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sqoop job shell script execute parallel in oozie

I have a shell script which executes sqoop job. The script is below. !#/bin/bash table=$1 sqoop job --exec ${table} Now when I pass the table name in the workflow I get the sqoop job to be ...
User12345's user avatar
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Oozie Sqoop Issue

I am trying to run a oozie sqoop job to import from teradata to Hive. Sqoop runs fine in CLI. But I am facing the issues in scheduling it with oozie. Note: I am able to do shell actions in oozie and ...
bill_123's user avatar
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2 answers

global variable HADOOP_USER_NAME oozie?

is there any way that I can declare the HADOOP_USER_NAME as a global variable in a oozie workflow? actually I'm creating several shell actions for my project but it's not efficient to declare a ...
jthalliens's user avatar
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sqoop job prompt password for every second execution in oozie

Hi i have created the sqoop job with incremental import and scheduled with oozie after configuring sqoop-site.xml for saving password within the meta-store the sqoop job in the oozie workflow after ...
Surendar Sa's user avatar
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oozie running Sqoop command in a shell script

can I write a sqoop import command in a script and excute it in oozie as coordinator workflow? I have tired to do so and found an error saying sqoop command not found even if i give the absolute ...
Hussain Shaik's user avatar
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4 answers

Oozie : Sqoop dynamic target directory

I am executing sqoop job from Oozie workflow. I am able to create target directory with static names in sqoop command as follows. <action name="table1" cred=""> <sqoop xmlns="uri:...
Ramakrishna's user avatar
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Oozie workflows with sqoop

I have setup oozie 4.0.0 in my system with Hadoop 1.2.1 My goal is to write sqoop jobs in oozie.As i googled and got following links :- http://...
Rahul Razdan's user avatar
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RDMS data archiving in Hadoop

We are exploring options to archive data in warehouse or RDMS to Hadoop. As matter of fact I have to use sqoop to load data in to HDFS and probably have to compress it. Then delete the rows which ...
sathish reddy's user avatar