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How do i get an entry from tkinter from within a seperate function? [duplicate]

I need to get the entry for 'searchEntry' when the onClick function is ran after the button is clicked. I know I could use a global but I've read its a work around, not a solution, any ideas? def ...
SplooshM's user avatar
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2 answers

I can't seem to get a function in one class to properly call a function in another class in tkinter - Python

I am having trouble getting this text box to print text when the button from Class3 is pressed. If I call the same function from Class2 then everything is fine. But from Class 3 not so much. I can ...
Nick Shepherd's user avatar
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Only one tkinter notebook frame creates. (using class)

I trying to use class to create multiple tkinter notebook tabs. But I can only make one tab at once. from tkinter import * from tkinter import ttk class Tabs: current_tab = Frame(notebook) ...
lorinctekker's user avatar
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2 answers

What is the best way to access object of subclass in other subclass?

Attached is a minimum working example of a problem I have: class A(): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.b=B(self) self.c=C(self) class B(): ...
TMul's user avatar
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2 answers

access a component in a tkinter frame class from another frame class

I created a 2 Frames application in tkinter inspired by The purpose is to import a new image by clicking on the start button, and I ...
Sticonike's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

a member not recognized in a method [closed]

this is a class for designing a toplevel window with Tkinter the issue comes from the method which tries to get an info from the member self.lbox but it is not recognized as a member. the error is : ...
Pierre Lemerle's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Access different widgets and functions in tkinter from different classes

I have an application that transforms coordinates from one system to another. The source and the target frames use many similar functions like the ones executed when a combobox change. How to create ...
Zouheir's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

The same Tkinter window pops up again after the next button is pressed

Whenever I run the program the window will popup and I will enter the info into it like normal, when I press the next button the window exits like it's supposed to but then the same window pops up ...
Chass43's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Python Tkinter with OOP. How to define function for changing button attributes?

I am learning Object Oriented Programming for Python using Tkinter. I want to create a Class for each type of widgets (right now considering only Buttons). I am passing the Button class to my main App ...
ranjit more's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

how to inherit from tkinter

I see two methods for using the tkinter module with python classes. the first method uses the super() method. the second method does not. So the example code looks like this: import tkinter as tk ...
darren's user avatar
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3 answers

Python tkinter Class Object - How to change button text when button is defined in one Class, and its command function is defined outside

I have defined Class GUI which creates a button with a YES text on it. I do not understand how I should pass the command to it when the function is defined outside of the Class. import tkinter as tk ...
ranjit more's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Python tkinter notebook as a method in a class

This is a problem with creating a tkinter notebook in a method in a class. This question is solved by removing master, which is not my problem: Python Tkinter - How add a notebook class into a tk....
David Collins's user avatar
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Trouble initiating a DateEntry widget in tkcalendar inside of another class

I want to write a class that creates a paired checkbox and a corresponding DateEntry widget any number of times a new instance is created. All the instances are children to one single window, this ...
Edgard Huerta's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Python tkinter cloase first window while opening second window [closed]

I'm trying to close the first window as the second window opens. Both windows close, or the first window closes and the second window never opens. This question has a similar problem but was solved ...
David Collins's user avatar
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Python tkinter class multiple windows

Using tkinter, I'm trying to open one window from another window and doing so by creating the windows in a class. This question talks about tkinter and class, but not multiple windows: Python Tkinter ...
David Collins's user avatar
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1 answer

How to call a function from another frame in tkinter witheout getting an AttributeError: object has no attribute

Hello everyone I am kinda new to python and Tkinter I start it few month ago. I'm currently working on tkinter app for my work. this is a simple app that got 3 pages one for the home page, another is ...
Nelson DE OLIVEIRA RAFAEL's user avatar
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Why height parameter is not working in tb.Label Widget?

I am using tb.Lable from ttkbootstarp but i am not able use height, bd attribute The error -> File "C:\Program Files\Python311\Lib\tkinter\", line 1692, in _configure self....
Harsh Gupta's user avatar
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I am creating a personal finance tracker and I need a sort feature for that But I am getting confused with that

I need to implement a sort functionality where clicking on a column heading in the treeview table sorts the data based on that column. The sorting should toggle between ascending and descending order. ...
Geethaka Sankalpa's user avatar
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Module / Class Call in a list?

