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Telerik OpenAccess: Change operation canceled by user [duplicate]

I'm working on a C# application, using Telerik OpenAccess to perform modifications on an SQL-Server database. While trying to set the status of an object ("Status" is one of the columns in ...
Dominique's user avatar
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Why is my transaction log full of LOP_LOCK_XACT? [closed]

I have recently experienced a strange issue with one of our sql server staging databases, whereby the transaction log and log backups suddenly grew around a hundredfold in size, causing a disk space ...
Blimbeard's user avatar
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Add Tlog columns in target table (AWS DMS CDC task)

I have a DMS task for cdc running and working fine. Source and target both are MSSQL. I can see the changed data in target table however, I want additional tlog columns which will give me information ...
Amit Bhopte's user avatar
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Error 'The transaction log for database is full due to 'LOG_BACKUP' during replication

I've set up replications on the database server. DatabaseA is to be replicated to another server. While executing the distribution agent, I get the following error message. The transaction log for ...
Dmitriy Ryabin's user avatar
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Read transactions using fn_dblog after a full backup and server restart

I need to retrieve transaction log data from a specific day or time in the past, even after executing a full backup and restarting the server. While I have utilized fn_dblog and DBCC TRACEON(2537,-1) ...
RD Seeker's user avatar
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How does Write Ahead Logs work in conjunction with inserting with STDIN CSV in Postgres?

I'm curious for how the WAL works when I load a CSV file with COPY persons(first_name, last_name, dob, email) FROM 'C:\sampledb\persons.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER; So if, for example, I'm ...
Peter Mølgaard Pallesen's user avatar
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Understanding delta lake reconciliation after concurrent writes

This doc explains atomicity in delta lake using trasaction logs. I am curious about the section in the image below. Specifically point number 4 It checks to see whether any new commits have been ...
Ashwin's user avatar
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how to find an update on transaction log SQL Server

This canned software that allows users to update all fields from an article and the only audit I got is who modified a particular record, but no audit record about what fields. There is a policy that ...
German's user avatar
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SQL Transaction Log Full when running ShrinkFile SQL Server

I am having an issue with DB Log Full and going through all the things trying to figure out why this is happening. I have of course implemented the backup here. I run the backup commands for the ...
Ken's user avatar
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Finding LSN from a given time in SQL Server when CDC is disabled

How do we find out a LSN given a timestamp given that CDC is disabled ? I know that in case when CDC is enabled it can be done via fn_cdc_map_time_to_lsn stored procedure but is there a way to get to ...
Ravi Jain's user avatar
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Postgreql wal archive keeps failing: archive command failed with exit code 1

I have a file that keeps failing to archive. The failed archive command was: test ! -f /mnt/wal_archive/archivedir/00000001000003F000000072 && cp pg_wal/00000001000003F000000072 /mnt/...
Paulo's user avatar
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Tempdb transaction log full

Unable to connect to SQL Server because: 'tempdb transaction log was full due to active transaction'. There was no way to login to SQL Server to troubleshoot. only option was to restart SQL Server. ...
anu's user avatar
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SQL Server Clear transaction log [duplicate]

I have a database that is in Full Recovery Mode that I restored from a backup file Now I want to clear/truncate the transaction log file. How I can do this. Step 1 I tried to backup the transaction ...
dana's user avatar
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How to correctly estimate the transaction logs used in one INSERT operation for SQL Server?

I plan to insert large amount of records (hundred thousands of rows containing blob PDF data) into a table (one time) and I would like to make sure the disk the database is on has enough space ...
Tony Chen's user avatar
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Is uncompressed transaction log file restore process faster then compressed in SQL SERVER

I am writing process to ship transaction log files from production SQL server to Read Only SQL Server. I am compressing transaction log in source DB, coping file to destination and restoring into Read ...
Otar Melia's user avatar
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How to watch a SQL Server transaction log?

I need to watch the SQL Server transaction log and execute some actions when specific changes happen. Is this possible? Using regular database triggers is not an option at the moment. EDIT: The need ...
Jonathan's user avatar
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SQL Server: how to get the values before update from transaction log?

