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tidymodels workflow errors when trying to use workflow_map()

Thanks for your help in advance! I'm new to tidymodels (and modeling in general) and am having a hard time identifying what's going wrong to troubleshoot my workflow set up. I'm running four different ...
user26806386's user avatar
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using git-repo - how to get started?

First - I have read lots about using REPO with android. None of those things I have read help. I am specifically trying to use REPO out side of android and there seems to be no docs for that situation....
user3696153's user avatar
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How can I do a local and remote HMAC comparison in an Azure Workflow

I have a C# script embedded in an 'Execute CSharp Script Code' object on an Azure workflow. This takes an external HMAC key passed in the header and some JSON text in the body as input and needs to ...
Garry_G's user avatar
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Workflow Set Value on a Multi Select

I am trying to set the Tax Type on Customer record using a workflow. My formula looks like CASE WHEN {billcountry}=='GB' THEN VAT:S-GB END . The formula throws an error. I tried S-GB, internal field ...
Anu Ashish's user avatar
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Orchestration in AWS Glue

Hi All, I have a workflow in AWS Glue that triggers the same Job (JobA) with different parameters, for example, JobA - Param1, JobA - Param2, etc.. I now have a requirement where I need to trigger ...
Gokul Subramanian's user avatar
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Guidance Needed for Developing CI/CD Process in Databricks Using Azure DevOps

I am working on setting up a complete end-to-end CI/CD process for my Databricks environment using Azure DevOps. So far, I have developed a build pipeline to create a Databricks artifact (DAB). Now, ...
vw96's user avatar
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WorkFlows - Multiple IF-Else condition

I am trying to set a field based on multiple if-else conditions in a workflow. eg: Set Field1 = 1, if Condition x is Yes , ELSE Set Field1 = 2, if Condition y is Yes & Condition Z=yes, ELSE Set ...
Anu Ashish's user avatar
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Why my env variables are not availble when I try to use like process.env.varname

Below is my job setup I want all these to be available in website to connect to firebase. But when I try to use variables with process.env.REACT_APP_FIREBASE_API_KEY_DEV it's always empty string jobs: ...
Dilip Tarkhala's user avatar
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Track manual changes to autogenerated files while allowing for automatic updates

I want to allow manual changes to automatically generated files (from templates), while still allowing for updates to the templates or to data. I envision to use git to track the human-made and code-...
michi7x7's user avatar
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How to run a github action workflow after release triggered workflow?

I have two separate workflows. One for testing and one for deploying. The deploy workflow should only run if the test workflow completes succesfully Test workflow name: run-tests on: release: ...
zaplec's user avatar
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User flows and custom user task implementation using Camunda 8

I want to control the user flow in my application using BPMN. Attached is my current BPMN diagram design, which combines service and user tasks. I’m developing a custom web application where the ...
Waqar Ali Khan's user avatar
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XSD format issue

I'm using Azure Logic Apps to retrieve data from MS Dynamics Business Central. This data is transformed into an XML using an XSD format. The XML is then send to an external system. I managed to get ...
jandemul's user avatar
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File Archiving Pipeline on

I'm trying to implement this scenario on watch for new files on a SharePoint folder, which should have the following naming pattern: {timestamp}_{document type}_{owner name}_{horse name}.{...
Stoufa's user avatar
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How to populate adaptive card table row from array parameter

I'm trying to use json response send to microsoft teams channel using adaptive card but i'm having problem to use the array data to generate the table row. This is the result that i'm trying to ...
Darren Lau's user avatar
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Beanstalk deploy fails when it tries to save version to S3 with Github actions

Deploy fails and stops immediately with a blank error message: Uploading file to bucket elasticbeanstalk-us-east-1-333 Error: Deployment failed: Error: Status: 403. Message: My einaregilsson/...
Jose Luis Delgado Carrillo's user avatar
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How to implement Spark Microsystems UWB SDK on a board with STM32 chip? Understanding the workflow/toolchain

I am a novice programmer with a pretty challenging task. The set up is as follows - I have a custom board with STM32 chip, the chip is connected to another ultra wide band (UWB, Spark Microsystems) ...
Drei Affonin's user avatar
2 votes
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Snakemake: how to implement function using wildcards?

