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Datasync hanging when nullable date is NULL

I'm having trouble with nullable dates. At first my model included this field: public DateTime CompletedDateTime { get; set; } When I changed it to... public DateTime? CompletedDateTime { get; set; }...
iPaul's user avatar
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Azure DataSync tables not showing up

I'm trying to set up Azure SQL DataSync to go from Azure to a locally hosted SQL DB. I've set up the hub and member dbs no problem. When I try to get a list of tables to sync on the hub DB, I get ...
Rob Marsh's user avatar
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How to make SwaggerUI document POST parameters for CommunityToolkit's Datasync framework

I want to build a solution that consists of these parts: API Offline enabled Avalonia Client Admin website I set up a test implementation of CommunityToolkit.Datasync.Server and inspected the ...
nitech's user avatar
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How to create notifications for Azure Data Sync errors or different way to schedule replication of Azure SQL data to on prem SQL Server?

We have a database in Azure SQL Server that we want to replicate continually to an On-Prem 2019 SQL Server. We are using Azure Data Sync but it fails every once in a while and we can't find out how to ...
daniel yunker's user avatar
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How to check and change Sync Direction in SQL Data Sync for Azure?

I created one direction flow (from member to hub) in SQL Data Sync for Azure. Would it be possible to change it later to bi-directional? I cannot find Sync Direction in Azure UI, found [syncdirection] ...
Serg's user avatar
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How to remove all DataSync tables and objects after deleting the data sync in my Azure SQL Server database?

I created a sync between 2 databases in Azure, then I removed(deleted) the sync in Azure, but I still see a few tables that are from the sync(image below). Additionally there might be some other ...
chuckd's user avatar
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Table refresh from Azure SQL database to on-premise SQL Server database

I have a similar requirement but the other way. I.e I have a table in an Azure SQL database, which we need to copy data from the Azure SQL database to an on-premise SQL Server database. The table ...
vikranth reddy's user avatar
1 vote
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Sync specific data in SQL Data Sync for Azure?

we want to replicate our Production SQL Server DB to a historical ("reporting") DB, AND purge oldest data from Production. (The Production DB will only have the latest data, and the ...
user736570's user avatar
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Eager loading support for Microsoft.Datasync.Client when querying remote table

I am looking for how to use the 'Include' method to specify related data for the EntityTableData or DataSyncClientData objects in the Microsoft.Datasync library. I would like to achieve something ...
Sam's user avatar
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Create a user for use with Azure Sync

Rather than use the built in admin for Azure Sync, I'd like to create a separate user and logon for it. Is this at all possible? What permissions would the user need, if so? I tried adding a user to ...
BaconCatBug's user avatar
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azure data sync for temporal table

Is it possible to synchronize temporal table data with the main table using Azure Data Sync? I couldn't locate a comprehensive official documentation on this.Can anyone please help ?
Akhilesh Jaiswal's user avatar
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How to reuse lambda expression on entities with different property names in EF Core with MS Data Sync?

In ASP.Net EF Core I have various entity models with corresponding controllers which inherit from Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataSync.TableController and each model inherits EntityTableData from the same ...
RyanO's user avatar
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How to sync data between from a SQL DB in Azure SQL Server to another SQL DB in a different Azure SQL Server

I would like to create a single directional sync transaction between the DBs. For Example: Azure SQL Server 1 has DB1 Azure SQL Server 2 has DB2 I would like the changes from DB1 to be synced to DB2. ...
Tasnim Khan's user avatar
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Azure SQL Data Sync No Response

I started to run Azure SQL Data Sync to an empty DB, from Azure SQL Database to another Azure SQL Database in the same Azure SQL Server, however, it found that the Sync State no response for more than ...
sanheialan's user avatar
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Copy data between tables considering foreign key relationship

I tried to use Export option from SSMS which gives an error saying failed due to foreign key relationship. How to copy data between tables(more than 400+) of two different azure sql server with has ...
Python coder's user avatar
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Microsoft.Datasync.Client SSL error with Xamarin Forms

I'm developing a Xamarin Forms app with an ASP.NET Core WebAPI which use the Microsoft.Datasync.Client & Microsoft.AspNetCore.Datasync libraries to do offline syncronisation. Unfortunately, I'm ...
Tony Fox's user avatar
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Azure data sync is in processing state, how do I know how long it will take to complete?

