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Synology with Qnap NAS [closed]

I need help to run Qnap attached to a Synology: I used to have a QNAP NAS. Then I bought and replaced it with a Synology. Now I have connected my old QNAP NAS to the Synology, and I can see its IP as ...
Farsh's user avatar
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Setting up GitLab on Docker for Windows with Volumes Shared From a Linux Server

I have a GitLab instance in a Docker container running on a Synology NAS. Now, I want to move the GitLab to a Windows PC that I have, but keep the data on the NAS. To do this, I created some folders ...
LemongrabThree's user avatar
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How to log out of Synology SSO Server (OIDC)?

I use Synology SSO Server (OIDC). I used a python library to log in and it works perfectly, the url that is called to login looks like this: https://<MY-NAS>/webman/sso/SSOOauth.cgi?...
Nico's user avatar
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Node Server running on a Synology NAS

I bought a NAS that I setup as a webdev server, among other things. I am having trouble accessing a node server via dynamic domain, but I can access it via local IP (the NAS' IP on my network). I can ...
inktCode's user avatar
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WebApi docs for Note Station

Do you guys know if there is any Note Station API documentation? I read and I prepared some request to my NAS (DSM 7.2). Getting API info ...
Arek Woźniak's user avatar
-1 votes
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I made an old CodeIgniter 2 PHP 5.6 website over 10 years ago, and am trying to restore it online; keep getting 404 errors (the first page works, tho)

I keep getting server 404 errors when trying to interact with my website: my .htaccess file is as follows: RewriteEngine On # First add the www to URL RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^...
jeromie's user avatar
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Trouble Applying Customized Configuration Settings in Postgres

I have a question regarding configurations optimization in Postgres 17. I have coded for optimized configurations. For most of the parameters, the settings get applied except for effective cache size, ...
A_U1357's user avatar
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I'm trying to run phpMyAdmin and link it to an existing docker container database and I get an error. (Using Synology NAS w/ Web Station + Docker)

I'm running a Synology NAS to host my PHP website. I'm using Web Station and Container Manager (Docker). When I create a phpMyAdmin container, link it to the exisiting mariaDB database, and run it, I ...
jeromie's user avatar
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How to intall node.js v20 via ssh terminal on Synology NAS DSM 7.1

I wanted to install and run Homebridge on my "older" Synology NAS running DSM 7.1 (can not update to 7.2) and during the install of Homebridge I get prompted to update node to v20 first, ...
boehmatron's user avatar
0 votes
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How to browse directories on Synology NAS with DLNA?

GET returns the following data: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <root xmlns="urn:schemas-upnp-org:device-1-0"> ...
LA_'s user avatar
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Synology Directory Server : Granting Access to a Former Employee's Files on Multiple Computers

I have a local network of computers running Windows, and user logins are managed through Synology Directory Server. One of the employees has left the company, and their work-related files, which are ...
Филипп Цветков's user avatar
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keycloak behind synology reverse proxy

I've got a keycloak docker container running on a synology rackstation. This rackstation is accessible via a public domain and protected by cloudflare upfront. I can access the keycloak instance in my ...
TheSwabian's user avatar
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Synchronize the Synology Calendar app between two Synology NAS

I have two Synology NAS with btrfs and snapshot replication. The syncronization of data between NAS works well. But the syncronization of the applications Calendar & Contacts cannot be setup ...
aschmid's user avatar
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Passing password as argument to npm run start command line

I execute npm run start in a .sh command file on a NAS Synology at startup (bash). But a password is required after this command line, how could i pass it as an argument in my .sh file ? In the ...
pipoulito's user avatar
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Keyboard character issues when accessing Windows & Linux VMMs on a Synology NAS from a MacBook / MacOS

Problem: When I access a VM from the MacBook via Browser, I get a "^" back, when I press the "<" key. Setup: Synology DS224+ with VMM (Virtual Machine Manager) Windows 11 VM @ ...
RyderHook's user avatar
1 vote
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Synology NAS Configuration for Go Website - Encountering 403 Error

I’m currently facing an issue while trying to host a Go website on my Synology NAS (DSM 7.2.1-69057 Update 5). Despite extensive troubleshooting, I’m stuck with a 403 error when trying to access the ...
Vanessa's user avatar
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Build GMP from source on an intel celeron J4125 : (not so) strange issues with libtool

(Long story short.) I have a synology DS920+ (equipped with an intel celeron J4125 CPU.) I need a fortran compiler on it to compile and use a very-legacy tool. I therefore naturally installed Entware (...
Olórin's user avatar
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Which version of Quart to use?

