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2 answers

useSelector cannot make real time update once the state is changed in react [duplicate]

I'm implementing a search functionality by using react and redux thunk. The requirement for this search is to get fetchApi called in the thunk and update the state so we can display. The ui part is ...
Joanne Lee's user avatar
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Dispatch form data to thunk results in 'breaking the rules of hooks' error

This is a simple task, but I'm doing something wrong and don't know how to do it right. Help is appreciated. All I need to do is dispatch some form data to a thunk. The thunk has useSelector() in it, ...
mattBurnett's user avatar
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How to transform class-based React-Redux code using Hooks

I am learning React/Redux and I am trying to refactor this code from class-based to functional/hooks-based code. The application is an exercise I am working on, it has three components Posts.js where ...
Monika's user avatar
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React Redux thunk - Action is overriding unexpected information

im building a reddit clone, fetching top post. The app should have a favorites post CRUD. So what i build is a two columns layout, left side is the post list and right part has post detail OR ...
ValenciaHQ's user avatar