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Java action in Apache Oozie workflow

I am trying to configure an Apache Oozie workflow to execute different actions depending on the day of the week. After reading
Lorenzo Panebianco's user avatar
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Oozie workflow arguments interprets double quotes weirdly for spark-submit command parameters

I have a Spark job which takes a bunch of configurable parameters. I am facing an issue specifically in this portion: --conf spark.executor.extraJavaOptions="-Duser.timezone=PST -XX:+UseG1GC -...
Zaid Khan's user avatar
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How often does the oozie coordinator check for the presence of files in Synchronous Datasets?

<coordinator-app name="" frequency="1 17 * * *" start="${start_date}" end="${end_date}" timezone="Asia/Seoul" xmlns="uri:oozie:...
notime8's user avatar
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OOZIE coordinator jobs always showing in RUNNING state - max concurrency reached

I have submitted a coordinator job where my workflow.xml is - <workflow-app xmlns="uri:oozie:workflow:0.5" name="my_workflow"> <start to="abc"/> <action ...
Nirmalya Sarkar's user avatar
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On renaming a column in hive table, it removed all values of that column for its previous data prior to deployment

We just went ahead with a deployment for one of our Hive based table. We renamed our column risk_old to risk_new (renamed). The table is period partitioned. However post deployment, we saw a strange ...
Toxicboy's user avatar
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Oozie coordinator app, how to configure action triggered by external data source?

I would like to run a job every time when a external data source is updated, for example, some government file is update, Is there way of doing it? Please ...
Yan's user avatar
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How to schedule job on Oozie every exactly n day regardless of the month

I would like to schedule a job to run every n day where n is not 1 or 7. I know the syntax 0 0 */n * *, but when I check for the next execution dates, it always runs on 1st of the next month, ...
Fony Lew's user avatar
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oozie intial instance and start time giving error on missing dataset

I am new to oozie and trying to understand dataset.xml. I have following dataset and trying to understand what exactly oozie is trying to validate here. what is the meaning of initial instance and ...
Bab's user avatar
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Oozie coordinator get day of the week

I am trying to create a condition in my Oozie workflow, where an action should be executed only on mondays (at the end of the workflow). So far I added a decision node in the workflow, and the current ...
ludehon's user avatar
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Running Python Script in OOzie with special libraries without install them to server

I want to run Python script in OOzie workflow with special libraries. But, I want to run this script without installing these special libraries to Hadoop nodes. I tried to run with virtualenv but ...
Onur Tekir's user avatar
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Getting "Delegation Token can be issued only with kerberos or web authentication" executing Hive query in shell script

I am trying to connect Hive and execute query in shell script triggered by oozie, the server is kerberos enabled. I am passing hive credentials in workflow but I am still getting the error output ...
Mohammad Rijwan's user avatar
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Using Beeline as an example (vs hive cli)?

I have a sqoop job ran via oozie coordinator. After a major upgrade we can no longer use hive cli and were told to use beeline. I'm not sure how to do this? Here is the current process: I have a ...
user3486773's user avatar
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How to kill/cancel a coordinator action before the workflow starts?

I need a way to kill a coordinator action that is in status READY and doesn't yet have a workflow ID. My coordinator looks as follows: $ oozie job -info 0000123-000000123456789-oozie-oozi-C Job ID : ...
Czaporka's user avatar
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How to mark an Oozie workflow action's status as OK

I am using Apache oozie. I want to mark the status of one of the shell action as OK, in my oozie workflow. It is in Running state. Can we please share the command to use in Apache Oozie to do this.
akki's user avatar
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How to get the first day of the month in input-events in oozie coordinator?

I need to configure data waiting for the whole previous month. How to get the first day of last month in start-instance if the start is on 2nd of month? <input-events> <data-in ...
Григорий's user avatar
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Running Oozie Action on a future date

I have a requirement for which a workflow is on demand run.But there is a task ( curl command) to get triggered at a future time .
byomjan's user avatar
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Oozie property file value not reading from spark

I have a property file in oozie and getting value from shell script like below: filter_cond = record = 'n' and name = 'abc' and age = '14' in Shell script val cond = ${getproperty filter_cond} ...
User6006's user avatar
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How to trigger now scheduled oozie job?

