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Send Email When the Distribution Agent or Log Reader Agent STOPS (intentionally or unintentionally)

I want to send an email to the operators when the distribution agent or Log Reader SQL jobs STOP I have transactional replication on my 2008R2 server to 2012 distribution server to 2012 Subscriber ...
user25935915's user avatar
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Cannot get Log Reader Agent to run on Azure SQL Managed Instance

I configured Azure SQL Managed Instance for transactional replication, it is a publisher with local distributor. I got it set up and the snapshot agent runs successfully, but the log reader agent is ...
Greg's user avatar
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Error 'The transaction log for database is full due to 'LOG_BACKUP' during replication

I've set up replications on the database server. DatabaseA is to be replicated to another server. While executing the distribution agent, I get the following error message. The transaction log for ...
Dmitriy Ryabin's user avatar
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Cannot use a CONTAINS or FREETEXT predicate on table or indexed view 'MetadataConcepts' because it is not full-text indexed

I have two SQL Servers, a master and a backup. I am trying to activate transactional database replication. I created a local publication of the database, on the backup server I created a subscription ...
user24191753's user avatar
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WSFC with SQL transactional replication issue

On my UAT environment, I have 2 nodes, WSFC and SQL transactional replication is setup. Sometime we failover From Node A (Active) to Node B (passive), when Node B becomes active after I failover the ...
user3625272's user avatar
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DB Replicating from different publisher to a sing subscriber

I have 3 databases on a SQL server instance - DataBase_A - DataBase_B - DataBase_C Each database have 3 tables, that are identical in their schema, but different in their data content - Table 1 - ...
Dmitriy Ryabin's user avatar
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SQL Server replication: Need to remove articles from the publication

I am replicating the data from the Database1 on Server1 to respectively, Database2 on Server2. Now, the requirement is to remove certain tables form being replicated - so I will remove them from the ...
Dmitriy Ryabin's user avatar
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What does the value 30 indicate in the type column in the MSrepl_commands table?

Result Set of MSrepl_commands I want to infer that whether its a insert/update/delete command . We need to check at day end the amount of data replicated per article by the transactional replication. ...
BK Shailender's user avatar
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Access error when running alter table on the table that is being replicated

I have the replication set up on the SQL Server from ServerName to ServerName2 The replication folder is shared as \\ServerName\repldata and Replication snapshot-agent runs under the windows account ...
Dmitriy Ryabin's user avatar
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Table refresh from Azure SQL database to on-premise SQL Server database

I have a similar requirement but the other way. I.e I have a table in an Azure SQL database, which we need to copy data from the Azure SQL database to an on-premise SQL Server database. The table ...
vikranth reddy's user avatar
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Disable Replication, Keep Replicated Tables?

I have transactional replication set up between Database1 and Database2 using SQL Server 2017. About 20 tables are being replicated to Database2, a few of them are pretty large. I would like to ...
user2608654's user avatar
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Adding a new article in Transactional replication when subscription replica is setup using AWS DMS services

How do I add a new table to an existing transaction replication on SQL server 2017 where secondary replica is setup using AWS DMS service?. While setting up we have only created distribution and ...
Aditya Sawant's user avatar
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Transactional replication on dedicated server using AG Listener

I have dedicated server to setup transactional replication. i want to replicate 3 tables only Availability Database. The tricky part is, I want my transactional replication to continue automatically ...
zul nasir's user avatar
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Change Data Capture and Transactional Replication Conflict

When trying to activate the Change Data Capture (CDC) feature, and there is already a Transactional Replication solution running in the SQL Server Instance, a conflict is generated. We tried stopping ...
roipgca's user avatar
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Log Reader fails: sp_replcmds procedure was called with the wrong number of parameters

After upgrading distributor to 2022 version, It turned out that for one distribution db replication doesn't work correctly and for second one everything is as it should be, Log readers fail with: ...
Mikhail Karatkevich's user avatar
-1 votes
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SQL Replication - Many Publishers to One Subscriber - Clustered Key

We have a number of SQL instances which have the same structure. Transactional replication has been set up to publish these into a single Subscriber. (A data warehouse scenario.) We are using MS SQL ...
ColinA's user avatar
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Redshift to redshift ongoing sync using AWS data pipeline

