I am currently working on a mixed reality project using unity and xr interaction toolkit. I want to use Vuplex to show the webpages and to interact with webpages. But I am facing an issue, that is Vuplex and OpenXR couldn't be used together may be. Because when I build and run it in my Quest 3 I got to see the error message on the CanvasWebViewPrefab that net::ERR_CACHE_MISS. Even https://www.google.com is not being loaded too. While if I am using Vuplex with oculus enabled it's working fine.

Please suggest me some ideas to make Vuplex work with OpenXR.

I have tried adding permissions to the android manifest file but still it's not working. Tried asking chatGPT(4).

1 Answer 1


I have been experimenting with the possibilities since few days and have come up with a solution that worked for me:

What happens is that vuplex, when working with OpenXR, is not able to locate cache of all websites that are loaded. To solve that, we load the website fresh without cache.

Go to BaseWebView.cs and look where the function is called for loading the initial URL and load it in this format:

webView.LoadUrl(Initialurl + "?_t=" + DateTime.Now.Ticks);

Also in start method its better off to clear the cache anyways like this:

webView.ExecuteJavaScript("window.localStorage.clear(); window.sessionStorage.clear();");

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