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How to configure Cube.js pre-aggregations to refresh every 12 hours or at a specific time (e.g., 4:00 AM UTC)?

I’m working on a Cube.js project where I need to configure pre-aggregations to refresh at regular intervals, specifically every 12 hours or at a specific time like 4:00 AM UTC. I’ve set up a cube to ...
Abdellah-ELAAROUB's user avatar
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OLAP vs OLTP Schema explanation

After reading a lot of resources about the differences and the key points, I still have a confusion of the two models and I've created two databases with defined tables and relationships The one ...
Giovanni Mosquera's user avatar
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OLAP Schema: Dynamic Cube Selection in Virtual Cube with ClickHouse Backend

I'm developing a virtual cube in Pentaho Workbench (version 8.3) that combines two physical cubes: pp_operations: original cube with detailed operation data pp_operations_by_orders: optimized cube ...
kirill fedorov's user avatar
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VBA filtering OLAP Cube based on list getting "Run-time error '1004' The item could not be found in the OLAP Cube"

I tested the code with a small amount of product codes and it works but when I enter a large amount of product codes I get the Run-time error '1004' The item could not be found in the OLAP Cube. ...
David's user avatar
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Errors processing city dimension in SSAS with SQL Server Management Studio 20 and Visual Studio 2019

I'm working with SQL Server Management Studio 20 and Visual Studio 2019 on a project involving the Wide World Importers (WWI) sample database. Although the deployment of the project through Visual ...
Kevin Cianci's user avatar
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MDX query for a set with nested conditions depending on parameters

I want to define a MDX-Set with nested conditions. I have two parameters: @parYearMonthBusinessMonth_From and @parYearMonthBusinessMonth_To. My script for the set: SET [OrdersLocal] AS Filter( [Orders]...
Jash92's user avatar
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Querying Variant Typed Nested JSON Object Arrays in Apache Doris

I'm storing my semi structured data in Apache Doris and I wonder that is there any way to query the data in the way I want. For example I have a data like below; { "eventId": 1, "...
Kadir Akın's user avatar
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How do i count the number of order that each customer have?

Here i what i get so far So i want to do a MDX query that can group and count the number of Order of each customer name? How can i do that ? I want something like this Customer name Number of order ...
Duy Le's user avatar
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MS SSAS MDX Ensure UI (E.g. Excel) shows the latest member of a dimension on refresh

I have an MS SSAS Cube and I have constructed a C# service which retrieves data from another system and feeds it to my cube. I use the notion of an IntradaySeries and each new series of data results ...
TilleyTech's user avatar
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SCD 2 implementation in Postgres or SQL Server | how to avoid duplicates & update old record

I am new to data warehouse. I am tiring to implement SCD 2 using date method. I have struck to implement. **OLTP table ** CREATE TABLE Customer ( CustomerID int PRIMARY KEY, FirstName VARCHAR(...
navinkumar's user avatar
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OLAP Cube process error (A connection could not be made to the data source with the DataSourceID of 'Example_SQL', Name of 'ExampleSQL'.)

I have an Analysis Services Multidimensional Project, I added a data source, data source view, and cube, from dimensions > properties > explore data > I got all data from DB. From cube ...
HtmlCss lessons's user avatar
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Issues with deploying a project in SSAS: "Cannot deploy metadata"

I'm really-really new to working with SSAS, so please excuse me in advance. I have a data base file called "UZB", consisting of 1 table, which I created with sqlite, and store locally on my ...
uzvasily's user avatar
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Why some of existing user not able to see newly added DB in clickhouse

There is new db created along with tables, but some users are not able to see that particular DB. What could be the possible reason? Tried running grant query but 'grant' keyword is also not getting ...
Narendra kumar's user avatar
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Filtering OLAP Pivot Table based on dates

In Excel I have an OLAP-based PivotTable. Each row has a date. I would like the user to be able to change a "start date" field on a control sheet and the table to filter to only dates after ...
Chris McL's user avatar
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My SQL Server Analysis services won't switch from tabular to multidimensional

I'm trying to switch the sql server analysis services to multidimensional since I'm getting an error in visual studio when I try to deploy my analysis project that says I can't deploy the model ...
Youri's user avatar
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Aggregating Members calculated with IIF / CurrentMember conditions

