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Using PowerPivot to compute test coverage

For my current project I am using Excel and Pivot Tables quite often. Now, I have seen the nice feature PowerPivot in Excel and I am thinking to use it in my project. Especially, I want to use ...
Aleph0's user avatar
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Define MDX Update Allocation Method - Excel What-If Calculate Change

I have setup up a multi-dimensional data model in SSAS which is embedded in Microsoft Excel as a Pivot Table. In Excel I want to use the OLAP what-If analysis functionalities. Screenshort Excel ...
DataScientist's user avatar
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Excel Grand Total in PivotChart from Data Model

Goal Generate a Grand Total column (called All below) in a PivotTable to be displayed in a PivotChart in Excel 2016. PivotTable Current Sum of DailySales Column Labels Row Labels North South 1/2/...
SaintFrag's user avatar
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cubeset function with 2 conditions

I am using cubeset function with one condition that is giving me the desired set: =CUBESET("ThisWorkbookDataModel";"[ORDERS].[CLIENT].&["&B2&"]*[ORDERS].[ORDERSID]....
Jonathan Livingston Seagull's user avatar
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excel cubset function to get 2 columns set

I am trying to use the cubset function to get a set of 2 columns. The data table is something like bellow: TABLE +--------+-------+-------+ | CLIENT | PRODA | PRODB | +--------+-------+-------+ | ...
Jonathan Livingston Seagull's user avatar
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Maintaining Series Format in Chart: VBA Event for MDX Legend Changes

Is there a solution through VBA or by editing my MDX set, or anything else, to apply my Series formatting and make my measure/series colors consistent, even when isolated? Or in other words, when I ...
neekz's user avatar
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How to fix issue with MDX - Power PIVOT returning numbers as text

I am using MDX query designer in PowerPivot to drag the data as well as to create calculated columns. I want to combine two fields: one shows one side of accounting account, another opposite side of ...
TomWay's user avatar
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SUM two rows in PowerPivot Pivot table MDX Balance Sheet Subtotal for Liabilities + Equity

Really new to MDX and have researched for hours but haven´t found the way to make it work. Objective: Sum two rows (liabilities-pasivos and equity-patrimonio) for a pivot table that represents a ...
Ricardo Diaz's user avatar
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Export Excel PowerPivot recordset as offline cube

I have a PowerPivot model that has Power Query as a source. Is it possible to create an offline cube from this? I've tried creating a pivot table out of the PP and then using the pivotttable....
Sergei Trunov's user avatar
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Connection String not valid - MDX query error in Power Pivot

I am trying to execute MDX query in Power Pivot. While creating connection I have selected Model.odc. The connection string gets validated successfully by Test Connection. In further step when I ...
Amruta's user avatar
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MDX: filtering zero values out

I have a dataset that has a lot of 0 values for the measure so I would like to filter them out in my query. However I don't seem to be able to do it. It either doesn't work or I crash the query. I ...
Daniel Aguilar's user avatar
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MDX Expression in Excel Power pivot using = operator

I am new to MDX, trying to create report in excel(Power Pivot OLAP) using tabular model cube. I need convert below DAX expression into MDX expression, DAX Experssion CALCULATE( sum('Finance ...
kedarnath's user avatar
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MDX Function (Excel PowerPivot) to Exclude Non Numeric Values from DB

I am quite new to MDX and I am trying hard to write a query that allows me to retrieve only numeric values. My query at present is: SELECT NON EMPTY {ISNUMERIC([Measures].[Average Booking Window])} ...
Kurt's user avatar
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Filter() is too slow on PowerPivot Query

I have a question regarding MDX code, I am trying to filter out values from a measure in my cube that contains several account numbers, however, the performance is too slow and I haven't been able to ...
Julio Cesar Avila Padilla's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

CUBESET() function in Excel with Multiple criteria

I'm trying to create a CUBESET function in Excel, but I don't know how to filter it using multiple criteria within the same dimension. This is what I have so far working with one criteria. Example 1: ...
Chris's user avatar
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DAX Create a measure which references the previously calculated value of itself (previous period)

I would like to create a measure in PowerPivot which references the previously calculated value of itself in the previous iteration. For example: *[Planned Backlog] n = [Planned OIT] period n + (...
Tamas's user avatar
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Get higher-level element with CUBEMEMBER in Excel Powerpivot

I have a Chart of Accounts, loaded in PowerPivot based on a SQL query on a database table; the connection is named "ThisWorkbookDataModel" and the table in PowerPivot is named [Accounts]. The Chart ...
Doru's user avatar
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MDX syntax for DAX measures calculated with AVERAGE()

I have the following expression in Excel that works fine. =CUBESET("ThisWorkbookDataModel", "TopCount( [ProductBV].[Product Name].Children,10, sum( ( [Calendar].[Week Ending].[All].[1/6/2013]:[...
Chris's user avatar
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How to create a ranged frequency table using Excel Cube functions

What I want is to create something like this (see image) in Excel that pulls in the frequency of my chosen category from a table within my PowerPivot data model. The output would also need to be ...
Chris's user avatar
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Excel PivotTable result vs executed MDX query result

I am executing an MDX query retrieved from Excel PivotTable connected to an OLAP Cube in SQL Server Management Studio. I have retrieved the MDX query using SQL Profiler while refreshing it in Excel. ...
Giulio V.'s user avatar
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MDX Case statement

I am trying to use a MDX calculated measure to do a case statement on a column. I am using this code: Case [hist].[title] when "Mr" then "Test1 "Else "Test2"end when I save it it sets everything to ...
rory83's user avatar
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How to get Total and Percentage in MDX - Power Pivot

