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Cursor not appearing after pressing Enter in custom Tiptap extension with HardBreak

I have created a custom Tiptap extension to add a line break <br> when pressing the Enter key. The extension works as expected by inserting a <br> tag. However I'm encountering an issue ...
justlikeThat's user avatar
1 vote
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How to get textContent of link with tiptap editor?

If I'm using tiptap editor and, I have the cursor in the middle of a link, I can use editor.getAttributes('link') to get the link attributes, but how do I get the text contents of that element? <a ...
codercycle's user avatar
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Nuxt 3 Tiptap editor custom components

i'm currently implementing the Tiptap editor in my Nuxt 3 Project. (with this Module: And i want to have a functionality to add custom components in the content. Like ...
Blizii's user avatar
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Trying to make buttons active in Tiptap Vue

I'm trying to create buttons for the menu bar on my rich text editor being built with Tiptap Vue 3. I'm having a hard time with the isActive() method because I'm getting an error with the Promise ...
code writer 3000's user avatar
2 votes
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Updating attributes on the image caused the node to be deselected in tiptap

I'm developing an image extension but I've run into an issue that causes nodes to be deselected when I update the image properties import Image from '@tiptap/extension-image'; ... extensions: [ ....
RUOYU's user avatar
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Can't add <div> to the Tiptap

I am using Tiptap as a rich text editor, and i need to insert some html on it, to render on front end. example: <div> <p style="margin-top: 30px; text-align: center;"> ...
Ruben Baptista's user avatar
3 votes
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How to add a base64 image to tiptap editor?

I am using tiptap editor in vue and nuxt js and I wanted the user to upload images but the usual way is to ask them for url from the prompt and then show it or load it. I want an input tag which then ...
Dilip's user avatar
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Cursor selection stops when it reaches to custom inline node

I have a signature node like below - export default Node.create({ name: "SignatureNode", inline: true, group: "inline", atom: false, addAttributes() { return { ...
Mohib Arshi's user avatar
1 vote
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Tip tap does not show bold or italic text when the color is also set

I am using Vue Tiptap with the Color extension. After an edit, I am getting the HTML and storing it in Firestore. However, the editor does not show bold or italic text when a color is also set. ...
Jacob Miller's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

tiptap: make isEmpty return true when the editor only contains whitespaces and new lines (LITERALLY empty)

this isEmpty still returns true when the editor contains only whitespace(s) (and alongside with new lines) : import { EditorContent, Editor } from "@tiptap/vue-3"; const editor = new Editor(...
mending3's user avatar
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Tiptap2 floating menu giving me an error in vue 3 with script setup

I'm just following the tiptap docs trying to implement a floating menu in vue 3. Im using script setup and im not sure if thats the issue, but in either case im struggling to get this to work. The ...
Samuel M. Bednarz's user avatar
2 votes
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the linkOnPaste: false is set in @tiptap/extension-link, but still paste text it's converting it to a link in Vue

I used the @tiptap/extension-link in the rich text editor in vue using the tiptap in Vue. I have set the linkOnPaste: false but still when I paste a text it's converting it to a link. Here is my code ...
Muhammad Ali's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to update TipTap content dynamically with Vue 3?

I was able to set the initial value of the content from the editor with the value of a ref, but it doesn't update the content when the value of the ref changes. Would anyone have an idea how to do it? ...
Brunno Vert's user avatar
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V-deep selector equivalent in TailwindCSS?

I'm using the v-deep selector to style tiptap, a rich text editor. For that the .ProseMirror class has to be accessed like so (SCSS): editor-content { // ... styles &::v-deep(.ProseMirror) ...
Artur Müller Romanov's user avatar
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How to pass data to custom Vue Extension in TipTap?

I'm trying to pass data to a custom vue component that gets rendered inside the tiptap editor. I can pass default properties but assigning reactive values to it doesn't seem to work. This is the ...
Artur Müller Romanov's user avatar
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how to send text from tiptap rich text in vuejs to jsonfile

Dears, I have vue file contains tiptap rich text editor and tiptap rich text editor inside dynamic table, I am trying to write the rich text form the dynamic table to json file but when I check the ...
Mohamed Hassan's user avatar
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Tiptap vue-2 extension throw error on construct

I have basic code from, but when component is loaded it throw error vue.esm.js?a026:628 [Vue warn]: Error in nextTick: "...
Vlad's user avatar
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Is there a way to preserve Google Docs added tabs in TipTap (or similar WYSIWYG Editor)?

