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6 votes
2 answers

How do I install the Raku Cro web framework using a dockerfile

I am attempting to wrap a Raku based web app in a dockerfile. I am using the Cro web framework but I cannot seem to install the Cro successfully. I tried the dockerfile below: # Use the official ...
Seamus Brady's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

"The Best Regex Trick" in Raku

The Best Regex Trick is about writing regexes that match r1 but not r2. The example they give is a regex that matches Tarzan (and "Tarzan and Jane") but not "Tarzan". After going ...
Hovercouch's user avatar
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1 answer

Unexpected flattening of arrays when initalizing an array

I'm not totally sure if this is a bug, a quirk, or simply a bad practice, but this is what happens: [0] > my @nope = [["a","b"]]; @nope.push: ["b","c"] [a b [...
jjmerelo's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

How can I make a functional chaining operator in Raku?

I a trying to translate this F# code to Raku for learning purposes: type Meat = Chicken | Beef | Pork | Fish | Veggie type Ingredient = | Cheese | Rice | Beans | Salsa | Guacamole | SourCream | ...
librasteve's user avatar
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6 votes
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Possible Bug with run as Last Statement in try Block

I don't know if this is a bug, or I just don't understand what's happening. If I have a run statement as the last statement in a try block, any error in the run statement is not caught. If it is not ...
JustThisGuy's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Why and have different timezone?

[23] > my $now = 2024-09-29T14:59:10.178051+08:00 [24] > my $eight-hours-later = 2024-09-29T08:00:00Z [25] > $now - $eight-hours-later -3649....
ohmycloudy's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

When `whenever` block in `react` section starts processing events?

Let's say I have simple socket listening in one thread and I want to hold another thread until port is opened and socket is actually listening. Which one is correct: Using do? Documentation of do ...
Pawel Pabian bbkr's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Defining bareword operators in Raku

I have some questions regarding defining bareword operators in Raku. As it stands in the language, there are a variety of bareword operators, such as div, mod, gcd, & lcm. As I'm curious about the ...
Atlas Sullivan's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

How should Regexes be passed to MAIN in Raku?

Is there an idiomatic way to pass a Regex from the command line to a Raku program. The following code accomplishes what I'm trying to do but it has a few issues (see below). #!/bin/raku use MONKEY-...
mikeLundquist's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

How can I use Raku Grammars with the comb function?

I would like to use Raku's comb function with a regex from a Grammar instead of a standalone regex. For example, in the following code, which parses journalctl logs from stdin, I would like to replace ...
mikeLundquist's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

How to override default content type in Cro::HTTP::Client?

I'm creating an object for making HTTP requests like this: $!ua = base-uri => 'https://what.ever/api/', content-type => 'application/...
VZ.'s user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

How to do a multiple dispatch (or an alternative) for a single pair?

I really like the syntax of a pair :3melee which means melee => 3. I'd like to do the following: my Creature $creature .= new(:fire-resist); $creature.damage: :3melee; $creature.damage: :3fire; so ...
Dmitry Matveyev's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

converting list of Str into list of Enums

I have an enum definition in a module AAA: enum RDProcDebug <None All AstBlock BlockType Scoping Templates MarkUp>; class Debug { method foo(RDProcDebug @ds) { for @ds { say .key ~ ' =>...
Richard Hainsworth's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How to forward declare a role to be used for an enum?

Running this piece of code use v6.d; role DrawSurface { ... }; enum Surface does DrawSurface <Fire>; role DrawSurface { method draw () { given self { when Surface::...
Dmitry Matveyev's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Raku Actions Predicated on Parse Success?

Is there a way to configure Raku actions to only execute after a parse has completed successfully? For example, the program below outputs "Jane is telling us her age....", even with ...
user2023370's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Partial matching in a simple Raku program

I've created a simple program based on the Raku parsefile example provided here. The contents of my Raku file are: grammar Names { token TOP { [<name><.ws>]+ } token name { <:alpha&...
user2023370's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

looping through classes using require

I have a number of plugin classes each of which have a method 'enable'. The following code works unit class Top; has $!rdp; use Plugin::A; use Plugin::B; use Plugin::C; submethod TWEAK { my $rdp := ...
Richard Hainsworth's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Raku: Using hyper or race with junctions

I have about 75000 files and I need to search each file for a set of key phrases stored in an array. I have Intel i9 capable of running 20 threads. I am trying to speed up the whole process by ...
lisprogtor's user avatar
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Don't install a module if the operating system is Windows

Is it possible to write a META6.json file that prints a message that the operating system is not supported and does not try to install the module if the operating system is Windows?
sid_com's user avatar
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How to set a named parameter to an exported sub when importing a module?

unit module My::Show; sub show (:$indent = False) is export { if $indent { say " Showing with indentation."; } else { say "Showing without indentation.";...
Jim Bollinger's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

What does the $¢ variable do in Raku?

