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I am getting an error while trying to import 'thunk' from 'redux-thunk' [duplicate]

I am new to React and Redux, and I am trying to build a webapp (authentication system) using React and Django. I am following a tutorial to do that, with this github directory. When I try to import ...
Farooq Ahmed's user avatar
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fetching data in redux using Axios Get

The endpoint is and I can see the data if I go to that endpoint in my browser. amazonslice.js import { createSlice, createAsyncThunk } from "@reduxjs/toolkit"; ...
saddysad's user avatar
-1 votes
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dispatch(fetchPosts()) give empty state

Here is all ok, is array: export const fetchPosts = createAsyncThunk('posts/fetchPosts', async () => { const response = await axios.get('
b2ok's user avatar
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Then works but await doesn't work with Promise from thunk action

I'm using redux/toolkit and have a thunk action to request an update API then do navigation. I try to return a promise so that I can wait for the operation to complete before navigation. The issue ...
pucca garu's user avatar
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Return Promise response from Async Thunk

I have a an Axios promise being called from an asyncThunk. I am using the redux toolkit to capture the responses. However, I do not know of a way to return the actual response of the promise call to ...
usama rashad's user avatar
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Problem with redux-toolkit (createAsyncThunk) in react native expo app

My problem is on redux-toolkit on a react-native application with Expo. To put you in the context I am quite a beginner. Here is my code : export const fetchStationsInformations = createAsyncThunk( &...
Paulin.f's user avatar
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Please explain coding for "thunks."

I have the following code I've tried from the book. ;pg 51 "The Scheme Programming Language" by R. Kent Dybvig" (define lazy (lambda (t) ;so lazy accepts argument t (...
Trenton J's user avatar
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How does action creator which is a thunk receive a store's dispatch method?

I am learning redux and there is one thing puzzling me regarding the internal logic - how does a thunk receive dispatch as argument if a thunk is an argument to dispatch and not vice versa? Here is a ...
bakrall's user avatar
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Wait for API fetch to complete before defining const in Redux

I'm attempting to render a page of Pokemon with their attributes (when selected) in react-redux. I have a PokemonDetail component export function pokemonDetail (props) { const { id } = useParams() ...
agehlot's user avatar
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useEffect / dispatch multiple network calls

useEffect(() => { function initDashboardData() { console.count("initDashboardData"); void dispatch(getDatabasesList()); void dispatch(getUserConfig()); void ...
GN.'s user avatar
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calling another function in another action

import Axios from "axios"; export const ChangeTodoCount = (newCount) => { return { type: "CHANGE_TODO_COUNT", payload: newCount, }; }; export const FetchToDo = () =...
Dreynaldis's user avatar
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SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<', "<!DOCTYPE "... is not valid JSON when Fetching Data

I am trying to fetch some data for my project, using Redux Thunk but i get the error which appears in the screenshot. This is the error]( My thunk function ` export ...
AlexGherasim's user avatar
-1 votes
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Receiving 404 Error from Axios post request to MongoDB

I am working on a MERN stack project for a proof-of-concept and am creating a wall where I can add posts from a form. The form accepts name, tags, title, and a message along with an image. Upon ...
Zachery Uporsky's user avatar
-1 votes
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can you clarify the use of thunks in redux toolkit? a few specific questions [closed]

Looks like thunk and saga are 2 types of middleware to allow side effects and asyncronous actions in Redux Toolkit. Based on some basic googling, looks like thunk and saga basically serve the same ...
user10307666's user avatar
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How to retrieve data after successful redux dispatch inside a SignIn form component

I have a SignIn form. When the login and pass submitted I am using dispatch to send data and get the JWT token. Form code: import React from 'react'; import Avatar from '@mui/material/Avatar'; import ...
Andriy Y's user avatar
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Api for orderplace is not found in redux

My /api/orders is not getting found. I had the same approach for users and products and they worked. I am following BradTraversy's Mern Ecommerce from scratch. This is his github repo but this is ...
Taimoor Baig's user avatar
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How to provide mock implementation to redux thunks?