I am processing around 12GB of data from hub to destination, and both databases are Azure SQL Databases. I see a lag of more than 18hrs. And Sync is in processing state for more than 14 hrs. How do I ...
rani chukka's user avatar
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Import/Export Data from SQL (Azure Virtual Machine) to Azure SQL

Our current web application uses Azure SQL Database. We need to create a scheduled process for importing/exporting data from a SQL database in Azure Virtual Machine to Azure SQl database. And also ...
user1887852's user avatar
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Azure SQL DataSync ##MS_SyncAccount## missing

The automatic sync from my syncgroups stopped in SQL Azure DB. Running the health check script provided by Azure one of the warnings mentioned that ##MS_SyncAccount## is missing. I tried to create it ...
Raul's user avatar
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Use Azure SQL Data Sync on a Georeplicated Database

I have Azure SQL Georeplication setup on a production database. This process has worked fine for some time. The georeplicated database is on another server in an Elastic Pool. I now want to keep an on-...
DanielG's user avatar
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Azure SQL: How to Merge Multiple Db's into a Single Managing Db, while Syncing Bidirectionally any future changes

I have multiple devices with assignments, where each generating similar in structure data offline. Also each device periodically gets online to sync with an Azure SQL database that is separate and ...
jamamirre's user avatar
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Removing data sync meta data from Azure Sql database copy

I'm trying to export our production Azure SQL database to local for testing purposes. I've made a copy of the database but get the following error when trying to Export. One or more unsupported ...
Niall's user avatar
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2 answers

Restore backup of an Azure SQL Database to another Azure SQL Database of another resource group

I need to move all the data of a production database to its staging version. These 2 databases are Azure SQL Databases from 2 different resource groups. I have read some guides on how to achieve this ...
ddfra's user avatar
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Azure Data Sync Stop working btw two Azure SQL Databases (without showing error msg )

I use Azure Data Sync to synchronize 2 Azure SQL Databases for 2 Tables, the synchronization works always good for 6-7 days , but I think every time when I make a new Deployment in the release ...
Z.Maz's user avatar
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Azure Data Sync - specify destination object owner

I am setting up a simple data sync, only updated at the Hub database and I want to specify he destination owner for the tables included in this sync group. Ex: The table dbo.TableName at the Hub ...
Trond's user avatar
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Setting up Azure SQL data sync's sync group

I just tried setting up Azure SQL data sync's sync group using sample Azure SQL database. I am syncing dbo.BuildVersion table of the sample database. I get the following error on member database. ...
Chirag Shah's user avatar
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Clean up metadata Azure SQL Sync Database

Trying to create Azure Data Sync Group but every time when I create it, it throw following error Failed to perform data sync operation: An error occurred while executing the command definition. See ...
Saad Abbasi's user avatar
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Azure SQL Data Sync - how to execute a sync group with a logic app

I have an Azure SQL Database I have Azure SQL Data Sync that syncs that data to an on prem sql database I want to call the sync group to execute instead of waiting for the sql data sync time to occur. ...
magiva's user avatar
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Azure Data Sync Error - Member Database is Read Only

I have configured Azure Data Sync between our SQL on-prem and Azure SQL. Sync direction is to Hub (Azure) and conflict resolution is set to Member Win. Sync group has been configured successfully, and ...
Adam John's user avatar
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2 answers

SQL Data Sync Agent 2.0 install error system services

I am trying to install SQL Data Sync Agent 2.0 but I got this install error I am running virtual machines with Hyper-V. I tried in a windows server 2016 and a windows 10. Up to date. I added the ...
Jonathan's user avatar
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can we create datasync between two tables without indexes in azure data sync

can we sync two tables of two different databases in azure without indexes. As, we all know ,if two databases has to be in sync hub database and member data base should have same schema. But is there ...
Hariprasad's user avatar
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SQL Server Merge with two tables from different azure SQL Database from same Azure SQL SERVER

I need to merge with 2 different tables from 2 different azure SQL databases where as these two azure sql database are from same azure sql server. also for performance imporvement purpose, what I ...
Priyanka Mane-Patil's user avatar
3 votes
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How to set value of -DefaultProfile (of type IAzureContextContainer) in New-AzSqlSyncMember

