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Best WYSIWYG Editor for document generation and editing (To integrate in Laravel Backpack or Laravel/Inertia/React)

We're currently building a CRM with my company and have trouble choosing between the different WYSIWYG libraries for document generation and editing For the time being, I've selected CKEditor, TinyMCE,...
dvdmnc's user avatar
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Links created in rich text editor (Quilljs) in angular is not clickable in Angular Production Environment

I have been using the QuillJs editor in angular, the links added in editor works fine in local environment , it opens new tab and all, but in production env it doesnt open or open in new tab, i have ...
SumitGore's user avatar
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Include CKEditor5.css in iframe of React App

I implement CKEditor5 in a React web application created by CRA. "@ckeditor/ckeditor5-react": "^9.0.0", "react": "^18.3.1", CKEditor works fine, and now I need ...
Botond Balogh's user avatar
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Amazon SP-API A+ Content Document Examples javascript WYSIWYG editor which outputs JSON

In the Amazon SP-API A+ Content Document Examples at the sample screens show a javascript WYSIWYG control which outputs JSON ...
Tony Marston's user avatar
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How to delete images when removing post in Summernote?

Using Summernote on the Django project to add/remove posts via the Admin interface, I can find no solution for removing images from the Media Root. None of the similar responses found on SO work. ...
Jonasz's user avatar
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Hyperlinks and Image Insert does not work when ShadowDom is applied in ngx-editor

In my application it's required to have ShadowDom in the encapsulation. In that case the small modal that opens to configure the url it doesn't appear and the same scenario applies for the image ...
Kasar's user avatar
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Putting a custom table of contents inside CKEditor in JS

I am trying to create a custom table of contents at the top of my ckeditor (inside the text box). I've successfully set up a ckeditor with vite from I can see ...
Noa Perlmutter's user avatar
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Issues with Redactor WYSIWYG editor by Imperavi while tabbing into the text editor

The problem occurs when you tab into the text editor instead of clicking on it. If you are not focused on the text editor and use tab to move into the text editor, the editor will not properly focus ...
Boaty McBoatface's user avatar
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Summernote filtering out page tags for DOCTYPE head and body

i'm trying to get summernote to display a full webpage in the editor (technically it is an email template), but it keeps clearing out the <!DOCTYPE> and tags which is breaking the page. ...
G S's user avatar
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Js - Link target button option (blank vs self) in Quill Editor link

Is there any way to add an option button to set a link in quill editor ( as target blank vs self? By default its setting a link as blank: <div class="...
Philipp M's user avatar
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How to set the cursor position after html insert for SunEditor

I have created a plugin for Suneditor which integrates Emoji button. The Idea is to insert the emoji where the cursor is and then keep the cursor at the same position (following the newly inserted ...
J R RuttyJ's user avatar
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Configure Strapi's default rich text editor toolbar to hide few options

I want a stripped down version of the default rich text editor in strapi. so that I can hide few options in the toolbar, particularly any media uploads. I don't want to use any 3rd party plugin so ...
rushikesh chaskar's user avatar
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Customise Add Media - Media Modal in WYSIWYG Editor in Wordpress

I am using a front-end submission form for users to contribute posts to my platform. Users can upload text and images via the content area. However, I would like to simplify the interface by limiting ...
RobH's user avatar
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Rich text editor image deletion not working properly

`I have created a custom rich text editor using react-draft-wysiwyg and draft-js. in there I have implemented the image adding functionality too. but when I delete an image by pressing the backspace ...
John David's user avatar
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How to handle deletion of content editable false span within contentEditable div?

this is how my React component looks like - <div id="test" class="content-editable" contenteditable="true">hi! <div>welcome to&nbsp;</div><div>...
Khekhekhe's user avatar
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WYSIWYG CRM solution for easy Database visualization

I have been aggregating data on acquisitions of small companies in Europe that are currently being sold or have been sold for a while. After numerous requests, I would like to make this data available ...
Dum Potato's user avatar
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CKEdittor 5 adding <p> tags around content without being instructed to do so

