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.NET MAUI Vertically SwipeView (tiktok slide etc.)

I need to view the items in my list by scrolling up or down in .NET MAUI. There are videos in my list that I show using YoutubeApi and MediaElement. (Tiktok, Instagram Reels, etc.) What I want to do ...
Bestekarx's user avatar
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QML SwipeView inside a SwipeView

In the main.qml file, there's a SwipeView containing four pages. The second page hosts a smaller SwipeView with limited dimensions, containing four items. Beneath this sub SwipeView, there's a row of ...
Wasif Raza's user avatar
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How do you control the sensivity (or turn off) of a swipe gesture in Swipe View?

I have searched for all the open issues on this and did not find anything conclusive. My use case is pretty simple: I have a SwipeView, and I want it to open/close it programmatically based on a ...
Toto's user avatar
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SwipeView re-enables TabbedPage.IsSwipePagingEnabled

My Xamarin.Forms app has a tabbedPage where I have blocked swiping between tabs as seen in the XAML code: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <TabbedPage xmlns="...
Marcel Delhaye's user avatar
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3 answers

How can I initially show the Swipeview programmatically using Listview?

In my Xamarin Forms project, I have a listview. In that listview, I'm using a swipeview to display the options when an item gets swiped. As the users are unaware that they need to swipe an item to ...
Matthew Pans's user avatar
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MAUI - CollectionView with SwipeView

I am trying to achieve CollectionView with right swipe for item deletion. I know how to do it in Xamarin, I read MAUI documentation and samples around SwipeView but it simply isn't there. This is what ...
Kalixt's user avatar
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Reduce Swipeview Sensitivity .Net Maui

I didn't want to necro an old post so I am creating a new one on this. I have a collectionview that has two buttons on either side to increment or decrement a count, the buttons work however they are ...
Mufacka's user avatar
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C# Getting SwipeView Item/Object that invoked event

Sorry, new here. I've got a CollectionView of objects and there fields, when I invoke the delete event using SwipeView I want to be able to use the object that was selected to pass into an SQLite ...
Mellows's user avatar
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At what offset does swiping trigger invoked event?

Using Xamarin Forms, I'm trying to understand at which offset during swiping will my SwipeView trigger the Invoked event when using mode Execute and if it's possible to programmatically get this value....
Denny Ferrassoli's user avatar
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Xamarin swipeview, when you swipe again, it returns to the position of the last. What is this?

If you swipe several times on an already opening field, then after closing the swiped element will return to the position from which the last swipe was. For example: I upload project for replay ...
Adventure Mania's user avatar
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Xamarin trigger on button not firing in a FreshMvvm / SwipeView context

The almost identical setup but without the SwipeView context is working fine. The trigger gets fired and I do "my thing". See the following xaml code + PageModel.cs code : <...
Jouke Postma's user avatar
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5 answers

How to delete item from CollectionView with SwipeView in Xamarin Forms?

I am currently making a note-taking app. I am new so excuse my lack of knowledge. I am using the default flyout menu template given with changes made to cater for my needs. I am using a SwipeView in ...
TinTan19's user avatar
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Xamarin Form Idea/discussion about making a SwipeView associated with a datepicker control

I would like to have a page which includes 3 items: A SwipeView: Horizontal swipe. We can swipe left and right to navigate to a next view. I think it is easy to achieve this one with ViewPager in ...
Tony's user avatar
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Accessibility - voiceover not working in swipeviewitems within a bindablelayout - Xamarin.forms iOS

The UI and commands are working fine both in iOS and android. But the accessibility Voice over is not working in iOS.. Also the talkback is working fine for both the swipeitems in Android. <...
Jaison T John's user avatar
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Disable SwipeView sliding option

I'm using SwipeView in my project to show and hide the side menu on left of the page. Now I want to to open and hide the menu by tapping on button and not by sliding the page. So far I figure out how ...
דניאל's user avatar
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Object Binding in CollectionView is not working properly with SwipeItem

In my ContentPage XAML file, I have a CollectionView setup like this: <ScrollView Grid.Row="1" Padding="0,0,0,0" BackgroundColor="LightGray" IsVisible="{ Binding ...
KadoLakatt's user avatar
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SwipeView only responsive on some rows after executing a swipe! (until page manullay navigated)

