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On incorrect outputs in arithmetic involving large digits, especially in SDG

CGAL's Segment_Delaunay_graph has confirmed that given an input with very large digits due to minute numerical calculation errors, the correct result may not be obtained, but rounding the digits for ...
ymzkd's user avatar
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How to understand a strange command linked to Delaunay and Line2D?

I was intrigued by a command line that I don't understand, given in the answer of the (already old) post HERE. So, I tried to investigate and made the following program: import numpy as np import ...
Andrew's user avatar
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Is it possible to plot a Voronoi tessellation directly from a previous Delaunay triangulation?

I have a small Python code plotting a small Delaunay triangulation: import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.spatial import Delaunay points = np.array([[0, 0], ...
Andrew's user avatar
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Python griddata() and Matlab griddata(): different results at some grid points

While converting some (pretty big physics) Matlab code to Python, I have stumbled upon this situation. Python/Scipy's griddata() function gives different results than Matlab's counterpart griddata() ...
Lit_try's user avatar
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Trouble with correctly triangulating a polygon on a sphere in THREE.js

tldr: help I can't correctly triangulate a GeoJSON polygon in 3D space to make it spherical and it has been haunting me for weeks. The question at the end of this novel is "Is this a poly2tri ...
kishetate's user avatar
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Why does my Delaunay Triangulation using the Bowyer Watson algorithm not work?

I am implementing delaunay triangulation on a random set generated points, making use of the Bowyer Watson algorithm. I seem to be running into a issue where the output seems to be generating way too ...
aemeny's user avatar
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Variable metric field for delaunay computations in CGAL

is it possible to use CGAL to obtain a delaunay triangulation given ta set of points and their corresponding Riemannian metric fields. The goal is to make a triangulation that is delaunay in this ...
gggmmmvvv's user avatar
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How to make surface mesh on boundary surface with TetGen from point cloud?

I have .node file which contains points of particles intersecting surfaces of my predefined geometry (these points are representing my point cloud). I am trying to make tetra mesh in this space using ...
TMIbutterfly's user avatar
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How to find valleys and intersections in a distance field?

I have a 2d array representing height. It contains peaks, and then a linear gradient in between the peaks. I am generating the array myself, based on the positions of the peaks. The gradient is simply ...
LangerNZ's user avatar
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Volume Calculation on PointCloud

I am currently working on pointcloud where i will select the particular area for that particular area i need volume where my code giving me huge values than expected ,please help me resolve the issue ...
Kieron Pollard's user avatar
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How to find center point of 3d convexl hull, 3d polygon or polyhedron (all by Delaunay triangulation) in R

Here is the answer to solving the center point of 2d convex hull: Centroid of the minimum convex polygon how to find center point of 3d convex hull(package:geometry) in R? example for bunny data: ...
ninaPeng's user avatar
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Python Scipy Delaunay 2D doesn't connect some points

I generated 20 random points and applied Delaunay triangulation and created a visualization. I can't understand why there are always some points on the outside that aren't connected. I've looked in ...
spike424's user avatar
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First call to interpolator constructed by LinearNDInterpolator (with precomputed triangulation) slow regardless of grid size or values

I am using Scipy to interpolate several fields that are on a large irregular grid onto a regular one. I have precomputed the Delaunay triangulation of the grid and pickled it. Constructing the first ...
Garrett Dreyfus's user avatar
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How to draw 2D Segment Delaunay Graphs in CGAL?

I am trying to reproduce the visualizations shown on the user manual for 2D Segment Delaunay Graphs: However, I am struggling to understand how approach this issue. Concretely, how would I draw the ...
Raphaël Baur's user avatar
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Contour detection in 2D scatter plot

I am looking for an algorithm, that is able to detect the contour of the attached scatter plot (only for the area y<4, y>4 is not relevant for me). I need that contour to filter out the points ...
Fabian 's user avatar
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How to make stateful Clojure code pure without excessive repetition?

