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PCL 2d qhull work properly depends on the order of points

I use the pcl-1.14.1 library to create a 2d convex hull with 4 points. But whether work properly depends on the order of points. If I input the information of four points(bbox_ptr) in this order, it ...
Mony Chen's user avatar
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Normalizing Point Clouds for Registration and Applying Inverse Normalization

I am working on a point cloud registration problem where I want to apply the following steps: Normalize both point clouds (centering and scaling them to a unit norm). Fit a multivariate gaussina and ...
Andyale's user avatar
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how can i use protected method of octree pcl?

I'm currently using point cloud library for a university project and I want to use a protected method to calculate the distance between the center of a leaf node and point in a point cloud but I can't ...
user25939307's user avatar
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What would be the stride and offset of this user defined point in PCL?

I want to use the PCL function, getMatrixXfMap, but I don't know what the stride of my point type is. struct My_Point { PCL_ADD_POINT4D; uint8_t direction; uint8_t type; uint8_t ...
Isaac Martinez personal's user avatar
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Surface reconstruction from unorganized point cloud via pcl::MarchingCubesHoppe results in non-manifold surfaces

I have an unorganized, isotropic and volumetric point cloud, which I get from a uniformely dense and noise-free simulated CT scan of a halfed apple (without stem) and try to get a concave mesh with ...
albrechu's user avatar
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pcl_conversions fails to convert from sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 to pcl::PointCloud2 on Jetson (arm architecture)

I am trying to use the pcl_conversions library to convert the pointcloud from sensor_msgs::msg::PointCloud2 to pcl::PCLPointCloud2. I am working on a Jetson (ARM architecture) with Jetpack 5.0, in a ...
Salvatore Marcellini's user avatar
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Velodyne Decoder - Data Parsing and Visualisation

I am having a velodyne lidar VLP 32C, my aim is to take data, parse and visualize. Below is the code I am using. I am getting the datapackets from the lidar but when trying to parse and visualize I am ...
shonb's user avatar
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Removing specific parts/data from a point cloud

If i have a point cloud, for example of a metal object that has a few extrusions/unwanted parts like in the image, are there any clustering methods to remove such extrusions? I've tried using ...
user24281091's user avatar
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Maximize the volume of a cylinder, bounded on the outside by a roughly cylindrical point cloud. C++

I am receiving a point cloud from a 3d scanner system which has already had outliers filtered. It is roughly cylindrical and an example looks like this: Front view Isometric view I need to create a C++...
Ryan Gowland's user avatar
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Nuscence dataset LiDAR Radar visualisation

I am trying to visualize LIDAR_TOP and all the 5 RADAR points using cloudcompare or open3d tools. After visualization I observed the radar and lidar points are not aligned. Blue points are from lidar ...
Codster1's user avatar
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Return quality of fit for PointCloudLibrary RANSAC model fitting

I'm trying to use Point Cloud Library to fit a circle in 3d space to a collection of 3d points, with robust rejection of outliers. RANSAC seems to be a suitable way to accomplish this. Along with the ...
Hydrargyrum's user avatar
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How to reduce normal vector points of a Point cloud data?

eimerI have a curved object as a point cloud and using pcl, i first downsampled it using voxelgrid and then cluster extracted my object of interest and then used normal estimation to find normal ...
user24281091's user avatar
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Normal estimation of PointCloud from depthai's Oak-D-Pro-W, either never finishes the compute or Input dataset is not from a projective device

I have an Oak-D-Pro-W a stereo camera that's capable of outputting an organized PCL point cloud object. I'd like to be able to then do surface normal estimation on top of the point cloud. I started ...
tmayoff's user avatar
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Align two Point Clouds with PCL only by translation

I am trying to align two point clouds. For this I use the Iterative Closest Point Algorithm (ICP) of the PCL library. This works quite well so far. pcl::IterativeClosestPoint<PointT, PointT> icp;...
Marco F.'s user avatar
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point cloud registration - how to mark boundary of object?

I have a point cloud registration problem, where I'm trying to compare 3D scannings of various archaeological artifacts. I have already downsampled my point clouds to be on regular voxel grids, and I ...
Tue's user avatar
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Efficiently find k-nearest points from a K-d tree to a line using the Point Cloud Library

Using the Point Cloud Library (PCL), I have created a K-d tree from a point cloud. I would like to find the k-nearest points from the K-d tree to a line. Is there a way to do this efficiently using ...
Andrew's user avatar
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Segmentation of a building (Pointcloud)

my plan is to segment a building or a flat into rooms. As a basis I have a ply file and python 3.11. Now I have a segmentation which does not end at the walls. I hope this works or maybe someone has a ...
misterTT's user avatar
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How to compare 2 point-clouds?