I have a complex listview comprised of a header template to group collections within a collection, I used the tutorial below which uses the example of grouping rooms by hotels within a listview: https:...
Avatar's user avatar
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Xamarin Expander, Collectionview, and Swipeview

I am struggling with the design of a UI that has three distinct groupings: Top 3 Friends All contacts Subscribed and All contacts are going to be big lists. My first pass at this is as follows: &...
Timothy Belvin's user avatar
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I am getting an issue in Swipe view inside listview , when Item source is changed dynamically

Description I used Swipe view inside Listview , in swipe view used frame as content and image in swipe right item view . When changed Itemsource dynamically and swipe right , the image is not shown ...
AjitK's user avatar
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Load all QML's from folder

Is it possible to load all QML's from working directory subfolder to SwipeView? Amount of those QML's is unknown and will be changing in time (user may add new and delete old ones), so I think that I ...
dany's user avatar
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Flickering in QML SwipeView

Summary QML Swipeview has problems updating when model of repeater is reset. The Qt version is 5.12. Description Following the doc in ( a ...
Adso4's user avatar
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ViewPager2 must not be null in NavigationDrawer and SwipeViewTabs

I am trying to link my Navigation Drawer with SwipeView Tabs, the problem is that the logcat tells me that my Viewpager must not be null, I have tried to solve this problem in many ways but could not. ...
Jorge Leonardo's user avatar
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Why SwipeView components doesn't respect Item model properties?

In my application, I have an Item with Image and dimension LanguageImage.qml Item { ... Image { width: 100 height: 100 id:imageFlag ...
carlos moya's user avatar
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How to send Swipe Action to UIView in Swift

I am trying to clone Tinder, have done with swipe left (dislike person) and right (like person) by Yalantis/Koloda ( I also have two images for button like/dislike. ...
Tuan Ho Si's user avatar
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Opening a SwipeView using a custom renderer UWP

I try since few days to find a way to provoke sliding, opening of a Xamarin Forms SwipeView using the mouse. I Found the solution in the picture here and it work at least i have the event happening ...
Brainarts's user avatar
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How to increment SwipeView QML index multiple times on Button Click

I am creating a swipeView with multiple pages/items. So in one of the page I have a button in which I want to switch from index i.e. 2 to 4. Currently When I click the button on the page, signal is ...
taimoor1990's user avatar
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Xamarin Forms: How to get the SwipeDirection value from SwipeStarted event?

I am using swipeview feature on my project for swiping the flowlistviews. I need both the left and right swipe for my center flowlistview. How can I achieve this on swipeview? My code: <SwipeView ...
Sreejith Sree's user avatar
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Putting a SwipeView inside a Fragment?

Problem: Having a SwipeView inside a Fragment (So when the Fragment is active you can cycle through some other fargments) What I tried: I tried implementing it the same way you would implement it ...
Luka Ivanić's user avatar
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Xamarin.Forms SwipeView OnClick Event Handler

I'm experimenting with the new SwipeView controls in Xamarin forms 4.4, and have been going through the FavFighters example (Code on Github) and think it's brilliant. I'm able to add a Swipe right/...
Brett Rigby's user avatar
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QML Swipeview no animation

Is it possible to remove the animation from swipeviews? The one where you see the transition from the previous and the next page. I have many pages and I have a menu that selects the active item like: ...
Sven van den Boogaart's user avatar
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How Use ListModel with SwipeView?

I have a c++ class that i registerd it in qml , and this class have an model that was inherited from QAbstractListModel,Now I want this model with a SwipeView Manager { id: manager } SwipeView { ...
mohsen's user avatar
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Acces contentData properties

Here is a MWE: import QtQuick 2.12 import QtQuick.Controls 2.5 ApplicationWindow { visible: true width: 640 height: 480 title: swipeView.contentData[swipeView....
Łukasz Przeniosło's user avatar
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Add dynamically QML Page on SwipeView QML

i need to add dynamically pages on swipeview. So my code: SwipeView { id: viewSwipe width: parent.width height: parent.height * 0.70 currentIndex: 0 ...
Mr. Developer's user avatar
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Control Qt QML SwipeView with Signals/Slots

I'm very new to Qt, and right now struggling to figure out how to change the index of the SwipeView through a different C++ class. I'd like to make some kind of a signal that emits from the C++ class ...
Andrew Loomis's user avatar
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How to use events of SwipeView in qml?

