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Is there a way to use Material Design icons in a Qt Quick (QML) file?

I'm working on a Qt project based on Qt 6.7.2 and using QML for the frontend and Python for the backend. I'm wondering if there is a way to use material design icons directly in a QML file, and if it'...
kixrogu's user avatar
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1 answer

Single click clears selection of QML TreeView

I'm using Qt6.5 and I want to implement selection on QML TreeView, as the default interaction seems to only support navigation (involving the current property, which is a different concept from ...
Y.F.'s user avatar
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How to hide white rectangle when hovering a button?

I want to make button hover effect in Qt Creator, Qt Quick 6.5. The below code works, but then a white rectangle appears. Button { anchors.left: inputFromUser.right; anchors.leftMargin: 5 id: ...
dustie's user avatar
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ComboBox from QtQuick Controls 1 doesn't recognize flick

I customized ComboBox from QtQuick.Controls 1 using the following: QML ComboBox item DropDownMenu style The only problem I have now is that menu area (that drops down and shows delegates) does not ...
Tanya Serdyukova's user avatar
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How do I set the Button.down color in QtQuick Qt6?

I've been following an older tutorial to learn about QtQuick. I've had to modify the tutorial in order to attain the correct behavior. So far, most of it is working, but I'm stuck on setting the ...
pedwards's user avatar
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4 answers

How to create a Progress Bar in Qml with slant lines?

Hello , I am looking for some solution to create a progress bar in qml having slant lines. I dont having any snippet to share here, as I am not aware how to do so. Can anyone please guide ??
sidd's user avatar
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Animate Button width on text change

I have a Button which text changes and when its text changes, its width also changes. I want to animate this change in width when I change the text. How can I do that ? I tried following but its not ...
너를 속였다's user avatar
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QML menu style only works in QtWidgets QApplication

I am running Qt 5.11.0 under Windows (I understand that it is very old but I cannot upgrade that embedded system). For some reason, QML Menu from QtQuickControls1 ignores its style if app is a ...
Jack White's user avatar
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How do multiple child items requesting focus get focus within a FocusScope type?

I'm new to QML and I'm confused by the FocusScope type. My understanding is that it's used to control the focus of part an application when multiple items are requesting focus. The documentation says: ...
Kimberly's user avatar
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Dynamic height of tableviewcolumn according to text length

hello I have the following problem I am working with qt quick control 1.4 because the tableview of 2.15 does not adapt correctly as I would like; the table overflows in height and my question is the ...
Laito's user avatar
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How can I save an image with OpacityMask applied?

I am working on a project where I want to save a thumbnail image of a rendered screen exactly as it's displayed, including with the application of an OpacityMask. The problem is that no matter what I ...
Edward's user avatar
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Mask from pictures, crop image behind cursor

I have a basic background from a blue image with a transparent background (PNG), how can I make a different background from the image after the arrow? I tried the option using a mask, but it cuts the ...
Антон Антонов's user avatar
1 vote
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qt qml checkbox: How to execute code when clicked by user but not checked by q_property binding

I have a checkbox in qt which I'd like to be checked via a q_property tied to code, but also by a user. When a user clicks on the checkbox, I'd like to run some code. The issue is that the onChecked ...
chris12892's user avatar
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How to include QtQuickControls

I've included to my project : "import QtQuickQontrols 1.4" But now I need to use ScrollBar , and for this, I need to include "import QtQuickControls 2.2" But when I include ...
appleKey's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

TableView replacement for TableViewColumn in Qt Quick 2

In Qt Quick Controls 1 we can style different columns from a model with TableViewColumn: TableView { anchors.fill: parent TableViewColumn {title: "1"; role: "one"; width: ...
Sandro4912's user avatar
0 votes
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How to give border-color to a row in TableView with QT Quick Contol 2.0?

Table1 Item { id: control TableView { id: table1 delegate: Rectangle { color: control....
kaedeair's user avatar
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QtQuick.Controls 2.x context menu for text edit

Back there, in QtQuick.Controls 1.2 there was a TextField component which (through some arcane magic of inheritance and private implementation details) possessed an EditMenu component which in turn ...
ratijas's user avatar
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How Reuse My Qt Quick Controls in Multiple project like c++ library?