How can we mock implementation for redux thunks. I have thunks in a file:- src/actions.js export const getRequest = () => async dispatch => { return await dispatch( ...
Hitendra singh's user avatar
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Status of Async-Thunk not updating, causing multiple api calls

I am trying to define an Async Thunk method that calls a basic async function and returns the data. I am going to subsequently use this data in multiple components. I cannot achieve this without the ...
Andrew Warner's user avatar
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Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'then')?

saveProfile() does not return promise, although the person who has exactly the same code, the same function returns promise return async (dispatch, getState) => { const authUserId = getState()...
SeeYou1ater's user avatar
1 vote
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Redux-Thunk Error: Actions must be plain objects. Use custom middleware for async actions

I have a songbook app with firebase as a backend and struggling with an Error: Actions must be plain objects. Use custom middleware for async actions. Action creator export const createAction = (type, ...
Tom Foxtrot's user avatar
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Catch the errors from the thunk into the functional components React

How can I catch the errors from async method in the thunk into the Functional Components? For example I have the following thunk: export const updateCostCenter = (data: Record<string, unknown>) =...
stratdev's user avatar
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2 votes
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Can a getter return a thunk or value depending on the type call call (virt. property or function)?

I know this a weird question, but I'll ask it anyway. The pseudo code function below provides a virtual property getter. What it should do is this: > const calc = Calculator(3) > calc.multiple ...
LongHike's user avatar
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Getting some kind of error in react redux with typescript while trying to dispatch a thunk action in a component

So hi guys, this is my first project where I try to use react-typescript with redux-toolkit and am getting an error: Argument of type 'AppThunk' is not assignable to parameter of type 'AnyAction'. ...
reClicked's user avatar
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Jest: How to mock redux-thunk api response?

I am having hard time to mock api response in my thunk. Mock returns data undefined. Error: expect(jest.fn()).toHaveBeenCalledWith(...expected) Expected: {"payload": {"data": [&...
Dmitri K's user avatar
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Actions must be plain objects. Use custom middleware for async actions error eventhough useing thunk as middleWare

I got this error: "Actions must be plain objects. Use custom middleware for async actions." even though i use thunk as a middleWare. import { createStore, applyMiddleware } from 'redux'; ...
simuwlen's user avatar
5 votes
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How to get updated state from Redux store using redux-toolkit after component has already rendered?

The functionality I am looking for is that of an e-commerce website. A click on the add-to-cart button adds product to cart. I am able to successfully achieve that by dispatching an action. Post that ...
Soumik Majumdar's user avatar
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Test async thunk with jest mock

Maybe someone can help me write test? This theme is difficult for me, i'll hope somebody explain that. return"http://localhost:5000/login", { login, password, }); }; ...
Evgeny Ambrazhevich's user avatar
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useSelector cannot make real time update once the state is changed in react [duplicate]

I'm implementing a search functionality by using react and redux thunk. The requirement for this search is to get fetchApi called in the thunk and update the state so we can display. The ui part is ...
Joanne Lee's user avatar
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Dispatch form data to thunk results in 'breaking the rules of hooks' error

This is a simple task, but I'm doing something wrong and don't know how to do it right. Help is appreciated. All I need to do is dispatch some form data to a thunk. The thunk has useSelector() in it, ...
mattBurnett's user avatar
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Typing dispatch on a redux store correctly when using multiple middleware

I'm attempting to configure the dispatch type on a redux store that is using thunk middleware and an optional middleware logger (redux-logger). This correctly infers the thunk type on store's dispatch....
Roy Kolak's user avatar
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redux thunk wait data from a dispatch before to do an another dispatch

I'm trying to improve my code by trying to use redux thunk as well as possible but I've searched a lot, no solution corresponds to my research. Basically, with the twitch API we have to make 2 API ...
Misen's user avatar
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how to make thunk HTTP POST request to Django rest api

I'm pretty new to this, so I will show you the error first and then display my thought process. I am attempting to use a thunk (Http request in redux) to make a post request to my personal rest api in ...
Ariel Vardy's user avatar
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Getting error in Next js with redux thunk TypeError: nextCallback is not a function [duplicate]

I am getting error in Next js while I am dispatching the action from index.js file The main issue is with this function getServerSideProps, if i comment this function error gone, i don't understand ...
HouseOfBlogger's user avatar
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Error: Expected the root reducer to be a function. Instead, received: 'undefined'

I keep running into this error! Error: Expected the root reducer to be a function. Instead, received: 'undefined' I've tried every answer I could find to no avail, here is all the pertinent stuff! ...
Manny Ledoux's user avatar
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Improper type signature for `dispatch` method despite using "app dispatch" hook

Introduction I'm using Redux Toolkit to add Redux support to a React application served by a Django app. We're using Typescript, and so we're following the Typescript Quick Start from the Redux ...
Sam Weaver's user avatar
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SICP Checking eval is a thunk?