I'm trying to put someting like tk.CTkEntry(master=self, placeholder_text="Amount") in a list (or anything alse). I think I tried every "list like" option. Any Ideas how to do that ...
Saturnzwerg's user avatar
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Python tkinter How to make a button that calls a function in a class

I'm doing a simple calculator in python and I'm wondering if it is possible to make a button that calls a function in a class. from tkinter import* l1 = [] l2 = [] root = Tk() class przycisk: ...
Hougu niania's user avatar
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Tkinter App - My Toplevel window is not appearing. App is stuck in mainloop

I'm trying to build a work schedule tracker, starting with the header. A picture attachement shows how the design will look once completed I have three classes so far, InputWindow: A Toplevel window ...
Blue4Life90's user avatar
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Error "'str' object is not callable" when using simpledialog.askstring()

My code: class Punkty_Edycja_Frame(ttk.Frame): def __init__(self, parent): super().__init__(parent) self.grid(row = 1, column = 0, sticky='nesw') self.rowconfigure((0, 1, ...
Radar32's user avatar
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1 vote
0 answers

Switching between two frames on seperate files in tkinter

I am writing a program where I have the opportunity, to switch between two frames which are one two separate Files. The main file is called "Main_Menu" while the other file is called "...
MisterToxic's user avatar
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add method to existing class from external library

I want to create a custom function working on the class Wm from the library Tkinter. the custom function is the following: def centerw(width, height): screen_width = tk.Wm.winfo_screenwidth() ...
toohightocode's user avatar
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How do I activate a widget using Tkinter inside of a match operation of another class?

So basically I have this program that will parse the contents of a file and ask for input from the user when it comes across a command. It was a console-only program, and I'm trying to convert it into ...
kamila's user avatar
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Python Tkinter - Passing controllers as arguments of a tkinter frame

I've got a main class called App that invokes 4 controllers. The method start_from_home_page() creates an object of type HomePage and I want this object to have access to all 4 controllers which I ...
Rodolfo's user avatar
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Accessing object defined in Tkinter App from Frame

As it stands I have a code that defines a tkinter app (myGUI), and within that app various pages are defined as tk.Frames. I want the top section of each Frame to have the same base layout, so I ...
Oxin's user avatar
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Tkinter using classes unable to change button state

I'm trying to create a Tkinter app using classes but I'm running into an issue being able to change the button state to disabled after clicking the button. The error I'm currently getting is: ...
herrera3083's user avatar
1 vote
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why do I need to specify a variable name for a Canvas Image Object to apper in Tkinter

I created a custom canvas image object class of tkinter. But when I make a instance of it it does not appear in the canvas. Here is a simple class to create a Image Object import tkinter as tk from ...
sadbytes's user avatar
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no idea where tkinter label is being defined in class

I found this code for a label class for a tkinter popup I was making. I didn't understand how the label appeared, but I just went on with it. However later I found that I needed to refer to the ...
r5ne's user avatar
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Python Tkinter how to get the coordinates of an object which is in a different class

So I am making a python tkinter game. I have the following classes class GameObject(object) class Ball(GameObject) class Paddle(GameObject) class Brick(GameObject) class Game(tk.Frame) In the class ...
Sleepy's user avatar
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How do I fix this high school python+mysql project?

This project is an Inventory Management system. I am still a beginner My code has a lot of issues, which I know. Right now I am struggling with using two different classes together. (I also think I ...
Tarexino's user avatar
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I created a Rock Paper Scissors (with tkinter) in object format but I can't display it

Python tells me that I have an error in my canvas, even though I don't see any Here is the error message: PS C:\Users\name\OneDrive\Bureau\python\création_python\jeu_pfc> & "C:/Program ...
optik basique's user avatar
-1 votes
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I can't put the Tk widgets on the windows

I am extending the tk widgets to make a gui app. The problem is that I can put them on the main window without an error, but they are not visible. I have called the super constructor, but it still not ...
Simone Samardhziev's user avatar
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How to create a Frame/Canvas using class in Python and use it many times with different widgets inside it?

