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Wait for API fetch to complete before defining const in Redux

I'm attempting to render a page of Pokemon with their attributes (when selected) in react-redux. I have a PokemonDetail component export function pokemonDetail (props) { const { id } = useParams() ...
agehlot's user avatar
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Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'then')?

saveProfile() does not return promise, although the person who has exactly the same code, the same function returns promise return async (dispatch, getState) => { const authUserId = getState()...
SeeYou1ater's user avatar
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React Native Calling async function and use return in another async function

I'm working with React Native and I have to call 2 Redux thunks before mount (useEffect). The first one is to get the user location. The second one gives me a list of animals near that location. This ...
Bruno Sessa's user avatar
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Async Await API call inside componentDidMount() is suddenly failing/exceeding timeout? React-Native. Redux. Typescript

Async call inside componentDidMount is exceeding timeout and failing. The api call itself is not using redux, but the data retrieved is. Is this an instance where I would need to use Redux Thunk? How ...
Before The Empire's user avatar
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What are the benefits of using the co library with promises instead of with thunks?

So I've been reading about the usage of the co library, and the general design pattern I've seen in most blog posts is wrapping functions that have callbacks in thunks. Then using an es6 generator to ...
m0meni's user avatar
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