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Alternative PowerShell Solution To Running MDX on a Power Bi Semantic Model Hosted In A Fabric Workspace

So we want to do this, but it's not supported. So we must pursue a alternative solution. Optimally this would something that could be run from SQL Server directly with minimal external code possible. ...
David Rogers's user avatar
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How to Create the Rotating "B Cube" Effect from Bridge Theme Demo?

I’m trying to replicate a specific effect from the Bridge theme demo. You can check out the page here: In this demo, there’s a section where, as you ...
Masoud Sadeghi's user avatar
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SSAS return multiple date

There is a date attribute in the SSAS membership card file dimension, called "valid date to end date". Select the attributes of the member master file, the membership card file's "valid ...
iSuper's user avatar
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Pyspark - cube aggregation

I'm trying to use the cube function in pyspark without including all the columns in the cube. SQL equivalent of what I am trying to achieve: select col1, col2, col3, sum(col4) from table group by ...
user1783504's user avatar
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SSAS CUBE Import Into Power BI Desktop

I'm new to SSAS Cube data and structures. I'm trying to import the fields I need for a dashboard into Power BI, but I can't shorten my date field in the original request. I tried filtering the data ...
Ryan Crary's user avatar
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Cubejs pre_aggregations not working for BigQuery tables

In a cubejs setup with CUBEJS_DEV_MODE ON, facing issue setting up pre_aggregations on BigQuery cubes: pre_aggregation has a refresh_key set for every day refresh as : refresh_key: sql: "...
sra1's user avatar
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How can I build a preaggregation that is able to query a cube with a filter on its joins cube?

For simplicity: I have 2 cubes, Order and OrderItem. Order has many OrderItem. OrderItem has a dimension called status. self hosting cube Goal: Query for Orders with a dynamic filter on OrderItem ...
nullnullnulls's user avatar
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How to configure Cube.js pre-aggregations to refresh every 12 hours or at a specific time (e.g., 4:00 AM UTC)?

I’m working on a Cube.js project where I need to configure pre-aggregations to refresh at regular intervals, specifically every 12 hours or at a specific time like 4:00 AM UTC. I’ve set up a cube to ...
Abdellah-ELAAROUB's user avatar
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using cubejs with elasticsearch

I want to use Cube.js with Opensearch which is forked version of elasticsearch 7.x. I managed to establish the connection, but I couldn't find resources regarding the syntax. Are there people who use ...
cerebroz's user avatar
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If I want to write code in a register-level manner, which interrupt is enabled by default?

For example, if I want to write code without libraries, do I have to enable some system interrupts? I know that in STM32-M3, the RESET, NMI, and Hard Fault interrupts are enabled by default. However, ...
Hossein Man's user avatar
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CUBE functions not updating after query refresh

I have several workbooks which use CUBE functions which reference the Data Model. Up until recently these always worked fine; now, however, after performing a full refresh of the queries which feed ...
Jos Woolley's user avatar
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How to check schema, database, server in Cube SSAS by SQL code

I am trouble with my tasks thatI want to list the tables, source schema, and database of Cubes in SSAS. Which query can help me find them without having to open the xml and search each line? Hope ...
Mỹ Nguyễn's user avatar
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Reconfigure an existing SSAS Cube

How can I add new SQL table to an existing SSAS cube? I’ve done an MDX query in SSMS to see the structure of the cube but I couldn't figure out how to add anything new. The existing SSAS cube has an ...
Jann's user avatar
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Not all the sides of the 3D cube display

I'm trying to create a 3D cube using CSS but not all sides of the cube appear as they should the left , right and top sides of my cube doesn't display at all only the front , bottom and backward of ...
shirshamay's user avatar
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Problem connecting Here3+ to orange cube+

I tried to follow the tutorial at and connected the red cables of the here3+ to the CAN1 of the cube board. The next step would be to modify ...
user26656812's user avatar
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How to dynamically set an environment variable in Kubernetes StatefulSet based on pod name and port?

