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How to get data from quest3 color camera, or get data from passthrough, but in video streaming form?

I want to make an application where one of the steps is to make sense of the items around me, I initially wanted to use the self contained scene understanding but I found out that it has to do a ...
xy_cloud's user avatar
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Combining OpenXR and OVR Integration Plugins for Oculus Quest: Enabling Passthrough and XR Interaction Toolkit Integration, Unity Crash Issue

Combining OpenXR and OVR integration plugins for Oculus Quest: Is it possible to merge these plugins to utilize passthrough capabilities while also leveraging the XR Interaction Toolkit? If not, how ...
Gianluk's user avatar
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In Unity OpenXR environment, how to reset the player position to center?

We're creating a game for graduate college. I'm making a flight shooting game in unity on VR. The problem is that reset player (aircraft) position to current player's position in real. Currently, my ...
MayB's user avatar
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How to enable OpenXR backend for Oculus Plugin

I have built a VR project for the Oculus Rift S device with hand controllers in Unity 2020.3.43f, and now I am trying to build it. I get the following error: BuildFailedException: OpenXR backend for ...
SagiZiv's user avatar
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OpenXR Runtime set to Steam is causing performance problems on Oculus Link

I am developing VR game on steam using Unity 2021 and OpenXR. When OpenXR Runtime is set to Oculus like on screenshot, everything is ok, performance in game is perfect. But when I set OpenXR Runtime ...
Wolfik's user avatar
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Best sample app for Oculus development with Android Studio?

Can anybody recommend a working Android Studio sample app that I can use for Oculus Quest 2, preferably with good documentation? I am looking for something I can build and run to start playing with ...
Dan J's user avatar
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How do hello_xr (Openxr) sample retrieve the Vulkan API pointer for the Oculus Quest?

I always thought that on android platform we were supposed to load the pointer to Vulkan library using dlopen() and dlsym() (something like that: libVulkan = dlopen("", RTLD_NOW |...
LauVB's user avatar
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Using Vulkan + OpenXR, getting strange transparency results on quest (not present in PCVR)

The long story short is that alpha values are behaving very strangely: transitioning reasonably between 1.0 to 0.5, but from 0.5 to 0.0 transitioning from half-opacity-{color} to opaque-black. ^ this ...
Phildo's user avatar
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