The documentation says that there are only 3 special lexical variables ($_, $/, $!). However, inspecting the MY:: pseudostash, it seems that a variable named $¢ also exists, and is undocumented (or at ...
biancospino's user avatar
2 votes
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How to get a seq of enum members filtering out some members

I have an enum list with actions and the members None and All. How do I create a sequence of enums that filters out None and All? Test program in file filter-enum.raku: #!/usr/bin/env raku use v6.d; ...
Richard Hainsworth's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Can a Range evaluate to False in Bool context in Raku?

While making use of a Range to solve a problem I noticed that a Range with 0 elems would be True as a Bool. In what scenarios could a Range be False? [0] > (^0).so True [1] > (1..0).so True
Daniel Mita's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Raku module fails to work with Google Sheets .clear API function

Apologies for the long question. I am working on the raku Net::Google::Sheets module. Currently it does a good job of successfully using OAuth2::Client::Google and getting and putting a 2D Array from/...
librasteve's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Breaking brace after the start keyword

This is the simple program, it prints a terminal size when you resize it: #!/bin/env raku use NCurses; initscr; loop { given getch() { when 27 { last } # exit when pressing esc ...
fingolfin's user avatar
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How can I dynamically export classes in raku?

I am updating a raku module (Physics::Measure) My old code looks like this: unit module Physics::Measure ... class Length is Measure is export {} class Mass is Measure is ...
librasteve's user avatar
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0 answers

cannot use `OUTER` as label name for loop control in Raku

If I use OUTA as a label name it works, but OUTER doesn't: OUTA: say OUTA.^name; # Label OUTER: say OUTER.^name; # OUTER Thus: OUTA: loop { last OUTA } # works OUTER: loop { last OUTER } # fails (...
AlvaPan's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to append subroutines to a Raku module at runtime?

I would like to be able to add a sub to a module Foo at runtime. In Perl, I would do something like: *{'My::Module::foo'} = \sub { 'FOO!' }; I know Raku doesn't have TypeGlobbing like Perl. Ideally ...
Rawley Fowler's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Why doesn't a Sequence get consumed when I assign it to an @var?

According to the class Seq docs: A Seq is born in a state where iterating it will consume the values. ... ... A Seq can also be constructed with the sequence operator ... or one of its variants. ...
7stud's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

TR/// : How do you apply TR to a string?

With tr///, I can do this: my $str = 'xABCz'; $str ~~ tr:c/ABC//; say "-->{$str}<--"; --output:-- -->ABC<-- But with TR///, which creates a new string, there doesn't seem to ...
7stud's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Regex word boundary: <|wb> v. <?wb>

Edit: @ikegami was the first person to respond and pointed out my typo. The raku Regex docs say: To match any word boundary, use <|w> or <?wb>. This is similar to \b in other languages. ...
7stud's user avatar
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1 answer

Raku exceptions: why are errors thrown sometime after the code that caused the errors?

This seems crazy to me: use v6.d; say "Before division by zero!"; my $result = divide(3, 0); say "After division by zero!"; sub divide($a, $b) { my $result; $result = $a /...
7stud's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

subset name of Any where Str|True: why does the name type match every type?

I expected the refinement of the Any type to Str|True would make the name type match any Str or True, but this is what I see: subset name of Any where Str|True; sub go(name :$x) { say $x; } go(x =...
7stud's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Mapping a List with a Hash argument

In the docs for class List, it says: routine map multi method map(Hash:D \hash) multi method map(Iterable:D \iterable) multi method map(|c) multi method map(\SELF: &block;; :$label, :$item) ...
7stud's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

MAIN() function: how does multi-dispatch work?