I've submitted a job to Oozie using the following command: oozie job -config ${config_file} -submit My job is scheduled to run at 5 UTC every day (frequency = 1440). My question is - how to trigger ...
Oleksii Duzhyi's user avatar
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Setting Kerberos Authentification to Oozie Coordinator

I'm doing a Spark Copy from a remote HDFS to my HDFS. I have a Oozie Coordinator which check every day, if the data is available in the specified directory in the remote HDFS and then run the ...
Eric C's user avatar
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Oozie - run a workflow every day or every hour

I have a oozie workflow(hive_insertion.xml) that executes a .hive file, which inserts data into a table. The Oozie workflow is: <workflow-app xmlns = "uri:oozie:workflow:0.4" name = "simple-...
Naveen Reddy Marthala's user avatar
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Setup an oozie that stops after a few runs

I need to setup an Oozie job that runs every 1 hour from 9am till 5pm and then stop for the day. And then do the same for all week days. I know how to set up something that starts at a given time and ...
endless's user avatar
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how oozie timezone work, it does not pick the right timezone?

I have oozie job running on CDH cluster. I have the following coordinator <coordinator-app name="name" frequency="0 */5 * * *" start="2020-03-05T16:00Z" end="2020-03-07T16:00Z" timezone="America/...
HHH's user avatar
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Get oozie job information in oozie workflow by REST

How can I find jobs with the parent id is null? I tried 3 methods but none of them worked for me. /oozie/v1/jobs?jobtype=wf&filter=parent_id=%00 NOT WORKING /oozie/v1/jobs?jobtype=wf&filter=...
Gianluca's user avatar
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How to design the Oozie coordinator on arrival of input multiple times in a day

I have a requirement to schedule my coordinator on arrival of input from other application. I may receive one or multiple times in a day. So, whenever I receive an input I need to trigger my treatment....
Sekhar's user avatar
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oozie - java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class

While running the oozie sample examples, Oozie jobs are getting scheduled and status showing as Running. After some times jobs get KILLED. While digging the hadoop logs found these exceptions. I have ...
Kamal Malik's user avatar
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oozie No FileSystem for scheme: hdfs

I have setup the oozie 4.3.1 with Hadoop 2.7.3. oozie has been setup and running successfully and able to see web console http://localhost:11000/oozie/ and also confirm using oozie status command. ...
Kamal Malik's user avatar
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How to use date in oozie workflow

I have an oozie coordinator and runs an oozie workflow. One of the action in my workflow is to run a bash script file and I need to use year, month and day in the bash script. From what I understand, $...
HHH's user avatar
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How to configure this email action globally in Oozie?

I have around 50 workflows like this, below code just an example, <workflow-app name="exit_1_email_test" xmlns="uri:oozie:workflow:0.5"> <start to="ssh-8e73"/> <action name="...
karthikeayan's user avatar
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Limited amount of future actions for Oozie Coordinator job

I have created a bundle job which launches 4 coordinator job's with each coordinator job in turn starting 1 work flow ( so 4 concurrent workflows in total). When I look at the action details for each ...
MarkZA's user avatar
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How to get Oozie's dependency check to list the dataset full path name instead of coord:latest(0)?

With an Oozie coordinator and workflow, I see the following in the Coord Job Log for a specific action: JOB[0134742-190911204352052-oozie-oozi-C] ACTION[0134742-190911204352052-oozie-oozi-C@1] [...
codeaperature's user avatar
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What does the input-events tag in coordinator.xml do?

I am trying to understand a coordinator.xml, but not able to understand what does the input-events tag do.can you please help me in understanding, when will this workflow get triggered. <...
user2144946's user avatar
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Rerun sucessful oozie jobs

Is there a way to fully rerun successful oozie jobs. Let assume that we schedule creation a table and we want to rebuild it on demand - is there easy way to do it in oozie? I try oozie -rerun command ...
Rafał Wójcik's user avatar
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Trigg Oozie workflow from input-event even if missing

I have classic coordinator with input-event on HDFS path. <datasets> <dataset name="rawData" frequency="${coord:days(1)}" initial-instance="${startDate}" timezone="UTC"> <...
Gohmz's user avatar
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Can some one let me know why following Oozie coordinator is running in loop