I am working on deploying a StatefulSet in Kubernetes for Cube.js Cube Store workers. I need to set the CUBESTORE_SERVER_NAME environment variable dynamically based on the pod name and a specific port ...
Akash Kinwad's user avatar
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Content Download speed is too slow on Digital Ocean Droplet using Nginx for reverse proxy

I have a node server (Cube JS: deployed on Digital Ocean Droplet served through PM2,Using Nginx for reverse proxy. Tested on 15mb network Content download speed goes ...
Hassan Akhlaq's user avatar
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Derived column from 2 dimensions in SSAS Cube

I have two dimension, say "Dimension1" and "Dimension2" in the SSAS cube. I would like to add a derived column in Dimension1 lets say col3 with the logic coalesce (Dimension1.col1, ...
Arun Parmar's user avatar
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I can't remove the gaps between the edges of the cube in a sprite made from an SVG image

Most learned friends I have an SVG cube icon. I made a sprite out of it, but there are gaps between the edges of the cube that take on the background color of the div in which the cube is located. How ...
Evhen Bezliudnui's user avatar
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How to trace the SSAS cube refresh failure details if we are refreshing the cube from a SQL Server Agent jobs

We have a tabular model cube that is refreshed each day via an SQL Agent job calling an SSAS Command. The command is simply: { "refresh": { "type": "full", "objects&...
Jasper's user avatar
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Regarding SSAS data cube

if we have db view used in dsv , that uses some function to calculate the columns. And there is any requirements to change the column (no column name and type chaged ) then I need to re deploy the ...
Harish Rawat's user avatar
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cube js : Error while creating connection, Model files not found

I am getting error while creating the connection to Postgres using cube playground. I am running cube locally and postgres is running in docker. In the docker log I can see errr as Error: Model files ...
user2813165's user avatar
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MDX query for a set with nested conditions depending on parameters

I want to define a MDX-Set with nested conditions. I have two parameters: @parYearMonthBusinessMonth_From and @parYearMonthBusinessMonth_To. My script for the set: SET [OrdersLocal] AS Filter( [Orders]...
Jash92's user avatar
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How do i count the number of order that each customer have?

Here i what i get so far So i want to do a MDX query that can group and count the number of Order of each customer name? How can i do that ? I want something like this Customer name Number of order ...
Duy Le's user avatar
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Analysis Services and Power BI refreshes after publishing

We had three reports connected to Tyler Munis that were hosted locally. The cubes connected and refreshed fine when it was set up this way. Now that we have moved to the cloud, the desktop Power BI ...
Brooke Harris's user avatar
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Calculated table summarizecolumns

I created a table using SUMMARIZECOLUMNS in dax studio.It works. But when I added the table in my SSAS tabular cube using tabular editor by right click add a calculated table. When I copy the code in ...
Linus's user avatar
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Always Rotate Cube Forward Relative to Observer

I want to rotate a cube forward relative to the camera (observer); In psuedo-code: rotateCubeForward(backward){ rotation.x += 90degress * backward; } rotateCubeForward(1) rotateCubeForward(-1) And ...
Joshua Caputo's user avatar
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Poor Performance when display a degenerate dimension next to other dimension

I have a table with "Open Order" records which stores the orders still under delivery and also containing customer IDs and Product IDs for that Order. for Customer and product IDs I already ...
emad ahmed's user avatar
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Extending Docker image not running on AWS Fargate

I'm trying to run CubeJS on AWS Fargate, if I use the image cubejs/cube:v0.33.33 directly on in a JSON file on Fargate it runs fine, but I need to extend that image so I can include configuration ...
Elliott Coe's user avatar
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BigQuery Returns Different Results On every execution for Exactly same query when using LIMIT

On running the exactly same query I get different results.  Details: Total results are 64155 since I am using Cube.js as my backend with big Query which has retrieval limit of 50k rows per query , I ...
Hassan Akhlaq's user avatar
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OLAP Cube process error (A connection could not be made to the data source with the DataSourceID of 'Example_SQL', Name of 'ExampleSQL'.)

I have an Analysis Services Multidimensional Project, I added a data source, data source view, and cube, from dimensions > properties > explore data > I got all data from DB. From cube ...
HtmlCss lessons's user avatar
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SSAS Cube Hierarchy Collapsing within Excel with sub values

Background: The client utilizes an SSAS Multidimensional cube for sales reporting and analytics, with the primary means of harnessing this data being through Excel Pivot Tables. Summary: The client's ...
Mitch's user avatar
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Trying to make a smooth dragging 3d box rotation

I need help with something. I'm new to JS and trying to make a 3D cube rotate. I found a cool example on Code Pen and want to do something similar with ...
Henry's user avatar
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SSAS cube aggregation formula when all dimensions' values are the same

I defined a cube with some dimensions. When in the fact table, some rows have the same value for every dimension the cube stores only one aggregate row and applies the SUM function on all numeric ...
Andrea Colleoni's user avatar
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How to load the .cube file into the real-time iOS camera in swift iOS?

