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spring integration SFTP SSH2_DISCONNECT_PROTOCOL_ERROR issue in spring batch

My spring batch application is trying to download file from mainframe via SFTP (JDK 17) once the download is over, process continues with read,process and write . This happens twice as there are two ...
Sushmitha's user avatar
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Merge two huge files in SFTP server Spring Boot

I have 2 huge files >5gb in two different locations in an SFTP server . One way is to download the files and merge them and send it to SFTP again. But as we are using openshift the pods will have ...
Ravi Verma's user avatar
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Spring Integration - SFTP Polling - Inbound Adapter to fetch file name without copying to local directory

Context We are using a spring integration flow to poll for new files in the input directory. The file name is passed to an existing spring batch job that fetches the file and handles the business ...
tardistraveller 's user avatar
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Spring Integration - Concurrent access to SFTP outbound gateway GET w/ STREAM and accessing the response from Queue Channel

Context Per the spring docs, the GET command on the SFTP outbound gateway with STREAM option would ...
tardistraveller 's user avatar
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Read multiple folders from sftp - Spring Integration & Batch

we have spring integration with spring batch application where we process a file from a sftp server using a poller. have few questions on spring integration @Bean public MessageSource<File> ...
user2003430's user avatar
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Spring Batch Integration idle behavior during polling remote SFTP

I'm using Spring Batch Integration for polling and process a SFTP server, we receive thousands of XMLs files (between 50MB ~ 200MB each file). Actually I'm running 6 instances of my app to process ...
Guilherme Bernardi's user avatar
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Trigger Spring integration from a Spring batch job

I'm looking for a way to trigger a spring integration that does file download from a spring batch job. Currently I've seen examples of triggering batch job after the integration has received the files....
Aswath's user avatar
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Using Spring Integration SftpInboundChannel In Conjunction With Spring Batch

Problem description Dear Stack-Overflow-Community, I recently came across sftpinbound channel from Spring-Integration-Framework. Is is possible to start the inbound channel by batch job or not? My ...
Devron1705's user avatar
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How to upload multiple files using sftp in spring batch

I have 8 files that I want to upload to an FTP server using sftp in the spring batch. I am not able to configure the Tasklet for that can anyone tell me how to do that. Also, the file name should ...
worm3r's user avatar
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Spring SFTP : Unable to rename .writing file

I am using Spring SFTP integration to transfer the file and many time I got this error. It seems two threads are trying to transfer same file and conflict with each other 2020-08-03 08:31:55,766 INF [...
Sushil's user avatar
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spring batch ftp integration timeout error - use spring-boot/spring-batch for ETL

I am new to spring, and looking for a spring batch solution for simple ETL process. I followed the following link:
Mihir's user avatar
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How to write integration tests for spring-batch-integration?

I'm using spring-integration bundled with spring-batch and got stuck trying to write integration tests to test the whole flow, not just single config. I've created Embedded Sftp Server for this tests ...
Alexei Stirbul's user avatar
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Spring Integration is setting SFTP Remote Directory as null

I have created a tasklet to download a file at SFTP server using Spring-Integration-Batch. While running the batch, it seems remote directory is not setting correctly in ...
Sid's user avatar
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SFTP @Poller not triggering polling nothing happens

I am trying to set the spring boot application which will pool the csv . i do not see any activity happning in the spring boot application nor on filezilla SFTP server but if I change the same code to ...
abhinav jain's user avatar
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Spring Batch Java configuration - Writing to remote sftp xml file without local file

I have a requirement to write xml file to a sftp server in a Spring Batch application. Currently below code writes xml file to local file system using StaxEventItemWriter. I need to write directly to ...
Rajesh A's user avatar
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how can i synchronize a directory with subdirectories over ftp using spring integration with spring batch?

I've been trying to use SftpInboundFileSynchronizer with a remote directory that contains a subdir, say /myfiles/mysubdir/lefile.txt, I have set a filter to grab the files inside the dirs: mysync....
luisroot's user avatar
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How to launch spring batch job from integration flow?

I have a problem with Spring Integration and Spring Batch. I want to pass csv file from sftp to a batch job then convert information into POJO and pass to output. How can I do this? I have next ...
Andrew's user avatar
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How can I manipulate files from Spring app

Hi :) My plan is to create and edit some files on ssh server from Spring web app. Both are on the same server. I read some topics & articles but I'm not sure which one is ok and if it's possible. ...
LeCram's user avatar
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File upload as parallel process in spring batch with integration

I am trying to upload multiple files to SFTP server using Spring batch with integration. Multiple files are uploaded parallelly using Future with threadPoolExecutorService. But I want to execute the ...
A.S.karthick's user avatar
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Spring batch step won't stop by itself after finishing

I am trying to upload multiple files in SFTP server using Spring batch and spring integration. For that I am using ThreadPoolTaskExecutor for parallel processing. Execute the file upload in each ...
Karthick A.S's user avatar
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How to use the channel in Spring Integration but Using just java config

I have been reading the Spring Documentation and forums on Internet. I did something very similar to this: sftp with java config in spring The point is I would like to use the channel to send a ...
Columb1a's user avatar
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Spring-integration-ftp polls file even when my application is stopped

As a follow up to the question - Same file gets picked up again and again in spring-ftp but with different names I have the following configuration in my application.xml <?xml version="1.0" ...
user3276247's user avatar
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Spring batch job start processing file not fully uploaded to the SFTP server

I have a spring-batch job scanning the SFTP server at a given interval. When it finds a new file, it starts the processing. It works fine for most cases, but there is one case when it doesn't work: ...
CorrieSparrow's user avatar
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Start and stop file inbound or message inbound adaptor in spring batch

I have below requirements, Receiving file from diff systems and convert into JMS text message and send to IBM MQ Receiving message from IBM MQ and store into database. Display status of the messages ...
Raj GT's user avatar
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Download multiple files using SourcePollingChannelAdapter- start/stop issue?

My requirement is to donwload multiple files from a remote directory in a file server in my spring-batch application. One of the example here suggests the usage of SourcePollingChannelAdapter. In ...
skpraveen's user avatar
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Spring Batch issue : "Problems occurred while synchronizing remote to local directory"

We PUT file on some SFTP server and then run spring batch.when spring batch run below steps were executed. pick file from FTP location process the file. delete file. we are facing below exception ...
Nirav Prajapati's user avatar