I have a very simple Flask website running on my Synology NAS. I discovered that I probably need asyncio capabilities. I found out that these do not work with Flask. Via Google I learned that Quart is ...
Fred Verhoeckx's user avatar
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How can I sync my local Synology calendar to Google without exposing the Synology to the internet?

I have a Synology NAS where I use the built-in calendar app to manage my different calendars. This works great and I can sync it to my phone using CalDav with the Android app DAVx5. Now I'd love to ...
Urasam's user avatar
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synology NAS active backup for M365 - export log via script

I wrote a script to download the log in Synology NAS active backup for M365. Manually if I click on export everything works. But I need to download it with the script. The authentication on the NAS is ...
Aladin's user avatar
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Can't fetch file on a Synology NAS from NextJS serverside

I'm encountering an issue when trying to fetch data from my Next.js app. The data I want to retrieve is located in my NAS Synology device. When I make the fetch request from the NextJS app on the ...
Jonathan's user avatar
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2 votes
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How do I remove the iam.disableServiceAccountKeyCreation constraint

I am trying to implement backups for a Google Workspace using Synology's Backup for Google Workspace, and following their implementation guide. I have set up a Project and am now trying to create a ...
David Maxwell's user avatar
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How to find identical files in a directory tree

I would like to identify the identical files in a directory tree of a Synology NAS. Is there a way to do it robustly and efficiently? Here's what I tried: basedir=/volume1/bordel find "$basedir&...
Fravadona's user avatar
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Synology Scheduled Task fails running simple command with 'no such file'

I'm trying to run a simple bash script using Scheduled Tasks on a Synology NAS. It fails interpreting an argument as a file. OS: DSM 7.1.1-42962 Update 6 The 'user-defined script' in Scheduled Tasks: /...
SoulEviscerator's user avatar
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Recursively extract zip archive on synology nas (notion)

I'm working with a Synology NAS. I have a notion backup ZIP file (a ZIP file containing another ZIP file). The file is big so I want to script unzipping so first the outer zip gets extracted and then ...
Olli Savolainen's user avatar
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Linuxserver/Codeserver for vuejs development

I'm using Linuxserver/codeserver ( as Dockerimage on my Synology for development. Right now I'm trying to get access to my vuejs app. It starts on port ...
Cryptor's user avatar
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calendar API no longer works after update

So far I have been able to create entries in Synology Calendar via API.
Trombone0904's user avatar
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Synology Upload API is not responding. just timeout

My Code is Here. I want to upload files to synology using nestjs. but it's not running my expected. synology is not responding until timeout. Where is the problem in my code?
 souldiary's user avatar
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How can I force nginx site hosted on Synology NAS to update cache?

Good day all! A few years ago I built an website on my Synology NAS for internal use at my business. It is hosted using Nginx via the Synology "Web Station" app. Often, when I make changes ...
hderic's user avatar
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How to create merge request and view source code Git Store in File Station Synology NAS

Hi all. I created and set up GIT in DSM. I clone repository code and also push, pull, and switch branches normal I created a new branch and file in this branch, I typed some words in for ...
Tai Do's user avatar
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Nginx Internal Error by adding a new proxy host

I am new with Nginx Proxy Manager and I am running NPM in a docker container and it is running smoothly, but I am not able to create new SSL certificates. When I try to add a new proxy host and choose ...
Ras Ejah's user avatar
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Configure Syslog on a python flask app deployed on a Synology server

I have successfully (or had) deployed a flask app on my synology server following this thread. It works, but from time to time, like now, I can run my app locally but it fails when I run it on the ...
ruthpozuelo's user avatar
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How to upload the file to Synology NAS with Tasker?

I am trying to upload the file to my Synology NAS (DSM 4.5). Here is the API description. I am able to upload the file with Postman. But when I do it with Tasker, I am getting Invalid parameter error. ...
LA_'s user avatar
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Why are lines from my table visible to specific queries but not otherwise?