We would like to explore the possibility of replicating 'some of the tables' our data warehouse on AWS Redshift into another Redshift cluster in an ongoing manner. Don't ask me why as the reasons ...
rk0905's user avatar
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SQL Server replication/redirection for heavy jobs

Need some sanity check. Imagine having 1 SQL Server instance, a beefy system (i.e 48GB of RAM and tons of storage). Obviously there comes a point where it gets hammered in a situation where there are ...
Ahmed ilyas's user avatar
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SQL Configure Distribution Connection Issue

I am trying to configure the distribution of SQL Server (2016). This is an Azure SQL VM. However, when doing so I get the following error: TITLE: Configure Distribution Wizard -------------------------...
a.powell's user avatar
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Replicat Abended with ORA-02290: check constraint (TABLE_NAME.CHK_JSON) violated

We see the below in my Discard file - NOTE: I can see the record in my source db. CI Error ORA-02002: error while writing to audit trail ORA-22275: invalid LOB locator specified ORA-02290: check ...
Savio Coelho's user avatar
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Why are read-only nodes called read-only in the case of data store replication?

I was going through the article, which says, "If separate read and write databases are used, they must be kept in sync". ...
Arvind Kumar Avinash's user avatar
-1 votes
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SQL Data Replication - Get data into one table from multiple tables

I have 2 databases on different servers globaly. Both database has these 4 tables in it Orders : id, customerid, orderNumber Products: id, productCode Customer: id, customername Orderdetails: id, ...
Sarah's user avatar
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SQL Server Transactional Replication - Can propagation of schema changes and data changes be controlled?

In transaction replication, if schema changes happen first and then the data changes, will it happen the same way in subscriber as well? If no, is there a way to control the order?
sagar pant's user avatar
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Transactional publication with updatable subscriptions is missing SSMS 2017

I am trying to create a transactional replication with updatable subscription in SQL Server Management Studio 2017 , meaning changes will be replicated from the publisher to the subscriber and vice ...
digital_fiasco's user avatar
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Distribution Cleanup failure

The [Distribution Cleanup: Distribution] job, which removes replicated transactions from the distribution database, failed due to an error when executing the sp_MSdelete_publisherdb_trans procedure. I ...
Anton Grig's user avatar
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The process could not execute 'sp_replcmds' on '********'. (Source: MSSQL_REPL, Error number: MSSQL_REPL20011)

Yes, I know this issue is scattered all over the Internet, but none quite deal with my issue. Both Publisher and Subscriber are SQL Server 2017 on Windows Server 2016. The Log Reader fails with the ...
Steiner's user avatar
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MS SQL Server - initial data anonymization for replicated database

I have 2 SQL Server databases - publisher and subscriber. Since the subscriber is being used for statistics I have to provide anonymization for some records. My idea is to: Load data into the replica ...
Maciej Skrzypiński's user avatar
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Are transactions logged to WAL if there is no change in PostgreSQL?

I'm trying to find out whether changes are reflected on the WAL (write ahead log) files if there is no change to a row. To test it, I create a replication slot in PostgreSQL to capture changes. Here ...
D. Jones's user avatar
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What is the best way to replicatedata from Oracle Goldengate Onpremise to AWS (SQL or NOSQL)?

What is the best way to replicate data from Oracle Goldengate On premise to AWS (SQL or NOSQL)?
sebanazarian's user avatar
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SQL Server transactional replication cannot copy non-clustered index

As mentioned in the title, I have been trying to include the non-clustered index on my transactional replication. When I created the publication, I have checked the option for "copy nonclustered ...
Mark's user avatar
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memory mapped file write failed in SQL Server Replication

I am getting the error "memory mapped file write failed" while trying to run Snap Shot Agent in Transactional Replication. Snap shot works fine if the table is having only a few hundreds of ...
Rahul Indian's user avatar
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SQL Server Transactional Replication - Error number: 213 - Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition

I have an issue with Transactional Replication which I am struggling to resolve. This is the error: Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition. (Source: SQL Server, ...
Shown Sunny's user avatar
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Large table performance in SQL server

For one of our application, we have really large volume SQL table which has 100 million rows and we are using Azure SQL managed instance. On daily basis users will either insert new records or updates ...
Venkat's user avatar
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Transactional Replication from SQL Server 2008R2 to SQL Server 2017

