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How to access and interact with elements from a .ui.qml file in a parent .qml file? QT-QML

I’ve been working with Qt and C++ to create desktop applications based on QtWidgets, but now I want to transition to using QML. I created a new project in Design Studio, and from File > Export ...
Andrés Rodriguez's user avatar
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"scale from center of rectangle" not work with world transform matrix

I have a qtquick project with a main.qml and an EaDrawArea which inherits from QQuickPaintedItem and is accessible from the main.qml. there is a Slider in the qml which is binding to m_scale (3 to 100)...
James Hao's user avatar
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1 answer

how do I open a second main window in QTQuick 6.8 without app shutdown?

I'm using Qt Quick (v6.8). I open a second application window from my first application window. I then shutdown the first window. A few seconds later, my second window closes automatically, which is ...
Brannon's user avatar
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How can I dynamically generate GradientStops in QML Gradient

I want to dynamically generate or remove GradientStops, and I also want to dynamically change it's colors using a NumberAnimation. I have a NumberAnimation to change a variety "idxx" to form ...
IceRinne's user avatar
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2 answers

Qt quick layout which fills parent window and has margins

I am trying to use a Column layout which fills the ApplicationWindow parent. I want the window to have content padding, so I guess I have to put margin to the layout. This is the approach I am taking: ...
Jaime02's user avatar
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QMAKE to CMake Using a custom Virtual Keyboard

I'm trying to move on to cmake from qmake. Currently in Qt 5.15.2. So far I can compile the whole app, however, I fail to link the (custom) virtual keyboard plugin.. I use a slight modification of ...
Nico's user avatar
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Is there a way to use Material Design icons in a Qt Quick (QML) file?

I'm working on a Qt project based on Qt 6.7.2 and using QML for the frontend and Python for the backend. I'm wondering if there is a way to use material design icons directly in a QML file, and if it'...
kixrogu's user avatar
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1 answer

How to scale a QML rectangle without also scaling any child text

I have the QML component outlined below. The problem I have is that when I scale the rectangle using a pinch area (which I want to happen), the text that is a child to that rectangle is also scaled (...
Henry Gomersall's user avatar
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Change shape of a custom QtQuick Control template

I'm currently writing a custom style module for my QML application (using Qt 6.6.1). I don't want to reinvent the wheel and rewrite the whole backend of basic controls, so I'm using the QtQuick ...
Lucas Terrier's user avatar
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property name <<speed>> invalid. (M16)

I'm trying to call 3 files in my dashboard.qml file : speed, RPM and EngCoolTemp. The RPM and EngCoolTemp are called correctly with no error but when i call speed it gives me the "property name &...
Mohamed sadok Jomaa's user avatar
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How to emit one particle after another in ParticleSystem Emitter

I want to emit only 1 image at time, and every after emit i want next to be the second one. I cant find any solution to this one. Maybe I should use some timer, but Im not sure where. Window { ...
Hikosso's user avatar
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Qt 5.12.9 Q_GADGET class not working properly

I have this classes: description_value_model.hpp #ifndef DESCRIPTION_VALUE_MODEL_HPP #define DESCRIPTION_VALUE_MODEL_HPP #include <QObject> #include <QVariant> class ...
Fausto01's user avatar
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InnerShadow effect not being applied in qml application

I create a InnerShadow effect using Qt Quick Effect Maker, preview seems to be working fine. but when I am trying to implement this effect into my QML application it is not being reflected there. I ...
Raghav's user avatar
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Module QtQuick.Studio.Components for qmake

I'm trying to import QtQuick.Studio.Controls for qmake. No matter what I try I get this error: QQmlApplicationEngine failed to load component module "QtQuick.Studio.Controls" is not ...
ZipTaylor's user avatar
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How to Save Captured Image to USB with QtQuick 6.7?

I'm using Qt Quick and Boot2Qt RaspberryPi to make a simple GUI that connects to a USB webcam, shows the livestream and when the user clicks the capture button, it saves the capture to a USB ...
Sydney's user avatar
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What happens for a QQuickImageResponse emitting the finished signal too early?

In Qt6 Quick, using QQuickAsyncImageProvider is the recommended way to support multi-threaded asynchronous image loading, which involves implementing the requestImageResponse method to return a ...
Y.F.'s user avatar
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How to properly implement MVC architecture in a PySide6/QML and Django application?

