user avatar
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Change WordPress post category for multiple posts with SQL

I have a WordPress site with hundreds of posts that have the category 'Uncategorized'. What I need to do is take these 'Uncategorized' posts and assign them to a category by the year they were ...
Stephen Peters's user avatar
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Widget "Archive Posts" doesn't pull posts on the homepage

Good afternoon, everyone! I have a question regarding WordPress, and I would greatly appreciate it if someone could help me out. Here's the situation: I created an archive in the Elementor Theme ...
Luiz Berlandi's user avatar
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Trying to create a custom post blog for an archive section at my wordpress website

any help would be amazing. I am working on a custom theme for WordPress and trying to create a new section in my dashboard to add custom posts for an archive. and is not working. It seems to be all ...
Ivan Bezerra's user avatar
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Sorting Posts by Custom Field is not working properly in WordPress

I have WordPress posts and I have Boolean Advanced Custom Field for each, which changes the status of being featured for each university post. So when outputting them, I want to show the featured ones ...
Nuriddin Gulamov's user avatar
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Navigating TCS Tracking: Challenges and Solutions?

The TCS tracking system, while generally reliable, may encounter occasional challenges that users should be aware of. Some common issues include delayed tracking updates, inaccurate delivery status ...
Eleanor Isabella's user avatar
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Can we have a custom filter to show posts based on year & month & day on WORDPRESS?

I want to have a custom filter which simply shows all posts when I select year and/or month and/or day from any page? Wordpress already have archive page where is show posts based on year/month/day. I ...
Abhay Vishwakarma's user avatar
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WordPress query inside query weird behaviour

So I'm trying to add card for ad after second post in the loop, it's loading fine but somehow main query is making card for that same post from different post type... Main query: <?php //query to ...
COBNETCKNN's user avatar
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How to create/add a image (cloudinary) in a migration table?

I am currently working on a travel Webpage and I don't know how to create or add images on my migration table. I want to create a Posts section like any other social media platform where you can add ...
gitaddBella's user avatar
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Filtering through Wordpress Posts using a Month data format in Vue.js

I am wondering what is the best way to filtering through Wordpress Posts using a Month data formate in Vue.Js I get my data through WP_JSON posts, which is great but i need to create a dropdown that ...
matt1993's user avatar
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How to use LinkedIn API to get Post Analysis Data (Impressions, Reactions, Engagement Rate)?

When you have posted something on LinkedIn and click on "show statistics" you can see several KPIs (e.g. Impressions, Engagement Rate, Reactions, etc.). I feel pretty dumb to ask this here, ...
blue's user avatar
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Adding '/blog/' to only posts and redirects old url to new

I am planning to change permalinks to my blog to include '/blog/' to only posts. But issue is with redirect old urls (without /blog/) to new (with /blog/). Can someone help with this?
yuvin's user avatar
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where to add if then else to WordPress page in any of the WordPress editors?

where to put the code or do I need a plugin? videos link to a videos page created in wordpress and need to show the if it has posts else "Sorry nothing found" <?php $args = array( '...
student101's user avatar
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React Native posts user's page vs all posts (newsfeed) page

Below is my user's model. Note that posts is set as an array. You may ignore everything else, I've only included the rest to eliminate any confusion: User.js const mongoose = require('mongoose') ...
jedihomeslice's user avatar
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Can we get posts data using #hashtags from Linkedin

I have extensively reviewed the documentation for API v2 and could not locate any references to hashtags. Therefore, I am curious to know if it is feasible to obtain public posts, from both ...
Maaz Irfan's user avatar
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change the value of posts_per_page on mobile screen

I have this code: $args = array('post_type' => 'development', 'posts_per_page' => 1, 'order' => 'ASC'); $loop = new wp_query($args); while ($loop->have_posts()) : $loop->the_post(); ?&...
yami S's user avatar
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Get all posts by specific author - wordpress

I need to get all posts created by a specific author. For example, all the posts created by author 'test'. For each post I need the post title, description and featured image. Can anyone help? if(...
tomhuckle's user avatar
-1 votes
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Mysql table for forum posts: can size be a problem?

Seeking general thoughts/advise, and links to books/resources are greatly appreciated! I am building a forum where for each topic there are posts, replies to posts, replies to the replies and so on ...
dan's user avatar
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Trying to make a sortable column in Wordpress to report the number of words in a post

I am trying to make a sortable column in Wordpress to report the number of words in a post. The code successfully. Can you tell me what is wrong with this code? add_filter('manage_posts_columns', '...
Mel Christie's user avatar
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Only show posts from a certain subcategory

Im using this php code on my page to show subcategories, and when click on certain subcategory should redirect to posts that have that subcategory: <?php wp_list_categories( array( 'taxonomy' => ...
thefreenor's user avatar
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Wordpress: using posts from a older version in a fresh installed new one

I have a Wordpress website (v 6.1.1) and I want to develop a new site with a fresh installation of Wordpress. So that there is no interruption in the service, I want to install the new version of ...
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Why is pagination in wordpress not working?

