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Error: SAMLResponse is not valid base64-encoded XML - error in passport-saml while authenticating with okta

I am currently using passport.js and passport-saml package to authenticate my nodejs application via okta. My current package.json includes below versions for passport related packages: "passport&...
Deeptiranjan's user avatar
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Implementing SAML with Passport-saml fails: PEM_read_bio_ex:bad base64 decode

I am trying to configure my nestjs app with passport-saml for a new client (a new Okta test account). The code has been proven in the past and my old okta account has been disabled. I created a new ...
Gina Marano's user avatar
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okta does not validate issuer, coming from sp

I'm using okta as IDP for saml2 authentification, howver its works well, but I noticed that that octa does not check issuer , im confused about that, he shouldnt accept a request from any source ...
simo's user avatar
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Redirect browser to login page with passport-saml

I have an application where the front-end is ReactJs and the back-end is express. I am trying to implement SSO with SAML2 and I use OKTA as the IDP. front-end is running on localhost:3000 ...
Viz's user avatar
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passport-saml issue for decoding and verifying signed SAML response

We need to implement SAML based secure authentication. Our IDP will be Okta and OneLogin. For this we use "passport" + "passport-saml" in our node.js express app. We use the following strategy ...
Amber More's user avatar