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tkcalendar: date entry field colour

When loading my tkinter, the background of the DateEntry box remains white. I have attempted all kinds of styling but still no luck. # Create a custom style for DateEntry style = ttk.Style(root) ...
Harrison Cox's user avatar
-2 votes
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tkcalendar with ttkbootstrap compatibility issues

I am using ttkbootstrap in my python script. I tried using the DateEntry from ttkbootstrap, but it does not fire an event like tkcalendar does (at least i couldnt find anything to it) and i like that ...
Jannek's user avatar
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Why can't I make my app's screen responsive even by increasing ´self.geometry("1000x700")´?

Here's an image of the app: I'm trying to make all the options visible, however even increasing the dimensions the screen doesn't enlarge and doesn't solve the problem class App(tk.Tk): def ...
Jonh Alex's user avatar
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Trouble initiating a DateEntry widget in tkcalendar inside of another class

I want to write a class that creates a paired checkbox and a corresponding DateEntry widget any number of times a new instance is created. All the instances are children to one single window, this ...
Edgard Huerta's user avatar
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3 answers

Best way to store user inputs

I am currently writing a python calendar program for a college assignment. In my program, a user selects the day they want to add an event/reminder/note to. I am just wondering what would be the best ...
MrWeazel's user avatar
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'int' object is not callable in tkcalendar

I am trying to create a calendar function that will change the background of a cell to a different colour to show that there is an event on that day. I am using tkinter and tkcalendar. code ...
j.jam's user avatar
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python tkcalendar.DateEntry setting mindate and maxdate make whole months unavailable

Python 3.9 application. tkcalendar v1.6.1 .The user specifies a year and then sets up events during that year. Having accepted the year, I set mindate to "1/1/YYYY" and maxdate to "31/...
Osmium's user avatar
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tk calendar changing event selection from full background selection to dot and working the event function

from constants import * class Calendar_Display(): def __init__(self,d): self.event_id = 0 ''' Different ways of formatting date''' # dd/mm/YY = d self.formatted = self....
Armaan Khaitan's user avatar
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Tkinter datepicker calendar not showing

I am making a Python program that uses the DateEntry widget in Tkinter. However, when I run the program, I can't see the calendar. My code: import tkinter as tk from tkinter import ttk from tkcalendar ...
edi's user avatar
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auto-py-to-exe generated file not working properly

I made a program that takes data from excel files with a UI i made with tkinter, i wanted to convert this programm to a .exe file with auto-py-to-exe, the problem is when i execute the .exe file the ...
LaEntropia's user avatar
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tkinter tkcalendar DateEntry inside class, did not display today's date, DateEntry outside class display today's date

DateEntrys which are inside the class, did not display today's date, where as DateEntry which are outside the class displays today's date. But DateEntrys which are inside the class, printing today's ...
Ravi Kannan's user avatar
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Is it possible to get a dropdown list of date just by a single click in tkcalendar of tkinter python?

I'm working on a date entry using DateEntry in tkcalendar of tkinter python with the code below. While running I have to double-click the down arrow button beside the DateEntry space to get a drop-...
suniu's user avatar
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I'm receiving an attribute error when trying to disable a cell in tkCalendar using coordinates

My code to disable the date cells on tkCalendar is as follows: from tkcalendar import Calendar from datetime import datetime import tkinter as tk from tkinter import * def dates_play(self,date_entry):...
amsi_25's user avatar
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DateEntry class in tkcalendar bug in runtime

During runtime, the DateEntry class exhibits some odd behavior. When clicking the dropdown, I'm presented with the following bug - calendar details not displaying. If I double click the dropdown, the ...
Ty_Pot's user avatar
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How do I get the date that the user selects on tkcalendar. DateEntry?