I am developing a desktop application with PySide6/QML for the frontend and Django (using Channels for real-time chat features) for the backend. I aim to adhere to the Model-View-Controller (MVC) ...
iiMouad's user avatar
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2 answers

MouseArea clicks don't work on a dynamically Created QML component

I am trying to create a custom tab with buttons that is created after a user has successfully logged in. The creation of the dynamic component works well but i seem to have issues with the onClicked ...
dizarc's user avatar
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Qt Creator Build Failure - Fails to Clone Repository for New Qt Quick Application

I'm trying to create a new Qt Quick Application in Qt Creator. However, every time I try to build the project, it fails immediately even before doing anything. /PATH/QMLTest/ds-subbuild/ds-populate-...
Alexy Ibrahim's user avatar
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QML how to make Behavior working on multiple properties

Is there any way to make Behavior work on multiple attributes simultaneously to simplify the code? ApplicationWindow { width: 1280 height: 720 visible: true title: qsTr("Hello ...
橡树xd's user avatar
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How to define C++ handled mouse clicks and other interactions in QML from within Qt Design Studio

I'm new to writing QtQuick/QML apps and I'm using Qt Design Studio. I've followed some examples that let me handle button clicks in C++ and it works fine... but I can't add the onClick handler to my ...
CHollman82's user avatar
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2 answers

how to combine Behavior with sequential animation in qml

if you have 4 properties and each one has a Behavior block (that lets you animate if the corresponding property is changed ) if you change 4 properties then the animation will be parallel by default, ...
iiMouad's user avatar
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QT Quick Compat release build not running

At the moment I try to build a simple qt Quick-project for different platforms as release build. Unfortunately, after I build it for Windows and added all necessary dependencies (via windeploy and ...
JJCodesFresh's user avatar
2 votes
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Could NOT find Qt6Quick (missing: Qt6Quick_DIR)

The following code works: find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Core Gui Widgets) But this doesn't work: find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Core Gui Widgets Quick) It results in an error: -- Could ...
AvidCoder's user avatar
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Can't setup Qt Quick application with Qt 5.14

I upgraded my Qt Creator to version 11, but now I can't set up any Qt Quick projects since the wizard to set it up allows minimum Qt version 6.2, 6.4 or 6.6. Is it not possible to set up a Qt Quick ...
JJCodesFresh's user avatar
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How to access variables that are defined in a separate QML file?

I'm unable to access variables in a separate file. Down below is part of my code: // Style.qml import QtQuick QtObject { property int mainWindowWidth: 1024 property int mainWindowHeight: 768 ...
skrovno_CZ's user avatar
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Qt android 200+ gradle errors when building

I am trying to setup android in qt. After following this tutorial Qt tuturial every android and openSSL settings are ok. Creating and launching emulator also works but when i try to build any project (...
Shafuir's user avatar
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Unknown module(s) in QT: quick

I'm trying to run QtQuick App for the first time, but when I run the default code I get this error (Unknown module(s) in QT: quick). I'm on Ubuntu running QT 6, I've already tried installing ...
MVG1016's user avatar
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How to create property alias of Loader in QML?

I'm using Loader that Loader.item has property enabled. Now, I want to access the enabled outside of Loader, so I hope that property alias enabled: loader.item.enabled // error Loader { id: ...
Kamichanw's user avatar
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How to change the colour of a row in QML TableView in QT6? I couldn't find any information to achieve this on Qt Quick 2

TableView { id: testTable rowSpacing: 0 columnSpacing: 8 clip: true anchors.topMargin: 2 boundsBehavior: Flickable.OvershootBounds ...
Sourabh's user avatar
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Why only last TableView instance cells handles mouse events?

I've created TableView component as below and instantiate it several times. I want to handle mouse events for header/table cells. Problem is that only last instance gets these events. I've played this ...
Bogdan's user avatar
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How to make MouseArea in Loader take effect?