I was new to oozie process . I was testing the following coordinator.xml,when i submit the job it running in loop but I want to run everyday at 1:00 am .Can someone let me know what mistake i was ...
sande's user avatar
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Oozie coordinator creates 12 workflow jobs for one action

guys. I am using Hortonwork's HDP Sandbox. I've configured the simple spark job (which takes text file and outputs into another file the word counts). Anyway, the problems I have is with the ...
user218046's user avatar
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OOZIE workflow.xml No function is mapped to the name coord:nominalTime

I'm using Oozie's SLA feature. I'm trying to use ${coord:nominalTime()} for nominal time, but it throws an error when I schedule the workflow: E0803 : E0803: IO error, E1004: Expression language ...
Aryan087's user avatar
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How to detect errors in an oozie workflow before actually running it?

I am new to big data and was wondering if there is a way to detect errors in an oozie workflow before running it? Something like a compilation error sort of. Please help. Thanks, Annie
Annie's user avatar
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How to handle day light saving in oozie coordinator?

Due to day light saving all my scheduled jobs(using oozie) are running later one hour. Before DST : My jobs runs every day at 8:00 pm after DST: Now job is running at 9:00 pm could any tell is there ...
ricky 's user avatar
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Check programatically the status of an action in oozie workflow from another oozie workflow

I am running some code in oozie workflow named WF1's action named AC1.. This workflow is not scheduled but runs continuously.. usually action AC1 will get its turn 4 times a day. Time at which this ...
user1853141's user avatar
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How to execute one particular workflow action in Oozie. If I killed Oozie workflow manually?

I have below Oozie workflow,Suppose manually I killed the job when action "Do_task1" was executing, but still I want to execute action "Do_task2" in spite of killing oozie job manually(when action "...
Farid Ahmad's user avatar
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How to read config properties in sub-workflow (separate xml file)?

I am getting below mentioned error message while reading config properties in separate sub-workflow file. I am posting the sample code. Appreciate your help in resolving this issue. Thank you! 2019-...
Vasanth Subramanian's user avatar
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Find stack trace for workflow job launched from Oozie coordinator

I have a bare-bones Oozie coordinator with this specification: <coordinator-app name="my-coord" frequency="${coord:days(1)}" start="${startDate}" end="${endDate}" timezone="UTC" ...
Kode Charlie's user avatar
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Getting END_MISS notification when my Job Status - WAITING state

I have set sla-nominal time as ${coord:nominalTime()}, so my sla starts calculating taking coordinator triggering time as the start time for sla calculations. But the problem is I have many workflows ...
Jeevan Kishore's user avatar
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How to find hadoop applications ran by oozie (hadoop) job

We know that first oozie runs a hadoop job and using that job it runs other hadoop applications. So I want to find the list of those hadoop applications (eg. application_231232133) ran by oozie (...
Ashish Doneriya's user avatar
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duplicate java actions executed by oozie launcher

I am facing below issue with oozie-5.0.0. My oozie workflow has a java action which is getting executed twice by the same oozie launcher. I found that this is happening as oozie launcher is ...
Girish's user avatar
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Oozie commandline filters

oozie job -info $coordinator the command gives you the details of workflows belong to the coordinator, print their ID, status, created time and nominal time. I'm trying to print the workflows of ...
Kannan AnandaKrishnan's user avatar
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How to schedule Oozie coordinator cron to launch at same time in local timezone accounting for daylight savings

I have an Oozie coordinator setup with the following information: frequency="00 09 * * *" timezone="America/New_York" Currently we are UTC-4 (EDT), hence if I want the job to run at 5am I have to ...
R. Schlegel's user avatar
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Killing oozie coordinator is not killing the subsequent spark job

When i tried to kill a spark job which is invoked from an oozie job it's not getting killed. It's just showing the workflow job is killed. Then i checked the workflow log from this command oozie ...
whoisthis's user avatar
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Is it possible cancel scheduled action from Oozie?

We have a coordinator running a workflow every hour. Recently, the cluster was KO for a week. The problem is solved and now I see Oozie executing all those jobs it missed during the outage. ¿Can I ...
elkarel's user avatar
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Error while executing shell-script using oozie

I'm trying to run kafka-connect-hdfs using Oozie version: via script file Yes I do know we can run the kafka-hdfs connector directly, but it should happen via oozie. Kafka ...
Pyd's user avatar
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