I am setting up a database for my company. Among the reference tables it needed are a list of all the villages in a specific country (I don't want to specify where, but it's over 70k items). The ...
Loquacious's user avatar
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Trouble Setting Up Connection to PostgreSQL Database in Docker Container on Synology via DataGrip

Context: I am attempting to connect to a PostgreSQL database hosted in a Docker container on my Synology NAS using DataGrip. The postgresql db was created using the managed container service of ...
Fabian Wörenkämper's user avatar
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Publish Net Core Web API in NAS Synology, web root path problem

I am trying to use the Synology package ".NET 6.0 runtime" by hgy59 to create a small website. I am using the example of this post : Publish Net Core Web API in NAS Synology I can't find the ...
jérémy Courbat's user avatar
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Synology DSM Webapi access from Angular

After a successful login, every subsequent request returns error with code 105, but not form Postman. I use Angular proxy to send my requests to the correct endpoint and the login does work, I get the ...
FelixTFD's user avatar
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Different behavior of task planner (manual vs. scheduled execution)

I'm trying to measure my internet connection regulary using speedtest-cli speedtest-cli is installed on my NAS (DSM 6.2.4-25556 Update 7 on DS413j) I wrote the bash script below I created a task in ...
Andreas's user avatar
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Uploading files to Synology NAS with frpascal code using FileStation API

I'm playing with a Synology NAS and trying to use its SYNO.FileStation API with freepascal code. All its functions work correctly when I use TFPHTTPClient component GET functions, however when I try ...
Laszlo Kovacs's user avatar
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Connecting to Mariadb in an adjacent container on Synology Container Manager

I am using Synology Container Manager. I have two containers only. One with ProjectSend and one with Mariadb. Both containers are up and running (according to Container Manager). When first accessing ...
cofbd's user avatar
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Can't connect to my MariaDB database using an external website

i'm trying to make a Geometry Dash private server (I want to host it on my Synology NAS), but the URL is too long, so i'm making another website to connect to my database. I've got a file "...
Buage's user avatar
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Shell script works when run manually but does not when run at docker container startup

I installed Docker on a Synology NAS. I created a container that runs an Ubuntu instance that runs a website server. To launch my service (named "dodoc"), I use npm and pm2. So when my ...
N_P's user avatar
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How to restart nut upsd service in Synology DSM7 command line

After adding additional NUT UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) users to /etc/ups/upsd.users to Synology NAS in order to get access from Linux servers connected to same ups, you need to restart ups ...
Arunas Bart's user avatar
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Can not see /var/opt/mssql on Synology Docker

I successfully installed SQL Server in Docker on Synology NAS. I can connect to the database from station. When I do select * from sys.master_files I can see that physical_name is /var/opt/mssql/data. ...
informx's user avatar
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How to use the Synology Calendar API to create events in C#?

I'm planning to provide a C# client for the Synology calendar API and I'm using the documentation provided by Synology directly. So far, I am able to do the following things in C# (And Postman for ...
FranzHuber23's user avatar
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Unable to install locales and locales-all on docker image on Synology NAS

I'm trying to install Ubuntu as a docker container on a Synology rs1221+ NAS. When I try to build the container with the command: docker build -t appy:1 . it ends with the following errors: E: Package ...
Hitsuji's user avatar
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Move folder using Access Vba to a connected drive throws error 70

I want to use Microsoft Access Vba to move folders to a map network drive from my computer, however it is giving me continuously error 70 "Access denied". I am able to create folders on the ...
Mawimu's user avatar
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How can I upload a file to Synology NAS using python with Synology NAS API?

I am trying to create a python script to upload an xlsx file to synology NAS using the official Synology NAS API and the python requests module. I have been able to successfully log in and display ...
NicLovin's user avatar
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Unable to launch a Docker image with Blazor WASM

Good morning, I can't launch my (published) Blazor WebAssembly image on Docker. After having seen several tutorials which are in the same situation as me, I still cannot launch the image. The goal is ...
Tisma's user avatar
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Composer Project - Redash + Redis + Postgres On Synology NAS

I am just diving into how Containers work, and have gotten pretty far, but when orchestrating a few images into one project yml file, I am running around in circles. So I have the following images: ...
Daniel Watson's user avatar

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