We've recently upgraded to the latest version of Drupal 10.2.x and CKEditor 5. One issue immediately noticed after upgrading to CK5 is that when using the CK5 format option for text fields, it ...
Steve Case's user avatar
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any alternative to using execCommand("removeformat")

I am trying to add a button that removes format of selected text. There are several wysiwyg editors available, but I am researching it's implementation from scratch. execCommand("removeformat&...
dio's user avatar
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Plugin Duplication Wraning while mapping over Array to render Multiple TipTap Editors (React js)

I'm trying to make a productivity application that requires an editor so I'm using TipTap. On main screen there are 4 divs and when you click on one div it opens a different instance of the editor. &...
h r's user avatar
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remove formatting of html tags by selected text

I want write a script that will remove format of selected text like document.execCommand('removeFormat') but nativly without this deprecated method. I am wondering what the algorithm behind this. For ...
dio's user avatar
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Passing a parameter when dynamically adding buttons in Summernote

I am creating dynamical custom buttons for my summernote wysiwygs, but i'm running into a problem. I want to pass the data I'm iterating through to the button's render function, but since it is ...
Mats Raemen's user avatar
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Mdxeditor does not apply styles when used with tailwindcss

mdxeditor is markdown editor I want to use with react and tailwindcss. Having this file structure: app_mdxeditor ├── package.json ├── package-lock.json ├── public │   └── index.html ├── src │   ├── ...
milanHrabos's user avatar
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PIMCORE: How to globally configure TinyMCE (WYSIWYG) for data object? (Version 11.1.4)

The only thing which is documented is how to configure EDITABLE WYSIWYG. But not how to configure DATA OBJECT WYSIWYG.
Darius Mann's user avatar
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Side by side editing of richtext content in a webapp with quilljs or slatejs

I'd like to create a tool for my users on my website where they can annotate rich text in a splitscreen fashion: Left is the rich text, loaded before hand that stays untouched. Right is the annotation ...
Linken's user avatar
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How to disable break button that comes at the bottom of jodit editor?

I have tried disabling "enter" plugin but still it shows up. Button usually shows up at the mouse position at the bottom of the editor with tooltip showing as "break". When clicked ...
Umang's user avatar
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Stream data in a WYSIWYG editor through API - Next.JS and API through .NET

I have a form in next.js that a user completes and hit send. On send, I call a API that is written in .NET which sends me streamed data of sentences as there is a lot of data of write so I am looking ...
Learn AspNet's user avatar
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Not able to select text in react-draft-wysiwyg rich text editor

I'm facing an issue in my React version(react: ^18.2.0,) application where I'm using the react-draft-wysiwyg rich text editor. The problem is that I'm unable to select text within the editor. ...
Mudassir Mughal's user avatar
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Excel displays ### even after autofit when printing to PDF

I'm struggling with the view when exporting to Excel. All my cells are autofitted, but several of the cells display ### when exported to PDF. Is there a way of adding an extra few percent when ...
Martin's user avatar
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Can't pass selection in Slate.js (React) as single child

I have a simple text editor built with Slate.js in React import { useCallback, useMemo, useState } from "react"; import isHotkey from "is-hotkey"; import { Editable, withReact, ...
Przemo's user avatar
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How to convert table into text in ckeditor?

In Ckeditor v5 how do we convert table into text, in order words how do we remove table and keep the text ?
liahus's user avatar
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How can I fix this content editable section in a Next app where content is RTL though set to LTR?

I'm working on a rich text editor in React/NextJS where I use a contentEditable div. I have a function updateContent that sanitizes the HTML content of this div using DOMPurify and then updates the ...
shellen's user avatar
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Cannot find module 'tailwind-config/tailwind.config.js' even though the tailwind.config.js file exists (Novel Editor)

I cloned the Novel repo ( and proceded to build the NextJS web app that was included in the novel/apps/web folder using Yarn. I ran yarn at the top level folder to ...
levita's user avatar
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WYSIWYGTextEditor - Change font sizes

I am having some trouble changing the font sizes and name of the fonts in the WYSIWYGTextEditor drop down. I am using Blazor to implement the text editor. So my problem currently is in the JS where ...
NukeDuckZA's user avatar
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How to create an initial value in Lexical rich text, then edit it?

