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Dynamic SelectInput choices based on another input's value

i am trying to update a select Input's value based on the choice selected by another select input. if the first's option is selected then immediately the other's value gets update I am able to see the ...
Shoyeb Memon's user avatar
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client (React Admin) not consistent sending authorization header to backend, when making a request

Hi There dear programmer, I am having a issue with the client not being consistent with sending the authorization header when sending a request (for a resource). What I mean with not being consistent ...
Tkay Bay's user avatar
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ArrayInput with AutocompleteArrayInput not showing default values

I'm trying to create a form using React-Admin where I have an ArrayInput containing an AutocompleteArrayInput. I want to pre-select certain values, but the defaultValue is not being displayed. Here's ...
BlaCkAb's user avatar
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Django REST & react-admin: Content-Range header missing

Using react-admin's ra-data-simple-rest DataProvider I would like to make a request to a django REST api. In Django I built the following custom pagination class which is supposed to expose the ...
Peter Kamphausen's user avatar
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OIDC login flow breaks in react strict mode for react-admin v5

I was using react-admin v4 and built a custom AuthProvider with the help of the oidc-client package and it worked in development (with react StrictMode on) as well as production. Now, I have upgraded ...
Heikkisorsa's user avatar
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TypeError: can't access property "name", record.section is undefined

Hey guys thanks in advance! I’m using [email protected] in [email protected]. My src/app/admin/App.tsx looks like this: // src/app/admin/App.tsx const dataProvider = simpleRestProvider("/api");...
thrumbo's user avatar
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Is an MDI like interface possible with sub nested breadcrumb trail?

In playing around with the various MarmeLab react-admin demos, it seems it's heavily dependent on the browser back button. An eventual goal for our application is to host it within a bootstrap like ...
happyfirst's user avatar
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The correct usage of Auth0 with react-admin

I am building Admin Dashboard using react-admin. Now I would like to add signup/login via Auth0. App.js import React from "react"; import { Admin, resolveBrowserLocale } from "react-...
Bikas Lin's user avatar
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ArrayInput Input Values Sum in React Admin

I would like to sum the values of each input in my ArrayInput. Could someone tip me please? Here is my ArrayInput component: <ArrayInput source="team_capacities" label="Capacités par ...
AlexisD92's user avatar
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2 answers

Update ReferenceArrayInput values on button click

I'm trying to update the values of a ReferenceArrayInput (react-admin v5) when I click in a button but its not working as expected. I'm using the setValue of the UseFormContext() from react-hook-form ...
Luís Fernandes's user avatar
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Inconsistent state updates when using onCellEditingStopped in ag-grid

I am using a react admin component, DatagridAg, which under the hood uses ag-grid. I am trying to add some additional functionality to trigger a cell in the row to be updated when the user edits an ...
harmonius's user avatar
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Set default route after login to a CustomRoute?

How would I set a custom route as the default route in react-admin with msalAuthProvider from ra-auth-msal? It seems to default to the first Resource route I have defined, but I want it to redirect to ...
simonfanz's user avatar
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Deployment of react-admin: add static prefix to relative paths

when I run my front-end react-admin project, it generates index.html in which I have: <script type="module" crossorigin src="./assets/index-1ebfbf3a.js"></script> ...
Ahmad's user avatar
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ArrayInput + SimpleFormIterator no working correctly inside the TranslatableInputs component in React Admin 5.1

I have a form in my project, that is a combination of ArrayInput + SimpleFormIterator inside TranslatableInputs component. const OrderEdit = () => ( <Edit> <SimpleForm> <...
Dany Daniel's user avatar
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Replace default props in react-admin

I'm having components like this and they work: import { formatFileNumber } from "@components"; import type { ClientCompliance } from "@types"; import { Typography } from "@mui/...
Heikkisorsa's user avatar
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Data provider hooks in new react-admin version with nullable record context

In React-Admin the useRecordContext is now nullable. Before I could have a component that gets me the record and then fetches (or does something else with the data provider) something related to the ...
Heikkisorsa's user avatar
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How can I get mapped list to bind to data?