I'm writing a web app that uses TipTap as its rich text Editor, and I'm realizing that there's an issue when pasting certain content from Google Docs into the editor. Google Docs picks up on when your ...
holycamolie's user avatar
4 votes
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Using tiptap with v-model and <script setup> in Vue 3

I'm trying to use tiptap with Vue.js with the <script setup> approach of creating a Single File Component (SFC). TextEditor.vue <template> <editor-content :editor="editor" ...
LondonAppDev's user avatar
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How to import nodeViewProps object from TipTap in Vue 3 script setup?

I'm using TipTap, a Rich Text Editor and the way they handle props in vue components (composition api) is by importing them like so: <script> import { nodeViewProps } from '@tiptap/vue-3' ...
Artur Müller Romanov's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to execute TipTap commands from script tag in Vue 3?

I'm having following component: <button @click="$; editor.chain().focus().setImage({ src: state.image }).run()"></button> <input type="file" ref=&...
Artur Müller Romanov's user avatar
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How to render function from string in vue directive?

I'm trying to take a function from an object array and run it in a @click event on a DOM element. The only way I found to do this was by saving the function as a string inside the object, and render ...
Artur Müller Romanov's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How to bind TipTap to parent v-model in Vue 3 script setup?

I'm trying to use tiptap as a child component and pass its content to the parent's v-model but tiptap's documentation only seems to provide info on how to do this without script setup, which uses a ...
Artur Müller Romanov's user avatar
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Using tiptap as text editor in my vue app. How do i download the content as pdf?

I use tiptap as a text editor tool in my vue app. I want to provide a button to download content thats in the editor as pdf. I am not sure if this is possible as there isnt a documentation on ...
Shravan's user avatar
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Tiptap editor, how to paste multiple empty lines?

Using the basic version of Tiptap editor: <template> <div v-if="editor"> <editor-content :editor="editor" /> </div> </template> <script>...
Cyril N.'s user avatar
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I am using tiptap . How to make a preview from child component to parent component

Below is my code. parent.vue <client-only> <EditorTiptap v-model="content" /> </client-only> tiptap.vue <div class="editor-panel"> <editor-content :...
bamgae's user avatar
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2 answers

JSON content shows a blank window for Tiptap-Vuetify?

Background I'm using tiptap-vuetify to implement a message/chat UI where users see an editable Tiptap instance for creating new messages as well as several uneditable Tiptap instances (one for each ...
Nathan Wailes's user avatar
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How to change style of tiptap-vuetify

I am using tiptap-vuetify( as my wysiwyg edirtor. but I dont want the default styling. Sing it doesn't take class or style as prop how can I style it the ...
Md Shuvo's user avatar
7 votes
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How can I change the behavior of tiptap when pasting plain text?

I'm currently trying to implement a visual editor using a library called tiptap. I think v2 is the most common tiptap, but there are circumstances where v1 must be used. However,...
sonick's user avatar
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TipTap/VueJS - How to detect a keypress

I have a collaborative chat application that uses tiptap for it's messaging area. I found it useful as it can support multiple formats already and can add some flexibility. However, I found myself ...
SMPLYJR's user avatar
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How to pass Tiptap-vuetify HTML source code from one component to the other?

I'm using Tipap text editor in my Nuxt project. I can pass the initial content (in components/blogs/Editor.vue) to another component (in pages/blogs/editor.vue), however when the data is updated, the ...
Sreyorn Len's user avatar
6 votes
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How to bind content of Tiptap editor?

