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Where can I install the XR_FB_passthrough OpenXR extension in UE 4.27

I'm assuming it's part of the Oculus OpenXR plugin but I can't find any reference in there to passthrough. Even with that plugin xrCreatePassthroughFB isn't implemented, I've tried looking at ...
Louie's user avatar
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How to use the pose prediction of OpenXR to obtain predicted HMD pose?

I am developing a native OpenXR application. The render frame needs to be transmitted to the client through the network, and inevitably, there will be a delay. I plan to use pose prediction to reduce ...
sunjinbo's user avatar
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How to add OpenXR to existing Android OpenGLES native C++ project?

I'm trying to add OpenXR to a game I've developed (custom OpenGL C++ game engine) but I can't seem to figure out how to build and link the OpenXR library for Android Studio. I've tried everything I ...
Johnathan's user avatar
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How to query the OpenXR runtime's API version

How to query the OpenXR runtime library's API version? xrCreateInstance requires a value for XrInstanceCreateInfo::applicationInfo.apiVersion "If the runtime does not support the requested ...
Theodore Hall's user avatar
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I am trying to run open XR hello demo in my android studio but facing difficulties to fix some paths. This command i used to build: -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DANDROID=ON -DJAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/...
DKHirani's user avatar
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HoloLens2 OpenXR Integrating WebView2 How to

Using VS2022 17.11 C++ with the OpenXR Microsoft samples. I have my dev environment setup and working with the "out of the box" OpenXR samples and they deploy to HoloLens2, no issues - runs ...
Larry Aultman's user avatar
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Struggling to Implement Eye Gaze for HoloLens 2 in Holographic Remoting

I am currently working on a project for the Hololens 2 and wanted to incorporate Eye Gaze for Holographic Remoting. I feel like I'm so close to fixing it and I'm just missing one checkbox or something....
Jason Deeprose's user avatar
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OpenGL: Render Framebuffer into Framebuffer

I am currently working on a c++ program using OpenXR with OpenGL. I managed to render everything that I wanted into VR. I have one framebuffer per eye, and then 3 more for layers (crosshair/menu) ...
dings's user avatar
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Monado openxr runtime run on android device,when device move,the viewports move too?how fixed

I compiled a Monado OpenXR Runtime to run on the Android phone, and then ran hello_xr, it works fine, but when I move the phone, not only does the objects in the viewport move, viewport move too? ...
Yqc's user avatar
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How to use XR_FB_hand_tracking_aim to get gesture?

OpenXR specs doesn't have too much description for XR_FB_hand_tracking_aim, especially does not have an sample code, any info about XR_FB_hand_tracking_aim for native developing is welcome.
sunjinbo's user avatar
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How to know a device support OpenXR or not?

My VR application was developed by OpenXR API, it can run in Meta Quest, Pico, HTC vive series those VR devices very well, now I want to porting it to mobile device with Google cardboard SDK, so I ...
sunjinbo's user avatar
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NullReferenceException when developing OpenXR XR_EXT_Hand_Tracking

I encountered an error when trying to invoke the delegate. NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object private xrGetSystemPropertiesDelegate xrGetSystemProperties; ...
Snake Konginchrist's user avatar
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Unity Build with OpenXR enabled fails

Our Project is build on a gitlab-runner on linux using a docker image based on unityci/editor:ubuntu-2021.2.7f1-windows-mono-3 We switched the project to OpenXR recently (com.unity.xr.openxr). Now a ...
IARI's user avatar
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The Pico unity openxr sdk is incompatible with openxr 1.9.1, but I can't downgrade the openxr version in the editor

I am a student, developing a VR game in unity for the meta quest 3 and PICO 4. As they are both compatible with openxr, I assumed it was possible to have the same project run on both headsets. I can ...
Toke's user avatar
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openxr xrEnumerateApiLayerProperties() throws internal exception from unknown type

I have written a simple function to check that the validation layers I want to load are indeed actually present. To do this, I'm invoking xrEnumerateApiLayerProperties() to get a list of all ...
Echoleta's user avatar
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How to get data from quest3 color camera, or get data from passthrough, but in video streaming form?

