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So does Passport req.login() persist User in Session?

Though I've been working with node express for over two years now, passport/saml authentication is brand new to me. I've noticed that documentation about this is very thin, incomplete and sometimes ...
ocm's user avatar
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SAML Response Validation Fails with "Invalid Document Signature" in Node.js

I'm working with SAML authentication using node-saml in my Node.js application. The SAML response status is success, but when I attempt to validate the response, I get the following error: Error: ...
WAEX's user avatar
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Public signing cert for simplesaml

I am trying to config simplesamlphp to test my saml client which uses passport js. Passport saml requires a certificate to be set. However when trying to setup simplesaml w/ a cert I am getting an ...
lostintranslation's user avatar
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Why Microsoft Entra ID's Identifier (EntityID) doesn't match Metadata XML EntityID?

I'm setting up a nodeJs SAML application. My users can create an org, connect it to Azure Entra ID and authenticate against Entra. I want to enable my users to set up their SAML connection to Azure ...
Curious's user avatar
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How to validate assertion in verify callback of passport SAML strategy during saml/callback?

This is Sample code I got from passport-saml documentation. Instead of checking email id I want to validate saml assertion, which in turn will indicate that user is authenticated at idp as well, right?...
naruto's user avatar
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Will callback function gets executed only in error scenario - Passport SAML SSO

I am learning about passport and working on SAML strategy, will this (err) => {} callback only run during case of error or it will run in all scenario, i.e successful, unsuccessful, error. Thanks ...
naruto's user avatar
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MultiSamlStrategy in NestJs

I see that passport-saml provides multi saml strategy to use as following (reference). const { MultiSamlStrategy } = require('passport-saml'); passport.use(new MultiSamlStrategy( { ...
Anonymous Creator's user avatar
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Upgrading Passport-Saml to @node-saml/passport-saml Error

I've notice the passport-saml package is deprecated and I thought of upgrading the package to @node-saml/passport-saml. I've written my code similar to the one in the given github example. This is the ...
Arunprasath's user avatar
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Access the http request object from a passport strategy constructor

I need to configure my saml strategy dynamically. Specifically I need to retrieve a parameter from the login URL. I paste here some of my code to better explain my situation: // auth.controller.ts @...
Nicola's user avatar
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Why passport-saml can't find a signature - Invalid document signature

Why a signature can't be found? I've checked the code during execution and saw that signatures was empty: if (signatures.length !== 1) { return false; } Because an ID from Response didn't match ...
Curious's user avatar
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Passport-js: Express-Session gets regenerated when callback endpoint is called

I am trying to use passport-saml to authenticate users with a SAML IdP. As Frontend I am using React JS with Vite and as Backend I am using express.js with express-session as session manager. My ...
winkloid's user avatar
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Error: SAMLResponse is not valid base64-encoded XML - error in passport-saml while authenticating with okta

I am currently using passport.js and passport-saml package to authenticate my nodejs application via okta. My current package.json includes below versions for passport related packages: "passport&...
Deeptiranjan's user avatar
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Node JS passport-saml authentication fails with "preflight request doesn't pass access control check" when deploying multiple instance using pm2

I have tried plenty of answers posted for a similar question but my issue is slightly different from straight forward CORS issue. I am using passport-saml with my Node JS app to authenticate my web-...
Nick Div's user avatar
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How to get user details using passport-SAML in node js

I'm using passport-SAML in node js for SAML authentication. my SAML Saml Strategy passport.use(new SamlStrategy({ protocol: 'https://', entryPoint: '
Jay Parmar's user avatar
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Persist session id in passport-saml login login callback

I'm using passport-saml and express-session. I login with my original session id but when the idp response reach the login callback handler, I have another sessionId. Also, since my browser has the ...
JohnStephen.19's user avatar
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Implementing SAML with Passport-saml fails: PEM_read_bio_ex:bad base64 decode

I am trying to configure my nestjs app with passport-saml for a new client (a new Okta test account). The code has been proven in the past and my old okta account has been disabled. I created a new ...
Gina Marano's user avatar
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Passport.use will not take an instance of passport-saml.Strategy

I am using two libraries to implement auth. Passport.js and passport-saml (which is just a strategy implementation for passport.js). After creating the passport-saml strategy the passport.use function ...
Patrick Wilbur's user avatar
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PassportJS with passport-saml, how to get SAML request ID?

