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Why resharper adds // unsed comment to file

After cleaning up code with ctrl+E+C combination Resharper add the following two lines to my file // unset This happens only when using a custom cleanup profile. What may be the cause?
Shadow's user avatar
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Does Resharper support code analysis for css files from CDN? (avoid unkown css class warning)

Is there a way to make R# code analysis work when using an external css file? e.g if i include the following: <link rel="stylesheet" href=""s-post-summary--meta">
Postlagerkarte's user avatar
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Nuget can no longer search certain libraries/addons when Resharper is installed

I have a newly reformatted PC, I installed VS 2012. Then started a project. I searched and downloaded and installed JQuery, Knockoutjs, bootstrap and EntityFramework. All of these appeared on top of ...
Hwulfreedo's user avatar
4 votes
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How to install Resharper 9 into Visual Studio 2017?

I have a perpetual license (valid forever) for Resharper 9, so I want to install it into Visual Studio 2017, but the Resharper's installer doesn't detect VS 2017. The highest version of VS it detects ...
Mladen B.'s user avatar
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Operand Never Null Warning

I'm writing some logic which will get a start date on an object if it isn't null or it will get the min value. var statusStartDate = ((DateTime?)previousCategory?.StartDate) ?? DateTime.MinValue; ...
johnny 5's user avatar
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Resharper to do the code analysis (Code developed in C# language)

I am new to sonarQube & Resharper. And I used the Resharper to do the code analysis (Code developed in C# language) because without built the project we can do the code analysis by using the ...
user7014262's user avatar
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VS & Resharper Suggestion boxes overlapping in VS

When typing in VS, I get 2 suggestion boxes. One from VS, and the other from Resharper and its pretty annoying since VS seems to cover up Resharper. In the screenshot below, you can see reshaper ...
highboi's user avatar
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21 votes
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Stop ReSharper from putting JavaScript function parameter onto new line

How can I stop ReSharper formatting from turning this: define(['Spec'], function (Spec) { }); into this: define(['Spec'], function(Spec) { }); I've tried various combinations of settings ...
Holf's user avatar
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Resharper's redundant 'Remove code redundancies' settings

Just noticed this in Resharper's (9.2) Code Cleanup settings page: Are these settings different in anyway? Or are the Resharper devs just messing with us?
Patrick Quirk's user avatar
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Running multiple test classes in same file with ReSharper v9.2?

I used to be able to hit Ctrl+U,R to run all test classes inside a given file using ReSharper (NUnit is mytest harness). For example, here is my class layout: public static class TestsForT { [...
Michael McCarthy's user avatar
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Resharper in VS not reformatting section of code

I've recently reinstalled resharper and have kept as many of my original VS settings as possible, including short cut keys. I'm trying to use coding conventions as specified by MS. I have a list as a ...
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VS2012 Editor + Resharper 9 - Holding Ctrl key gets current block highlighted

In Visual Studio 2012, holding Ctrl key down without pressing other keys gets the current block highlighted after a bit less than one second: I have VS2012 with Resharper 9 (and Viasfora syntax ...
evilmandarine's user avatar
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ReSharper 9.2 "Go to Implementation" not working for inherited generic interfaces

I'm using ReSharper 9.2 (stuck with this version for now) and I have a case, rather common one for us, where "Go to implementation" doesn't work. Even worse, you'd think that there really is no ...
cmart's user avatar
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Resharper 9 Convert to LINQ: method syntax

I've been using Resharper (c#) for many years and found the automatic convert-to-linq-expression feature extremely helpful. I've recently upgraded to V9 of resharper and it is now using linq query ...
Andrew Thomson's user avatar
12 votes
3 answers

How to stop Resharper toggling between Enumerable.ToList and Select suggestion

If I use the Resharper code cleanup function, I'm finding my code ... var personInfos = persons.Select(Mapper.Map<PersonInfo>).ToList(); is changed to ... var personInfos = Enumerable.ToList(...
SteveC's user avatar
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2 votes
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ReSharper SDK test for Context Action doesn't work

I try to test my custom ReSharper Context Action using ReSharper SDK built-in test infrastucture. I've created an input file, an output file (.gold) and run the test. Two problems occur: Test is ...
Ilya Chumakov's user avatar
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Resharper suppresses some Javascript intellisense

In my NodeJS app, when I am using ReSharper 9.2 (Ultimate 2015.2) in VS 2015 Enterprise, I have trouble with missing intellisense options. I have two files: Javascript.js and Javascript1.js. ...
MalcLear's user avatar
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Why does Resharper 9 suggest to simplify String to string?