Summary I'm working on a side-drawer to display an edit form for an object that has nested properties. My manager does not want us to have individual calls to the API to get the nested properties, so ...
MigratingCub's user avatar
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Use of widgetRules in Toast UI React Editor

I'm trying to use @toast-ui/react-editor in a react-admin application. There is a specific feature that we need to use, which is the usage of inline widget nodes. I've tried adapting the setup ...
DaveMitHut's user avatar
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React-Admin Authentication: Path /auth-callback not found when deployed to Azure Static Web App

I configured React-Admin Authentication using Microsoft Entra ID (formerly Azure AD) per the following tutorial, React-Admin Authentication Using Active Directory The authentication works when running ...
Scott Stefanich's user avatar
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Disable validation of reference on change

I have a reference input with a select input. When I change the selected value a request is triggered. This cause issue when the value I want is not the ID. Is there a way to disable that? It seems to ...
Dimitri Kopriwa's user avatar
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Generate CreateForm/EditForm dynamically for "args/options" from many CLI programs

I write code in node.js and typescript. I have a REST backoffice front-end (build with react-admin but it doesn't matter) on which I need to develop a CRUD for CliOptionsEntity, which have this shape :...
Dimitri Kopriwa's user avatar
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react-admin: How to extend data provider (loopback4) for image upload

I have a react-admin setup with loopback4 I am trying to extend the dataProvider as suggested in the handling image upload I get Error: Unknown dataProvider function: getList it seems that the ...
Zovitch's user avatar
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I use the react-admin, but the build is heavy and an error is happened

I am developing the frontend now using the react-admin. As I wanted to use the NextJS, I was able to go ahead in reference to an article as follows. Ref: ...
中川達貴's user avatar
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Custom Save Button In TopToolbar inside Edit component

I want to create a custom save button inside the TopToolbar component, but no matter how I approach the situation it just doesn't work, regardless of the usage of useSaveContext() save method ...
Pathwalker's user avatar
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Getting an error when trying to authenticate TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating 'window.opener.swaggerUIRedirectOauth2') in browser

I'm trying to get authentication working from frontend and authenticate on the backend. Everything works when I click on authorise button in swagger, I'm logging in using google. When I log in from ...
paulatraveler's user avatar
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Api-platform/admin React-Admin Custom Request

I found a solution to my project to use api-platform/admin aka react-admin and show some data how I want. I also implemented the authentication (JWT), login page, etc. The frontend application loads ...
viko's user avatar
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Unit Testing Edit components and Create components result to error

and thumbs up for your great work! So I am trying to write some vitest unit test for an Edit component (and Create also) using the tutorial on your website. So having a resource, and an edit component ...
Vaios Anastasiadis's user avatar
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React Admin : A component suspended while responding to synchronous input. This will cause the UI to be replaced with a loading indicator

A component suspended while responding to synchronous input. This will cause the UI to be replaced with a loading indicator. To fix, updates that suspend should be wrapped with startTransition. i ...
Jit Bahadur Rana's user avatar
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About data type of source in react-admin v4

I'm building a screen with React-admin and typescript. In the following code, the save button is disabled when moving from this field to another input field. Is it no longer allowed to use Dot as the ...
y y's user avatar
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How to remove Hash from url in react-admin on NextJS

React Admin has documentation on how to remove the hash from being added to your apps url here by wrapping the Admin component in BrowserRouter but doing this does not work as expected in NextJS as ...
user11872092's user avatar
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React admin using incorrect data provider based on data being updated

I have a react admin app that has the tabbed form shown below. It handles some election data and is pretty forward. Some elections are standard and have 'candidates". Others are ballot measures ...
Joshua Foxworth's user avatar
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Using OnChange, how to change values inside an <ArrayInput> <SimpleFormIterator><ReferenceInput> in React-Admin

I have the following component which I'm trying to use inside a "Drinks Edit View". In "drinks" I have nested "ingredients", but the ingredients are also a related ...
Diego Gaona's user avatar
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How to use react-admin with require?