I want to make an application where one of the steps is to make sense of the items around me, I initially wanted to use the self contained scene understanding but I found out that it has to do a ...
xy_cloud's user avatar
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OpenXR hello world program initialization "Failed to find layer XR_APILAYER_LUNARG_core_validation"

I am following a tutorial to write a simple OpenXR application and I've run in to an issue with enabling the XR_APILAYER_LUNARG_core_validation layer. The OpenXR Loader is unable to find the layer ...
Echoleta's user avatar
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When using OpenXR in Unity, How do I detect when the HMD is removed

How do I detect when the user takes off the HMD when I'm using OpenXR in Unity, I tried using userpresence in the New Input System but the HMD Removed event only fires AFTER the HMD is put back on!!! ...
David's user avatar
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How do you set a seperate culling mask per eye using XRCamera3D in Godot

I would like to set one culling mask per eye using the XRCamera3D (or alternative) in Godot.
Wock's user avatar
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Using vuplex with openxr in unity

I am currently working on a mixed reality project using unity and xr interaction toolkit. I want to use Vuplex to show the webpages and to interact with webpages. But I am facing an issue, that is ...
user17305876's user avatar
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How can I stop the QR Code tracking on a HoloLens while maintaining the visualization its content?

I'm working on an application that scans a stationary QR code and creates a room around the user. This works fine. What I would like to do is scan the QR code, the room gets augmented, and then I stop ...
Greta-A's user avatar
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does chrome compatible with openxr on android?

I have installed correct openxr runtime on 3D device which runs android10 system, after recompiled wolvic browser with coresponding openxr runtime loader, wolvic works perfectly, it does rendered 3D ...
heping bao's user avatar
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how to Get Left Right top bottom values from projection XMMatrix for Directx 11?

I am trying to incorporate VR headset into my DIRECTX11 application using OPENXR. I need to create projection matrix using DirectX::XMMatrixPerspectiveOffCenterLH. I have openXR ...
Priyank shishodia's user avatar
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HoloLens 2 doesnt connection problem to unreal 4.27

I am having a connection problem with hololens 2 and unreal 4.27. I am trying to deploy my project to hololens 2 and it is not happening. screenshot I am using openxr and mrtk plugins. I also tried ...
simal's user avatar
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Combining OpenXR and OVR Integration Plugins for Oculus Quest: Enabling Passthrough and XR Interaction Toolkit Integration, Unity Crash Issue

Combining OpenXR and OVR integration plugins for Oculus Quest: Is it possible to merge these plugins to utilize passthrough capabilities while also leveraging the XR Interaction Toolkit? If not, how ...
Gianluk's user avatar
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Unity + OpenXR + OVRSpatialAnchor + Passthrough = Wobbly models

Previously we were using the Oculus XR Plugin with OVRSpatialAnchors and passthrough and all was working as intended. We needed to switch from the Oculus XR Plugin to OpenXR (for a separate package) ...
Shayne.K's user avatar
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In Unity OpenXR environment, how to reset the player position to center?

We're creating a game for graduate college. I'm making a flight shooting game in unity on VR. The problem is that reset player (aircraft) position to current player's position in real. Currently, my ...
MayB's user avatar
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Trouble deploying MRTK3 application on Hololens 2

I recently came across a Microsoft YouTube video on MRTK3 and became very excited about it. I decided to try it out and visited the Microsoft webpage to get started. I followed the tutorial carefully, ...
cyprien fol's user avatar
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Unity fails to connect to Holographic Remoting Player App on HoloLens 2

I have a MRTK 3 project which I want to view in the Holographic Remoting app installed on a HoloLens 2. However, when I press play in Unity, the error message "Cannot establish a connection to ...
Judali's user avatar
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Why is the object scale not being retained in Unity?

I'm trying to write a function that can scale a 3D shape in any direction. This function is attached to an object and will be enabled when the object is grabbed by the player. After the script is ...
A J's user avatar
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Godot 4 Open XR causing program to crash before starting

I am on Godot v4.0.stable.mono.official of Godot and trying to start a VR project. The only script I have in the project looks like this: extends Node3D var interface : XRInterface func _ready()...
Hopeijay's user avatar
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How to enable OpenXR backend for Oculus Plugin

I have built a VR project for the Oculus Rift S device with hand controllers in Unity 2020.3.43f, and now I am trying to build it. I get the following error: BuildFailedException: OpenXR backend for ...
SagiZiv's user avatar
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UE:How to use StereoLayer on Hololens2?