An MDX newbie here. I am trying to define and aggregate a custom measure which contains an IIF condition. Suppose, for this data model: Category Name ItemType Price CatA Item1 Normal 4.0 CatA ...
Ilya's user avatar
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markUsed is not marking segments as unUsed in druid

I have a data source named "test" with a segment and I want to drop that segment. From the documentation I came to know that for deleting a segment I have to mark it as unUsed and then kill ...
Bharathwajan's user avatar
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How to add and backfill a column to a ClickHouse materialized vew and the underlying table

I'm working with a ClickHouse database and facing a challenge related to table structure modification and data backfilling. We use a materialized view to populate a table, and we need to add a new ...
LAP's user avatar
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Does TiDB Serverless support TiFlash for analytical jobs (OLAP) just like TiDB?

In TiDB, I can configure and deploy TiFlash, which can be used for columnar based storage to perform OLAP tasks. In TiDB Serverless, I can see the same columnar storage is available on the dashboard. ...
Mark's user avatar
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Need to create a report in Apache Kylin using SSB sample data

I have just set up Apache Kylin 5.0 and have been playing around with the sample Data provided in the docker (DB: SSB). I have understood most of the concepts of Cubes, Dimensions, Indexes, Measures ...
Dipaq76's user avatar
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MDX get DISTINCT COUNT for Month to Date

EXPLANATION We have OLAP cube, there is Measure Customer Count which is DistinctCount of CustomerId. Now we created SSRS report that using previously mentioned cube as data source. In the report we ...
Infinity's user avatar
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Relationship between dimension and measures

There is a Fact Table (.....,MenuID, MOption, CallTime) There is also a Dimension "Menu" Table (MenuId,OptionID) Relationship between these tables (MenuID and MOption) In the Dimension table,...
Elvira Delman's user avatar
-1 votes
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Process SSAS OLAP cube via Python

I have an OLAP cube on SSAS (and XMLA script for processing). How can I call processing it via Python script? The only things I can find are about getting data from cubes (mdx/etc), and some popular ...
George Andersen's user avatar
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Is there a way to do segmenttation aggregation in duckdb?

I want to store timeseries data in duckdb, and query them for displaying in the website, for this circumstance, data needs to be aggregated and calculated at certain time intervals, I noticed in IotDB'...
benrush's user avatar
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Handling updates in Apache Druid for data from a commerce system

I have a digital commerce system that we have built in-house and it has been working fine. We now want to implement OLAP to provide our customers with advanced reporting and BI features. While looking ...
brahmana's user avatar
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OLAP functions versus self join to get record(s) with highest value

There's a common situation where we need to look in a single table, and get the record for a single key where another field has the highest value, latest date, or whatever. We can do this using either ...
JOATMON's user avatar
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How to maintain online statistics for big data?

I have a DB with relativly (for our capacity) large rows ~ 45000000. I have ~ 500-1000 users who need online statistic from this DB by different criteria (client, priority, etc). In general, ...
KotGaf's user avatar
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PostgreSQL as OLAP setup

I am trying to setup postgresql to use OLAP benefits as my current OLTP db is no more required, hence i want to move it to OLAP system for genrating reports as there would not be much transactions ...
Amit's user avatar
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3 answers

Why are multidimensional models not supported in Azure Analysis Services?

I am trying to migrate a multidimensional database (OLAP data cube) from SQL Server Analysis Services to Azure Analysis Services. To my surprise, I found at
Jaime Montoya's user avatar
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Redshift - Array returning single data per record

I have a table containing the following fields: email - logged user email allowed_id - A ID of another User The table contains multiple entries for the same email, each one containing a different ...
andrepz's user avatar
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error while creating SSAS cube with SQL Server CE

I am failing to create a cube in SSAS from a SDF file (SQL CE) as a datasource. I am assuming it's possible because SQL CE supports OLEDB interface. I am doing this in C# with AMO library. The error I'...
code7amza's user avatar
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OLAP Cube MDX calculation returns 0 when value is set

I have a dimension ship that has speedinKM but when i look in the cube browser the calculation does not return the expected value. The data from the dimension shows up in the cube browser but returns ...
henk steen's user avatar
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How to display data in an sql server olap cube by a given time dimension with a special filtering

I have a SQL Server 2016 OLAP Cube in the multidimensional mode and a corresponding database containing the tables Cases and Person. The Case table has the columns StartDate and EndDate and the Person ...
Steven2105's user avatar
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How to join two cubes on a shared dimension using MDX?

