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Using PowerPivot to compute test coverage

For my current project I am using Excel and Pivot Tables quite often. Now, I have seen the nice feature PowerPivot in Excel and I am thinking to use it in my project. Especially, I want to use ...
Aleph0's user avatar
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Magicdraw datahub CSV sunc

Im using Magicdraw 2021x with dataHub plugin, what is the best way to gain more practical experience with the Datahub plugin in order to import and sync with an external CSV file ? I'd like also to ...
Yoram Ben Haim's user avatar
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is it possible to link attribute enumerations (Types) to objects in another module in DOORS?

I have a DOORS module A that have an enumurated attribute and have numerous objects with each have this enumerated attribute set to one or more enums. i want to define these enums as objects in ...
Hannibal's user avatar
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Custom relation created in Cameo - date attribute not showing up in table?

I am creating a custom relationship based on an existing relationship type within Cameo systems modeler. I created a few custom attributes for this relation, one of which is "date of submission&...
Simon-S's user avatar
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Relation between stakeholder and functional requirements

I'm currently struggling with some basic requirement management: Given a set of stakeholder requirements I refine them by an equal set of use cases to identify underlying activities/functional ...
cytings's user avatar
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Where to put a small utility function that I would like to use across multiple packages/projects that I develop?

Right now I have one function that would be useful in a number of distinct packages that I work on. The function is only a handful of lines. But I would like to be able to use this code in a number of ...
Jagerber48's user avatar
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Visualising nodes classified in heirarchies and their relationshops

I am a requirement engineer which has created a dataset which is as follows Requirement ID, Requirement type (business, user and goal), relationship a relationship relates a requirement to another. It ...
Mateen Asad's user avatar
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How to understand the meaning of high level requirement and low level requirement in DO-178C?

DO-178C or DO-178B requires two level software requirements, that is, high-level requirements and low-level requirements. But generally except the very small software, the hierarchy structure of most ...
Simon Zhu's user avatar
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Acceptance test design in Requirements Validation (Software Engineering)

Is acceptance test can be consider under requirements validation? Can you suggest me a good book for requirements validation that is freely available? Thank you in advance.
Seema's user avatar
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Is it possible to dynamically define enumarated type based on another attributes values in IBM DOORS?

I'm trying to dynamically populate an attribute enumerated list based on another attributes values in IBM DOORS. the image represent the list of items defined as object text I want to dynamically ...
Hannibal's user avatar
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requirement traceabilty in gitlab

In the gitlab documents it is written that "The ability to add and edit a requirement’s long description introduced in GitLab 13.5., and ...
Dipali Singhal's user avatar
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Is it possible to export reports from Jama Connect with baseline signatures

I am working for a Medical Device company where we are using Jama Connect for Requirement Management. To be compliant we have to externally submit information located in Jama for regulatory purposes. ...
Jacob Brodal's user avatar
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Can we integrate DOORS tool as a plugin to a java application?

I would like to integrate the DOORS tool(requirement gathering tool) into my java application. My application is a standalone application built in java, Can I integrate DOORS tool as a plugin or any ...
Prafull's user avatar
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How can I run my program when I already had the module and the error said: ModuleNotFoundError?

I am trying to run a from the github. And the error I met is ModuleNotFoundError: No module name 'torch'. Then I install it by using the cmd: pip install torch and the cmd said that ...
Nguyễn Công Tài's user avatar
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Update objects from two modules with same attribute in DOORS

I have one module with objects that have the attribute customer ID. I have new module, with updated data, which was an import from PDF to DOORS using ReqMan. Now I want to update the first module with ...
peetman's user avatar
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How to install highest version of a Python package which doesn't break my App?

Do you anchor all versions in requirements.txt to a spesific number? Is it the right way? Is there any way to get latest version that does not break my app? To not missing security updates etc.
mcan's user avatar
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Requirement tracking Doxygen

I'm trying to generate a table of requirements covered by my tests using doxygen, I have seen this post which works fine and generates a table that link ...
Dr. Darwin's user avatar
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NP Hard's relation to Requirements Engineering

I want to know about NP-Hard from a requirements engineering point of view and not mathematical. Any input is appreciated.
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Best practice on mocdeling threshold (T) and objective (O) requirements in SysML?