Why does Resharper 9 suggest to use string instead of String, when referring to a class, like String.IsNullOrEmpty() or String.Format(), while Resharper 8 didn't ? Based on a SO post, it should not. ...
Stralos's user avatar
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Additional keyword syntax highlighting (for ReSharper C++)

I'm trying to use a new keyword (await), but ReSharper C++ marks it in red, and it really stands out and annoying. I've tried to disable the color highlighting, but it still shows up in red. ...
tina nyaa's user avatar
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Deploy Resharper 9.2 Plugin as a dll

For Resharper 7.1 we had written a Resharper Plugin - which was placed in the C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Roaming\JetBrains\ReSharper\vAny\Plugins folder. In VS 2012 the plugin worked without ...
danny's user avatar
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Allow same-line empty methods in ReSharper

Is there a way to tell ReSharper to allow same-line brackets for empty methods and constructors? For example: MyConstructor(int x) : BaseConstructor(x) { } protected virtual void Foo() { } Should ...
Lazlo's user avatar
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Resharper does not detect visual studio 2015 is installed

I have Visual Studio 2015 community edition, it works just fine. I now try to install the newest version of resharper, but it says I don't have VS2015. I tried to repair visual studio but resharper ...
Ella Sharakanski's user avatar
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Why does Resharper add "@" to enum?

Hi I am using Resharper 9 and I encountered this situation: I write public enum EnumExample { var1, var2 } something = EnumExample.var1; and Resharper wants me to change it to public enum ...
kendzi's user avatar
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Always create types in new file

How can I instruct ReSharper to always create a new type in a new file instead of within the file I'm working on? I want to do this using the alt+enter+enter command.
Suraj's user avatar
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How do I prevent ReSharper from prefixing built in types with an '@' symbol when generating code?

I am writing a ReSharper plugin and I want to do this: CSharpElementFactory factory = CSharpElementFactory.GetInstance(treeNode.GetPsiModule()); factory.CreateTypeMemberDeclaration( "public ...
Sam Holder's user avatar
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Problems with Resharper? VS 2015 and MVC

I got VS 2015 and MVC, i get this red stuff in several projects. What can be the cause. Views is the only problem, works fine in code behind.
kuken's user avatar
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ReSharper Replace All Method Implementations with NotImplementedException

I have a huge library of classes I copied and I want to set all methods in all classes to: throw new NotImplementedException(); Does ReSharper have a way to do this globally over the whole solution?
Adam's user avatar
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Debugging with Resharper 9 and Visual Studio 2013

I use the newest build of Resharper (9.3) and Resharper C++ with Visual Studio 2013. Code editing, refactoring, ... works great. But if I try to debug the code, I get a weird error: an empty window ...
Jens Ehrlich's user avatar
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Cannot install Jetbrains ReSharper. Installer is blank and silence installation doesn't work

Hello smart people from stackoverflow I own an copy of the JetBrain Suite including JetBrains ReSharper Ultimate. I've already installed it on my Laptop but whatever I try - it's not working on my ...
BlueWizard's user avatar
15 votes
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ReSharper 9 - Shortcut Alt+Enter not work in VS 2015

I had tried hard to make it work using suggestions from - 1) Resharper Alt Enter not working 2) Resharper 8 - Quickfix shortcut Alt+Enter gone But so far all failed. Did anyone else faced same? ...
Vikram Singh Saini's user avatar
5 votes
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Why is this inherited Establish executed multiple times?

My understand is that each Establish should only be executed once, but the code below shows it executing multiple times. We're nesting the classes to provide some grouping while keeping the unit ...
Andy's user avatar
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ReSharper highlights use of nameof with "Explicit argument passed to parameter with caller info attribute"

I'm using the nameof function to get a property name as a string thus: public bool IsRunning => ...; ... RaisePropertyChanged(nameof(IsRunning)); ReSharper highlights this with the warning: ...
Tim Rutter's user avatar
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How do you set the File Layout to put [ClassInitialize] and [ClassCleanup] at the top of the file using Resharper 9?