I have read article Adding Libraries to Projects for Reusing my c++ classes in my diffrent qt quick applications, I have many Custom qml types Like MyCustomGridView.qml and I using this in many ...
mohsen's user avatar
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4 votes
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how to make QtQuick TableView / TreeView with heterogeneous delegate chosen based on field value

How to make a TableView or TreeView with a cell delegate chosen according to the value of another cell? The idea is to make a property editor similar to this: I tried various of the approaches ...
fferri's user avatar
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qtcreator can't find QT quick on ubuntu 18.04

I would like to develop a Qt Quick application on my Ubuntu 18.04.03 machine. I am going the route of installing Qt through the Ubuntu distribution. I first install the following: sudo apt-get ...
Tomasso's user avatar
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Qt Quick - What about the future of TableView and TableViewColum?

I'm using Qt Quick 5.13 for several projects, some of them require a data grid with a column header, handling advanced functionalities, among others allowing the user to resize the columns, sort their ...
Jean-Milost Reymond's user avatar
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Qt Abstract Model - flags() function never called

I'm currently working on a Qt Quick application in which there is a TableView showing data from a backend model written in C++ (it is a custom model derived from QAbstractListModel). I want to have ...
Brutus's user avatar
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QML FileDialog Assertion failed

I'm trying to use the FileDialog. but when I browse at the second time I got a crash with information is "Gtk: Error assertion failed: (cancellable == data->button_data->cancellable)" How do I ...
thi ledinh's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

how to get the tumbler to 'base style'

I am creating a simple tumbler with QML. When I run the application, the tumbler is in the "Flat Style". How to I change it to the "Base Style" (the 3D Look)? You can see the "3D Look" at this page: ...
Marcelo's user avatar
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Use Qt Quick Controls 2 UIs in Qt Installer Framework

I want to make a Qt Quick Controls 2-based installer. Doing so from scratch will take several hours from my time, so I want to use the Qt Installer Framework. It's possible? So far I have customized ...
lateus's user avatar
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Qt found not working imports, but project is working. Partially

I want to build simple Qt Quick application that access filesystem and do some work with files. But Qt Creator behaves strangely. I used Qt Designer and added a couple of elements in window Yellow ! ...
nonForgivingJesus's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How Use ListModel with SwipeView?

I have a c++ class that i registerd it in qml , and this class have an model that was inherited from QAbstractListModel,Now I want this model with a SwipeView Manager { id: manager } SwipeView { ...
mohsen's user avatar
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Mutually exclusive menu items in Qt Quick Controls 2

I want to specify mutually exclusive items in a submenu, using Qt Quick Controls 2. How to accomplish this? I suspect it somehow involves ActionGroup, but I don't see how a submenu can reference ...
Tomasso's user avatar
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Binding Loop Error While Trying to Increment Progress

I am trying to show incremental changes on a progress bar by clicking a mouse area. The code below compiles and changes the value of the progress bar from 0 to 0.25 after clicking the mouse area. But ...
CrippledTable's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

QML Rectangle Object coming in wrong place

I am just trying to create 4 rectangles with 3 next to each other and 4th one is below the 3rd rectangle and my qml looks like below import QtQuick 2.12 import QtQuick.Window 2.12 import QtQuick....
computernoob's user avatar
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QML - How do create a drag and drop behavior the item of tableview

I created a table below using tableview of qt quick control 1.4 My code is import QtQuick 2.12 import QtQuick.Window 2.2 import QtQuick.Controls 2.5 import QtQuick.Controls 1.4 as QtC1 QtC1....
Chinh Nguyen Huu's user avatar
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3 answers

Handling modifiers in QtQuick Shortcut

I have a simple QtQuick application, say import QtQuick 2.12 import QtQuick.Window 2.12 Window { visible: true width: 640 height: 480 Shortcut { sequence: "i" context:...
Roman Sverdlov's user avatar
1 vote
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Apply QML DropShadow invalid, error hint and hint for "QML DropShadow: Cannot anchor to an item that isn't a parent or sibling."

Codes show as below: import QtQuick 2.12 import QtGraphicalEffects 1.12 import QtQuick.Controls 2.12 Item { width: 300 height: 300 TabBar { id: bar width: parent.width ...
Crawl.W's user avatar
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qml qt 5.12 using modules controls1 and controls2 in one program

I can't use QtQuick.Controls 1.2 and QtQuick.Controls 2.12 in one program. Although in Qt 5.10 this worked. Now I get this message when I load main.qml: "qrc:/MyButton.qml 2 module QtQuick.Controls 2....
pier_nasos's user avatar
2 votes
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How to convert horizontal menu tab to vertical in QML?

