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6 votes
1 answer

How to bind content of Tiptap editor?

I'm using the Tiptap editor and I have issues accessing the content of the editor. I need to post the content of the editor to an API so I need the content. Here is my code: import tippy from "...
Niaz Estefaie's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Retaining styles and classes in editor content when using VueJS extension Tiptap Vuetify

I integrated a Vue.js extension called tiptap-vuetify into my project. However when the content is injected into the tiptap editor, it automatically strips all classes and inline styling from the HTML,...
VerySeriousSoftwareEndeavours's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Vue set data property inside tiptap editor constructor

Having trouble setting the value of editorView inside of the onInit method when creating a new Editor instance. Because the call is nested two methods deep, I'm not sure how to access the Vue instance ...
connorhansen's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

simple tiptap extension or prosemirror plugin

i would like to use the tiptap editor for vuejs that work with the prosemirror editor. I have read many about tiptap but the documentation is not the best and prosemirror itself is very complex for ...
Basti G.'s user avatar
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