I am trying to using snakemake to output some files from a specific job. Basically I have different channels of a process, that span different mass ranges. Depending then on the {channel, mass} pair I ...
ma_boi's user avatar
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GL Impact added to workflow email

I have been trying like crazy to hunt down a way to add the GL impact to my workflow that sends an email everytime an assembly is built.Is there a way to get GL impact in the body of the email of my ...
Adam Weaver's user avatar
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How to Run a Workflow Multiple Times with Different Inputs (Using Apache Beam or Native Workflow Features)?

I'm working on a workflow using Google Cloud Workflow, and I want to run the same workflow multiple times with different input values. I’ve been researching this, and I found that Apache Beam can be ...
rabin adeikari's user avatar
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How do you keep concentration while compiling time?

In my project after every change I need to re-compile it during 3-5 mins. I can't just sit, so I start to watch videos/memes. Usually I return to check status after 10+ minutes, but that is small ...
Sergey Senkov's user avatar
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Allow duplicates in Power Automate sequential approval flow

I've created a SharePoint list, where each item needs approval by multiple people. The first stage of the flow requires approval by an HRBP (HR Business Partner) and a Group Executive. I'm using the ...
Phil Edwards's user avatar
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How do I use Github's Secrets in iOS project?

How do I properly use a secret, that is stored in Github Secrets, in my project? I have the following environment setup. Project + Environment Variables in Schemes Secrets Added to Github Codespace (...
xTwisteDx's user avatar
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Airflow dynamicaly mapped tasks don't run in sequence

Hello I have a use case where I need to run a sequence of transformations on a collection of data. I grouped the sequence of transformation in a task group in order to dynamically map the tg to the ...
Oussama Darrazi's user avatar
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GH Actions: No File Or Directory | Directory Structure

I currently have a GH Actions that sets itself with Packer and Ansible and than call packer build command. The packer has a shell provisioner which executes a shell script but it's not able to call a ...
ZeuS's user avatar
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Downloaded and inflated artifacts not appearing in GitHub repo

Using in my GitHub Actions workflow, I am unable to get downloaded artifacts to show in my target repo. I also experience a similar issue with https:...
whatifthis's user avatar
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Reapply local changes on top of "upstream" library without repo

I'm working on a Unity project and I have a few libraries/packages my project depends on. I don't have the repo to any of the upstream libraries, I'll just get a package with all the new source code. ...
user1661890's user avatar
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How to register listener using WorkflowStatusListener interface of OSS/Netflix Conductor

Custom listener registration for Netflix Conductor to trigger upon workflow completion but not functioning as expected. How can I register a custom listener in my code that should trigger when Netflix ...
Paul Pheonix's user avatar
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GitHub Actions: Supabase Postgres container fails to initialize with 'password authentication failed for user supabase_admin

I'm trying to set up a GitHub Actions workflow which would start supabase database as a step , I eventually want to run my tests that i have written in Django , But when trying to start the Supabase ...
FYP's user avatar
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How to manipulate strings in Slack Workflows

How can we manipulate strings in Slack workflows? The primary use case is to extract URLs from previous workflow steps which inconveniently return them within a string. For example: Here is the url! ...
Marco Roy's user avatar
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How can we avoid conflicts and duplicate commits in GitLab merge requests during successive merges from feature branches to recette, preprod and main?

Context: We are a team of developers working on the same project. For this project, we have three static branches: main preprod recette When starting new development, we create a branch from main. (...
Victor_C's user avatar
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github actions for a repository and its submodule avoiding infinite loop

I have a github repository A which uses another github repository B as a submodule. Both of which has their own github action. Repo B can be run independently with its actions, and whenever I run repo ...
RAHenriksen's user avatar
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Acumatica how to modify opportunity stageid Even if quote is accepted

The standard behavior is to disable modifications of some opportunity Fields when quote is not on hold. I don’t find in source code where is this rule and don’t know how to change this behavior.
Lionel PARIS's user avatar
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How to Implement Conditional Task Execution in Celery from API Registration?

I’m building an API that registers tasks to Celery, and I want to implement a conditional workflow based on the results of the tasks. Specifically, I need to execute Task B if Task A returns a certain ...
Mohammad_Moataz's user avatar
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How to get job run_id of run_job_task in an orchestration job?

I have a Databricks job which orchestrates the run of two jobs: job1 and job2 using run_job_task. job2 depends on job1 and would need to use the run_id of job1 as a parameter. How can this be done? I ...
Mihai Tache's user avatar
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How to Cancel a Specific Azure Function Instance on Demand?