I am using SQL Server 19.1 and SSAS to deploy two cubes that have a common dimension say "manufacturer". The first cube has a fact table consisting of the amount of sales and the second one ...
Sam's user avatar
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Convert Pythonnet result set into a pandas dataframe

I am using Pythonnet to query a cube and return the results in a System.Data 's DataSet. Now I want to convert DataSet into a Pandas' dataframe. Full code : clr.AddReference("r"C:\Windows\...
marc nicole's user avatar
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How to use correct Pivot Table VBA sub-field filter

Been trying for days to solve this problem and still no joy. I have tried to make a vba that looks at the value in cell A1 and applies it to the filter in C4 but keep getting a "Unable to get the ...
Samgrill's user avatar
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Update with OLAP on DB2/400 v7r2 and later

Assume following scenario: 2x tables (tbl_1 and tbl_2) with identical data model as follows: userCol1, userCol2, internCol UserCol1 (Column A) is always empty (NULL) when row initially written into ...
GKirca's user avatar
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difference between default and Full Processing

I'm trying to understand how processing a cube in default mode vs. a full process is different for SQL Server Olap cubes. This article gives a brief description of each
user8675309's user avatar
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Janusgraph OLAP traversal - Connection with cassandra using trusstore config not working

We have a working setup of Janusgraph 0.5.2 version where we are able to insert and query (OLTP) the data as per need. We are exploring JanusGraph OLAP traversal for some reporting and analytical ...
blankCoder's user avatar
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Performance issue with MDX Calculation in easyBI

In easyBI (a BI tool inside JIRA that uses MDX to create custom calculations for reports) I used this below custom calculation to retrieve the latest execution from the Xray test plans (a test ...
Seif's user avatar
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Apache Doris:Short files in the library directory

I am using to build Doris but failed. It says: lib/doris_be': No such file or directory
Bill H's user avatar
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Apache Doris: Tablet writer failed to write

tablet_id=27306172, txn_id=28573520, err=-235 This error occurred when I was doing the data import and I believe there is something wrong with my version compaction.
Bill H's user avatar
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Different Doris search delay when giving the same condition with different data type

I am using Apache Doris as database. My query be like select city from table where city_id in (xxx) and {{other condition}} I keep the other condition same and query this clause with xxx as '123' and ...
Katherine's user avatar
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Stuck with this query for MDX

I am trying to make it show for years in columns and neighborhoods in rows. In the cells I want the total share of trips per neighborhood and per year in percent. I should look like the picture, but ...
Codeman's user avatar
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OLAP vs OLTP - Fundamental difference

What is a primary difference between a OLTP vs OLAP? I have read and understood OLAP is for analytics workloads and OLTP for transactions workload which is the purpose. Why cant a OLTP DB be used for ...
Raghav's user avatar
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AzureDataFactory - 403 Forbidden With an Odata linked service

Azure Data Factory Linked Service: OData Integration Runtime: Local network Target: Microsoft Project Odata (hosted in the same local network) I've got a 403 - Forbidden error while I try to reach my ...
Cuer Sylvain's user avatar
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Best way to store multiple json values for analytics?

Suppose one is trying to save such API responses for analytics later, ie, a single response has about a 1000 persons Each object has about 26 properties. The API query is made every 5 minutes for ...
woofmeow's user avatar
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Errors in the OLAP storage engine: Rigid relationships between attributes cannot be changed during incremental processing of a dimension

I am new to SSAS and I'm facing a confusing problem. I have a regular process for updating dimensions (with a ProcessUpdate). <Process xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:...
user5381634's user avatar
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Why SQL Server Analysis Services Remote Connection work in Excel but not C# Web App

I have a SQL Server Analysis Services Cube published to a remote windows server, not attached to a domain. I can use use Excel to connect to it remotely by using the wizard at Data -> Get Data ->...
user3170632's user avatar
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OLAP Data Warehouse - composite primary key as multiple or single fields

I'm building a data warehouse, and the data is of a quality where 8 fields may be required to uniquely identify a record, and this applies to three tables, each of which will have a few million rows ...
Phil T's user avatar
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