I want to compare two point-clouds using the open3d library. My main goal is to do comparison between a point cloud of an object from a LiDAR scan device and another point cloud from the 3D CAD model ...
Ayush Singh's user avatar
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Given one set of 2D points as groud truth, how to match it with one observed set

Assume set A={P1, P2, P3,P4,p5} is known. The coordinate system of A is o1. each point P is a 2d point which only have coordinates [x, y]. we can obtain the distance between each pair of points. $$ \...
HC S's user avatar
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PCLVisualizer flashing when using .spinOnce()

Beginner here...basically I want do visualize a pointcloud with the PCLVisualizer, while executing code alongside the visualization. So far i tried to use the CloudViewer(same behaviour) and also the ...
Gruenis's user avatar
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Filtering the point cloud coming from multiple lidars

I have been experimenting with the pcl point cloud library. I have point cloud data coming from 3 different lidars. I filter out the point cloud for each lidar to remove unwanted points in their ...
programmer_smart's user avatar
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Why are the eigen vectors not calculated as expected for cube-like point clouds with the Eigen library?

For a project using 3d cameras, I want to calculate the oriented bounding box of a point cloud. I am using this algorithm. For general cuboids it worked well, but when testing the algorithm with a ...
TobiBrtnr's user avatar
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"[rosrun] Couldn't find executable named example below /home/USERNAME/catkin_ws/src/my_pcl_tutorial" Trying to get PCL working with ROS I'm trying to get ROS point cloud working. I've followed every step on these links, but keep ...
user23285192's user avatar
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error: no matching function for call to -- ROS (C++)

I'm currently making my end-of-master project in ROS (C++). I'm doing an algorithm for climbing slopes with a robot. When I use catkin_make, I receive this: error: no matching function for call to ‘...
Diego 's user avatar
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SOLVED No matching function for call to ‘pcl::VoxelGrid<pcl::PointXYZ>::VoxelGrid(bool) for using getRemovedIndices()

I am working in ROS and processing point clouds using the PCL. At one moment, when filtering my cloud with VoxelGrid, I also needed to extract the same filtered points in its twin Normals point cloud, ...
mboga's user avatar
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vuforia area target point clound

i have a problem with area target. Is there any chance to get point cloud or mesh from area target? find point cloud from scanned area target I'm waiting for any help. I use the vuforia area app for ...
Dominika's user avatar
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Incorrect reconstruction when moving a pointcloud using pcl::Poisson

I'm having a problem with pcl::Poisson. As I had to register the side-face pointcloud to the front face, I used pcl::transformPointCloud to transform it. However, when I translated the point cloud in ...
Clay's user avatar
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PointCloud upsampling

I have a small pointcloud. From a space point of vies it can be considered a 4x4 matrix: ------------------------- | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | ------------------------- | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | --------...
Antonio Marangi's user avatar
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How to make a rectangle by aligning the cloud of points obtained with four lidars?

I have 4 laserscan data that measured blocks using four 2D-LiDAR in ROS. LiDAR measures as it descends, so its appearance is divided by vibration. In this situation, I would like to sort the data to ...
kimmyeongjin's user avatar
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What's the principle of uniform_sampling in PCL?

Uniform sampling algorithm: The uniform sampling filters the point cloud by constructing a sphere with a specified radius, and the point closest to the center of the sphere in each sphere is output as ...
Wenll shapion's user avatar
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Volume Calculation on PointCloud

I am currently working on pointcloud where i will select the particular area for that particular area i need volume where my code giving me huge values than expected ,please help me resolve the issue ...
Kieron Pollard's user avatar
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unable to load big .pcd files using pcl::io::loadPCDFile

I am trying to load a big ointcloud (56 million points) using pcl. When I load it it gives the correct size but it put 19 million points at [0,0,0]. I check that these points are not located here ...
Olaf Verburg's user avatar
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Using ICP in PCL cannot be registered correctly even if a very good initial pose is set

I want to estimate the pose of a workpiece, so I tried to use registration. The source point cloud was captured from the binocular structural light camera(the red one), and the target point cloud was ...
felix Zhao's user avatar
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Is there a way to save a point cloud voxelized with Open3D in a format supported by Unreal Engine?

