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How Do I Override Button Commands in TKinter Simpledialog?

I am using tkinter simpledialog.askinteger in Python and it is working beautifully, but I would like to change the command associated with the "Cancel" button. I have looked at the Python ...
imperialjasper's user avatar
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Completing simpledialog.askstring boots cursor back to command line instead of main window

I'm creating a choose your own adventure, and I have it set so that a user can enter a keyword to return to a specific choice. So when the game starts, it has 2 simpledialog.askstring() questions, ...
BootzenKatzen's user avatar
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how to modify the background color of a python simpledialog widget

I have a simpledialog.askstring('x','Input number of stars to award the category:\t\t\t') x is the category name. I would like the simpledialog that pops up to have a different background color. Also ...
SteveB's user avatar
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Error "'str' object is not callable" when using simpledialog.askstring()

My code: class Punkty_Edycja_Frame(ttk.Frame): def __init__(self, parent): super().__init__(parent) self.grid(row = 1, column = 0, sticky='nesw') self.rowconfigure((0, 1, ...
Radar32's user avatar
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Could be closed tkinter simpledialog askinteger after 30 seconds? I need to use simpledialog

My case: I need input data by simpledialog to python code. My code is: def enter_plan_week(): root = tk.Tk() root.withdraw() value = simpledialog.askinteger(title="iiiiiii",...
qmpot's user avatar
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3 answers

How to make a SimpleDialog with scroll in Flutter

I have made a SimpleDialog to give the user the option to modify, but I have noticed that on small screens it doesn't scroll so it is cut off and cannot even be accepted. I have seen in some other ...
Tatiana Sánchez's user avatar
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Unresponsive tkinter SimpleDialog box

Below is an outline of a tkinter GUI in which I want the same dialog box to be opened in various ways. The response selected by the user from choices in the dialog then needs to be returned to the ...
user10850186's user avatar
2 votes
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How to change focus of simpledialog in Tkinter?

I have several simpledialog popup windows. The first one that shows is in focus and after it closes then every single one after that is not in focus. The simpledialog code is this: from tkinter import ...
nikolay1499's user avatar
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How do I validate tkinter askstring entries?

If a user clicks OK on a tkinter askstring box without entering anything I want a warning message box to pop up and then present the user with another askstring box. In the code below I try to do ...
P Schmurr's user avatar
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Python tkinter simpledialog

I have a Python script which generates a GUI window with tkinter library. I'd like to make some of it's buttons display a prompt - small window to ask the user for some number (something like in ...
MotoCyclotron's user avatar
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Is there a way for a text to only show once a variable from a dialog box has been assigned?

I am somewhat new to Python (using 3.8 and PyCharm if that helps) and I have been trying to use tkinter to make a little text based game. Everything I have written so far works except for the part ...
Dylan Podlinski's user avatar
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tkinter simpledialog giving focus to parent of window it was called from when submitted

I am attempting to open window2 from window1 and asking for a string in between. On a successful (or unsuccessful) input, window1, seems to take focus back from window2. Even if focus_set is called on ...
Nikolas Anctil's user avatar
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Tkinter: simple dialog box appears behind main root page on raspberry pi

I've spent forever looking for a solution to this. There are tons of posts on stackoverflow about this problem, which have gotten me this far and now I am stumped where to go next. I need to use the ...
Cameron Greenwalt's user avatar
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Python, while loop conflicts with other buttons in simpledialog

I'm new to programming and I'm trying to make a typeracer kind of program but the while loop conflicts with other buttons in simpledialog(including the close button), making it impossible to quit ...
Mamon4's user avatar
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How do I change the icon of a simple dialog in tkinter, Python

Not sure how to change the icon of a simple dialog window. I try to use .bitmap but doesn't work. Need Help
GCIreland's user avatar
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Why simpledialog doesn't work with mttkinter?