In Sec 4.2.2 of SICP, (define (list-of-arg-values exps env) (if (no-operands? exps) '() (cons (actual-value (first-operand exps) env) (list-of-arg-values (rest-operands exps) ...
user10206517's user avatar
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return value from object function inside a map

I'm trying to run a getUserName function that is being called inside an Observable pipe, map, then another map. I can return a single value but I can't seem to map the passed array to then filter out ...
artworkjpm's user avatar
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TypeError: (0 , _reduxjs_toolkit__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__.createAsyncThunk) is not a function

Suddenly had this error after (it seems..) trying to deploy my client to Vercel. I'm using NextJS and I'm fetching data server side with getStaticProps. Tried reinstalling toolkit but the problem ...
sniv's user avatar
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Loading state before display new content

I'm trying to achieve optimistic UI loading with react and redux. This is my reducer: const initState = { user: {}, loading: true, }; export default function (state = initState, action) { ...
Nemus's user avatar
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Why is my dispatch/console.log not firing when I call the action?

I was working on my final project for Flatiron and I came across a bug while working on my frontend. I tried many things, but always came back to this one issue. My callback function inside my ...
Jade Lynn Masker's user avatar
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Problem with Jest and dispatch with async functions

I am working with React + Redux (with thunk) and I am using Jest for testing. I have the next code: export const startUploading = (file) => { return async(dispatch, getState) => { ...
queen_store's user avatar
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Redux toolkit thunk disappears after getDefaultMiddlware config

My store looks like this: export default configureStore({ reducer: { sequencer: sequencerReducer, editMode: editModeReducer, tone: toneReducer, app: appReducer, }, middleware: (...
Nick Carbone's user avatar
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React Redux Pagination

In the Case One: Im doing a simple server-side pagination in rails and using react as front-end and redux as my state management. I have done all the things and the last thing remaining is to just ...
Ashkan Ebtekari's user avatar
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React redux doesn't return current state value

I have a problem with redux thunk in react. In the thunk file, I use to dispatch actions and change isSuccess and isLoading flag from the reducer, but in the component, after the API call, I get the ...
simpller's user avatar
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Racket: Creating a stream using a macro instead of a function

I'm currently attempting to create a stream using a macro, as shown below: (define-syntax create-stream (syntax-rules (using starting at with increment ) [(create-stream name using f starting at ...
Chris's user avatar
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How to transform class-based React-Redux code using Hooks

I am learning React/Redux and I am trying to refactor this code from class-based to functional/hooks-based code. The application is an exercise I am working on, it has three components Posts.js where ...
Monika's user avatar
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C++ thunk class implementation for forwarding C function callbacks to C++ member functions

I attempted implementing a "thunk" class in C++ that allows obtaining a C function pointer to pass to C code that eventually calls a C++ member function. A specific requirement was that it ...
Andy's user avatar
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useEffect() cause re-renders and multiple requests to api

Problem Functional component causes multiple re-renders causing multiple ajax requests. What is the solution for this? This is my code. export default function MyMenu() { let menu = useStoreState(...
Farman Ali's user avatar
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How to wait for data to be loaded before calling getState() in redux

I have an action, userAction, that will call an API to load data from the database, and I want to use that data within a separate action, calcAction, so that I can post to an API with the data from ...
dawson1096's user avatar
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How to use redux toolkit + redux thunks to create multiple async actions? [duplicate]

Here is the example from the documentation. I'm looking to implement a updateUser action with redux thunk, but I want for it to remain under the same slice as users for example. How can this be ...
Jacob Kelley's user avatar