I want to get the date from the user, that they select, so that I may put it into my sql database. I have tried many things, such as getdate() and selection_get() but I can't seem to get my value '...
dexta's user avatar
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Tkcalendar is opening in the wrong window when i try to get it to run

When I am trying to run the tkkcalendar so that I can take a date entry, later for an sql database, the tkcalendar seems to be running on the original window instead of the new one. I'm new to object ...
dexta's user avatar
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tkcalendar: dateEntry being blocked from view unless clicked multiple times

Firstly, I will apologise for the bad explanation because I do not really understand the issue. However, in any of my programs when I use a dateEntry, it will at first be covered, and requires ...
funkykitty's user avatar
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Tkinter DateEntry Calendar Mindate not allowing December month of the same year

I am setting the minimum date for selection in calendar to 1st Jan 2022 but I am unable to select any day for the month Dec 2022. All other months are working fine. I observed that if the day is set ...
Mamata Mohapatra's user avatar
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How to change button colours of Calendar widget of tkcalendar?

I am able to customize colours of all portions of the Calendar except for its buttons. How can I customize colours for the buttons too? I read through the documentation to change the colours but I ...
Lazyy's user avatar
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Making a button on tkcalendar to colour background of selected days

I am trying to obtain the following (used an example from the tkcalendar page). But I want it with a button, so that when I press it, the date becomes coloured like that. I can't seem to make ...
ale.spool's user avatar
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Python | Tkinter | TkCalendar : how to customize 'DateEntry Date Picker' object? like increasing Width, and more?

I'm developing a simple Python stand-alone application, that uses a GUI datePicker, and I went for using 'from tkcalendar import DateEntry'. | using python 2.7 (for older windows PC) while using '...
Dalveer Singh's user avatar
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How to display with a random word List the same random word on a specific date

Im making a Calendar App with Python Tkinter and I have already found out how to save a user input to a date and how to display it. So I'm trying to make a daily Quote Button. But for that it should ...
thedesperatecoder's user avatar
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How to get specific Information from a dictionary

I'm trying to make a calendar with Python Tkinter where I can make entries and save those with the date I choose. To save them I use a dictionary in that I could make more than 1 entry. (If there is ...
thedesperatecoder's user avatar
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How to save tkcalendar in textfile

I hope someone can help me and I'll really appreciate it. I'm really having a hard time with saving this Calendar input in the Textfile after showing the date in the Treeview. By the way, here's my ...
Shukuchi Hikaru's user avatar
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How do I store a variable in a function so I can access it from a different file

I am trying to make a program that allows you to select a day, and then store a value for the day with a separate file. However, I can't find a way to store the selected day in a variable that I can ...
AnonymousSpud's user avatar
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Python ValueError("time data %r does not match format %r" % even thought it is the correct format

I'm creating a database with GUI.To collect the date, I wanted to use tkcalendar. Yesterday, It worked perfectly fine but today, I changed some parts of the code without touching this part of the code....
dioscuri's user avatar
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Import "tkcalendar" could not be resolved

I am building a GUI on TKinter and wanted to include a calendar to pick dates. I had imported tkcalendar and followed he steps mentioned in its documentation to install tkcalendar. But, it shows a ...
Nisarg Kudgunti's user avatar
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How to delete Label before printing a new one

My python code has a ui calendar and button but i don't know how to get the label to print and after destroying the label before it from tkinter import* from tkcalendar import* root=Tk() root.title(&...
L bozo's user avatar
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No Text showing in dateentry field

I have put multiple dateentry widgets into a single frame, and after doing so, no date appears in the entry field. I have tried to use the .set method using the textvariable that I have set, but that ...
Programmer12's user avatar
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failed to excute due to unhandled exception no module named babel.numbers

i built a python app with tkinter and i want to make it into an exe so i can use it as a normal app. the problem is pyinstaller is always throwing weird errors (i don't know if this has to do with ...
Milad Bannourah's user avatar
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problems with tk calendar catching

i need to know how to catch the output of a dateentry function. when i choose a date he prints correct date but i cant get the return value and put it in the cleaningschedule function.. cal = ...
UGC61's user avatar
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DateEntry.set_date( setting it to 2001-01-01 (tkcalendar)

I have a DateEntry widget that when the user doesn't input a text i set DateEntry to a default date of The problem is that for some reason when i set the date from the DateEntry it ...
SenJ's user avatar
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Changing Button State through Mouse Clicks on Tkcalendar

Is it possible to change the state of a button simply by clicking on a date in a tkcalendar? For example, I created a button that changes the background color of a selected date and it disables once ...
hs-ag-3467's user avatar
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TkCalendar goes out of screen when trying to select date in Python DateEntry

I am facing an issue where when I want to select a date from a tkCalendar using DateEntry but the the Calendar goes out of screen. Image showing Calendar goes out of screen I saw a few solutions which ...
Ruchi M's user avatar
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I create a 'GUI Application' with Python but when I converted it to an EXE file via the auto_py_to_exe tool why did I get this error message?