MRTK + OpenXR + UE4 I used StereoLayer, but found it didn’t work on Hololens2. How should it be set? I want to ...
misumisu's user avatar
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Hololens 2 emulator for openxr hello_xr test

I am working on Windows 10 with Windows Mixed Reality Runtime and Hololens 2 emulator to run the hello_xr test . I was able to build the project using Visual Studio 19 and run it from command prompt ...
WillyWonka's user avatar
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No hand tracking during holographic remoting on Hololens 2 with Unity 2020.3/OpenXR/MRTK 2.8

I've been developing a Hololens 2 app in Unity 2019.4 using built-in XR/Windows Mixed Reality and remoting was working fine, hand tracking was perfect. Recently migrated to Unity 2020.3 LTS using ...
sjAugmented's user avatar
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Unity's Open XR inputs TryGetFeatureValue always 0 for all Unity XR Input's CommonUsages

So I have been debugging for hours at this point to no avail. I call my function in another class and it keeps returning 0 I have tried logging everything to see if there is an error with it, and I ...
Titan1315's user avatar
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OpenXR Runtime set to Steam is causing performance problems on Oculus Link

I am developing VR game on steam using Unity 2021 and OpenXR. When OpenXR Runtime is set to Oculus like on screenshot, everything is ok, performance in game is perfect. But when I set OpenXR Runtime ...
Wolfik's user avatar
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How to disable joystick control of grabbed object in XRRayInteractor

In the project I have added Player Movement with Joystick for both Right Controller and Left Controller. There are objects for which XRGrabIntractable Script attached so that they are Grabbable when ...
Vin0706's user avatar
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Get Access to Controller Render Models in OpenXR

I am developing with OpenXR (using the C API) and using mainly a Quest 2 headset for testing (but also other systems), and need to be able to load and render controller models (and preferrably be able ...
Jonas Hagmar's user avatar
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Use XrSceneLib_uwp in a native HoloLens 2 OpenXR application

I'm trying to create a native HoloLens 2 C++ application with OpenXR. In the Microsoft OpenXR-MixedReality example I discovered the XrSceneLib_uwp project which has the configuration type set as ...
Jacky098's user avatar
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SpatialCoordinateSystem.TryGetTransformTo() from Webcam to Unity space fails in a non-initial, separated spatial environment on HoloLens 2

I have a quite specific problem regarding to a transformation matrix for transformations from the HoloLens 2 webcam space into the current Unity scene space in a Unity+MRTK+OpenXR app. The goal is to ...
PhilJay's user avatar
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DllNotFoundException: InterceptFeaturePlugin assembly:<unknown assembly> type:<unknown type> member:(null)

Working on a Unity 2021.3.11f1 OpenXR VR project with another person, where we're using Git for source control. I've pulled main and am trying to run a scene, but am getting the following error: ...
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using gl_texture_2d_array in openXR swapchain

What is the purpose of ARRAY textures in openXR swapchains? I wanted to make a single texture swapchain with two array slices, corresponding to each eye. The runtime has created the texture as ...
Tomas's user avatar
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How to publish an OpenXR app in Microsoft Store

I'm completely confused right now. We have an app for the Hololens 2 which uses OpenXR. The app itself works fine on the device (it was tested extensively by us and several of our customers) but ...
spielc's user avatar
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Is there any way to stop/pause the Update() call of Unity in UWP?

I am trying to find a way to pause the execution of Unity's update() call because after stopping and deinitializing OpenXR it completes the execution of the Update() method once and then I cannot ...
Ali Can KESKİN's user avatar
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How to build and run VR application developed in Unity on HP Omnicept Reverb G2?

absolute VR dev newbie here. As stated in the title, how can I "build and run" VR application developed in Unity on HP Omnicept Reverb G2 headset? In other words, how can I turn my Unity ...
Darius Huang's user avatar
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After installing MRTK and OpenXR plugin to Unity project I get compiler errors: The type or namespace name could not be found

So I have been trying to follow the tutorial found at: , I got through part 1-2 no problem. But in part 3 they referenced an ...
malabbism's user avatar
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When my Windows Mixed Reality googles go to sleep OpenXR gets an exit state change

I am writing an application using OpenXR on Windows using the Windows Mixed Reality OpenXR addon/plugin. When my application runs and the VR device goes to sleep, I get a state change to exit the ...
pettersson's user avatar
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Possible gitignore issue for setting up a new OpenXR project with MRTK to do Unity-Hololens dev

I am following the instructions on this page to set up my Unity project for developing an app for Hololens2. Once I switched platform and saved the new settings, I was curious to see what changes had ...
Dina M.'s user avatar
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Openxr_runtime_debugger.pdb not loaded

I am working on an app that performs face recognition on the Hololens 2 using Unity 2021.3.4f1. I'm having trouble debugging with the Hololens while everything works fine when I'm running the app via ...
Leado's user avatar
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