I'm writing a Clojure library to generate Voronoi diagrams using the quad-edge data structure as described in this research paper. I was using refs to represent the edge records, but I wanted to ...
M. E. Singer's user avatar
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constant kernel crash in Delaunay triangulation code (Cython)

EDIT: After much testing the problem has been found to be in the following loop. I put the loop in its own function. The use of it is to accept a pointer to an array of Vertex structs and remove all ...
Mephistopheles Faust's user avatar
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Tracking changes in Delaunay triangulation when inserting new points in CGAL

I am using CGAL's Delaunay triangulation in 2D to construct a triangulation from a set of points. However, I want to track the changes in the triangulation that occur when inserting new points. ...
Dawid's user avatar
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Embedding and iterating over custom faces in CGAL Delaunay triangulation

I'm using the CGAL library for performing Delaunay triangulation in my C++ application. I would like to embed custom faces into the triangulation and then iterate over them, but I'm not sure how to ...
Dawid's user avatar
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CGAL EXception raised

I´m working on on a program that perform a CDT in a set of points. After I have inserted a lot of constraints CGAL raise the folowing exception: 0x0000022b9f34d7c0 "CGAL ERROR: assertion ...
Rabelo's user avatar
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Delaunay triangulation of a Fibonacci sphere

I have generated a set of (x,y,z) coordinates on a unit sphere using the Fibonacci sphere algorithm. Plotted with a 3d scatter plot, they look alright: I now want to ...
Andrei Miculiță's user avatar
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How to clip some polygons to the boundary of another polygon?

I have a Delaunay triangulation in a polygon with a hole (a so-called constrained Delaunay triangulation): I'm able to construct the Voronoi cells by the duality principle. But some of them go ...
Stéphane Laurent's user avatar
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Delaunay triangulation on a cube

I have to create a 3d cube with a set of points for school. But when I'm trying to use Delaunay triangulation I'm getting a bad result. Does anyone has any idea how to fix that ? I'm truly a beginner ...
Zephyr Dassouli's user avatar
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Delaunay Triangulation, JAVA. Bowyer Watson algorithm, too many triangles being added to "badTriangles"?

I am working on a school project where we are implementing Bowyer Watson triangulation algorithm. The code when triangulating creates all the correct triangles needed for the triangulation and removes ...
steve's user avatar
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Problem triangle mesh creation with zero angles in the elements (delaunay)

I created a code in Python that help me to create a triangle mesh. However, the mesh file has elements with internal angles of zero and they are not valid for the calculations. My question is, How can ...
Luis Camilo's user avatar
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Harvest data and attributes from Shewchuk's Triangle

Lets say I have an area with regions and I execute a constrained Delaunay with Rufat's implementation of Shewchuk's Triangle (python) import numpy as np import triangle as tr import matplotlib.pyplot ...
arkriger's user avatar
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Finding out if a circle can "escape" a set of points

Simplified explanation: I am trying to create a program that marks whether or not circles can be used for a later calculation. Requirements for a circle to be used: A dot (golden points in the plots) ...
MikkelDA's user avatar
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How to use Dalauney Triangulation to triangulate points(longitude and latitude) on Maps, within a certain radius

I am working on a problem where I need to use Dalauney triangulation to extrapolate location points on google Maps. I have tried using JTS but the output I get returned is a single Polygon of 4 ...
user447551's user avatar
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Why CDT cannot read a file created by itself?

this question is a continuing of Error on Constrained Delaunay Triangulation and Gabriel Triangulations Trying to write a minimal example for that problem I planned insert the triangulation in a file ...
Rabelo's user avatar
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Why thisexcleption is being raised on Constrained Delaunay Triangulation and Gabriel Triangulations?

I´m working on a triangulation that can be set as constrained Delaunay Triangulation or a Gabriel Triangulation. When I set it as a constrained Delaunay Triangulation all work fine but when I set it ...
Rabelo's user avatar
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CGAL - 2D Delaunay triangulation - remove is not removing - Part 2

This question is continuing of the question CGAL - 2D Delaunay triangulation - remove is not removing Trying to solve the problem I decide to use for deletion the point returned on cdt.locate() so ...
Rabelo's user avatar
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Scipy 3D Delaunay. Different results when translating the set of points

I thought that given a set of points, the 3D Delaunay network would be unique. But moving all the points (without changing the relative distances) gives a different result. import numpy as np from ...
geofisue's user avatar
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CGAL - 2D Delaunay triangulation - remove is not removing

I need to remove some points from a 2d Delaunay triangulation. I´m using remove but it is not working, the code is: //---TYPEDEFS typedef CGAL::Exact_predicates_inexact_constructions_kernel K; ...
Rabelo's user avatar
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3D bounded voronoi/delaunay