I was creating a GUI Application with Python but when I converted it to an EXE file via the auto_py_to_exe tool why did I get this error message? ERROR message.. Traceback (most recent call last): ...
Don Randeep's user avatar
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Is there a way to have the date entry calendar show up in a blank Date Entry field? (Tkcalendar)

I'm using the latest version of Tkcalendar. Whenever the date entry field is blank, the dropdown doesn't pop up. It throws this error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Program Files (...
VinosityHD's user avatar
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how to disable a date cell in tkcalendar?

# Import Required Library from tkinter import * from tkcalendar import Calendar from datetime import date # Create Object root = Tk() # Set geometry root.geometry("400x400") today = date....
ineedmoney's user avatar
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select date in tkinter without tkcalendar

I am looking for a way to display a calendar or other date picker inside a tkinter window. I am aware of tkcalendar and it works great. However, I am looking for a way to achieve this without ...
Kromilan's user avatar
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How to create a clicked function in tkinter calendar?

I am trying to create a clicked function to my calendar. class MainWindow(): def __init__(self, app) : #---------------------------------Initialisation de la page principale--...
Maxime Mouysset's user avatar
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How to enter data to SQL from tkcalendar

I have a program that creates a form so you can use it to add entries into a SQL Server database. One of the things I wanted to add was a calendar widget so the user can choose the time by clicking on ...
MarlboroIT's user avatar
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Change date format in Tkinter date picker - python

As title say, I would like to change the date format in Tkinter from m/d/y to dd/mm/yyyy I have the following code but did not work. still the format of the date is 2/16/2022 root = tk.Tk() root....
Greencolor's user avatar
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Tkinter DateEntry not allowing selection

I am using a Tkinter DateEntry field to get a "from" and "to" date for a SQL query. I recetnly redid my project, but copied a lot of code over. In my old project, the date entry ...
Mitchnoff's user avatar
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How to Change tkcalendar date?

this is probably a really simple question, but I can't seem to find the answer. But how do I go about changing the date of a tkcalendar calendar without user input? Right now I am creating a new ...
Mi-krater's user avatar
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Tkinter calendar module running very slow when pic date so many time ,

How can I run first my program when pic date in tkinter? Can I used other date module instead of tkinter calendar module or how can I type date in entrybox and add / / automatically
sanjibpoddar's user avatar
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I've installed tkcalendar correctly but it shows up as missing import

I've imported tkcalendar correctly but it shows up as "missing import". Can someone help? I'm on Visual Studio and I can't find out but it won't import tkcalendar when it's already been ...
Merry Hayong's user avatar
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Pyinstaller everything works on local machine but fails on another

Having used Pyinstaller to build my application the .exe file works without problems on my development PC (Windows 10 64 Bit). If try to run the program on my other PC (Also Windows 10 64 Bit) I get ...
hhartvig's user avatar
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How to use Tkcalendar virtual events?

Still I’m confused on that tkcalendar virtual events usage to bind user actions on the calendar days selections. Making something like follow, calendar.bind("<<CalendarSelected>>"...
John Patrick Kokar's user avatar
-1 votes
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tkcalendar throws AttributeError on get_date() method [duplicate]

I want to get the selected date of a tkcalendar calendar but it throws an AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_date' and I don't know why. Can somebody help me? Here's my code: ...
samuelhertrich's user avatar
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Tkcalendar get_date gets passed to a function but returns TypeError

Im trying to get a date from tkcalaendar and pass it to a function where it can be saved as a class varible. It works the first time when the button is pressed however the second time it returns "...
Endo's user avatar
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Find the difference between the chosen date and current date in python (in Days)

I want to choose the day from tkcalendar and find the difference between the chosen date and the current date.Can anyone help? (as simple as possible) Also, I tried have installed tkcalendar and I can ...
SudipRaaz's user avatar