I want to convert a horizontal menu tab to vertical menu tab, I wrote the following code: TabView { id: frame anchors.fill: parent anchors.margins: 4 Tab { title: "Tab 1"...
Janilson Duarte's user avatar
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QML import and Java determination errors and warnings when building by the Arm7 kit

I installed a great bunch of SDK packages and went for building the APK file of a QML application using the Build button for the Arm7 kit on Qt Creator 4.8.0 on my Windows machine. There're, ...
Franky's user avatar
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How to dynamically update a child combobox from parent combobox

I have a QML app that has two combo boxes, one is parent (country) combo box, other one is child (city) combo box. When selecting a country, the child combo box should have cities of the country at ...
ercishli's user avatar
9 votes
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Error module "QtQuick" version 2.12 is not installed

I have installed Qt 4.5.0 community and I am trying to build my project with Qt5.10.0 MinGW 32 bit. Having QtQuick 2.12 imported in my qml file in a qtquick project, I face with the following error: ...
HoOman's user avatar
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Destroy QT QML windows once done

Newbie to QT QML and sorry if its just very simple ask. I have simple piece of code that demonstrate WebEngine Qt Quick example. /* runtime.qml*/ import QtQuick 2.1 import QtQuick.Controls 1.1 ...
Milan's user avatar
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QML progress bar is NOT showing up on UI

I have this QML progress bar: import QtQuick.Controls 2.0 as QQC20 Item { QQC20.ProgressBar { id: progressbar_id visible: false // even if "true", the progress bar does NOT show ...
Megidd's user avatar
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QML SplitView: How this control handle their children items into internal item?

I looking into source code of SplitView (%QT_SOURCE_PATH%\qml\QtQuick\Controls\SplitView.qml) and noticed that it used 3 Items to maipulate splitters and items: Item { id: contents visible: ...
MaxQwerty's user avatar
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I can't create a qt quick control project , what I have to do

I have some problems with at creator while creating a qt quick control project. I have downloaded full version of qt, but when I wanna create a new qt quick control, I can't do this, because while ...
mahdi habibi's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

How can I disable the mouse wheel for a TextArea without disabling the entire control?

I'm using a TextArea to display multi-line text with embedded <IMG ...> tags in the delegate for a ListView. I have it set to read-only (and not disabled) because I need hyperlinks in the text ...
MusiGenesis's user avatar
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It is possible to set the CSS white-space of a QtQuick Label to pre-wrap?

I have a QtQuick Label in a QML file like so: import QtQuick.Controls 1.3 as Controls Controls.Label { id: lbl text: "This is some <b>bold text</b> with extra white ...
MusiGenesis's user avatar
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How can I get the width of each line of text in a label (the last line in particular)?

I have a label in my app that displays multiline text by setting wrapMode: Text.WordWrap. Is there any way to calculate the location (x and y) of the end of the last line of text in the label given a ...
MusiGenesis's user avatar
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Combobox doesn't open popup if MouseArea is above it

I have a listview with a delegate that has MouseArea covering the whole of a delegate. In that MouseArea's onClick slot I specifically set mouse.accepted = false but the Combobox from QtQuick....
Zeks's user avatar
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4 votes
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Which module to install to fix "module QtQuick.Controls.Styles is not installed" error for Yocto?

I've successfully built a Yocto image for the RPi2 following this tutorial. I decided to expand the QML demo and try some of the Qt quick styles (import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.4). Here is the bb ...
rbaleksandar's user avatar
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6 votes
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Error when trying to import QuickControls

I want to make a project with Cmake in Ubuntu. My CMakeList is: cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.3) project(client_ros) find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS roscpp std_msgs qt_build ) ...
amir sharifi's user avatar
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how i can bind qtquick button control in pyqt5

Hello how i can bind a qtquick button in pyqt5, i have two file one for qml and one for python now i want that the button should do something for example just print something so how i can bind now, ...
Habib's user avatar
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15 votes
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QML - Cannot assign to non-existent property "style"

I'm using Qt 5.10.1 with Qt Creator 4.5.1 and the style property is never available in elements. For example, as shown here ButtonStyle QML Type , I would like to do: Button { text: "A button" ...
vincedjango's user avatar
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