I am new in Python. I am developing a program which actually is a small shell for phpMyAdmin. In my program I need in some Windows (which is created by TKinter) draw a scrolled canvas. I've written a ...
Saleh's user avatar
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The Tkinter Listbox is not displaying as expected

Encountered with one problem. Making "modification" of default tk Listbox, adding Scrollbar widget to it. I made class, added Scrollbar, and tried to test it. I didn't saw Listbox, only ...
TheVorkMan's user avatar
-2 votes
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Python: Problem with positional arguments required, when i import a textbox of a class from an external file into a function from another file

I have problems when i try to import a textbox from another file's class. In the file, i would like to import the textbox of the Page1 class of the file. The error occurs when you ...
Zollikofen4's user avatar
-2 votes
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Why can't I move the images?

For some reason the images just wont move when I click on them even though the same program worked on my laptop. I want to be able to click on an image and then click to a blank square and move the ...
Willem Brock Smith's user avatar
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Python Tkinter App to Check Status for a List of Domains

I got 2 issues that need solving please: "check domain manually" doesn't work as expected. When all domains in the file are checked, I press the button again it doesn't clear old results ...
virus tous's user avatar
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Python Tkinter: Sending realtime data to another class/window

This is just a small sample of a project's larger problem. There are 2 classes. Both are Tkinter windows. SecondClass sends information to the FirstClass's Tkinter label. The expected behavior is to ...
MikeNH's user avatar
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Why the widgets I have inside the GenerateQR class doesn't show up?

I'm converting my code to OOP, and I fixed all the errors so far from this code snippet, but I couldn't figure out why widgets in the GenerateQR class doesn't show up, even tho the class is called and ...
Vmine XI's user avatar
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TKinter creating buttons and labels from functions

I'm working on a small hobby project to build a dice rolling app, currently using tkinter. I've got this large block of code to create the buttons and labels needed for each die, but it looks a mess ...
DVeagle74's user avatar
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Tkinter frame not appearing when using .place() but does when using .pack(), even with the same coordinates

I created a scrollable frame with buttons that are place using the .pack() method. It worked well but now I want to change it to .place() in order to have more control on the button placement. Problem:...
grimad's user avatar
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Can a python class contain a method to delete itslef?

I am coding a tkinter class for data manipulation. I would like to find a way to delete the object by clicking on a button, exactly like the X button to quit a window. Here is what my interface looks ...
grimad's user avatar
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Call a parent method after all the child __init__ are done like a "finally __init__" method

I want to call a method from my parent class at the end of child class init. To do that i know i can just call a super().parent_method() at the end of each child class. The probleme is that i'm ...
d'Elbreil Clément's user avatar
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Why am I getting this error? AttributeError: type object 'App' has no attribute 'tk'

This code returns the error: "AttributeError: type object 'App' has no attribute 'tk'" when ran. import tkinter as tk from tkinter import ttk def entryField(parent): frame = ttk.Frame(...
Nifty_Biscuit's user avatar
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Passing Parameters onto objects using self

I am trying to use multiple buttons that all call the same function but have different parameters of 1, 2, 3, and so on. I want to have these parameters pass through the function in the class and only ...
Brayden P Griffin's user avatar
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Interrupt a program process running from class A to class B of another class

import os import sys import time import tkinter as tk class Time: def __init__(self): self.Time_sleep() self.Num_calc() def Time_sleep(self): time.sleep(100) # ...
YU-TO's user avatar
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I can't access variables from one class in another one - Python

I'm learning OOP and am making a calculator. I have classes for the main program (the parent program), buttons, and entries. Main program: class Program(tk.Tk): def __init__(self, title, size): ...
user avatar
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Tkinter MVC Frame Switching

I am working on a MVC Program to learn about classes in python using tkinter however I am stuck on an error I keep getting that makes zero sense and is driving me crazy. I keep getting the error ...
cmill's user avatar
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