I'm using PassportJS and passport-saml to connect to a SSO server. I want to have the ID that is into the SAML request (/login route) in order to store a key with this ID. Then in the callback (/login/...
Pierre's user avatar
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okta does not validate issuer, coming from sp

I'm using okta as IDP for saml2 authentification, howver its works well, but I noticed that that octa does not check issuer , im confused about that, he shouldnt accept a request from any source ...
simo's user avatar
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How can I implement Single Logout using Passport.js on a node / express middleware

Am implementing SAML SSO using Passport and passport-saml in a node/express middleware. Have the following express user and strategy defined: User const savedUsers = []; passport.serializeUser((...
Clay's user avatar
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How to login into Onelogin via custom UI and redirect to a preconfigured APP

We need to be able to login to onelogin and redirect to an APP on clicking a button in our home page. We should also be able to send some custom params. We tried using passport-saml for this but we ...
NavyCody's user avatar
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How to do Single Sign-Out SAML using passport-saml npm package?

The application using single sign on flow in Azure AD using the npm package passport-saml. Application built in nodejs express framework. passport saml Configuration looks like this snippet: filename -...
Rajan's user avatar
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SSO. How to use IdP as a Proxy?

Implement SSO flow for authentication. I'm a newbee here and cannot get some places. I tried to implement service provider initiated flow. And it looks like this: User clicks on button on my frontend ...
NickTaylor98's user avatar
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Passport-SAML. How to avoid calling getSamlOptions after authentication on external IdP?

Try to setup Passport-SAML on my project. Here is an code example export const samlFederationAuthentication = () => { const multiSamlStrategy: MultiSamlStrategy = new MultiSamlStrategy( { ...
NickTaylor98's user avatar
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How to add `<Extensions>` element in SAML request using passport-saml?

I am using passport-saml as a SAML client and requesting to external IDP. I want to add <Extensions> element in SAML request like below: <samlp:AuthnRequest AssertionConsumerServiceURL="...
Kiran Mali's user avatar
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How to use dynamic passport SAML stratagey?

I am trying to implement SAML for google and okta for the different enterprises. Now, I have multiple entry points for that. passport.use( "saml", new SamlStrategy( { ...
Smit Parmar's user avatar
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How to pass X509 certificate in SAML POST

I'm working on migrating our existing SAML implementation from SimpleSAMLphp to passport-saml. I've run into a couple road blocks when using the HTTP-POST binding. When using a SAML chrome inspector I'...
Jako's user avatar
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passport saml how to pass profile data to route

when I created passport-saml strategy, during login, there is a profile object pass to the middleware function, with nameID info there. I need that info to call logout later on. // passportHandler.js ...
Eric Cheng's user avatar
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http SAML get request not redirecting to a url location

I'm using passport-saml and trying to get my redirect working on get request. But the response that I get from server is pure HTML. How do I make it load the HTML in a new page? this.http.get(this....
Pavan Gadagi's user avatar
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How to configure ADFS with react js app for sso using passport-saml and express js?

I've my reactjs application which needs sso. I've decided to have ADFS as my IDP. How to configure adfs with my react js application. How to use passport saml in reactjs for sso?can i have detailed ...
Sreejith's user avatar
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Saml Strategy Verify callback not getting called

As per the passportjs documentation, the verifier function is supposed to be called. But I am not seeing this call back. I am testing this with okta. In okta the app is configured to send the saml ...
mihirg's user avatar
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SSO callback with passport-saml does not work

I'm currently implementing SAML SSO with passport-saml. The flow works with the GET endpoint until the callback to the endpoint, which handles POST requests. If I add passport.authenticate('saml', { ...
Dubstef's user avatar
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Logout of Google IDP with Passport saml

I am using passport-saml to authenticate users via Google IDP(SAML APP) My SAML Strategy is configured as below const samlStrategy = new SamlStrategy({ protocol: PROTOCOL, entryPoint: SSO_URL, ...
Kalyan Chakravarthy S's user avatar
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Retrieve RelayState value using Passport-SAML

I am unable to retrieve the RelayState value. Can someone please direct me or provide a link to relevant documentation. This is what I have so far as my setup and routes. Setup const saml_strategy = ...
lexma's user avatar
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Passport-saml metadata xml config

I'm trying to use passport-saml for authentication in my project. So far I was able to use passport.generateServiceProviderMetadata(decryptionCert) to generate the following metadata.xml: <...
Li''s user avatar
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How do I hook up the authProvider in react-admin to use SAML?