It was previously working but now for some reasons the button "2" and "next page" seem not working anymore. Any help? These are only settings i touched.
Francesco's user avatar
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Show events as per Custom posts date Elementor

Iam using PODs Plugin to create Custom post type "event_calendar". This "event_calendar" contain custom field called "event_date". Iam displaying these events on the ...
Yasir Altaf's user avatar
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WordPress - Order posts by custom fields (PHP)

I would like to order my posts primarily by 'start_date', and secondly by 'start_time' (for posts that have the same 'start_date'). I only know how to order one or the other. Please help!
Raven Rabbit's user avatar
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Show posts from specific user only ? - Wordpress

I've managed to find the below snippet which hides all posts excepts the ones made by the current user when added to functions.php However, I want to make this also allow posts from a specific user ID,...
Hathrox's user avatar
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Modifying Archive Widget in Wordpress so that it shows only posts from current category

I was not able to find the exact solution here, so I'm posting a question. So, I need a code that will turn Archive widget on every page to show only the pages/posts that are inside of the category on ...
Damir Loncaric's user avatar
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Use only the woocommerce product category for posts and products

In woocommerce/includes/class-wc-post-types.php Line 51 and 85, I change: apply_filters( 'woocommerce_taxonomy_objects_product_cat', array( 'product' ) ), to apply_filters( '...
Farhan Shah's user avatar
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Create button to update in django posts with javascript fetch

I have an html that displays user's posts. At the same time, the post model is accessible via fetch (javascript). I want to create a button to update the content of the posts that django shows but ...
Rodolfo Schiavi's user avatar
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WordPress show title and subtitle(custom field) for password protected posts at archive without adding password

How to show the title and subtitle(Custom field) for password-protected posts in WordPress without adding a password in the archive? Now it is showing "This content is password protected" as ...
Bilawal Zafar's user avatar
-3 votes
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How To Display Featured Posts From Multiple Blogs in Shopify?

I have multiple blogs on my Shopify site. I'm trying to display posts from ALL blogs on the site in the featured section on the homepage. However, when I attempt to select them in the admin area, it ...
Andrew in Code's user avatar
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PHP Select posts within a date range

I am a WP developer with just little if none knowledge of PHP. Yet I have to use a code snippet on a website to select posts with a date within a range. Browsing around I found the following but I see ...
Davide Bellucci's user avatar
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Problem with sort order posts per current category

This is my first question on stackoverflow. I have problem with sorting posts. I write small plugin to sort posts alphabetically. It's work ok. There is a code: function wpb_custom_query( $query ) { ...
MadRatEvo's user avatar
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How to show the week before posts from "You may have missed" post section in WP blog with PHP

I am working on my WordPress blog and in the footer area I have a slider that consists of 4 posts. That slider is called "You may have missed" and currently it is showing the latest posts. ...
ejakub's user avatar
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Creating shareable media react-native

I'm trying to create a react-native app, from which the users will be able to create shareable 'posts'. I want these posts to be shareable by link so other users can interact with them. Does anybody ...
KoalaMaybe's user avatar
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how to change post header title/heading on default blog posts-page

It seems like my theme has a "feature" that changes my normal page header when i set a default post-page. Every time I set a default page for the blog-posts (readings: set page for the posts-...
sumosteve's user avatar
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How to insert an html tag in the object's body of a blog post in react?

I'm creating a blog using React and I would like to add a <br /> tag inside the body key of my posts's array. For example: body: "JavaScript is the world most popular <br/> ...
pipiotte's user avatar
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how to remove post "categories" from showing up on the the hamburger/toggle menu in wordpress

I'm trying to find some CSS to help me stop having "post page categories" from showing up on the hamburger/toggle menu on wordpress. For example here, i'm making and when the ...
sumosteve's user avatar
3 votes
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Linked-in webp support

As of this article posted in 2021, it looks like webp is not supported for Linked-In posts: I have a website with webp compressed images and my images are not ...
Jason O's user avatar
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Using a counter in WP_query to display posts in different DIVs

I am trying to display 11 posts per page, in this order 1-3-2-3-2. I think the easiest way is to use a counter, I know how it works in general but I haven't done it with a query before, so any help is ...
uroborosfault's user avatar

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