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FTP inbound Adaptor send file to remote after SQS message send

I am implementing an @InboundChannelAdapter scenario where I need to move file to remote archive directory after sending message to AWS SQS queue. I have successfully achieved similar scenario with ...
riteshmaurya's user avatar
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Spring Integration Unable to determine system type - response: 550 Permission denied

I was getting Unable to determine system type - response: 550 Permission denied error while trying to poll files from ftp remote server. Springboot version: 3.2.1 My FTPS session factory Java ...
riteshmaurya's user avatar
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Is there a way I send mail with all files (as Zip) received in Spring Integration FTP instead sending the files Individually per Message received

I have a Spring Boot application based on Spring Integration FTP where I can DOWNLOAD/UPLOAD files. I need to send the files (as ZIP) received via mail but the problem is, I can only do this per ...
Chunks's user avatar
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Spring Integration is not detecting files on FTP Folder

Currently I'm facing a problem where I don't know what to do to resolve it. I'm developing a simple application that transfer files through different FTP and SFTP servers to be processed. Well, at the ...
jmartinez's user avatar
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Spring Integration Ftp | how to test code for move remote files into another directory in remote server after FTP fetch complete

We have a remote FTP server in which we have a folder "test/" which contains certain text files. The "test/" folder has another subdirectory "archive/" inside it. ...
Goku21's user avatar
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Spring Integration Ftp | how to move remote files into another directory in remote server after FTP fetch complete

We have a remote FTP server in which we have a folder "test/" which contains certain text files. The "test/" folder has another subdirectory "archive/" inside it. ...
Wolf17's user avatar
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FtpSession.exist(path) doesn't work with files

I'm trying to check the existance of a file in an FTP server using Spring Integration but it doesn't seem to work. It works fine with directories but not with files. In documentation is mentioned ...
KrisKris1's user avatar
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Spring Integration CompositeFileListFilter

I am using CompositeFileListFilter to add two filters. Firstly, I want to execute AbstractPersistentFileListFilter with the default implementation, thereby protecting it from duplication. Second, I ...
mrtopgun's user avatar
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How to get files recursively from subdirectories spring-integration

please tell me how you can get files recursively from subdirectories? I add an expression to select a remote directory to my IntegrationFlow - String fileNameRegex = "(\ d {4} | Success | Error |....
mrtopgun's user avatar
2 votes
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Spring Integration how to get file from many ftp server and dirictory?

I'm trying to set up fetching new files from multiple ftp servers and directories for post-processing. At the moment, only the first server from the collection is connected. Tell me what I'm doing ...
mrtopgun's user avatar
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SftpPersistentAcceptOnceFileListFilter + JdbcMetadataStore not pushing values in INT_METADATA_STORE

I am writting sftp-integration-ftp inbound flow code to read file from FTP server and want to ensure that if multiple instances of my service and reading file from same input location then only one ...
Tushar Dusane's user avatar
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Embedding Apache FTP Server : Not able to login with 40 user Concurrently

I am using this Embedded server for integration testing of Spring-integration-ftp. I have to connect this ftp server to 40 spring integration ftp service I have also added ConcurrentLoginPermission to ...
Rishi thakar's user avatar
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Spring Integration FTP - InboundChannelAdapter Stopped working with new FTP server

I've been using Spring-Integration 4.1.6 to connect to an old FTP server for several years now. The FTP server was recently replaced with a newer version (the new server is Globalscape EFT ...
RodL's user avatar
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3 answers

Spring Integration Mail: Send email after all database inserts

Hello I have an integration flow that splits a file line by line, transforms each line into a POJO and then inserts that POJO into a db via JDBC outbound gateway. I want to be able to send a single ...
Addison Joseph's user avatar
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Spring Integration FTP in Docker container: not triggering flow

I am having quite a time figuring out where my issue is stemming from. I can run locally, I have built my .jar and ran that locally too. I have my integration flow set as follows @Bean ...
Addison Joseph's user avatar
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Spring Integration DSL History issue

I have to setup the flows dynamically. Example: @Component @Slf4j public class FTPFlow { @Autowired private IntegrationFlowContext integrationFlowContext; @EventListener(...
Makky's user avatar
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Spring Integration DSL FTP Issue

I have dynamic spring integration flow FTP -> downloads the files and put in the directory "C:\testing" Transformer will move the files to "XYZ" directory SFTP -> downloads the files ...
Makky's user avatar
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Spring Integration DSL FTP

I have Spring inbound for the FTP I am looking at the document If you happened to have one or more files sitting in the local-...
Makky's user avatar
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2 answers

FTP file not downloaded with Spring Integration after local deletion

We are writing a Batch Job which takes a file as input from an FTP, generates some new files and writes them to an S3 bucket, and for this we are using Spring Integration. The file in the FTP is an ...
Marouane Gazanayi's user avatar