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Even if text issue prefixes is mentioned in cypress.config.js, Qytera-Gmbh/cypress-xray-plugin failed to upload result to xray

I have JIRA and xray integrated into my project. The project key is "ABC". prefixes for XRAY is "TEST_". I have integrated
Sheetal Akhud's user avatar
-1 votes
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Problem uploading a cucumber report to Xray Cloud

I have a problem uploadimg a cucumber report to xray cloud. Here is the code I use: CloseableHttpClient httpClient = HttpClients.createDefault(); HttpPost postRequest = new HttpPost(UPLOAD_URL); ...
Jefe infiltrado's user avatar
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Test execution(Jira Xray) created but cucumber json testcases are not mapped to the test execution

After hitting this /rest/raven/2.0/import/execution/cucumber/multipart? api with below ~info and ~AI_sample cucumber json - it creates test execution but cucumber testcases are not mapped to the test ...
Hari Venkadesh's user avatar
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Can I retrieve a non-default test version via the XrayExportBuilder object in the Xray/Jenkins Integration plugin?

My work place recently upgraded to Xray Enterprise. We were specifically interested in trying to leverage Xray Test Versioning in our automation testing. We hoped that, after creating new test ...
Jordan Saunders's user avatar
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Preconditions in Jira X-Ray, how are they linked to a test?

I'm looking to migrate test cases from TestRail to Jira X-Ray using the JIRA API. Creating individual tests and preconditions using the API is fine, however, I can't see how the two are linked. ...
Dave's user avatar
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Xray api/v2/import/feature endpoint flaky when input feature file has > 10 scenarios

Description I'm currently using the Xray api/v2/import/feature endpoint with multiform data to import gherkin feature files into Jira. I've observed that when the number of scenarios in the feature ...
Claudio LoBraico's user avatar
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Playwright Junit file into X-ray

I am able to generate a results.xml file using playwright execution and also upload to JIRA. However, my screenshot/video from the execution are not reported back into X-Ray. I can see in xml file, ...
Libra's user avatar
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Can't use the codecept.conf.js plugin feature in .ts test file

I had this plugin added in codecept.conf.js and installed the relevant package using npm install codeceptjs-xray-cloud-helper. codecept.conf.js file commentStep: { enabled: true, ...
Naveenkumar's user avatar
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How to import Test cases from a CSV file into JIRA Xray Test repository using python

Does anybody know how to import Test cases from a CSV File to a Test repository in JIRA XRAY using Python? I am currently receiving response 500 every time I run my code, failing to add test cases My ...
Arjun Kang's user avatar
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Groovy: extract ticket id created by the X-Ray Jenkins plugin

I have a Groovy pipeline that utilizes the X-Ray Jenkins plugin to import test results to Jira: step([$class: 'XrayImportBuilder', endpointName: '/multipart', importFilePath: 'result.json', importInfo:...
Vadym's user avatar
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Jira Xray Gadget - Can't figure out what gadget to use and what smart filters to make to display a counting of all statuses for certain Tests

This is my first time posting here. I have Test Plan (ABC-1) that contains 300+ Tests. From those 300+ tests I am interested in only 22 of them(ABC-2 to ABC-23), that I run them daily for 10+ people (...
Andrei Nitis's user avatar
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Xray-Maven plugin - testPlanKey / fixVersion / testEnvironment not populating in Jira

Using Serenity 4.0.1 to generate cucumber.json report, and the xray maven plugin to publish to Jira. It is mostly working fine - Test Executions being created in Jira and results populated. Only ...
khriskooper's user avatar
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How can I send automatically email status of test plan everyday at specific time from Jira

I am wondering how can I send automatic email status of test plan (how many test cases passed, how many test cases failed) from Jira Xray? We are using remote parallel execution from Jenkins, which ...
Andrei Malchanau's user avatar
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Endpoint with double backslashes resulting in failure of exporting results to JIRA using mikepenz/[email protected]

I am using mikepenz/[email protected] to import junit xml results to JIRA. It was working well earlier this year and suddenly started failing with below error in github: Error: 🔥 Failed to import: /...
Manjiri's user avatar
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Import Cucumber Result to XRay with XRay Rest API ( Add additional Attributes to Cucumber.json)

I'm using "POST /api/v2/import/execution/cucumber" to import result to Xray. Everything works fine so far, but I want to add additional information to the Test-Run. Somehow I managed to get ...
Chris's user avatar
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How to use preconditions in Jira X-Ray?