I'm facing some issues in loading the .cube file into the real-time camera. The Blackmagic Camera app utilizes the .cube file to load it in real-time on the camera within the application. Here's my ...
sivan sakthi's user avatar
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Retrieving data from DataModel (Power Pivot) within VBA

first of all, apologies. I am a relatively new VBA user, and I am a bit lost in the search for the answer to the question below. I am creating a UserForm which will include some ComboBox to get user's ...
pablo_bg's user avatar
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SSAS Process Cube error "We can't sign you in with this credential because your domain isn't available."

I can't process my cube because of the following errors. "The following system error occurred: We can't sign you in with this credential because your domain isn't available. Make sure your ...
Pochmann's user avatar
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Configuring TLS and SSL for AWS Fargate Cube.js Server with NLB

I'd like to achieve the following: AWS and Cube Setup: What configurations are needed to achieve this? AWS Configuration: Network Load Balancer (NLB) with public access, forwarding TCP traffic on ...
T Takeshi's user avatar
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Error while arming cube orange plus using ros2 which runs on a companion computer?

The connections are established between ros2 and px4 successfully using xrce dds , topics are being published from px4, when i use ros2 topic list it is working fine, but when i tried to arm cube ...
Kavinesh S's user avatar
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cube animation in c++ with setconsolecursoreposiotion

what errors are there (in the algorithm or in the code) #include <iostream> #include <cmath> #include <windows.h> void rotateCube(int pos[][3], double alpha) { double rotateCube[...
vahagnghazaryan's user avatar
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OLAP Query Cube Issues to config connection string for not login many times?

Can someone have solutions for this: I exported data from Power BI Service via 'Analyze in Excel' feature. When open downloaded Excel file, i have a pivot table can be refreshed. But the issue i ...
Hugan's user avatar
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DAX - YoY Calculation don't work on higher Date level

I'm trying to create a Year on Year and Month on Month Calculation using DAX for my Cube. Here's my formula to get Last Month and Last Year: Revenue_LM:= CALCULATE(SUM([CreditDebit]), DATEADD('DIM ...
Kim's user avatar
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Process data: error: execution of DDL failed

I have encountered an issue while executing a SSAS cube tabular in SSIS through SQL Server Agent. The error message received is: "Process data: error: execution of DDL failed." I have ...
mahdi's user avatar
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CubeJS pre-aggregations error: relation "dev_pre_aggregations.product_base" does not exist

I'm using CubeJS pre-aggregation of type original_sql like this in a cube Product: pre_aggregations: { base: { type: `original_sql`, external: false, }, main: { ...
Ankush Chavan's user avatar
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Create 3D RGB Cube with possible rotation

I want to create/draw a 3D RGB Cube with possibility to rotate it. Something like this: I assumed that matplotlib would be a good option to create it, because it has built-in rotation function. I ...
rzymski's user avatar
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SUM value showing wrong in SSAS MDX query

I have SSAS cube there is a column called 'waittime' which is contain 'NULL' values referring that i need to create measure total SUM. my query be like: sum([Measures].[WaitTime]) but result is wrong ...
munees ms's user avatar
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SSAS: Error duplicate attribute key in processing Cube Dimension

There's dimension DimTable1 containing in Column1 a lot of duplicate values, NULL values and '' values. Processing the Cube fails with an error: Errors in the OLAP storage engine: A duplicate ...
MaterialGirl's user avatar
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Rotating 3D mobjects without moving the camera - Manim

So I'm having this code : class Intro(ThreeDScene): def construct(self): config.background_color = rgb_to_color(hex_to_rgb("#141414")) sq = Square().shift(LEFT) ...
GoodErnest64's user avatar
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In React-Native, Cubejs-client/core package is not working

Actually, I'm using React native version 0.71 for building an analytics app, so I'm using cubejs for that. I am following the cubejs official blogs of React-native to create a dashboard https://cube....
ABHAY AK's user avatar
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How to by pass Cube dev pagination limited to 50000 results

We use Jupyter on top of Cube dev through the SQL access. It seems that cube limits the number of results to 50000 which make sens for BI/Analytics usage but for data science we need to retrieve more ...
Lucien Fregosi's user avatar

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