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MultiSamlStrategy in NestJs

I see that passport-saml provides multi saml strategy to use as following (reference). const { MultiSamlStrategy } = require('passport-saml'); passport.use(new MultiSamlStrategy( { ...
Anonymous Creator's user avatar
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Access the http request object from a passport strategy constructor

I need to configure my saml strategy dynamically. Specifically I need to retrieve a parameter from the login URL. I paste here some of my code to better explain my situation: // auth.controller.ts @...
Nicola's user avatar
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Implementing SAML with Passport-saml fails: PEM_read_bio_ex:bad base64 decode

I am trying to configure my nestjs app with passport-saml for a new client (a new Okta test account). The code has been proven in the past and my old okta account has been disabled. I created a new ...
Gina Marano's user avatar
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Manually initiate login session using NestJS and Passport

I'm looking for a way to programatically log in a fake user for development purposes. The end goal is that I open the app for demo/development purposes and there's a fake user forcibly logged in(this ...
robertmain's user avatar
7 votes
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Same passport js strategy with different configuration (SAML)

I'm trying to create SSO in my Nest.js application using Okta as Identity Provider and passport-saml library. I read documentation of Nest authentication and passport-saml. I have no problems with ...
Dikcha's user avatar
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