I'm using the Tiptap editor and I have issues accessing the content of the editor. I need to post the content of the editor to an API so I need the content. Here is my code: import tippy from "...
Niaz Estefaie's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

simply replace a node's content in prosemirror

I'm in a function that receives a string as input: (text) => { } I have access to the editor via Vue props (props.editor). I would like to replace the current node's content with this text. I ...
darnitdiy's user avatar
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Require image inside v-html in Vue

I'm using Tiptap editor to write content, and then I attach data generated by it via v-html directive. I understand that v-html can process images that have absolute source like 'https://something/...
Alonad's user avatar
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Vuetify lazy load tiptap editor

My project JS is about 680 kb. I've added vuetify-tiptap editor and now the JS is 1338 kb. I load the plugin like this in In vuetify.js: ...
loreeemartiii's user avatar
4 votes
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Retaining styles and classes in editor content when using VueJS extension Tiptap Vuetify

I integrated a Vue.js extension called tiptap-vuetify into my project. However when the content is injected into the tiptap editor, it automatically strips all classes and inline styling from the HTML,...
VerySeriousSoftwareEndeavours's user avatar
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Get tiptap-vuetify to work with "Mentions" in a Vue Nuxt app

so my problem is that I can't seem to make use of the "Mentions" functionality of tiptap inside a vuetify-nuxt project. The original example can be found here More useful info: Example ...
toti's user avatar
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How to add text-align to tiptap editor?

I use tiptap vuetify editor in nuxt js. But it has no text-align properties! My component editor: <template> <tiptap-vuetify :value="value" :extensions="...
mr.zahmatkesh's user avatar
1 vote
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Error in mounted hook: "TypeError: Class constructor Node cannot be invoked without 'new'"

Bug [Vue warn]: Error in mounted hook: "TypeError: Class constructor Node cannot be invoked without 'new'" app.vue <template> <v-container> <tiptap-vuetify v-...
Mr Josh's user avatar
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how to add extention textalign and text color to tiptap-vuetify in nuxt js?

how to add extention Text-align and text-color to Tiptap-vuetify in Nuxtjs? <template #toolbar="{ buttons, commands, isActive }"> <!--You can render the buttons as you ...
mr.zahmatkesh's user avatar
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How to force component to render on client in quasar framework?

I have an ssr app and a text editor component that uses vue-codemirror. To my knowledge, this can't be used in ssr and the page fails to load with the error "navigator is not defined." This ...
Joe B.'s user avatar
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How to pass data into quasar tiptap editor from parent component in vuejs?

I'm a little confused how to use this as a component in my application. Specifically, I am confused how to properly pass data from my parent component into the <quasar-editor /> from https://...
Joe B.'s user avatar
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7 votes
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How to insert link on cursor position of tiptap editor in VueJS?

I'm new to VueJS and even more to the tiptap editor that my team is using. I need to make a function that inserts a link at the cursor position within the editor. I do know about the Link() function ...
Claudia's user avatar
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5 votes
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How can i put content from tiptap text editor into a v-model?

I tried to bind editor.content directly to this.newTutorial.content but no luck yet.. in console : here is my code : <style scoped> img.preview { width:200px; } .v-btn { height: 50px !...
user avatar
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TipTap using name tag

I've noticed that you cant use the name tag on TipTap which means you cant use it to send data through forms in laravel. Is it possible to do something like this? <tiptap-vuetify v-model=&...
steve112's user avatar
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How to store tiptap editor data in a php form?

I want to use the TipTap editor in a php form as a textarea field. I've created a Vue component and passed it to the blade view. Blade view: <form method="post" action="{{ route('...
Anton Bergen's user avatar
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The content of the two sandbox in is the same, but the output of the browser is different (Solved)

I have two forked sandbox in Although these two sandboxes forked from different places, but I have modified them to use the same package and content. I wonder why the output results of ...
Coleone's user avatar
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Access to a slot function inside a child component in VusJS

I'm trying to use tiptap. Actually it works, but what I'm trying to do is to access the "isActive" slot from outside the editor component, and I don't know how to do it. Here is a ...
djcaesar9114's user avatar
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Vuejs, computed property with setter freeze component

I have a component with tiptap text editor. I use a computed property with a setter to bind data to the editor. <template> <tiptap model="editNoteContent" extensions" /> &...
NashGC's user avatar
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How to bind nested vuex object to vuejs property in tiptap text editor?

I'm trying to bind the nested Vuex state object to editor property of tiptap's editor-content component. The state looks like this: <template> <table :style="{ backgroundColor: ...
Adam's user avatar
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