I have a workflow consisting of multiple tasks, where each task is executed by an Azure Function. The functions are triggered by messages in a message bus. E.g.: Here is example source code of my ...
Tim Nguyen's user avatar
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How to Pass Dynamic Parameters (e.g., Current Date) in Databricks Workflow UI

I'm setting up a job in the Databricks Workflow UI and I want to pass parameter value dynamically, like the current date (run_date), each time the job runs. In Azure Data Factory, I can use ...
Abubakar Saddique's user avatar
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Azure APIM can't see http endpoint worrkflow inside standard logic app

I'm trying to expose the API endpoint using APIM. For the backend, I'm trying to use the Logic app's standard workflows. But none of the wf inside the standard logic app is visible. However, I can see ...
Deepak Shaw's user avatar
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How to list and get their data from workflows of an Azure Standard Logic App in PowerShell

I need a powershell script to get the Workflow URL of each workflow in a Azure Standard Logic App. It seems that there is no direct approach to do it using Azure PowerShell, Azure CLI, or even the ...
Germán Mendoza's user avatar
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How can I get the error codes in github-actions shell when a docker run command fails while piping the output to file and CLI

I'm trying to capture both the output and the error status of a Docker command in GitHub Actions. Even when the command inside Docker fails, I'm getting a successful exit code. Here's my current ...
Amadou cisse's user avatar
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jenkins devops in kubernates fails beacuse of org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.actions.ErrorAction$ErrorId: dfb66fca-365a-4a1f-ad39-a1aa21f15e1a

my devops break down all the time. besides, i cannot see the pod logs in kubernates, because they always die in a few seconds. I look at jenkins Console Output, get the result: Obtained Jenkinsfile ...
姚 Haihan's user avatar
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In Gitlab CI variables not available in before_script when setup using workflow rules

I'm having an issue where variables set in the workflow rules in the Gitlab CI are not available when calling the before_script. Only after the before_script is ran, I see the variables when calling '...
Anne's user avatar
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How to get the linked issue of a project item using GitHub Webhook?

I’ve set up a webhook for projects_v2_item, and whenever I update an entry in the project, it triggers a request with the relevant details. However, while the request contains information about the ...
sumedhe's user avatar
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BigQuery Workflow Notebook Error: "Unable to generate link to the notebook output or the bucket which contains it"

I’m running a notebook on BigQuery as part of a Dataform workflow. My goal is to analyze content using TF-IDF to find internal link opportunities, but when I execute the notebook, I encounter the ...
ali izadi's user avatar
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How to return custom error code & message from torchserve workflow?

Torchserve models now support context.set_all_response_status(code=513) and throwing PredictionException(message=traceback.format_exc(), error_code=513) for example, our workflow named as "...
Onur Aydemir's user avatar
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Workflow-Core: How to implement decision step and invoke from api

Scenario: A product is created. A notification is sent to approver for approval. If approved/rejected it updates the product status in db. Trying to achieve this using Workflow-Core in .net ...
Debaparna Bandyopadhyay's user avatar
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creating a workflow in MS teams , When a Jenkins pipeline triggers a job and end, it should notify to Teams channel , How toset upa workflow for this

creating a workflow in MS teams , When a Jenkins pipeline triggers a job and end, it should notify to Teams channel , How to set up a workflow for this , pls hlp I would like to know how to create a ...
Ahron77's user avatar
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Sending Notification in Teams using Webhook and Power Automate

I have a devops pipeline which scans the KeyVaults and send notification in a Teams Channel if there are any Secrets/Certificates have expired/about to expire. Since I am using the new Workflows to ...
Sumit Bhardwaj's user avatar
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How to pass authentication required check if downloading Zip file form JFROG Artifactory

I am using this command in workflow file Invoke-WebRequest -Uri ${{ env.Some_URL }} -OutFile and in environment variable i am setting this ARTIFACTORY_JFROGHUBVWGROUPCOM_USR: ${{ secrets....
Akhil Bhatnagar's user avatar
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HeadlessException in Github Actions

I have a Selenium testsuite, which I try to execute with use of Github Actions. I initialize chromedriver with these arguments: case "chrome-headless": chromeOptions.addArguments("--...
plaidshirt's user avatar
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Sending Notification in Microsoft Teams using Webhook Request Workflow

I had built a pipeline which scans the Keyvaults and sends a Microsoft Teams notification using Webhook(Eonos Office Webhook) incase any Key/Certificate has expired/about to Expire. And the pipeline ...
Sumit Bhardwaj's user avatar

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