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How to understand the meaning of high level requirement and low level requirement in DO-178C?

DO-178C or DO-178B requires two level software requirements, that is, high-level requirements and low-level requirements. But generally except the very small software, the hierarchy structure of most ...
Simon Zhu's user avatar
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2 answers

Does DO-178C require compliers to be qualified?

In the DO 178C text, the development tools and verification tools are required to be qualified. A complier is certainly a development tool. But when searching "DO 178C qualified C compilers" ...
user15694577's user avatar
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Use of #define to alias structure members

This is a subjective question, so I will accept 'there is no answer' but read fully as this is specifically on a system where the code is safety critical. I've adopted some embedded C code for a ...
Jay M's user avatar
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Is an RTOS required for DO-178B Level D Certification?

Specifically what objectives are required to meet certification for Level D...which is only 'minor' criticality. I can't seem to find anything, in the public, that points to what the objectives are ...
Kit Plummer's user avatar
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using DVCS when developing High Integrity Software [closed]

Has anyone got any experience with using distributed version control tools such as Mercurial, Git, Bazaar etc when developing projects for use in the high integrity software arena, I'm thinking if you'...
Man Wa kileleshwa's user avatar
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2 answers

What is the difference between Dead Code and Deactivated Code?

What is the difference between Dead code and Deactivated code as per DO178-b? Please provide some examples to highlight the difference.
Lax's user avatar
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SVN for DO178-B objectives

I am doing a feasibility study to see if SVN can be used for maintaining a DO-178B/C project. Most of the DO178 projects I have seen uses CVS or similar configuration management tool which maintain ...
Ashish Agarwal's user avatar
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Rhapsody for DO-178 avionics environment?

Has anyone successfully used Rhapsody in a DO-178 avionics environment? That is, working with the FAA/DER process to provide artifacts to them and have them approved. Since it is my understanding ...
JustADude's user avatar
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Does "DO-178B level A" prohibits optimizing compilers?

There is an "DO-178B" level A and level B certification for airborne systems. Does it prohibit using of optimizating compilers? E.g. Some compilers will reorder instructions to get more performance. ...
osgx's user avatar
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Resources for memory management in embedded application

How should I manage memory in my mission critical embedded application? I found some articles with google, but couldn't pinpoint a really useful practical guide. The DO-178b forbids dynamic memory ...
Elazar Leibovich's user avatar
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Resources for Display Systems in Safety Critical Embedded Systems?

I am looking out for resources that can answer following questions of mine. Where exactly does the display systems in SC ERTS architecture fit in. What is the difference between SC display systems ...
user210767's user avatar
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What would be more productive? Converting VAX PASCAL into GNU PASCAL or port it to perl or some other language [closed]

I have this legacy code base (Compaq PERL), about 1500 lines of code, that I need to port to Windows. I wanted to use gnu PASCAL (which I have installed and have working). I have already got our ...