I'm writting a draggable control. This is my minimal reproductive example. My issue is, the hover, click events of Loader and MouseArea cannot take effect at the same time. If I set a bigger z for ...
Kamichanw's user avatar
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Use of real values in anchor margin

I was going through the QML documentation which says that the anchor margins can be **real** values. e.g. anchor { top: topMargin: 10 // This is valid left: parent.left leftMargin: 80.45 /...
BikashRDas's user avatar
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Mispositioned ripple effect on material style

I have a QT Quick application on a embedded Linux which use v5.14.2. I often run the application on Windows because it's easier sometimes with MinGW v5.15.2. I run Qt Quick 2.6 and Qt Controls 2.5 in ...
Qyru's user avatar
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Qt Quick Layout Buttons don't show text when focused

When I am using the layouts of Qt it does not show the text of the buttons when the application window is focused. When I focus on a different application, e.g. Qt Creator, the buttons show the text. ...
Christian Niekler's user avatar
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Is there a way to take exclusive control of the keyboard and mouse in a Qt Quick application?

I'm attempting to write a program in Qt Quick that implements remote desktop functionality as part of it. One thing that would be helpful is to be able to take exclusive control of the keyboard so ...
ArrayBolt3's user avatar
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3 answers

Is it possible to binding "properties" ranther than "property" in Binding?

I'm writing Binding for Loader's item. Let's start from my case after simplifying. Assuming that CustomItem is an customized item that has properties named prop1,prop2, and I use it as Loader's source ...
Kamichanw's user avatar
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How to import custom qml components via import <Module>.<Submodule> statements?

Here is my directory structure Myproject |- KmcUI |- Controls |- MyComponent1.qml |- qmldir |- impl |- InternalComponent.qml |- qmldir ...
Kamichanw's user avatar
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The current style does not support customization of this control

I've a qml code which executes fine when build in QT 6.0.4 but prompt me a runtime error when i build it using QT 6.5.1. The complete error is the following: QML Rectangle: The current style does not ...
noob_user's user avatar
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QML - Connection not working for custom component

I am currently learning QML and working within a stacked component (a component inside a component inside a component). I can trying to open a dialog from within this last component using a button, ...
Toblexson's user avatar
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Is there a way in a custom QML type to preserve external bindings on properties?

I'm trying to implement a custom type in QML that will be used by other development teams. I want to assign a value to some properties of this type in certain situations, but I also want to make sure ...
Everlight's user avatar
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QML + QList<QObject*> not picked up in setContextProperty

I'm attempting to do something akin to Using C++ Models with Qt Quick Views . Specifically I want a QList of QObject-derived instances to render in a QML ListView. If I follow the examples exactly, it ...
Malachi's user avatar
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How to Create and Drag a Duplicate copy of Image from a listview?

I have some number of images in a listview (QML). I want to drag the duplicate copy of each image present in the listview to the drop area just to show that I am dragging the image (the original image ...
Vikash Gupta's user avatar
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EnableHighDpiScaling causes images in rich text to be stretched 2x

I'm displaying simple rich text with images in a TextEdit item: TextEdit { textFormat: TextEdit.RichText text: "<h1>Image test</h1><br/><img src=''/>" ...
fferri's user avatar
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Picking either a file or a folder in QtQuick

I'm using QT6 for working with DICOM (.dcm) file format. It can be presented either as a file or a folder. I want to use a picker, that allows me to pick folder and files. As I see here, the Qt 5.15 ...
excommunicado's user avatar
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Converting Qt Design Studio UI Projects into Qt Creator qmake Projects

I want to customize the UI from the WebinarDemo in Qt Design Studio. Before that, I want to try whether I can deploy it into Qt Creator or not. I tried the guide from official Qt website about ...
Aroli Marcellinus's user avatar
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Qt Quick Layouts: distribute row items horizontally?

I am using a combination of ColumnLayout with nested RowLayouts: and I'm trying to distribute items horizontally, so that the left edge of every row's first item lines up, and the right edge of every ...
fferri's user avatar
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Image not showing when inserting alias value from different files in Qt QML

I am building a settings page for my app and to be efficient I created a component separately to use it in different files. I am using this component in the settings and giving them each a different ...
Raghav's user avatar
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How to write metadata into an Image in QT?

I'm trying to access and edit Image Metadata using QT, I found exifTool but its an external application, but that's not suitable for my application, I have tried QExifImageHeade. QExifImageHeader ...
Joshika Netha Namani's user avatar
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Drag and dropping identical QML components on top of each other

I have a repeater that generates a bunch of rectangles. I want to be able to drag these rectangles around and generate an event when I drop one rectangle on another (think files and folders on an OS. ...
Dat8StringGuy's user avatar

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