Issues with Voxelization of Point Clouds in Open3D and Saving in Non-PLY Formats Background I am currently working on voxelizing point cloud data for utilization within the Unreal Engine. However, I'm ...
ponda's user avatar
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not able to convert Uint8 to FLoat32 Array in JS

I have pointData which is Uint8Array of point data with the structure of each point is 20 bytes and x, y, z have offset of 0, 4, 8 and intensity is at offset of 16 and all are of 4 bytes. The data is ...
Pravin Poudel's user avatar
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How to properly set the hyper parameters for PCL's NDT algorithm?

I require some guidance on how to use PCL libraries's NDT algorithm for localisation. The problem I am trying to solve is to monitor whether the robot is localised properly to a map generated by ...
siva_uchiha's user avatar
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pcl::EuclideanClusterExtraction failed to extract the first cluster

I'm trying to extract the first cluster from point cloud. Here is my code Input cluster_pcd_ptr tolerance body pcl::search::KdTree<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cluster_tree( new pcl::search::KdTree&...
Odirection's user avatar
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pcl::io::loadPCDFile Could not find file 'gArBaGe'

I'm using a really simple code example I found in a tutorial. When I try to use the pcl::io::loadPCDFile no metter how I try to parameterize it, but ofc I give it valid path with valid point cloud, it ...
fmarkyy98's user avatar
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Why does pcwrite or pcread function in MATLAB change the empty pixel of a pointcloud from [0 0 0] to [0.000000 0.000000 0.000000]?

I have a pointcloud file "**.ply", whose xyz value is shown as a N3 matrix. In this xyz matrix, the empty pixel is expressed by [0 0 0]. I pull the ply file directly to the command window ...
Xuanlun Huang's user avatar
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How to extract points from point cloud from pcl::Indices

Have this piece of code that is selecting the points I want to keep. Eigen::Vector3f rodrigues(0,0,0); Eigen::Vector3f boxCenter(0.5, 0.5, 0.5); Eigen::Vector3f box_size(0.9, 0.9 , 0.9); ...
Pat cm pro's user avatar
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Keep Intesity when converting pcl PointCloud<PointXYZI> to ros PointCloud2

When converting Ros PointCloud2 to pcl PointCloud you need to rename a field in the PC2 data to make it work, as can be seen here. My Question is, when converting from pcl PointCloud to ros ...
erik's user avatar
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PCL Own Point Type can't use pcl functions and operators

#define PCL_NO_PRECOMPILE #include <pcl/pcl_macros.h> #include <pcl/point_types.h> #include <pcl/point_cloud.h> #include <Eigen/Geometry> #include <Eigen/Dense> #include ...
Kataran's user avatar
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PCL undefined reference in linker

I am trying to use SurfaceReconstruction from point cloud data, here is my code #include <pcl/point_types.h> #include <pcl/io/pcd_io.h> #include <pcl/io/ply_io.h> #include <pcl/...
bipin krishna's user avatar
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Segmentation fault when saving cloud points malloc.c: No such file or directory

I have a sequence of images from which points of interest are extracted. to visualize the whole cloud point the pcl library is used. So two variables exist p which is the cloud of points extracted ...
Iscelia's user avatar
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Segmentation fault(core dumped) when load model or tensor to GPU

I want to use this program;, which is the Pointnet2 model, for other tasks in my experiment, but I found that when I load ...
name555difficult's user avatar
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Visualize Sensor_msgs/PointCloud2

I am trying to visualize realtime sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 on my qtvtk widget instead of reading from .pcd file. I will share an example of code that reads from .pcd file. void MainWindow::...
Zaid khan's user avatar
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A strange phenomenon when using pcl::ApproximateGrid:

My environment is PCL 1.11.1 and vs2019. I generated the synthetic point cloud using CloudCompare and I wanna downsample it. So I use the following code pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr ...
felix Zhao's user avatar
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PCL not finding QHull includes

I am using PCL and noticed that when I include pcl/surface/qhull.h there is an error while building: fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'libqhull_r/libqhull_r.h': No such file or directory ...
tricostume's user avatar
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How to know the coordinate of a dot in point cloud in phyton?

I have a set of geo-referenced point cloud. I want to know the location of one or many points coordinate. How can I find this? As a comparison, in cloudcompare, we can check the coordinate of a point ...
knrp's user avatar
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Can PDAL be used to find the max point in each of a set of polygons?

I'm looking for the highest point in each of a large number of polygons. I'm using this pipeline: [ 'points.las', {'type': 'filters.crop', 'polygon': polygons}, { "...
nickponline's user avatar
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