How do you set the File Layout to put the MsTest [ClassInitialize] and [ClassCleanup] methods at the top of the file using Resharper 9? With the default set-up for R#, the methods are just alpha ...
SteveC's user avatar
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Resharper File Templates

So I'm creating this file template. I'm using the $SOME_VARIABLE$ which is awesome. I'm doing this template: var angular = require('angular'); angular.module('MyModule', []) .controller('...
Callum Linington's user avatar
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Resharper 9 and Jasmine 2.x references

in the past I have used webstorm, karma, jasmine and phantom to run js tests. I have to now run tests within VS2015 and opted for resharper/jasmine and phantom js. I have my tests running ok and its ...
user3086298's user avatar
31 votes
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ReSharper: setting C# language level for Solution

Further to this question, I have lots of projects inside a solution and I dont want to create a dotsettings file for each project. Can anyone help me set the C# Language Level on a solution level. ...
Christo's user avatar
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Resharper Cache size uses huge amount of disk space

I noticed that my development machine running windows server suddenly ran out of space. I ran WINDIRSTAT and see that Resharper cache is using a LOT of space.. It's a normal web project including 3 ...
Engern's user avatar
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Correct way to create custom "Todo Items"?

Resharper allows me to create custom "To-do Items" under Options -> Tools -> To-do Items. These todo items include a color value. But there is also a color found under Visual Studio -> Tools -> ...
Dave Cousineau's user avatar
16 votes
5 answers

Resharper - keep named parameters when doing code cleanup

We've adopted a convention that when calling a C# function with a "non-obvious" parameter, we use a named parameter even when it's not necessary. E.g. obj.Process(save: true) rather than obj....
Stuart Moore's user avatar
5 votes
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Why does ReSharper warn a function is used before it is declared?

I have written JavaScript code with a layout as seen below: function MyObject() { this.doSomething(){ someSubRoutine(); } function someSubRoutine(){ //Sub-routine code ...
puddinman13's user avatar
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How do you preserve blank lines between the MSpec delegate types?

Prior to Resharper 9, the default code reformatting preserved up to 2 blank lines between fields which meant that you could keep a blank line between your Because and It delegates like so: public ...
Derek Greer's user avatar
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Where is the regular expression syntax highlighting information stored for inline strings in Resharper 9?

There's this really cool new set of features in resharper 9. Particularly regarding Regex and the syntax highlighting. This post gives a good overview of how it works. Basically, by putting your ...
Zachary Dow's user avatar
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ReSharper NuGet autoresolver

Is there any chance to setup ReSharper 9.1 to auto resolve NuGet packages? I mean when I type and I do not have reference to and press Alt+Enter ReSharper installs via NuGet. [...
Peter's user avatar
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Prevent addition of parens when tab-completing method group

I'm currently using Resharper 9.0 and if I've got code like the following: public void DoSomething(Func<string, int> func); public int SomeMethod(string input); DoSomething(SomeMethod); If I ...
Clint's user avatar
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Resharper 9 alternate folder namespace provider

I am using Resharper which automatically recommends namespaces. I have a folder in my solution called _T.E.S.T, and I would like it to contribute to the namespace of all classes inside that folder. ...
Rudey's user avatar
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Add all Visual Studio unit tests with a specific TestCategory to a new Resharper testsession

In Visual Studio, in the Test Explorer window, when I group the tests on 'traits', the tests are grouped on a specific category (the public sealed class TestCategoryAttribute class I've put on the ...
Michel's user avatar
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Resharper Auto Property implement without method bodies

I'm using the latest ReSharper - 9. I also have StyleCop installed as well. When I implement an interface with properties it does this: public class MyClass : IMyClass { public bool MyProperty ...
Callum Linington's user avatar
5 votes
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Disable javascript type coercion warning in Resharper

Since installing ReSharper 9, I noticed that it now highlights parts of javascript code where a type coercion occurs: '==' tries to coerce values before comparing them which can lead to some ...
Jerry's user avatar
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"Scope to this" operation for methods

Is there a way to scope to a method? I mean, if I have 10 projects but want to work with only one, I can scope to it, so that the others don't appear to clutter my screen. As it's useful, it would ...
Th3B0Y's user avatar
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Disabling Resharper option that causes VS 2013 to switching tabs slowly

While building an ASP.NET MVC application with AngularJS, VS2013 is exhibiting very bad responsiveness when switching between the file-tabs. VS is reacting extremely slow, needing up to three and more ...
Stef's user avatar
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