I have created an new project of qt quick controls 2 .It have an SwipeView as default. Now I want to use onIndexChanged event of SwipeView but I got an error import QtQuick 2.7 import QtQuick....
mohsen's user avatar
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Set all SwipeCards in SwipeCardsView

I have set recycler view in one fragment which consist of 20 records.When I click on any one of cardview a swipeard is displayed in next Fragment.I am passing some data from cardview to swipecard.I ...
Sam's user avatar
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Android swipe view UI like Crumblyy

I came across this app called Crumblyy, I would like to know how do I do apps which have swipe view like cards swipe like that app? I am looking at developing a custom app for myself for flashcards ...
Arjun's user avatar
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Manage Navigation Stack for SwipeView

Suppose I have SwipeView in my application and I will use Footer for navigating between SwipeView's Views. What approach should be followed to implement different NavigationStack for each SwipeView's ...
bhupinder's user avatar
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Swipeview is not showing screen when used with stackview

I am implementing stackview in my application. main.qml ApplicationWindow { id: window width: 360 height: 520 visible: true title: "City Explorer" color:"#FAF7F7" ...
bhupinder's user avatar
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SwipeView don't scrolling in vertical

I have the same problem as this one, but with Qt and QML. I want to be able to swipe horizontally, but also scroll vertically on certain pages with a scrollbar, so that users can e.g. submit a form.
Sebastien247's user avatar
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Qt QML SwipeView w/ background, how can I blur the right region as the page moves?

I have a SwipeView with a background image. It has two pages, both pages have a set of controls and text, and I've put an iOS-like blurred rounded rectangle underneath them so that it's easier to read ...
fury's user avatar
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UIButton inside a SwipeView isn't getting called

I have a UIButton instance inside a UIStackView as shown in the bellow view hierarchy I'm using SwipeView library. UIView UIScrollView UIStackView UIView UIStackView (Horizontal) UILabel - ...
rajeeva9's user avatar
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How to implement page turner buttons in QML swipeview

I have to implement pages using QML component like Item (say Item 1, Item 2, Item 3) in SwipeView without using Repeaters and also implement page turners as shown below. The getPreviousPage Rectangle ...
Ashwini Shet's user avatar
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QML Swipeview dynamically add pages

I am very new to programming and trying to get swipeview to dynamically add pages. My main.qml is in the code below . I have the Settings page Serialsettings.qml displayed statically . Now i would ...
Markus's user avatar
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Android View Pager swipe tab view is too heavy while swiping when tab view is full of text

I am stuck in a weird problem for some 2 days now, kindly help if someone knows what exactly it is. Problem being, I have a note making app with tab view (3 swipe tabs somewhat like watsapp's tabs). ...
Wanderer's user avatar
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Swipe tabs for unknown amount of items

I will try to explain what I am thinking of doing as an Android app. But I am really confused how would I approach this problem. When you get JSON from some web API (eg Location) and let's say that ...
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Create a fragment onClick inside of fragment

I'm pretty new to android, learning a bit and I've encountered a problem above my googling skills. I have this: activity_main layout with toolbar and viewPager fragment_main with button Main ...
Niblu's user avatar
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GridView dynamically loading shows previous data

I have swipeView with GridView. I am creating Gridview dynamically based on my model count. (Each gridView holds maximun 6 cell only. ie, if the model count is 7 I am creating second gridView with ...
Vineesh TP's user avatar
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QML: Mid-swipe position of item in SwipeView

I'm trying to create a Parallax View based on a SwipeView element. Examples in QML documentation illustrate how to achieve it with ListView: Image { id: background source: "background.png" ...
Zibi's user avatar
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change drawable everytime on swiping of fragment and change icon of text to speech on end of speech android

I am implementing a dictionary.There's activity(WordMeaningActivity) which displays meaning of a word. It consists of fragment and viewPager(swipe view). Fragments are populated using ...
mb_96's user avatar
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