I'm searching for an open-source code computing the 3D voronoi/delaunay of a point cloud bounded by a generic volume. I'm currently coding mostly on python using scipy to generate the diagrams, but 3D ...
ivncl's user avatar
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colour/fill Delaunay plot similar to this voronoi plot in R

using the iris dataset as an example, I am trying to create plots for Voronoi and Delaunay partitions. I can do this just fine for Voronoi PLots using ggplot and ggforce packages #voronoi plot with ...
Myriad's user avatar
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Export x/y coordinates of Delaunay triangles vertices using deldir in R

How would I generate a data frame with the following data in R using deldir? A row for each Delaunay triangle The x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 coordinates for the vertices of each triangle I've gone ...
Eric's user avatar
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Map corresponding points between Delaunay triangles

I'm trying to morph two images of faces using an inverse warp. I have the Delaunay triangles for both images as well as all transformation matrices for all pairs of corresponding triangles. I have ...
darryl247's user avatar
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fill delaunay triangles with colors of vertex points in R

here is a reprex data<- structure(list(lanmark_id = c(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, ...
Myriad's user avatar
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Create triangular mesh of pentagon or higher

I have the coordinates of the corners of a pentagon import math import numpy as np n_angles = 5 r = 1 angles = np.linspace(0, 2 * math.pi, n_angles, endpoint=False) x = (r * np.cos(angles)) y = (r * ...
HJA24's user avatar
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Scipy Delaunay doesn't create faces for all points

When running Delaunay on a set of four points, I expect at least two triangles to be produced. Instead I am returned only one. How can I have all faces produced? from scipy.spatial import Delaunay ...
Artem Yevtushenko's user avatar
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Error: objects 'ripras', 'as.ppp', 'delaunay' are not exported by 'namespace:spatstat'

I got following error whie executing the code. Code:install.packages("ithir", repos="") Error: WARNING: Rtools is required to build R packages but is ...
bidhan ghimire's user avatar
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How to delete a certain delaunay triangle from the list of tri.simplices in Python

i construct two Delaunay triangulations from two different numpy arrays of vertices. They have two identical triangles, which i want to delete from one of the triangulation list. If somebody can help ...
Volkan Atar's user avatar
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Can I efficiently construct a Voronoi diagram / Delaunay mesh from a subset of points?

I have a problem where I have a large number (~10,000) points (in 2-D) from which I need to repeatedly pick a small number (~100) and construct a Voronoi diagram. I can pre-compute the Voronoi diagram ...
testman8's user avatar
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Delaunay Triangulation on sphere (unstructured long lat grid)

I work with an unstructured grid of weather data, and I'm trying to plot it. For that I use the Delaunay triangulation. def triangulate(vertices, x="Longitude", y="Latitude"): &...
menaiseen's user avatar
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PyVista mesh triangulation - vertex indices

I have a triangulated mesh that I generated with the Delaunay 3D function in PyVista. I would like to calculate the surface area of the mesh adding up the areas of all the triangles. Is there a way to ...
Bohm's user avatar
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Degeneracy in circumcircle radius for Delaunay triangulation in Python

So I'm trying to construct a Delaunay triangulation in Python. Here's my current code: from __future__ import annotations from functools import cache from typing import NamedTuple @cache def ...
Aspect11's user avatar
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Delaunay plot and Igraph

I have a set of (x,y) coordinates and I want to create a graph (igraph) by using these (x,y) coordinates. First I create the Delaunay triangle from this point then use the "delaunay.simplices&...
Parviz's user avatar
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Edges of CGAL hyperbolic Delaunay triangulation

I'm trying to do a hyperbolic Delaunay triangulation with CGAL. Below is my code. Rcpp is a library to use C++ with R. #include <CGAL/Exact_predicates_inexact_constructions_kernel.h> #include &...
Stéphane Laurent's user avatar
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Scipy Delaunay triangles curve points issue

I have number of 2D points. I have to triangulate those points, for which I use Scipy Delaunay. But my triangles are returning plain shape instead of curved shape. Here is my code: def ...
Realistic3D's user avatar
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Is there an optimal algorithm which can be compute a L_inf Delaunay triangulation directly?

I want to write a C++ program which draws a Delaunay triangulation of a point set in the plane using L_inf metric. I wonder if a Divide & Conquer algorithm (from Guibas and Stolfi) and an ...
user18926311's user avatar

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