I've tried following the sample code on the passport-saml site, and the advanced tutorial on the react-admin site for OAuth, but haven't been able to figure out what I need to do with the authProvider ...
lgm51's user avatar
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Creating Application for other enterprise to SSO and list directory users?

I am trying to create a web application. This app is a B2B PAS model. One of the features of the app is, an organization using GSuite, can onboard our system and then all its users can log in to our ...
Âishik Pyne's user avatar
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NodeJS/ExpressJS/passport-saml ADFS SingleLogout implementation

I did not know where to go next so I'm going to post my issue here, as I've already seen some related issues on this matter. Unfortunately the solutions provided did not work in my case, and I do not ...
Togren's user avatar
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How to login user with Meteor in Server side after Receive A callback from IDP

I need authenticate a user using passport-saml v2.0 and login after the authenticaton callback successful responds to IDP post request. I’am using React in front-end with flow router and Picker in ...
Vinícius França's user avatar
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Determine if IDP initiated or SP initiated in SP callback?

I am using passport-saml authentication module in my node application. In the registered IDP callback function that resides in my SP I need to determine if the callback was SP initiated or IDP ...
lostintranslation's user avatar
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Passport saml logout is not working because of callback url

I am using passport saml to logout from IDP here is my code: module.exports = function logout(app, samlStrategy, config) { app.get('/logout', (req, res) => { const { webUser } = req; ...
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa's user avatar
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Manually initiate login session using NestJS and Passport

I'm looking for a way to programatically log in a fake user for development purposes. The end goal is that I open the app for demo/development purposes and there's a fake user forcibly logged in(this ...
robertmain's user avatar
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Redirect browser to login page with passport-saml

I have an application where the front-end is ReactJs and the back-end is express. I am trying to implement SSO with SAML2 and I use OKTA as the IDP. front-end is running on localhost:3000 ...
Viz's user avatar
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Same passport js strategy with different configuration (SAML)

I'm trying to create SSO in my Nest.js application using Okta as Identity Provider and passport-saml library. I read documentation of Nest authentication and passport-saml. I have no problems with ...
Dikcha's user avatar
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ExpressJS/Passport-SAML Single Log Out re-logs in directly

Currently I am working on a passport-saml implementation in our NodeJS application. The reason to do so is to give our customers the possibility to connect to their AD FS systems and take advantage of ...
Togren's user avatar
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Passport callback not being called

While trying to implement the passport-same authentication methods I have hit a roadblock. The callback function passed to the passport.authenticated function does not get called."/saml/...
milo526's user avatar
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ADFS sso and using passport-saml Express "No decryption key for encrypted SAML response"

I am having this issue while logging ADFS SSO. "No decryption key for encrypted SAML response". Login from another account is being successful. Someone can help me with this. I am using Express with ...
Surendra Suthar's user avatar
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passport-saml - express - redirected url not submitting form gives SAML assertion not yet valid

Below is the error that I am getting on my console today as opposed to yesterday when the same code was working fine. Error: SAML assertion not yet valid at SAML.checkTimestampsValidityError ...
Prateek's user avatar
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Trying to test SAML auth with open/free SAML IDP

I am trying to test and debug SAML authentication with my app. I currently do not have my own SAML IDP so I am trying to test with free/open SAML IDP providers. Currently I am testing with SSOCircle:...
lostintranslation's user avatar
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Handle the Identity provider side of SAML using Node.js

I need to implement an Identity provider service (using node.js) that should be able to. Get, validate and parse (using private key and cretificate) the authentication request from SP example If ...
k-lusine's user avatar
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