I have considered making a new requirement stereotype for which I can make threshold and objective attributes. That is fine as far as capturing the requirement goes, but then becomes ugly when trying ...
user2232274's user avatar
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Use Case Diagram for Stack Overflow

I am trying to design a Use Case Diagram for an app like Stack Overflow. I have tried to add some basic functionalities in this diagram. I want to improve this diagram to include an exhaustive list ...
Nisha's user avatar
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Searching for free requirements management software [closed]

I am looking for a requirements management software, like DOORS, but for free (I need to enter requirements, and generate a specification document, not only follow requirement traceability like ...
lefel's user avatar
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How do I map Angular tests/test suites back to JIRA to track them?

I am struggling how to track my test coverage for an Angular app back to the requirements documentation. Currently all requirements are pages in Confluence which map to JIRA cases for tractability. ...
tommyc38's user avatar
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Autoincrement list in Word 2016

I am creating a technical specification with Word 2016 and want to automize formatting of requirements that I will describe. Throughout the document I will have different chapters and sections where I ...
shibby's user avatar
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Architecture style for uber like application

I am creating architecture and design for a uber like android application. I want to ask which architecture style(layered,mvc,pipe and filter or etc) would be more appropriate for such application? ...
user4736473's user avatar
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How can I find all cell references in a row that contain a value, and display them in one cell?

The Problem: I have an Excel sheet that I am using for a fairly large requirements traceability matrix using the columns for QA test case numbers, and the rows for the requirements. I have provided ...
Travis Austin's user avatar
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Functional requirement

I have a application about diagnosis and should determine the functional and nonfunctional requirement So can anyone help me with this question please: Is language considered as a functional ...
Thekra's user avatar
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Measurable indicator for usability [closed]

I am starting a new project and I have the problem with the measurability of the requirement usability. With is an good atomic measurable indicator for usability?
Alucard's user avatar
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Is it possible to connect IBM DevOps services with my RQM?

I want to use my Rational Quality Manager (RQM) in connection with a project I've created on IBM DevOps services with the Track&Change feature enabled. Is it possible to set up cross-server ...
michele crudele's user avatar
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How to properly model system requirements in UML (Sparx Enterprise Architect)

I have a list of system requirements that I have imported from IBM Rational DOORS, and I am curious as to what would be a good way to model their relationships with each other in a diagram. Which ...
xDarthRevanx's user avatar
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IBM Rational DOORS: How to paste as plain text in DOORS Objects?

While writing requirements in IBM DOORS, is it possible to paste some text as plain text (i.e. without original text's formatting) in the 'Heading" or 'Text' attribute of a DOORS Object? A simple ...
Hammad's user avatar
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TFS Taskboard for Writing Specifications?

Our team has just moved to TFS 2015 for the start of a new project and I've set up the Kanban board for the backlog items. What I wanted to ask was whether it makes sense to create a separate ...
David Brower's user avatar
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Can a single use case be partially implemented, or implemented over several phases? How to track & prioritize components?

My requirements experience has been primarily with user stories, not use cases. I've been recently added to a project as a product owner, and the customer is ~80% done with the use cases. Many of the ...
akdms's user avatar
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Does it exist a complete chain tool that allows to manage requirements (e.g. ProR), realize UML diagrams, develop code and perform test?

I would like to know if exist a complete tool chain to: - manage requirements (e.g. ProR) - realize UML diagrams (use case, activity, class and sequence) - develop code - perform test (e.g. junit) ...
Francesco Sclano's user avatar
7 votes
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Software Requirements Analysis [closed]

There are many tools out there for writing and managing requirements, but are there any good ones for reviewing them? I'm not talking about managing reviews, but automation tools that look for ...
Ian Andrews's user avatar
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Requirements Gathering

How do you go about the requirements gathering phase? Does anyone have a good set of guidelines or tips to follow? What are some good questions to ask the stakeholders? I am currently working on a ...
Ryan Sampson's user avatar
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