Example 1: #!/usr/bin/env raku use v6.d; sub MAIN(Int $int) { say 'parameter $int: ', $int.^name; } --output:-- $ raku b.raku 10 parameter $int: IntStr Example 2: #!/usr/bin/env raku use v6....
7stud's user avatar
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8 votes
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How to make a Raku test optional if a module is not installed

I am adding a feature to a package that optionally uses DBIish. I would like to write a few unit tests to ensure that the functionality is working. However, DBIish should be an optional dependency, ...
Rawley Fowler's user avatar
-2 votes
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Which 'Perl Traps' have not been fixed in Raku? [closed]

Looking at Perl, I was very pleased to find a link to a section called "Perl Traps" in the perldocs. It represents a refreshing sense of honesty in an increasingly tech-hyped world. The &...
jubilatious1's user avatar
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Does Raku has a data type for encoding side effects as pure values?

I am doing some exercise from the book Grokking Functional Programming, the origin code examples are written in Scala, and I want to rewrite it with Raku. In Scala's cats effect library, there is a ...
ohmycloudy's user avatar
8 votes
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How do I get a &-conjoined regular expression to be considered as long a match as its constituents?

You can specify that a regular expression should only match if all its constituents match by using a conjunction, && or &: [4] > 'ready' ~~ / r..dy & .ea.. / 「ready」 [5] > '...
darch's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to use the index of an array in a map block?

I would like to use the index of the array in a map routine. For example, this Raku code: raku -e 'my @a = "First", "Second", "Third", "First"; say{ &...
Mimosinnet's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

How, and how best, to select a method/sub based on a boolean?

I have a method in a class to return a hash, with the aim that children classes will over-ride the method. But for testing purposes, I want a different hash. When the class is instantiated, I would ...
Richard Hainsworth's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

How to extract data from RakuAST 's

How best is it to extract a hash from the config portion of a RakuAST::Doc::Block ? Here is the program: use v6.d; use experimental :rakuast; my $ast = Q:to/CONF/.AST; =for rakudoc :category("...
Richard Hainsworth's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Can't use sequence operator `...` on a separate line in Raku

The following code works: my @fibo = 1, 1, -> $a, $b { $a + $b } ... *; say @fibo[^10]; output: (1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55) But if you split this over multiple lines like this: my @fibo = 1, ...
mscha's user avatar
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4 votes
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Confused about 'capturing'-behavior of ( ... ) e.g. "immutable lists" vs. [ ... ] e.g. "arrays"

I'm somewhat confused about the behavior of the following Raku program, my @list; my $v = 4; @list.push: [ 1, $v ]; @list.push: ( 2, $v ); $v *= 2; @list.push: [ 3, $v ]; @list.push: ( 4, $v ); $...
chromis's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

How do I find all possible values of an enum in Raku?

enum Direction <north east south west>; for north, east, south, west -> $dir { say $dir; ... } I don't want to repeat the list of Direction values here. How can I programmatically ...
mscha's user avatar
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List seems to be reused but bare value works fine

This: my %dict; my $counter = 0; for ^5 -> $digit { %dict{$digit} = ($counter,); $counter += 1; } say %dict; gives me this: {0 => (5), 1 => (5), 2 => (5), 3 => (5), 4 =&...
marwy's user avatar
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1 answer

Raku bug or feature: empty range is True

% raku Welcome to Rakudo™ v2023.08. Implementing the Raku® Programming Language v6.d. Built on MoarVM version 2023.08. To exit type 'exit' or '^D' [0] > say so 1..0; True It would be useful if an ...
mscha's user avatar
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2 votes
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Is there an elegant way in Raku to see if two ranges overlap?

Is there an elegant way to see if two ranges have any overlap? For instance, if my $r = 1..10; my $r1 = 2..5; my $r2 = 7..15; then $r1 ~~ $r is True. But $r ~~ $r1, $r2 ~~ $r, $r ~~ $r2 are all ...
mscha's user avatar
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Is it possible to lift a made value to Grammar TOP?

I have this raku Grammar: #!/usr/bin/env raku use v6.d; use Grammar::Tracer; grammar Grammar { token TOP { <city> \v <state-zip> \v? } token city { ...
librasteve's user avatar
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10 votes
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How to get the `< ... >` syntax on an object?

In Raku: when I create an object with a CALL-ME method, I would like to use the < ... > syntax for the signature instead of ( '...' ) when ... is a Str. In the documentation, there is an example ...
Richard Hainsworth's user avatar

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