I'm trying to make a CRUD system for XWiki objects and I'd like to use react-admin for it. Here's how XWiki docs say we can integrate libraries into XWiki: How to integrate React and XWiki?. Or here's ...
KulaGGin's user avatar
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<ReferenceInput /> not showing previously selected item just because optionValue is set to other than "id"

this is my component: <ReferenceInput alwaysOn label="Start Code" source="start_code" reference="products" sort={{ field: "products....
Bens's user avatar
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Slow vite startup with bun

I have an existing react-admin project running with node and vite. Now I wanted to use bun for a faster startup. Initially, bun was starting up the project within a second or two, but then I needed to ...
Heikkisorsa's user avatar
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React Admin routing issue

I have React Admin routing issue and now sure how to fix it. <Resource name="licenses" icon={SchoolIcon} options={{ label: "Licenses" }} list={License} > ...
Kutas Tomy's user avatar
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Why is edit not working react-admin with custom dataProvider

I am using react-admin library The thing is I am not sure what's the issue, but the edit button does not work. I tried User list component import {List, Datagrid, TextField, EditButton, DeleteButton} ...
unknown developer's user avatar
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DateInput React Admin while using it in filter : Warning: value prop on input should not be null

I'm currently struggling on a bug with react admin, I have a list component on which I want to use a filter with different types of values (boolean, number, string and date). To get set up a date on ...
Ruben Sailly's user avatar
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React-admin, How to create a Form and get the form values using react-admin?

Am new to react-admin, I have created a form and try to get form values while onsubmit. Am getting an empty object {}. Am trying to achieve two things, onSubmit to get form values. Whichever form ...
SakthiSureshAnand's user avatar
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Is it possible to use Formik validation for forms which are created by react-admin library?

I am newbie, just started using the react-admin lib for one of my project. I could not find anywhere using formik with react-admin forms. So is it possible to use formik validation with react-admin ...
SakthiSureshAnand's user avatar
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"Troubleshooting Image Upload Failure: React-admin to Django REST Framework Backend"

the main problem is in Multi-part form data it not using in react-admin : details: I have a Django REST Framework backend API with a ProductViewSet that handles product creation. When creating a new ...
it tech's user avatar
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React-Admin cache getList from cache disk even if there is an update or a new record

When I use React-Admin I can't see any change on the list until I manually hard reload it. This is very confusing because the new record is getting a success response or the update record but the ...
Lucien Arbieu's user avatar
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React admin AutoCompleteInput set value problem

Hi I'm designing an edit page using react admin. When I view the page, I set the previously saved data to the elements and want them to be selected. But AutocompleteInput does not work properly. As ...
Erbaycan Kılıçkaya's user avatar
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React-admin pagination with DynamoDB lastEvaluatedKey - pagination

Im using react-admin to build CMS for my site. On my Express backend Im intercepting the call from the react admin and querying the DynamoDB table. I want to use InfiniteList to get the results of ...
Nasko Trenchev's user avatar
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Block a restricted page in React-Admin application [duplicate]

In a React-Admin app, is there some way to prevent a user from visiting a specific? The problem I want to address is where a user, who has access to, hacks the url ...
Woodchuck's user avatar
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React admin build issue("react-admin": "^4.16.11",)

i am using react admin in nextjs project i have created all components and in data provider i call the Graphql API (query and mutation) it work fine locally but when i try to make build they through ...
Adullah Azam's user avatar
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Use React-Quill in react-admin v4 Edit page

I'm trying to use React-Quill with react-admin v4 (I'm not too happy with the RichTextInput). While I easily did so on the 'create' page, I struggle with the 'edit' page. Here is the simplified code ...
Ob1lan's user avatar
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Change "remove icon" functionality in ArrayInput field in react admin?

I want to write my own function for remove icon. by default when clicking on the icon, the TextInput will be gone. I want to do some extra things when clicking that icon. here is my code: <...
Aliaas's user avatar
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Problems with routing, react-admin

When you log in to the admin account, a redirect occurs to the react-admin page, and then to /users (http://localhost:3000/admin#/users). There is nothing on this page. I don’t understand what is ...
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im working with react admin . Reference fields fetched data would display for a few moments and then disappeared

<ReferenceField label='par' source='parent' reference='productCategory' \> <TextField source='name'> </ReferenceField> my network tab shows , first there is a request for all ...
Aliaas's user avatar
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