I mistakenly update a record in SQL server, is there any way to view the value before update? As the transaction log is still here, can this value be viewed from the transaction log? Thanks.
hosir's user avatar
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How to convert 8 byte datetime from fn_dblog() details in [Log Content 0] into a C# DateTime object?

I've deleted a row of data that was inserted recently. Rather than restore and roll forward a second copy of this huge DB to retrieve the inserted data, I'm trying to use the fn_dblog() "...
Brian B's user avatar
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SQL Server Transaction Log Backup File

I am using SQL Server 2016. I have setup SQL Agent for Full backup (Weekly) and Transaction Log backup (Daily). Backup transaction log into a single file using: BACKUP LOG [XXX] TO DISK = N'E:\SQLDB\...
redsimon's user avatar
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Get primary key(s) from fn_dblog update transaction

I need to get the primary key(s) of an updated row from SQL Server transaction logs obtained via fn_dblog. As I can see, when the Operation is either LOP_MODIFY_ROW or LOP_MODIFY_COLUMNS, the [RowLog ...
Babu James's user avatar
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How to increase db2 transaction log size in docker container

i have a db2 luw running in a docker container. How can I increase the increase transaction log size of it. I tried to run "db2 connect to UEQ1D" in the docker Container cli. But docker gives the ...
Trinity's user avatar
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Partial recovery SQLServer transaction log

I have database 1 and database 2 on SQLServer2014. Database 2 is a complete backup of database 2. Every day I would like to restore on database 2 only a part of the transactions performed during the ...
xc93hil's user avatar
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Why am I seeing Sql Error 1105 in my Azure Sql Database?

I have a database hosted in Azure Sql and am seeing a critical 1105 error. This error occurs whenever my transaction needs more space than is available in the transaction log. According to the ...
Matt Mangold's user avatar
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SQL Server: How to decode rowlog content?

How can I decode the rowlog content 0, or content 1 which is obtained through fn_dblog() into a readable form? I mean for an update log I want to decode the updated value from content 1 and previous ...
goodfella's user avatar
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SQL Large Insert Transaction log full Error

I am trying to insert almost 1,75,00,000 in 8 tables. I have stored procedure for that. At the start and end of that procedure, I have written Transaction. Error: The transaction log for database '...
Sanman Chavan's user avatar
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How sql will rollback the data after minimum log operations?

I am reading about minimal logs and I have confused about this sentence. Minimal logging involves logging only the information that is required to recover a transaction without supporting point-in-...
Jon's user avatar
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Is there a way to automate the deletion of db2 transaction log files and archive log files when storage filled up to a given level?

I do manually the deletion of db2 transaction log files and archive log files when storage filled up to a given level? But I need to automate this. Is there a way or script to automate this?
Sandun Dayananda's user avatar
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Very Low "Used Log Space Percentage" for SQL Server database transaction file

Prologue I have always read/observed that we should not shrink database file as they tend to grow back. There will be a performance penalty when DB will try to grow these files if there is not ...
UVData's user avatar
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The transaction log for database is full due to 'log_backup' / (Log)LDF file 4 times bigger than (Data)MDF

Of course I found many posts to the problem of "log_backup". But my question is now: what is the right / correct / professional way to handle this kind of problem? My database file is approx 20GB, ...
Mr.Saw's user avatar
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Transaction Log Backup fails with "Exclusive access could not be obtained because the database is in use"

I am attempting a Log Shipping failover test and the step which is intended to put the database into restoring mode is failing with the error "Exclusive access could not be obtained because the ...
Marathon_Nick's user avatar
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How to shrink log file in SQL Server after unknown period of not being backed up?

I recently took over management of a database that has been in use for 2-3 years, and it had no transaction log maintenance plan in place. The DB file is 8 GB, but the transaction log file is a ...
Thomas Glosser's user avatar
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Transaction Log in Aerospilke

What I have? A lot of different microservices managing by different teams. All microservices persist data in Aerospike database. What I want to achieve? I'm building new microservice that relies on ...
Serge Harnyk's user avatar
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How do i see "INSERT" Transaction log in Microsoft SQL Server?