I am trying to create a powershell script to create azure data sync between 2 azure SQL databases. My member database is on another subscription. I need to set -DefaultProfile which is of type on '...
deathrace's user avatar
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Azure DataSync failed due to Bulk Insert command

Data Sync is failed due to below.I'm trying to add newly created table to the sync group.That table is having 4 records only.I tried deleting the sync group and recreating the sync group again.Please ...
Veeramalla Sandeep's user avatar
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Mobile Offline Sync database on Xamarin form

Currently looking at the Enable Offline Sync for Xamarin Form : I am having the ...
LittleFunny's user avatar
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DataSync issue from FrontEnd

We are using azure data sync to sync data from one database to another. We have created a new sync group for another environment. we don't have any issues from backend as sync is running fine but we ...
Veeramalla Sandeep's user avatar
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Easiest way to script drop and create Azure SQL Data Sync group

My sync group is out-of-date and currently not syncing correctly to the member database. First, I would like to script out the existing definition if possible. If not possible, then I want to create ...
Pablo Boswell's user avatar
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Use Azure data sync with localdb

B"H How can I use Azure Data Sync with localdb? Please note: I am not asking about using it with a "Local Database" as in an on-prem database. I am speaking specifically about the technology (...
Rabbi's user avatar
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Onpremise Databases to Azure SQL Databases and Sync continuously

My requirements are as below : Move 3 SAP local databases to 3 Azure SQL DB. Then Sync daily transactions or data to azure every night. If transactions of local DB are already exists in azure, ...
Triple K's user avatar
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4 answers

Getting Schema Information for the databse failed with the exception 500 is the max tables azure data sync problem

Error : Getting Schema Information for the database failed with the exception unable to process a schema with 2434 500 Database Sync Group error on Azure syncing local offline server. What's the ...
kayd yonis's user avatar
2 votes
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Azure SQL data sync initial sync not working

I need to setup a constant sync between two databases on Azure on the same SQL Server. The database is about 2TB with 2000 tables and about 20 million rows. I cannot setup an Azure data sync because ...
Lennart's user avatar
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Azure Data Sync how do I set the order the tables are applied?

Right now Azure Data Sync is applying changes to tables in alphabetical order, which is also the same order we added the tables to the schema. This is causing issues because a child table is loaded ...
Scott Thompson's user avatar
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How can i check Data sync group from SSMS?

I have seen some Azure DataSync tables and procedures in my Database.I'm not sure from where which database they are loaded. Is there any way to check the data sync group from SSMS?
Veeramalla Sandeep's user avatar
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Data transfer in Azure SQL database

I have 2 web application that the databases are azure sql. 1st web is used to record all payment and internal business rule 2nd web is used to capture request payment from external vendor I'm ...
Daleman's user avatar
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How to sync a local database in a WPF project to an online Azure database

I am working on a WPF C# window application project. The project has its own local SQL database and my Azure server also has a database with the same details. If I add an entry or edit an entry to ...
XtremeCold's user avatar
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Is it possible to set Primary keys in the HUB database in Azure Data Sync?

One of my tables in the HUB has a primary key that is causing records to be dropped in all the member databases. This Primary Key dynamically changes based on record updates. I understand that Azure ...
sy-huss's user avatar
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Creating Sync Group timed out

I'm trying to create a database sync between my on-premises database and an Azure database. I tried to create a Sync Group but after 1 hour of "Creating Sync Group" it timed out and canceled the ...
Nick Riethoven's user avatar
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Do I copy a db or use data sync to create and manage a db for testing in Azure

If I want a daily copy/replication of my production database, I know I can copy, but what happens when the size grows to ~100 terabytes or more? It doesn't seem logical to copy a db of that size ...
chuckd's user avatar
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How do I connect to a database which I am viewing in Azure data studio, in R studio?

I am trying to access a database which I am viewing in Microsoft Azure Data Studio, in R studio. I do not come from a programming background so I am a little confused. I am also completing this from a ...
Ali Carson's user avatar
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AZURE DataSync troubles

After refresh Schema of Hub dataBase I can not select tables to synchronize because the list of tables found does not show any check box next to can select them Any error but any checkbox Any idea ...
kintela's user avatar
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