When trying to make my simpledialog thread safe by using mttkinter, i get an error. But when using the tkinter it works perfectly. Can anyone help please. Thanks in advance. from mttkinter import ...
take_it_easy_159's user avatar
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Python - Move focus to simpledialogbox

So I'm working on a script that uses pyautogui to launch a web browser, and then go to a specific page where it will print multiple pdf's. However, before it prints, it will pop a simpledialogbox and ...
Mrvaandpyt's user avatar
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Display data from sqlite to simpledialog in flutter

I want to display data from sqlite to SimpleDialog widget showDialog( context: context, barrierDismissible: true, builder: (BuildContext context) { return SimpleDialog( title: ...
sagar salian's user avatar
6 votes
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Navigator.pop won't close the simpledialog in flutter

I'm building android app using flutter. I have a problem to close the simple dialog programmatically. Now I have a stateful page named ListVessel. This page contains listTile from array ...
Adi Firman Ilham's user avatar
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Tkinter SimpleDialog Timeout

I have a program that requires input to a module while it is running, so I am implementing a simple Dialog box to get input from the user to use in my Tkinter program. But I also need it to timeout ...
David Long's user avatar
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SimpleDialog not displaying in Flutter

I'm developing an app using Flutter. I need to show a dialog box once a certain condition is fulfilled. When it's fulfilled, the dialog box is not shown, but the screen is dimmed as if the dialog box ...
magikarp's user avatar
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How to close the SimpleDialog in flutter after choosing an option

I added a SimpleDialog with 2 options: lost and found. Whenever I make my selection and get redirected to where I want, the SimpleDialog doesn't close and stays on my screen. The switch: switch ( ...
Rabih Kadi's user avatar
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Snackbar in SimpleDialog Flutter

I faced an error code below when adding a snackbar to an on-pressed method in my Simpledialog. [Scaffold.of() called with a context that does not contain a Scaffold.] I would like to seek your advice ...
lonelearner's user avatar
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Creating a simpledialog with tk that has a variable number of inputs and then outputting them

Im trying to create a simpledialog box in which you can input numbers. The number of inputs however does depend on a dataset, technically people are using it to input rows into a dataset. I cannot ...
Jannes Rausch's user avatar
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Tkinter simpledialog boxes not getting focus in Windows 10 with Python3

In the code below, the first dialog box gets focus immediately, so the user can just type an answer and press enter. In the second one, that doesn't seem to happen when running in Windows. Running ...
mgroat's user avatar
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How do i resize the pop-up from simpledialog.askstring in tkinter?

While using the simplesialog.askstring is good and all, I would like to resize the pop-up window and also resize the width of the text input. (sample code) from tkinter import * from tkinter import ...
Frederik Koefoed's user avatar
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tkinter askstring deleted before its visibility changed

I am trying to make a popup window where someone can fill in a string in an Entry box. I have gone through many examples, but it doesn't work. I am trying to this: var_entry = simpledialog....
Max Koning's user avatar
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Why does an autorelease pool error occur when askinteger is called from a tkinter menu in Python 3.6?

I would like to call askinteger() from a tkinter menu in Python 3.6.3. When I do this, the dialog box appears and I can enter an answer, but when I close the dialog box I get an autorelease pool ...
IGreenberg's user avatar
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Flutter - How to display a GridView within an SimpleDialog box?

Asked a very similar question yesterday concerning displaying a GridView in an AlertDialog and got the perfect answer for wrapping Widget in a container and adding width. Now I decided a SimpleDialog ...
Charles Jr's user avatar
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Tkinter: Put simpledialog.askinteger in a toplevel box

I have trouble using the simpledialog widget within a toplevel widget. The code extract below results in an empty pop-up window (entitled "Blocked fields"), a second pop-up window with the correct ...
A.K's user avatar
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Create Simple list Dialog With Default Checked item

I'm trying to showing a simple list dialog, with the default selected item by gray background. I know we can use setItems() to show the list, but how do I set the checked item background to gray? ...
vincentFeng11's user avatar
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Simple dialogbox multitasking

How do ask a string and a integer question in a single simpledialogbox in tkinter without opening another simpledialogbox from tkinter import * from tkinter import simpledialog simpledialog. ...
Olafusi Emmanuel's user avatar
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Python tkSimpleDialog Fullscreen and Focus Over Fullscreen Parent

I am having a problem with getting tkSimpleDialog to take focus over my fullscreen window GUI. I have a GUI that I am trying to use a dialog window to use as an admin password to close the GUI (like a ...
J.kors's user avatar
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How to auto-activate a tkinter simpledialog pop-up window?