I wanted to ask about Your experience related to set up a Transactional replication between SQL SERVER 2008R2 (publisher) and SQL SERVER 2017 (subscriber). I know that this is not supported by ...
Krzysiek SQLKB's user avatar
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Bug with transactional replication when databases are not in same collation

We have set up Transactional Replication in which Publisher and Subscriber side databases are put under the same SQL Servers. Publisher database collation along with column-level collation is ...
Murali Dhar Darshan's user avatar
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Transactional Replication setup without truncating or dropping the subscriber database tables

Let's say in SQL Server, I have a publisher database DatabaseA and I created a copy of it and restored it into another SQL Server with the name DatabaseB. Now, if I want to setup the Transactional ...
Murali Dhar Darshan's user avatar
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Issue with scripting out subscriptions using Windows PowerShell

I am trying to script out the replication objects via PowerShell using Microsoft.SqlServer.Rmo.dll. The replication type is transactional with push subscriptions. I have been able to script out ...
sagar pant's user avatar
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SQL Replication 'The process could not connect to Distributor' between vps and laptop

I have 1 SQL server 2017 in London (VPS) and I connect with remote on port 1413 with 'sa' user , that work perfect. I config Distributor and Publisher successfully as shown as on server B : And ...
henrry's user avatar
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Not able to add distributor while configuring transactional replication

I need to setup transactional replication, the publisher is SQL Server 2012 Enterprise edition and the distributor is SQL Server 2017 Standard edition. I am trying to add the distributor, from the ...
Iftekhar Ilm's user avatar
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Need to replicate stored procedure changes, but not new columns in SQL Server transactional replication

I have a couple of SQL Server 2016 machines, using transactional replication to replicate a portion of the database to a remote server. It is critical that we control what columns are replicated to ...
Bigpimpdaddy's user avatar
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Is it safe to turn on Delayed Durability on a transaction replication subscriber?

In a transaction replication environment with a publisher SQL Server that receives frequent inserts and updates from an application and a subscriber SQL Server with pull replication jobs, is it safe ...
Collin B.'s user avatar
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Transactional Replication failing between SQL Server 2012 and SQL Server 2016 versions

As per the Microsoft documentation - A Subscriber to a transactional publication can be any version within two versions of the Publisher version. For example: a SQL Server 2012 (11.x) Publisher can ...
Sqldev's user avatar
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AWS Database Migration Service causing problem - SQL Server as Source

I have a problem using the AWS Database Migration Service for implementing a transactional replication from SQL Server as a source database engine, a help is highly appreciated. The 'safeguardPolicy' ...
tOpsDvp's user avatar
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Why am I getting the error "Cannot drop the database 'test' because it is being used for replication. Error: 3724"?

I deleted all the publications and subscriptions related to the database 'test'. All I have now are the publications and subscriptions related to other databases in the server. Still, It says "Cannot ...
manikanta nvsr's user avatar
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Replication issue after server restart

We restarted both the publisher database & subscription database (distributor & subscription are on same database). All the replications process has stopped like daily, weekly & ...
BGSU_OH's user avatar
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One way DB synchronization using mssql Replication

I am doing DB synchronization via MSSQL Replication utility which is performing well to me. Now my objective: after transfer data to destination DB's table, remove transferred data from the source DB'...
NeoAsh's user avatar
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Azure Managed instance failover with transnational replication

I have two azure SQL managed instances in different region and configured fail-over group between the same MI instances. Also configured the transactional replication between on-prem sql \ Azure IaaS ...
ravi kumar's user avatar
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Snapshot backup size increase after starting transactional replication

The size of the snapshot backups went from 1.6 GB to 16 GB one week later after starting transactional replication. Does anyone know why this might be happening? I'm using SQL Server 2017.
jbnunez's user avatar
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Exception when starting Snapshot Agent when setting up database replication

I am trying to set up replication between databases. I followed this tutorials:
Michał Turczyn's user avatar
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The subscription status of the object could not be changed

I have set up a transactional replication then I'm tying to generate new snapshot but this error is appearing: Error messages: Message: The subscription status of the object could not be changed. ...
Judy's user avatar
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