I use the Lexical library from Facebook as a WYSIWYG component but I don't know how to create the initial value? After searching for a long time, I took the initiative to throw it on this forum, ...
Fery1320's user avatar
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Wysimark on plain JS

There is Wysimark - WYSIWYG Markdown Editor. I need add it to page with plain JS, using <script> tag. I installed it with pnpm add @wysimark/standalone For some reason, it is not written in the ...
FreeStyler's user avatar
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3 answers

How do you highlight codeblock with tiptap?

Is there a way to highlight code when using TipTap? Using the default simple editor I can create block of code when using three backticks but, those are not highlighted. import { Editor } from '@...
David Dal Busco's user avatar
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javascript - wysiwyg editor page separation

I am writing a wysiwyg editor where the user can create a report and print. So far my editor is one continuously scrolling div. I would like to separate that div into "pages" visibly as ...
Matthew Inboden's user avatar
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Wysiwyg - Copy/Pasted content in editor should be in plain text

I have a Wysiwyg editor, and users copy/paste content from other websites into the editor. Mostly test. When this happens, Wysiwyg keeps the fonts from the website the user copy/pasted from. I want ...
Roddy P. Carbonell's user avatar
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Markup is broken migrating from CKEditor 4 to CKEditor 5

In CKeditor 4 my content looks like this: I tried to migrate to CKEditor 5, made a custom build with full page HTML support, styles support, etc. I copied full HTML which was used in CKEditor 4 and ...
Gino Pane's user avatar
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How to do this in a WYSIWYG editor?

I need to make these two leaflets go side by side, instead of up and down. Anyone know how to do this? Whenever it try to make them go side by side it flanks. I would appreciate any imput, or if there ...
user9073887's user avatar
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Is there a way to render LaTeX equation which is provided through Delta in Flutter?

I am working on a app in which I have to display rich text. So this rich text will be coming from Quill Rich Text Editor. Quill exports this rich text in Delta format which is basically a json which ...
Sanket More's user avatar
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Can we use wysiwyg editor with antd form?

I have to use react-draft-wysiwyg which is an editor and previously I was handling it via react states. Now, I was thinking if there is a way to use it with antd form. Here is my code, import { Editor ...
Muhammad Umais Hassan's user avatar
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add Insert Shortcode Option in Wordpress Wysiwyg

I've been creating my own shortcodes for some time now, which have been really helpful. I was wondering if there is a way to add a button, just above the default Wordpress editor similar to the "...
mwgideon's user avatar
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Changing content created with ContentTools library in Javascript

What I want to do is change the content that has been created with content tools by using javascript. For example: <div data-editable data-name="content"> <p id='p-text'>This ...
Furkan's user avatar
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React-Quill: How can I prevent the quillJS format from automatically being applied when new characters are typed?

I am loading an html string that represents the editor contents from my database. I want to underline/bold specific words in that string: ex. one two three four five I've figured out how to apply ...
Jack's user avatar
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Add a WYSIWYG editor to the Variation Description in Woocommerce

Is it possible to put a WYSIWYG editor for the Variation Description?
Karim Krimou's user avatar
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React Text editor AI typeahead/autocomplete

Is there a way to add a chatGPT like typeahead/auto completion with react Quill or editor js? The one where I can start typing and AI will give me text suggestion from Open AI API which I can append ...
Abdulhakim's user avatar
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Wysiwyg Editor for components / vuetify

I really hate ui designing. So i thought about building my own wysiwyg editor.. Just for fun and a new challenge. Has anyone of you experience with it and tried something like that? Thanks in advance, ...
Jk164's user avatar
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How to change the default value of toolbar in WYSIWYG editor in React JS

Have customized only the required toolbar to present in my editor. Need to change the default text of dropdowns present in the WYSIWYG editor Tried to place the default Value and tried to concat the ...
aji bala's user avatar
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wysiwyg summernote text editor - unable edit and save more than 700 words on the text editor

I am using summernote text editor. First time I can add more than 700 words but I am unable edit and save more than 700 words on the text editor. Here is the code I am using. <div ...
Joel 's user avatar
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