I have this function inside one of my python scripts which throws up a Tkinter simple dialog screen to ask for some simple user-input. The function works. However, there are 2 problems with it. It ...
Montmons's user avatar
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Worklight Simple Dialog Android prevent click outside

I am using for showing messages. In my latest android version , if i am clicking outside the element, the Dialog box disappears. Could you please help how to fix this issue. If ...
user1551162's user avatar
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messagebox stops validation

I don't understand why a messagebox (or simpledialog) breaks the flow of the following code. The code basically validates an entry box in python 3.5. It checks that the field only contain numeric ...
Dr Jeep's user avatar
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Python tkinter simpledialog. How to bind a key to the OK button in simpledialog

def prompt_new_name(self): new_name = simpledialog.askstring("Name Change", "New name") if new_name is not None: self.request_name_change(new_name) I want to bind enter key on the ...
whiteSkar's user avatar
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Declared variables not initialised when using 'simpledialog'

I have a problem with some code that I have been working on where I am trying to pass a variable to a 'simpledialog' box. However, when I declare the variable in the __init__ section, the variable ...
skyhammer's user avatar
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How to get data from SimpleDialogFragment to a Fragment?

I have a main class: public class MainFragment extends Fragment implements OnClickListener, OnMarkerClickListener {} I have a dialog class: public class PedirTaxiDialog extends SimpleDialogFragment ...
user2725921's user avatar
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IBM Worklight SimpleDialog platforms limits

I am using Worklight 6.0 for an application working on 4 platforms (iOS, Android, Blackberry and Windows Phone 8). While using WL.SimpleDialog I can notice today that the handler button option/...
WiPhone's user avatar
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Simpledialog2 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'sdIntContent' of undefined

I was working on jquery mobile and have used simpledialog2 for creating dialogs. My code <li><a href="#" data-rel="dialog" onclick="return openpopup();" style="font-weight:normal;">...
Nitin Varpe's user avatar
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Simpledialog2 Open partial view inside it

I was working on ASP.NET MVC3 application. I want to render my site on mobile as well . function openpopup() { $('#registerform').simpledialog2({ mode: 'blank', headerText: 'Some ...
Nitin Varpe's user avatar
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jquery simpledialog2 scrollbar

I am using simpledialog2 to show the dialog. I want to add an scrollbar as my content is huge. Below are the poperties for my dialog defaultDialogConfig: { mode: 'blank', dialogForce: false, ...
sree's user avatar
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jquery simpledialog2 button event

I am using simpledialog2 to show the dialog in mobile. defaultDialogConfig: { mode: 'blank', dialogForce: false, showModal: true, headerText: '', headerClose: true, animate: ...
sree's user avatar
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dialog box with error " Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'sdIntContent' of undefined "

i have a dialog box that i use in all my internal pages it works fine from home page but when page 1 kicks in i get an error that says Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'sdIntContent' of ...
user avatar
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tkinter.simpledialog.Dialog leaves the initiating tkinter.Button depressed

I am using Python 3.3 on Windows 7. I have a tkinter application where one Button fires up a tkinter.simpledialog.Dialog. Like this (this is a complete, runnable example): import tkinter import ...
Lutz Prechelt's user avatar
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JQM simpledialog2 dynamically change button name in button / input mode

I found this solution to create the values of headerText and buttonPrompt with an js function but is it even possible to use the function to create the button names like 'delete'? $('<div>')....
metamagikum's user avatar
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Show raw jquery mobile simple dialog above another raw jquery mobile simple dialog

Please see the attached image In my page i have home icon. When i click "Home" i will show one dialog by jQuery mobile simple dialog. I achieved this successfully. I used raw html mode simple dislog ...
vinothini's user avatar
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Dojox mobile simpledialog underlay transparency on Android

I have a problem with dojox mobile SimpleDialog underlay transparency on Android - in the underlay randomly appears black squares (with no transparency), sometimes most of the underlay look in this ...
Arek's user avatar
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Uncaught TypeError with use of select menu in simpledialog2 of jQuery Mobile

Is Simpledialog2 not supported select menu in jQuery Mobile ? Because when I use select menu in Simpledialog2, I get error like as under, "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '...
Jiten Rangwala's user avatar