Maybe these are dumb questions but i always struggle with this: If i have tests with the same precondition (login for example), is it better to create a precondition named "login.." or ...
Vitto's user avatar
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Provide data from Jest test cases to reporters

I have a question regarding Jest, Junit and XRay. I'm looking for a way to provide testcase metadata to jest-junit reporter or any custom reporter. The end goal is to be able to provide testcase ...
Antoine J's user avatar
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XrayImportBuilder adding new test cases to Test Execution instead of updating the existing test cases

We are using XrayImportBuilder to Import test results TestNg from our Jenkins job to Jira for the Automation . The parameters are defined in the Jenkins File as below stage('Import results to Xray') { ...
Balan KP's user avatar
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How to call xRay API gadget?

I using Jira Cloud with xRay. I would like call the API than gadget use. API used by gadget have better performance and time response than GraphQL API. When I analyze in developper console on my ...
Thibaut FAURE's user avatar
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I need to generate a file that consolidates all the json results of each feature execution

I need to generate a file that consolidates all the results of each feature execution? karate-dsl generates the test results in a JSON file for each of the executed feature files.
Jesus Ovalle's user avatar
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Webdriver IO junit xml for xray - Could someone help me to add customproperty for test case - test key

I want to add a custom property for the test case - the test key. This junit xml needs to be imported to xray. So that the test case execution results can be updated based on test key or test ID Could ...
Savi's user avatar
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How to execute custom code after reports are generated

I am currently trying to setup some integration of my Playwright tests with Xray Cloud. I am using playwright-junit-reporter to generate JUnit reports with additional info required by Xray API and ...
Radu Theodor's user avatar
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How to import into Xray Test execution results exported from IntelliJ

Is there any way to import Test Execution result into Xray exported from IntelliJ?
MiklosBalazsi's user avatar
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Automating tests using Xray, Robot Framework, and GitLab: How to get started?

I'm looking to automate tests for my project using Xray, Robot Framework With python , and GitLab, but I'm unsure of how to proceed. Could someone provide guidance on how to set up the automation ...
MKAmine's user avatar
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Get Test Runs Status via Atlassian Python API in Jira Xray

I use the Xray plugin for Jira to manage manual tests. In doing so, I have to create regular reports that are structured in a similar way to the "Test Runs Report" provided by Xray. My setup ...
Oliver T.'s user avatar
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How to check how many test cases run on specific day in Jira

I use jira for my test management and almost 30+ tester work in the project. I would like to know is there any method I can filter out the test cases executed on a specific day [ say today ]. It can ...
Sharomi's user avatar
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How to get the example id for a scenario outline to update the test case status in XRay

I'm trying to get the test case information about a scenario outline. I need the example ID to update the example in the XRay Test Run. The rest API query I would like to use is: PUT {{JIRA_BASEURL}}/...
j.barrio's user avatar
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Xray robot framework integration Jira

I am encountering an issue when attempting to import a Robot Framework execution report in XML format using the Xray API. The API response indicates an error: "Couldn't find generic test type.&...
thearchit3ct's user avatar
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Number of Atalassian XRay custom fields in Test Step

we need an information about the number of custom fields that we can add to default field in Test Steps. Is there a version of Xray that allows us to add more than 3 custom fields in Test Step? We ...
Luigi D'Istria's user avatar
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Is there any automated way to check jira Xray guideline?

I am working in a testing project and using jira xray for management. We have very big team, with lot of testers. I have setup many guidelines for defects test execution to add labels components etc. ...
Sharomi's user avatar
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JiraXray RestAPI login with Playwright

I am new to Playwright , I need to extract sessionId in JiraXray RestAPI , but I am getting 403/401 , Basic credentials is not reaching request , can someone help me on Playwright Request for Basic ...
Itsmeg3's user avatar
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Xray cloud - How to map tests to user stories and manage executions?