I am trying to find out how does my script from another system insert into the database as it takes 30 minutes, way too long. I want to see how every record in which period is being inserted. The ...
B.Dick's user avatar
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Postgres archiving is not functioning as intended, anyone have any suggestions?

I have streaming setup between two servers master/slave and that is working fine. The archive portion is half working. It just keeps creating archive and doesn't delete older ones. Can anyone suggest ...
Cenzo's user avatar
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SSIS active log transaction issue

I have 13 different table to import to different server and each table there are about 30 millions records and including one which has 90 million records. I tried one load for one table in SSIS for 50 ...
Dijal's user avatar
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Transaction log is full (due to NOTHING)... but this database is in simple recovery mode

I'm supporting an antedeluvian webapp (soon to be retired) that still uses "aspnetdb" for its auth system. I was doing some work in prep for its retirement on my test environment, when I found my ...
Pxtl's user avatar
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In terms of transaction log, what is the difference between SQL Bulk Insert and SQL Insert after changing the Recovery model to Bulk Logged?

In terms of transaction log, What is the difference between 'SQL Bulk Insert' and 'SQL Insert after changing the Recovery model to Bulk Logged'?
variable's user avatar
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Update Query Transaction Log

How can I find out what triggers are fired and what sql functions (system+user) are called or what views are updated and what all tables got updated when i fire a update query in ssms? Basically, I ...
Rahul Dev's user avatar
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nHibernate transaction logging

Our application uses nHibernate, and there is a requirement to log all changes to a certain table. I don't need to log the entire queries generated by the ORM, just the data and the date. For example,...
dzenesiz's user avatar
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Transaction log file size carry over when performing a backup on another SQL Server

Our production server has a large .ldf file (300 gb) associated with a .mdf file. On our DEV server, we restore the DEV database using the production backup from time to time. As our DEV server should ...
Brian Tran's user avatar
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Transaction log gets full [closed]

We are on SQL Server 2016. Our recovery mode is FULL. Auto-growth is set to 4GB. Drive size is 1TB. Transaction log backup frequency is 2 hours. We have an issue with the transaction log getting full ...
Newbie's user avatar
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Performance: Create indices after or before converting from UNLOGGED to LOGGED?

I'm working on a software that initially populates tables with a lot of data (bulk mode), after which it switches to "normal" mode of operation. To make bulk mode fast, I'm starting with UNLOGGED ...'s user avatar
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Both tempdb and database transacton log full

We saw some substantial log growth on both tempdb and one of the user databases. Our database is in Snapshot isolation and we take transaction log backups every 15 minute. First 'TL log full error ...
Nish's user avatar
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What's the relationship between checksum and full page image?

Recently, I learned some about PostgreSQL data checksum and feel confused about the relationship between checksum and full page image. As the following comment said at: If we need to protect hint ...
inferno's user avatar
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SQL Server Log full due to active transaction

I have been trying to update a column in a table and I am getting the below error: The transaction log for database 'STAGING' is full due to 'ACTIVE_TRANSACTION'. I am trying to run the below ...
Doodle's user avatar
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Minimizing Pre Staging DB Transaction Log growth

I have an app that loads data from a csv file into a pre-staging table and then performs some operations on it by calling some SPs before moving to staging: The data is truncated before inserts are ...
Nimchip's user avatar
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Transaction log filling the drive if mirroring fails

I am having two mirrored SQL Server 2016 machines with mirroring set up. This is supposed to be hot-standby scheme. HDD size is 1TB, and database size is around 600GB (just one DB). This is 90 days ...
D.T's user avatar
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AWS RDS Postgresql Transaction logs keep going when there is no data change?

You can have see these problem
jiamo's user avatar
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Is Event Hub's intended to be used for Event Sourcing / append-only log architectures

Event Hubs don't let you store messages longer than 7 (maybe up to 30) days. What is Azure's suggested architecture for PaaS Event Sourcing with these limitations? If it's Event Hub + snapshotting, ...
randomsolutions's user avatar
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Is it safe to delete virtuoso.trx?

I just looked into one of our Virtuoso db directories and noticed that virtuoso.db is not the biggest file there -- virtuoso.trx (transaction log) is. Assuming that I am happy with the data in ...
amphibient's user avatar
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