I want to get the total per year and the percentage in MDX from this dataset... any ideas, thanks. Example
EGSL's user avatar
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Country-Currency MDX Mapping

I'm quite new to MDX and I'm facing an issue I'm unable to solve, even after reading documentations. I have a database that contains values from all countries in all possible currencies (like e.g. ...
Gabor's user avatar
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Cube function in Excel using Powerpivot to display specific row values in worksheet

This is a highly specialized question and I have searched the web to no avail for an answer with no luck. I am working with Powerpivot that is connected to a SQL database to create essentially ...
Chris Huie's user avatar
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Filtering a CUBESET using a different variable without hierarchies

I'm trying to produce a cubeset that only returns members that correspond to another field in my Powerpivot dataset. Because my organisation is so behind we're using an old version of Powerpivot (SQL ...
Soulus101's user avatar
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Power pivot named MDX field

I have a PowerPivot Data Model in Excel 2013. There are several measures that I have grouped into a named set using MDX - something like this: {[Measures].[Sum of Value1], [Measures].[Sum of Value2],...
LoganTheSnowEater's user avatar
4 votes
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UNION multiple MDX queries in SSAS (powerpivot)

I have some sort of difficulties trying to join 2 MDX queries together. When running them separately they work fine. The script below WITH MEMBER [Measures].[ParameterCaption] AS [...
PeddiePooh's user avatar
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I'm connecting a PowerPivot query to a MS Analysis server cube. double record

I'm connecting a PowerPivot query to a MS Analysis Server Cube. The query result i get contains double records for a single dimension (personnelnr). This because of a name change during a day in the ...
rdwkomp's user avatar
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MDX Query Can't connect Fiscal Month/Quarter to my Measures

I've been building an MDX query using excel's powerpivot. I connect to my cube, drag and drop Measures /Dimensions and my query has been working just fine. Up until I try to pull different dimensions. ...
Richard S's user avatar
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How to have dynamic interval in DAX/Powerpivot?

Dynamic Band in RDBMS Our challenge is to reproduce the below example (RDBMS) but leveraging Microsoft SSAS Tabular Model. We have value in a column and we need to group them, so literally we have ...
Sarah's user avatar
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MDX Expression : Calculated Member

I am trying to create a Calculated Member on a Microsoft Analysis Services Cube. There is an existing Dimension [Projects][Project Number - Name] which has members along the line of "12345 - ...
simonberry's user avatar
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Powerpivot: create a data model from a DAX query

Is it possible to create a data model (on which I can run a DAX query) from the output of a DAX query? (both tables being autoupdated from a db backend, not static - so no copy paste or convert to ...
sargeMonkey's user avatar
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List Dimension Members if selected date falls between Start Date and End Date in fact records SSAS MDX

I have a fact table that contains invoice line items, and since these line items are subscriptions, there is a Start Date and an End Date involved LineItem Customer Product OrderDate ...
sameer's user avatar
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MDX results to Excel in Power Pivot

I don't know ABCDs of MDX. I have this query that was handed over to me by my predecessor and that it is needed only once in a year! That time of the year happens to be now! The query runs and returns ...
SKa's user avatar
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Powerpivot with SSAS cube

We have an SSAS cube for our patient data. Instead of recreating the entire cube in powerpivot with all the measures and calculations, I am looking to use the cube itself and add onto it. I am just ...
Sarah Broaden's user avatar
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MDX - Last 90 Days

I'm trying to put togethr an automatic MDX filter in PowerPivot. I have a dimension: Essentially I need to write a MDX statement where it will pull all records with the Year Month Day >= 90 days ...
Joshua's user avatar
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Powerpivot Graph 'Region' Total Sales vs 'Employee' Total sales in a period of time

I want to create a column chart that will show: Total Sales, total revenue for a selected employee vs. total sales, total revenue of his Region. I mean, one employee belongs to one Region ... And I ...
user2983478's user avatar
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Force mdx query to return column names

When connecting from powerpivot to SSAS, I got the following problem - if for some reason no rows are returned by mdx query, no column names are returned either and powerpivot gives an error. When ...
user2417797's user avatar
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Calculating a Ratio using Column A & Column B - in Powerpivot/MDX/DAX, not in SQL

I have a query to pull clickthrough for a funnel, where if a user hit a page it records as "1", else NULL -- SELECT datestamp ,COUNT(visits) as Visits ,count([QE001]) as firstcount ,...
223fms's user avatar
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Filter Dimension values

I have a master Customer dimension (that I don't maintain). My fact table includes customer info. When I compile the cube, everything looks good, by browsing the cube I see my fact rows with only ...
AlexFreitas's user avatar
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Powerpivot: Joining historicals for database and forecast from a calculated linked table in a single pivottable

I noticed a few people have tried to do similar things that I am asking below. I may have a suggestion in my answer as to how I fix it so i'll ask the question first. I have historical data that I ...
Shnita Moluna's user avatar
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Problems when using RANKX on PowerPivot

I'm trying to use the RANKX funcion to Rank some sales, my table looks like this ProductID | ProductTotal | I want to have a third column called ProductRank that will rank the The products depending ...
user1112251's user avatar
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MDX -> Query works in CubeBrowser not PowerPivot -> "unable to cast object of type 'system.dbnull' to type 'system.string'"

Pasting query into powerpivot produces the following error but works in CubeBrowser. : "unable to cast object of type 'system.dbnull' to type 'system.string'" Here is my query. SELECT NON EMPTY { [...
Bill Blankenship's user avatar