Below is step which is performed in Xray cloud -Added two case in repository -Added (linked) those 2 test case in a story -created test execution and run the test make both test case passed and ...
azeem's user avatar
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Upload multiple Iteration statuses into same Jira Xray ID with JUnit XML

I'm attempting to upload the iteration statuses of an X-ray test case which has parameters from a Data Set. I'm using the Jenkins pipeline with the XrayImportBuilder plugin. Before uploading the XML ...
Nipuna Madusanka's user avatar
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Jira Xray JQL - Show tests from tests executions that changed the execution status from Fail to Fail

Lets assume, there are two Test Executions (TEx) in a given Test Plan: TEx for app verion 0.1 TEx for app verion 0.2 Each TEx contains some tests to be done on a specific release version. I try to ...
Romczysław's user avatar
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Updating customfield XrayTest on JIRA : Error instantiating bean. Field(s) tests -\\u003e customFields -\\u003e name do not follow the correct format

Hello i have been developing a python script to update Xray test on Jira using rest API BaseUrl/rest/raven/2.0/api/import/execution however I have been receiving this error Error instantiating bean. ...
Louay GOURRIDA's user avatar
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Insomnia integration with xray and jenkins

Just a question about insomnia API testing, is it possible to run the tests integrated with jenkins and jira xray? There doesn't seem to be a lot of information about how to run the tests automated or ...
fearghal O reilly's user avatar
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Xray robot framework integration issue

I am trying to integrate robot framework results to xray.but getting error like " create test execution failed".. Using only project I'd and test cases tagged with user story id Any solution ...
Manickarajan S's user avatar
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Multiple Jenkin execution results in replacing the result values in XRay issue

I am trying to integrate Junit, Jenkins with Xray such that post automation it has to update the Xray test cases. I have specified the dedicated Test Execution value so that after every execution, ...
Gagan changappa's user avatar
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Is it possible to read XRay activities via REST?

I have this report of a test execution for a test from a test plan: https://myjira/secure/XrayExecuteTest!default.jspa?testExecIssueKey=XXX&testIssueKey=XXX&testPlanIssueKey=XXX and there is a ...
Baradé's user avatar
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Response for X-ray import using cucumber JSON is not as expected using v1.0

I am trying to import Cucumber/Karate test execution in JSON format but the response is not as expected and doesn't import it in X-ray test execution The response I get when I import the json is {&...
SACHIN SHANBAG's user avatar
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Error in Xray Rest API Request to execution cucumber Json result test in Jira

I am trying to send api request using: `curl --location '' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer $token' \ --header 'Content-Type: ...
shi's user avatar
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Update the Jira Xray execution summary when uploading JUnit XML to Xray

I'm trying to update the Summary of Xray execution in Jira while Uploading JUnit XML to Xray. But I was not able to find a parameter to add execution summary text into Xray results upload pipeline ...
Nipuna Madusanka's user avatar
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Gitlab-ci .yaml configuration for posting Postman tests via Jira Xray API

My .gitlab-ci.yaml file v stages: - test postman_tests: stage: test image: name: postman/newman_alpine33 entrypoint: [""] script: - newman --version ...
kr.isss's user avatar
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Importing Testim Junit xml to Xray failed with message Error creating issues in Jira

I'm trying to import JUnit XML generated through Testim with Jenkins and received following error. Starting XRAY: Results Import Task... ########################################################## #### ...
Nipuna Madusanka's user avatar
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Can not import cucumber feature files to JIRA XRAY board using the Jenkins Plugin

I am using Xray - Test Management for Jira Plugin. With the help of this plugin currently I was able to imoprt the test execution results to JIRA using the step([$class: 'XrayImportBuilder']) But I am ...
Erantha Welikala's user avatar
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Use Custom Test Case Designer for Better visibility of the test cases

We are using Xray as a Jira Plugin and previously we have written automated test case in a separate project. We are using Testng for Test case automation. After integration of Jira with Xray Plugin, ...
Shirsh Sinha's user avatar
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Xray importToSameExecution not working for Cypress Cucumber JSON in Jenkins Pipeline

I'm trying to import Cypress Cucumber JSON results into same Xray execution using "Xray - Test Management for Jira Plugin" in Jenkins pipeline. But in each run Xray is creating a new ...
Nipuna Madusanka's user avatar
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How can I update my Kanban board's filter to ignore closed XRAY Test issues?

I have a Kanban board and I see all XRAY Test issues in Open issues navigator even though they are closed. The Open issues are using a filter to pick issues where Resolution is unresolved and all XRAY ...
Anisha R's user avatar
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Jira/xRay - Embedded element in JSON-Report has the wrong name in Jira

We are running Cucumber Tests and upload the results into Jira using the xRay Plugin. The uploaded report is a cucumber json report. Sometimes we attach files to the cucumber scenario and therefor to ...
Tobi's user avatar
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XRay REST API Feature File Import Fails Parsing

Version of Xray 6.5.0 Feature File Being Imported - Simplified Version Feature: Something Something CC AllProducts Scenario: Something With Three Products Given billing something is xyz ...
Guy's user avatar
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