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How to enforce wrapping in empty body function in CLion Nova with enabled ReSharper

ReSharper formater changes this code from this: parse_rule_t::parse_rule_t(token_type t) : data(singular_token_rule_t { t }), type(parse_rule_type::singular_token) { } To this: parse_rule_t::...
Æsir's user avatar
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How to stop Resharper_LineComment from moving to the below line?

As the title says, it's frustrating since the behaviour is different from stock Visual Studio. I also couldn't find a setting for it anywhere. I'd like the cursor to stay where it is when I comment ...
lolgube010's user avatar
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visual studio c++. Code style access modifier without line break (on the same line as member)

I'm using Visual Studio 17.9.4 with sharper C++. I want to configure the code formatting settings so that the member access modifier fits on the same line as my member's type and name. Without line ...
Kliment Nechaev's user avatar
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Can I get ReSharper to generate "overrides" for non-virtual functions?

I know it's not overriding, but I don't know if there's a name for "shadowing" parent functions in child classes. (If there is please tell me) Example: class Foo { public: void fn(std::...
Rasmus-123's user avatar
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ResharperC++ suggests to make method const

ResharperC++ suggests to make a class method const even if in the method the data is accessed through members. I know this is legal to make them const, but I was wondering if it is possible to disable ...
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9 answers

Do not use array subscript when the index is not an integer constant expression; use gsl::at() instead

I was trying to create some example code in Microsoft Visual Studio which looks like that int main() { const size_t size = 10; int arr[size]; for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) ...
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Can Intellisense in Visual Studio 2017 suggest C++ headers to include?

Coming from a primarily C# background, I used ReSharper for many years. Being able to place my cursor on an unresolved reference, hit Alt+Enter, and select an option to add the appropriate using ...
Shaun Hamman's user avatar
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C++ type is incomplete, can't access methods and fields, can't include [duplicate]

I have a problem with C++ project. I'm using resharper c++ for visual studio 2017 if thats relevant. When I have 2 classes (A, B) and they include each other, sometimes resharper blacks out #include ...
Axolotling's user avatar
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ReSharper C++ dotSettings file for popular coding standards

Are there any ReSharper .dotSettings files available for popular coding standards (e.g. Google C++ Style Guide or C++ Coding Standards: 101 Rules, Guidelines, and Best Practices)? I'm a bit surprised ...
Roel's user avatar
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How do I declare a Qt signal so Resharper doesn't give me a warning?

If I have a class that declares a Qt signal: class Test { signals: void TestSignal(); } This works fine in Qt. But Resharper C++ gives me the warning: Function 'void Test::TestSignal()' is not ...
parsley72's user avatar
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Resharper C++ Lambda Braces Indentation

I am using Resharper C++. I have code that often uses lambdas as function parameters, and I want them aligned as such: return Method( [&]() -> bool { return this.variable >=...
Thomas Flinkow's user avatar
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Refactor function from non-inline to inline

Is there any command in Resharper for c++ (or maybe in Visual Studio itself) to make non-inline function as inline? For example I have function Foo declared in Foos.h and defined in Foos.cpp. Now I ...
pkuderov's user avatar
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Resharper : subtituate macro with multi-line code

Is it possible to make Resharper Substituate macro call in separate-lines mode? Example I have this code :- #define TEST(T) int T=5; \ T++; TEST(apple); If I click Substituate macro call and all ...
javaLover's user avatar
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How are ReSharper C++ and Visual Assist different?

What's different between the two? JetBrains lists some differences here, but I heard there might be some inaccuracies in the list.
Filip Skakun's user avatar
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Resharper C++ enforce C99

I am writing an embedded application in plain C99 in Visual Studio with VisualGDB and Resharper c++. The Resharper website states that it fully supports C99. But if I have a typedef struct like this ...
Jiří Kyzlink's user avatar
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ReSharper C++ 1.1 not working with auto key word

I'm using ReShaper C++ 1.1. If I use auto to create an vector I do not get any code completion. Below is the code: auto main() -> int { // no code completion auto result = vector<string&...
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Additional keyword syntax highlighting (for ReSharper C++)

I'm trying to use a new keyword (await), but ReSharper C++ marks it in red, and it really stands out and annoying. I've tried to disable the color highlighting, but it still shows up in red. ...
tina nyaa's user avatar
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override base class methods in resharper c++

I'm using VS 2012 with Resharper C++. Is there a way to look at member functions of the base class that can be overridden, and then generate appropriate code in the header/source files?
dev_nut's user avatar
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Visual Studio C++ project - Can't find std lib

Sorry for the dumb question but I'm new to using Visual Studio for C++ ... I have a custom C++ project in Visual Studio 2013 (it's an example project for developing Reason rack extensions) and ...
BadmintonCat's user avatar
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Messed up color scheme in ReSharper C++

After upgrading to the latest ReSharper Ultimate version, my VS color scheme is kinda messed up. i have tried re-installing it, deleting the VC12_Config key from the registry and modify the "...
sergej amnesia's user avatar
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Binding r-value to l-value reference is non-standard Microsoft C++ extension

I've been working on a project recently, and I decided to install ReSharper C++ to Visual Studio. When it analysed my code it spat out a bunch of new warnings (apparently I have bad coding habits..). ...
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